Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1161: Upset

Kerrim didn't look back. He was head-to-head with Amira, with a smug look on his face, and said to Amira, "You lost, this time I must hit your little ass."

Anna Mila showed an angry look, but then his face was relieved and he said, "Okay, if you hit, you will come."

瑞 Krim frowned. He always used these words to provoke Amyra, but today Amyla is not angry, which is definitely a problem.

安 "Amira, here we come, don't be afraid." Constantine's roar came from a distance.

瑞 Kriem looked behind Amira, and just saw the seven vice-chairmen, Constantine and Karagu, rushing in with 700 people.

"Damn it, put up a defensive formation and wait for rescue." Kerrim responded immediately and shouted immediately.



Uh ...

The two sides quickly smelt together.

When the two sides fought fiercely, what they didn't know was that Lu Yang hid in the forest not far away, watching the situation on both sides.

"Well, it looks like I will fight on both sides if I don't come, and the 8 city owners of Greece are all together." Lu Yang muttered to himself.

"It looks like there is nothing wrong with me." Lu Yang changed to a mount and left the area. Obviously, there is no need for Lu Yang to do anything more. This matter has been successful. It is estimated that from this afternoon, 8 in Greece. The city-lords are about to unite against Turkey.

Now is the weakest time in Turkey. I believe the two sides will fight fiercely. For a period of time, Turkey will not pose a threat to his annexation.

"Boss, are you free?" Black Friday suddenly sent a message.

Lu Yang was a little surprised. After his foreign brothers came to the guild, he was always very happy. Usually, he would immediately tell Lu Yang about something, but this time suddenly he sent a message to ask for the first time.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yang asked by calling Black Friday.

Black Friday was touched a little. It ’s rare that the chairman of a super guild like Lu Yang is now well developed and can still communicate with them like this.

"Boss, the eight-armed spider wants to return to China. I don't know how to deal with this." Black Friday said.

Lu Lu frowned, and asked, "Isn't he used to living here?"

Black Friday said, "No, it's probably his father who is going to jail. He is going back to stand with his father."

Lu Yang asked a little bit, "tell me what's going on."

Black Friday said: "The father of the eight-armed spider is Scottish, you know, Scotland has recently become independent, and the person who led the incident has the father of the eight-armed spider."

Lu Luyang said, "I see. So, you don't need to worry about this. I'll take care of it."

He hung up the phone, read the spell and returned to the special space to exit the game. When he got out of the door, he came to the villa accommodation area, where the players of all countries are located.

The eight-armed spider just packed his backpack and came to the door. When he saw Lu Yang, he said, "Boss, why are you here?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Come with me, let's talk."

"Uh, okay." The eight-armed spider lowered its luggage and went to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang motioned to the eight-armed spider's girlfriend to return his things to the house, and then brought the eight-armed spider to a nearby cafe.

I walked up to the third floor, Lu Yang found a private room and sat down, saying, "I haven't had lunch yet, what to eat."

The eight-armed spider was depressed, and said, "No, I'm not hungry."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I heard that you like to eat the cheese and crayfish the most here. I asked the waiter to give you one."

怎么 "How do you know." The eight-armed spider was surprised.

Lu Luyang said, "I am the boss to care about subordinates is not normal, I am afraid that you will not be used to eating and living here, deliberately looking for local chefs."

"Thank you."

"Don't be polite with me. We have known each other for more than two years. From the initial partner, we have become brothers working hard together. Need not be polite." Lu Yang said.

Eight-armed spider nodded.

Lu Luyang said, "Listen to me on Black Friday and ask if you are going back. Are you experiencing any problems? Tell me about it."

The eight-armed spider sighed and said, "Our family is a nobleman in Scotland. It was the United Kingdom that ruined our country and merged with the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, every time it fails.

This time, my father failed again. The new British Prime Minister is very strong. My mother called me and said that my father might be arrested or arrested for treason. I need to go back and accompany him through the difficulties. "

"Crayfish is ready." The waiter entered the door, put a large plate of crayfish on the table, and the eight-armed spider who watched swallowed involuntarily, he had not eaten lunch.

Lu Luyang said: "Eat first, no matter what, you must have the strength to know before you do anything."

In recent years, Britain has been in a state of chaos. Because of its relationship with the European Union, no prime minister has been able to settle for two years. As long as he comes to power, he is impeached by the opposition parties. The entire British parliament is like a street market.

Almost every once in a while, the opposition party initiates a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister. Once more than half, the Prime Minister must resign. Even if the Prime Minister survives this time, less than a month, there will be a second vote of no confidence.

Scotland and Northern Ireland are the main sponsors of these no-confidence votes. These two places were originally not British. The British flag was originally a cross. Because of Scotland and Northern Ireland, it became the current thick rice. .

However, these two places were defeated by the British. From the time of Churchill, the two places have sought independence. It was still during World War II. With Churchill's strength, they were bothered by the people in these two places.

At that time, in order to make people in these two places think they were British, Britain gave them great voting rights. After the brothers in these two places had voting rights, they did one thing. Whoever agreed to give Scotland and Northern Ireland has greater power. They will vote for the Prime Minister and agree to the Prime Minister's proposal, otherwise they will vote against it.

The key is that these two places still have a large number of votes. Together with the opposition party, Churchill can't stand it. He simply gave the two places great autonomy, which also laid the seeds for the people in the two places to seek independence.

The right to self-government gives these two places their own parliaments! It also has the right to free trade. Except that it is not a country and does not have an army, it is no different from a country!

With the development of the times and entering the 21st century, certain extremists within these two countries have successively caused terrorist attacks in London, England.

Why there are no trash cans on the streets of London is because at that time they put them in trash cans. Later, a British Prime Minister sent troops to kill or arrest these people. Although the rebellion was calmed down, people in these two places could Exited the UK more firmly.

Later, there was a referendum on Scotland's departure from the United Kingdom. At that time, the British Prime Minister cried on national television and asked Scotland not to leave. At the same time, he gave better preferential policies, which kept Scotland.

After the Scottish referendum ended, the UK immediately enacted a law stating that no referendum would be allowed for another 16 years.

Now, after 16 rounds of this 16 years, Scotland and Northern Ireland have sought to separate again. But this time, Britain is not ready enough. It is only one year away from the referendum. The British Prime Minister has also exchanged back and forth. Only then has the new Prime Minister prepared. Catch the situation.

Lu Luyang said: "It's useless to go back now. If you really have this idea, I will give you a suggestion."

"What advice?" The eight-armed spider was a little surprised.

"If you have the idea, you can gather more Scottish and Northern Irish players in the game."

"Is this useful?" The eight-armed spider asked.

Lu Luyang said: "Think about it, is this" Second World "just a game?"

The eight-armed spider shook his head, and he could see that the otaku, this game has been off track, and it has become more terrifying than the real world.

"But what can I do in the game, gather them to propagate to leave the UK?" Asked the eight-armed spider.

Lu Luyang said: "Of course, how many people can you listen to when you speak in the real world, but you promote it in the game. For example, you set up a British Association, think about what it would be like."

Eight-armed spider's eyes lightened, but then he dimmed again and said, "I have no money and no one."

Lu Luyang said, "I'll give you a total of 100 million pounds for you to do this."

"One hundred million pounds." The eight-armed spider stood up excitedly, looking at Lu Yang with an unbelievable face, and said, "Boss, you are not kidding."

Lu Yang leaned on the back of the sofa, folded his hands on his chest, and said, "I lie to you, I can tell you, my purpose is to make you mess up the British Super Guild where the blood butcher is, but it is not for you to revive Scotland. , But what else did you do when you helped me mess up the blood butcher? "

The eight-armed spider was confused at first, and then expressed an excited expression, saying, "I know, thank you, boss, I know how to do it."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Eat it, go back to work after dinner, and the money arrives at 4 pm. Ask whoever you need to help you, please ask him. I agree with everyone except the Huaxia headquarters."

"Thank you, Boss." Eight-armed spider thanks again, with the support of these top masters of the Iron Brother Brothers Overseas Association, it is easier for him to form a guild. After all, these people are the top 300 masters in the world.

Lu Yang knocked on the table, stood up and left, although he really wanted to come out and help the eight-armed spider himself, but this kind of thing involving the national level is likely to lead to international disputes, and he didn't want to offend some he didn't want Offended man, so he can only support the eight-armed spider in this way.

打电话 He called Tu Feng and said: "I arranged an eight-arm spider to set up a guild in Britain to deal with blood butchers. The total budget is 100 million pounds. He needs money and you can allocate it to him at any time.

"Yes," Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang hung up the phone and returned to the game. Turkey and the United Kingdom have solved it. The rest are South Africa and Italy. These two places do not require him to shoot. Spain is next to Italy. Now Italy is weak and Spain has invaded. .

South Africa is a waste. The last few people who participated in the war were mainly black. I have to admit that this country is powerful. A leader has won the Nobel Peace Prize at the cost of making this country a black supremacy. .

I have a saying how to say, if you have n’t been robbed in South Africa for a month, then it proves that you have n’t come to South Africa.

Here is chaos here. Lu Yang doesn't need to shoot anymore. Now he just needs to wait for these countries to fight together and send someone out.

As for one step to the sky, Lu Yang feels that his materials are still too little. Although he can be convicted, he cannot stay in prison for too long.

"You have to work harder." Lu Yang murmured to himself, he took out the teleport token and flew to Tianyuan God City, came to the teleportation array, and entered the Sixiang City.

As soon as landed, players around him looked at him, but he saw that he was a handsome young man in a beautiful dress, and no one looked at it too much.

"Strange, why is anyone focusing on this?" Lu Yang muttered to himself. He stepped out of the teleportation array and went to the auction house for a turn. Unfortunately, there is nothing good. Obviously, the players did not reach 200. Before the level, there would not be too many things entering his Lu Yang's eyes.

"Staring at her, she would kill her if she dared to leave the city." A loud shout came from behind, and dozens of players chased one player and ran to a distance.

Lu Luyang felt a hint of curiosity. It turned out that those people were not staring at the president of the Jagged Brotherhood, but were looking for this female player. He followed after him.

The female player ran very fast. Tianyuan Shencheng itself was very large. She ran into the residential area in the south of Tianyuan Shencheng in stealth. She quickly fled off those players. When she showed up and was about to take a break, she found Those players who were thrown away caught up.

"Damn, he's there, keep up." Shouted one of the players.

"Come again." The girl showed a helpless expression and was about to run away, but in the distance a red comet with a diameter of one meter flew over from the side.

"Comet Impact"

10 a few players all paid attention to this female player, and did not notice the red comet at all.


The red comet bumped into a player's body, burst into a blast, and more than 10 players were instantly killed in seconds.

The female player was about to run, was shocked to see this scene, looked to the side, but found that a handsome young man appeared on her side.

"Beauty, I was not handsome just now." Lu Yang asked.

The sorrowful expression of the female player turned into a black line, saying, "Do you know that killing in Tianyuan God City is going to be pursued by the system?"

Lu Yang pointed at his feet and said, "Beauty, don't you know that you have already left the monitoring area of ​​Shencheng? This is a slum. There are only a few places where you can kill people in Shencheng."

The female player quickly looked around, only to find that she had run away and came to such a place. When he looked at Lu Yang again, the look of horror on his face appeared.

"Handsome guy, let me go." The female player said pitifully.

Lu Luyang said: "I also want to let you go, but they persecuted you so much, I'm curious what they want, you better show me."

The female player quickly backed away, clutching her backpack and saying, "Don't think about it, don't come over."

Lu Yang said, "I'll be here, what?"

卡片 Under the cover of a card, Lu Yang also gave full play to his aggressive character. In the last life, Lu Yang's character actually looked like this. It was only because of revenge that he became so cold.

报 The revenge of this life only found Liu Jie's problem, and his parents and lover were safe and happy, and he gradually recovered.

Of course, he was not interested in the girl in front of him, purely for character reasons, and in order to conceal his fact that it was the chairman of the Iron Brotherhood, everyone believed that the chairman of the Iron Brotherhood would not say so, of.

At this time, Lu Yang has walked to the girl in two steps and said proudly, "Have a look at Uncle Ben."

The girl was crying and said, "I'll call for help if you come over again."

Lu Luyang said: "You shout, you shout that your throat is broken and no one comes to your rescue, wow haha ​​~!"

还有 "Also, if you shout, those people will be brought in, then you will be dead."

When the girl collapsed, Chu Chu said poorly: "Brother, just let me go, this thing is for my life."

Lu Lu frowned, and said, "What is it? Tell me, if I can, I buy it at a high price."

The girl asked in disbelief: "Really?"

"Not necessarily. Believe me, it may be a good thing or a bad thing ~ ~ But you don't believe me, it can only be a bad thing." Lu Yang Quede said.

The girl was speechless. After thinking for a long time, she took out a dark thing from her backpack and said, "That's it, a treasure that can upgrade the green heart."

Lu Luyang's eyes brightened, and he was surprised to see the dark thing in front of him. His name was Aken Stone.

Aken Gem

Intelligence: +10000

Description: He is a necessary item to upgrade the emerald heart.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Little girl, you're lucky to run into me. Say the price, I bought it."

The little girl froze, he was ready to be taken away by Lu Yang, but Lu Yang suddenly wanted to buy it, which made her wonder what to do.

Lu Luyang said, "Say the price in your heart, I will buy it at a fair price, and I will not pit you."

"100 gold coins," said the girl tentatively.

Lu Luyang smiled and shook his head, and said, "This thing is worth at least 1,000 gold coins, but that will be in the future, so let me give you 500 gold coins, and take this to do what you want."

He took the gold coins from his backpack and gave them to the little girl, and then returned the Aken gem from his hand.

The young girl froze and asked, "Are you Lu Yang, the chairman of the Jagged Brotherhood?"

Lu Luyang: "..."

"No, absolutely not, you admit it wrong." Lu Yang was depressed in silence.

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