Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1189: Dominant Lord Doom Blood Bat

Everyone present was elite. How could it be hurt by this simple skill? The real difficulty was after 2 minutes.

"What about my future slaves, try the bite of being bitten by a bat." The reincarnation blood devil sneered, and his body flashed a **** light instantly, turning into 100 bats and rushing towards the players.


Hit points: 250000000000/300000000000

The bat's attack power is 5 million. It hits non-MT players and removes defensive power. There are also more than 4.8 million. The player's health is only about 8 million. It is not enough for him to attack twice. Fortunately, the attack frequency of bat Not high, it is attacked every 5 seconds.

This level is very challenging to the player's position and treatment. As long as one person makes a mistake, it will lead to the annihilation of the entire army. After all, if a player is killed, an extra bat will be attacked to attack other people, but there is no second non- The MT class can resist simultaneous attacks by two bats.

"Note that everyone is standing in an umbrella shape, and within 10 meters will be ejected by the bat's skills, taking 30% more damage," Lu Yang shouted.

100 people have always been scattered. After hearing Lu Yang's words, they immediately centered on the treatments such as Lan Yu, Yue Ye Ting Feng, and Shen Yiyi, and stood at their 11-meter positions. Each person was responsible for 10 people, the priest. Use Earth Holy Healing, Shaman use Healing Wave, and Paladin use group beacon to add blood together.

"Neighs ~!" 100 bats made a squealing scream, flew into the air, and swooped down toward Landing Sun and others.

Lu Yang watched a bat rush towards him, and he spelled out in his mouth.

"Flame Cross"

"Flame Cross"


This skill is already common among the Fire Mage of the Iron Brotherhood, so Lu Yang can be used as an example skill.

"1400000" (Critical Strike)

"1400000" (Critical Strike)


Even if the bat swayed from side to side, Lu Yang was still able to hit the bat's head accurately, causing double damage to it. In the case of double damage bonus, it was equivalent to 4 times attack.

This is also very difficult for elite players. Only the elite among the elite, the most top players can do this.

Just like the popular online battle games, some people can predict as accurately as opening a plug-in.

Even if you disappear for 2 seconds, the opponent's anticipation skills can accurately determine where you are, and then a big trick blindly sends you in a stealth state.

That kind of top-level operation, especially the moment of blindly killing the other invisible blood hero with a big move, will make all the adrenaline hormones soar. The applause and admiration are from the heart and heart, which is a manifestation of strength. Not any other method can be substituted.

Just like Lu Yang now, only Lu Yang alone can hit the bat's head with precision in the whole game. The effects of that critical strike made Lu Yang's moonlit night listening to the wind look dumbfounded.

"Yanyang mask"

There was a red light from Lu Yang's body, and the bat rushed in front of him and bite on Lu Yang's shoulder, and then the bat swept over Lu Yang's body and flew towards the sky behind Lu Yang.

"Blazing Flames"

Lu Yang turned back and struck a flame, chopped with a sun-shade hood, and as the bat flew up, he hit the bat 4 times in a row, causing more than 2 million injuries.

At the same time, Lu Yang's mouth kept spelling as the bat flew to the sky.

"Flame Cross"

"Flame Cross"


Each cross was hit on the back of the bat with precision, dealing twice as much critical damage.

"1400000" (Critical Strike)

"1400000" (Critical Strike)


Listening to the wind and watching Lu Yang's operation on the moonlight night was already drunk. He opened the video and recorded Lu Yang's attack specifically.

"It's too accurate, too accurate. It hits the back of the bat with precision every time. The bat is only 10 centimeters wide. It's too hard to imagine." Yue Ye heard the wind.

Each attack of the bat can kill Lu Yang's 5 million blood, but Lu Yang killed the bat's 14 million blood in the attack frequency of the bat every 5 seconds at an attack speed of 2 flame crosses per second.

Not counting other people, in this 2 minute period, Lu Yang killed a total of 336 million HP of bats, plus another 85 output points, a total of 10 billion bats of HP were killed.

In the output data, Lu Yang's injury is far ahead of others, but he didn't care about them, but others care. Whether it is Hei Yan or White Lion, after more than 2 years of training, his strength has risen to the highest level. .

Fighting against the competition, the current professional restraint is serious, many people can not distinguish between victory and defeat, but the output above, but the output of professional injury is basically the same.

But they saw the value of their respective output. Lu Yang exceeded the second output by nearly 200 million damage, which made them all stunned.

"Boss, how did you hit it and hurt so high?" Hei Yan asked excitedly.

"Yeah, it's twice as fast as mine." Han Yu said, it was him who had the second highest output.

Lu Yang looked at the surprised expression of the crowd and said, "Teach you when you have time, and concentrate on fighting monsters. It's the second stage."

"Yes." It killed one-twentieth of the blood at a time, making everyone happy and strengthening their confidence.

"Yes, it resisted my first attack. I can't help but want to summon you to be my slaves in advance." 100 bats gathered together and turned into a reincarnation blood demon with his left hand pointing at Lu Yang.

"Dark Control"

A black light hit Han Yu, Han Yu's body emitted a thick black light, and a buff appeared on his body.

Dark Energy: You become a slave to the reincarnation blood demon. Your attack power increases by 300%, your spell damage increases by 300%, and your vitality increases by 1000%.

Han Yu turned his head to look at Lu Yang. The skills in his hand were about to shoot out. At this moment, Lu Yang threw out the escape dagger and flew towards the reincarnation blood demon.

"Mage of Time and Space, control me with an energy hood." Lu Yang appeared immediately behind the reincarnation blood demon, pointing his right hand to Han Yu.

"Mana Steal"

The dark energy buff on Han Yu's body entered Lu Yang's body, and Lu Yang became a slave of the reincarnation blood demon, but Lu Yang and the reincarnation blood demon are not in the same team. This is a small bug set by the government.

In the last life, many masters used this method to hit the lord. A fire mage used the sun hood to jump behind the reincarnation blood demon, launched the stealing skills, stole the dark energy skills, and let others control him. His sun hood You can burn the lord all the time, just like Lu Yang does now.

"Space-time barrier"

A space-time mage clasped a space-time barrier on Lu Yang, controlling him in place and unable to cast and cast, but Lu Yang's body was always burning with a sun hood, which caused 200 damage per second to the lord with a triple damage bonus. With more than 10,000 injuries, in 2 minutes, Lu Yang burned 240 million HP of the reincarnation blood demon.

"Can still play like this."

"This output is too high."

"That's a good fight."


The White Lion and others all understood and applauded Lu Yang.

After 2 minutes, the reincarnation blood demon turned into a bat again, and Lu Yang took everyone to continue to output. In fact, this level is the simplest level. It only tests the output and health of the player. The output can also kill the lord before the magic runs out, and it can pass.

Of course, there is a time limit. The battle must end within one hour. If not, the lord will go crazy and kill everyone.

In fact, if Lu Yang and Shen Yiyi wore a 9th-level artifact, killing the lord would take 10 minutes, but it was so troublesome to demonstrate a copy method to their subordinates.

Fortunately, everyone who played this copy had a superb ability and insisted for an hour without any problems.

An hour later, the reincarnation blood demon fell to the ground, dropping two pieces of Avengers gear and a 140-level gold necklace drawing.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Yes, it looks like our gold necklaces can be popularized."

They smiled as they wiped their sweat.

"Boss, this copy is too difficult for our people at present, it is estimated that those elite teams can play in the past, but play twice more every day, the third time is absolutely untenable." White Lion said.

High-intensity fighting for an hour. This high-intensity is a high-intensity that causes people to fear. Each bat attack is 5 million health. A slight accident or a mistake makes the whole group dead.

This is a group battle of 100 people, not 20 people, nor 10 people. Some people make mistakes in the small copy, and it will rarely happen that the whole group is destroyed. All my efforts have been wasted. How did this erring person explain to another 99 people, especially when he made several mistakes?

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just this time. When I take you through, I will gather all the artifact players and push him dozens of times a day."

Everyone: "..."

"That's right," said the White Lion.

With only three soldiers, paladins and druids guarding the heart, each person can launch physical immunity for 2 minutes, and healing heart, 11 million blood per second within 2 minutes, Lu Yang has Flames of flames, Mu Yu and the wrath of Thor, kill this lord in minutes.

Lu Yang put the equipment in his backpack and said, "Okay, now it's the most critical time, and it's finally the lord."

"Final lord?" White Wolf asked in surprise: "Isn't it just three, I didn't see the fourth one when I led the team to play epic."

Lu Yang said: "This is a lord that only exists in a hundred people's nightmares. The superior lord blood bat · doom."

In the last life, his name was called the lucky big bat by the player. It is a lord who must be challenged by any master who has reached level 140, because if he is killed, there is a chance to drop legendary equipment.

A light flashed on the dead reincarnation blood demon, the blood demon corpse disappeared, and a soul appeared.

"Children, thank you for rescuing me." The soul of the reincarnation bloodlord made an old voice.

"What? Rescue?" Bitterly loved half-lifelessly looking at the reincarnation blood demon, said: "I almost didn't let you die, you just want to wash it."

One hour of high-intensity, high-focused operation made everyone hate this lord, not to mention bitter love for half a life, Lu Yang in the last life was more powerful than him.

The reincarnation blood devil did not care for half of his life, and said to himself: "I am possessed by the bat of doom. Although you have defeated me, but you have temporarily released my control, he can still control me. I hope you can help me, Kill the doom bat. "

A burst of black light emerged from the body of the reincarnation blood demon, revealing a bat in the form of a soul. The bat's body was only 20 centimeters in size, but it looked extremely fierce.

Blood Bat Doom (First Class Lord)

Level: 140

Qi and blood: 100000000/500000000000

"No one can save you, and you will eventually become my slave." A cold smile appeared on the face of Blood Bat.

"Let me go, please let me go." The blood-stained samurai's face was full of pleading look.

"Unless I die, you will always be my slave." The big bat flapped its wings and turned into a black light and disappeared into the soul of the reincarnation blood demon.

The reincarnation blood demon kneeled on the ground and mourned: "No, how can this be."

He looked up at Lu Yang, begging, "Great adventurer, can you help me?"

Mission Tip (Legendary): Help the reincarnation Gorefiend to kill the blood bats in his body. Doom. Note: This mission can only be completed by one person. If it fails, the whole group will randomly deduct one of the acquired equipment. If the mission is completed, You will get a gold one of excellence.

"I'll pull it. I will challenge the 100 million blood lord monster alone. If I lose, I will randomly lose one of the equipment I have obtained. If I win, I will give it excellent gold."

"Boss, is there a bug in it?" Hei Yan asked, if there was a bu *, he had the confidence to kill the lord.

Lu Yang shook his head and said with a smile on his face: "There is only a circular arena in it, there is no place to use, you have to be fair to the lord."

Everyone: "..."

"That's impossible. The superior lord at level 140 has a movement speed of 550%. Unless he can run past him with lofty transformations, the other wolves can't run at all. Moreover, we can't withstand the reincarnation of the blood demon. What's more, this superior lord. "Bai Lang said.

Everyone nodded. Until now, unless there is a bug or a lord with obvious disadvantages in movement speed will be killed by the player by flying a kite, the other lord players can only escape, there is no chance of killing.

"Let's go back," Liang Yun said.

Tianyao said: "Agree."


Everyone agreed.

Lu Yang shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I can fight, and it's not too difficult."

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

"Boss, really fake. Can you single out this kind of lord?" White Lion asked.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "It's very simple and optimistic. Today's boss teaches you a new style of play, which you must pay attention to in the future. This involves the contest next year. What rankings can you take? If you do n’t understand, you wo n’t even be able to enter the top 1,000 next year. ”

Tian Yao and Zhou Tianming were interested.

"So serious?" Xia Yuwei asked.

Lu Yang stepped in front of the reincarnation blood demon and said to everyone, "Look, how can I kill him alone."

He said to the reincarnation golem: "Send me in, I'll single him out."

"Thank you, thank you, I believe you will succeed." Said the blood demon's soul gratefully.

A flash of light flashed over Lu Yang and disappeared in place, and entered the soul space of the reincarnation blood demon. White lions and other people outside the field were wondering how to see Lu Yang playing monsters. A large screen appeared in the sky. Inside an arena with a diameter of only 200 meters.

Inside the soul arena.

Lu Yang was standing 80 meters to the left of the centerline. A flying bat with a diameter of 20 cm was at a height of 1.8 meters and standing 80 meters to the right of the centerline.

The blood bat looked at the land, and laughed and said, "So far, you are the first human who dares to single me out. Congratulations, I will let you feel the fear of death."

There was a sneer on Lu Yang's face without talking, he was waiting for time.

Off the field.

Xia Yuwei and White Lion looked at Lu Yang anxiously.

"I don't know what skills this big bat has." Xia Yuwei asked.

Zhou Tianming said: "No matter what skills, as long as you hit the boss twice, the boss is finished."

Everyone nodded.

"No matter, boss, come on, we are optimistic about you." Hao Wanwan shouted.

"Brother come on, kill him." Han Ying shouted.

"Brother come on." Lan Yu and Han Yu shouted in succession.


On the court.

Lu Yang heard the sound of cheering outside, with a smile on his face, wasn't it a blood bat? He had three anger skills in his hand, a 200-level superior lord, he had singled out, not to mention this.

Match countdown







"Neighing ~!"

The blood bat screamed and flew into the sky. At a height of 100 meters, he launched a dive towards the landing sun.

"Shadow Charge"

The first skill of a blood bat, the distance of level 100 only takes 2 seconds to reach. To an outsider, the blood bat is like a phantom.

1 second is a distance of 50 meters, not to mention other people, even Lu Yang can't see the movement of the blood bat, but Lu Yang knows that the blood bat charged in front of him. It was accurately calculated in the last life. It was 1.207 seconds. Therefore, with Lu Yang's reaction speed, as long as the halo skill is activated at 1.7 seconds, the impact of the blood bat can be broken.

"The Sun Fist"

Lu Yang didn't even look at the blood bats in the sky. He counted down to 1.7 seconds in his mouth, and his left hand fiercely raised a dragon fist.


Just when everyone was stunned by the exaggerated attack speed of the blood bat, Lu Yang's fist with golden light in his left hand swooped down in the middle of the blood shadow.

"4500000" (triple damage)

In the heads-up situation, the superior lord had no armor and no magic resistance. In the surprise voices of Xia Yuwei and Lan Yu, the blood bat was hit by Lu Yang and fell back more than 20 meters away.

"Destroy the Sky"

Lu Yang uttered the spell in his mouth ~ ~ A red light flew up into the sky, and then the spell was chanted in his mouth again.

"Earth to Earth"

The blood bat just flew to a distance of 20 meters, and a reddish light fell in the sky, centering on the blood bat's body.


The blood bat landed, and before he flew up, a fierce fire flew out on the ground.


The blood bat was hit and flew backward.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang flew backward 10 meters away, and just landed on the **** bat with his right staff.

"Comet Impact"

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