Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1193: Steiger

He wanted to ask Liu Baicheng for the reason, and he wanted to give Liu Baicheng the last chance to reform. But ...

If he is now willing to give a step to the sky, Luther Brothers will not bet on how to fight back. Lu Yang dare not bet, and his players have not got enough 140-level dark gold and gold-level suits. Yet.

Now it is a group of 140 players wearing level 130 dark gold equipment, and his enemies are only a few levels lower than him. The equipment is exactly the same. With the same equipment, the attributes of several levels are ignored.

"Then I leave." Liu Baicheng said with a smile.

"Go." Lu Yang nodded, he said: "I'm going to Germany, if you need anything, just say it to Tu Feng."

"Ah, oh, oh." Liu Baicheng left.

He hurried back to the house when the babysitter was gone, only he and the old father who opened his eyes and stared blankly at the wall opposite the bed.

"Hong brother, Lu Yang will go to Germany tonight." Liu Baicheng said, the brother in his mouth is exactly the chairman of the Tiantong Association ascended to the sky-Zhang Hong.

"He really went to Germany?" Zhang Hong asked with a frown.

"I heard it myself." Liu Baicheng said.

Zhang Hong nodded and said, "You have to pay attention to concealment recently, don't expose it. You are the nail of my highest level in the Jagged Brotherhood. Is there anything to make Pei Zicheng resist? Know?"

"Thank you Brother Hong for your concern, and bring me a good one for Qing'er. I haven't seen her for a long time." Liu Baicheng's face was filled with a happy smile.

"No problem." Zhang Hong was lying on the bed, carrying a proud smile on Qinger's disheveled arms.

The call hangs up.

Zhang Hong carried the woman named Qinger in her arms and said with a laugh: "He asked me to bring you a good one, hahaha."

Qing Erzhen hit Zhang Hong with a charming expression on his face, and said, "Her brother, you're bad. You have to let me do that kind of thing. I hate to kill that little ghost."

"Haha, what kind of thing is better to do it again." Zhang Hong laughed and turned off the bedside lamp.


late at night.

On the plane.

Lu Yang was looking out of the window in a daze, and brought a blanket to Lu Yang in black and white, and said, "Boss, sleep."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I can't sleep, everything is in my head."

Black and white is the most clear to Lu Yang. On the surface, Lu Yang is the bright president of the Jagged Brotherhood. There are tens of millions of players and hundreds of millions of people upgrading in his jurisdiction. He has funds unimaginable to ordinary people. One sentence can make one ascend to heaven or be thrown into hell.

But no one knows how much responsibility Lu Yang has to bear, and no one knows how responsible he is to his brother. In the case of Liu Baicheng, his territory has been unstable. Therefore, Lu Yang has to think about many things every day. I am afraid that there is nothing to consider to plant the seeds of instability.

He can't help Lu Yang, and can only do one thing, and do his best to protect Lu Yang from any danger.

The black knife and the white water next to them looked at Lu Yang and were anxious, but they couldn't do anything.

No words overnight.

Early the next morning, the plane landed at an airport in Hanover, Germany. Qi Yun drove himself to greet Lu Yang. A convoy arrived at the hotel with people such as Luyang and Black and White.

"Boss, why don't you take a break first? I heard black and white saying that you didn't sleep much last night." Qi Yun said with concern.

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "No need, tell me, how are things going on in Germany?"

Qi Yun took out a stack of documents from the secretary behind him and said, "We have completed all the preparations for the listing. This is the pre-assessment report for the listing and the application letter of the stock exchange. I started processing one month ago. This matter, we only need to go through the process to start the listing. The specific listing will take about six months. "

Lu Yang said, "Finding a media reporter to announce the merger of the game guild into a public company will raise the price of Steiger."

Qi Yun smiled and said, "I'll do it."

As long as the news is released, a game company that has just unified most of the German guilds will be merged into the company's listing, and the market value of Steiger's company will rise to a new level. I don't know how many people will buy Steiger's stock .

Steige has just won the battle and is short of money. If he can make enough money by using the stock wave, it will bring him great relief.

Steig himself does not want to fight Lu Yang now, but Lu Yang has risen and the surrounding guilds have responded to persecution. He joined the organization as a last resort. Lu Yang knows that Steig hates him, but he believes Steig can analyze it. Pros and cons.

In the office of the chairman of the 9th floor of the office building of Daimler AG, Germany, Steiger is getting angry in the office.

"This **** Lu Yang, our company's shares are in his hands, and he is affected everywhere. He is obviously not an ally, but everyone around him is regarded as an ally. This **** **** will trap us to the most isolated degree."

Artz stepped on the heels from the window to Steiger, gently rubbed Steiger's shoulder and said, "No matter what he wants, we are now trying to make more money, whether it is Renault on the left It ’s still Liu Jie from above, Lu Yang from the right, and Turkey from below. In the future, we will be our enemies. We must have money to control the existing scale, otherwise everything will be in vain. "

Steiger said angrily, "Do you mean to make me reconcile with Lu Yang?"

"You have no way," Alz asked. "It was written in the contract that if we unified all German guilds, we would merge and go public. We have no reason."

Steiger can't oust Lu Yang from the company now, nor can he let the game company go public. If the game company goes public, his relationship with Lu Yang is even worse, and he is an ally in the eyes of others. Steiger is equal to Except for cooperation with Lu Yang, there is no way out.

"Damn guy, when I survive this time, I will never spare him." Steiger scolded, he still decided to cooperate with Lu Yang.


The knock sounded, and the secretary walked into the door and said, "Chairman, Director Lu Yang has just arrived downstairs, and he wants to talk to you first."

Steiger and Artz looked at each other.

"Okay, I see him," Steiger said.

Artz said softly, "Don't be angry, you are partners now."

Steiger shrugged his shoulders and said, "Please come up."

"I'll go in person." Artz went downstairs and greeted Lu Yang to Steiger's office at the gate.

Lu Yang looked at Steiger with an unhappy expression standing in front of him, but his heart was even more upset. If Steiger had not wanted to attack him while Landing Yang and One Step Ascension, he would not have Steiger intersects.

This person was thinking of various methods and stepping up to the sky. They jointly wanted to attack him. If Lu Yang was not step-by-step, he would be pursued to the end by Steiger if he had a little behind. Therefore, Lu Yang did not speak to Steiger at all. Polite.

"President Steiger, as a shareholder of Daimler, we formally ask you to fulfill the contractual treaty and merge the gaming guild into the company." Lu Yang said in a chair opposite his desk.

"Lu Yang, what is your idea?" Steiger asked angrily, even if he had a plan to reconcile with Lu Yang temporarily, he would use this method to force Lu Yang to hand over his hole cards, or in business. He made concessions, so he was very angry.

Lu Yang had thought through all of Steiger's ideas on the plane. Therefore, Steiger now recognized nothing in front of him. He knew Steiger's card.

"What I think is not important, what is important is that you need to fulfill the contract provisions." Lu Yang said with a sneer.

"I didn't prepare, it takes time," Steiger said.

Lu Yang said, "It doesn't matter. I have all the materials you need. I also talked to the stock exchange. You can prepare the materials in the game slowly, but don't take too long, because I will return to the press conference in the afternoon. , The rhetoric of shooting Sirius is ready, and you and I will reach a strategic alliance. "

"You!" Steiger was furious.

Lu Yang looked at his watch and said, "I need to sit with you for an hour, or we can go to the meeting room below for an hour, you can choose."

He made it clear that he wanted to pit Steig, but Steig could only accept the pit buried by Lu Yang. When the game company went public, why Steig was the cheapest person, because he would melt into hundreds of millions of euros. funds.

Artz came to Steige and asked, "President Lu Yang, can you not be so angry, I believe there is still room for negotiation between the two of us."

Steiger looked back at Alz and said, "You ..."

Artz quietly gave Steiger a quiet moment and said to Lu Yang, "What do you think?"

The tense anger on both sides became much easier under her sentence.

Lu Yangtan opened his hand and said, "If you were like this in the morning, why wait for me to come to Xingshi to plead guilty? Good shareholders and co-workers do not cooperate, but rather go to those people? Do you think your shares are in my hands, I will Let you hit me? "

Steiger said angrily, "If it weren't for you, how could I have fought hard for two months."

Lu Yang said, "If you didn't want to attack me, I would have time to deal with you?"

"You ..." Steger was furious but speechless.

Lu Yang said, "Study the issue of going public, don't mess things up, otherwise you won't be able to beat me, and you will join your own guild. You can't eat it."

"Ha, why can't you say we can't beat you? You know, last time I didn't take part in the battle, otherwise with the strength of my German chariot and French Renault, only the two of us could penetrate your sky sword fortress, more Moreover, this time ascending to the sky, they also joined 4 guilds to attack the tiger fortress. "Steiger said sarcastically.

Lu Yang said, "You can try it. At that time, see if Liu Jie will rush out to destroy you and Renault."

"You ..." Steiger knew that if he and Renault's coalition could not fight the Skysword Fortress, Liu Jie had a great chance to rush out to get revenge. After all, Liu Jie they had played in the first place had lost face, and they Liu Jie is revenge. What both sides say to each other will not trust each other before.

Alz saw Steiger's helplessness and said, "Well, we can fulfill the contract, but we ask you not to attack us within these months, otherwise our listing is just a joke."

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders indifferently, saying, "Do you think I have the ability to eliminate one step to the sky, Kerim, the blood butcher, and Greece, South Africa and other countries in three to six months?"

Artz shook his head, and Lu Yang wanted to upgrade his players' equipment to a gold level above 140, which took at least 2 months to 4 months.

The one-step ascent to the sky is only one month slower than Lu Yang. When Luyang's equipment is completed, the one-step ascent will not be much worse, and France, Italy, and Spain will not lose more than 2 million equipment. Get together, Lu Yang still take them.

"Well, I won't take part in the war against you," Steiger said.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Very well, let's go downstairs and discuss the terms of cooperation in detail."

"Yes." Steige made a please gesture, inviting Lu Yang to come downstairs, and the subordinates were responsible for the specific contract signing. Lu Yang and Steige just waited.

"Ding Ling Ling" Tu Feng called.

Lu Yang pressed the connect button and asked, "What's the matter?"

Tu Feng said: "One step up to the sky and they gathered together for the second time to discuss whether we should start in advance."

Lu Yang said, "I'll discuss it when I go back."

"Okay," Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang asked, "How's the equipment going?"

Tu Feng said: "At present, players with artifacts in our hands are quickly challenging the lord. It is expected that tonight, they will be able to make up 10 sets of equipment. The remaining 110 teams have just won the second lord and are stuck in the first place. 60% of the three lords are there. "

Even the top elites in the Jagged Brothers League, apart from those who have artifacts, others still have some work to do.

Lu Yang said, "Just say it was my order. Before I arrive tomorrow morning, I have to make 30 sets. I can't deduct my salary."

"Yes." Tu Feng felt the urgency of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang hung up the phone and continued to wait for the contract to be signed. Steiger asked with a smile: "What? President Lu Yang, are you afraid you can't hold their offense?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "This is not a question you should worry about."

He will not disclose that he intends to eliminate the one-step ascent to the sky. The details of the contract lasted from morning to afternoon. Although Lu Yang was anxious to go back, he still waited for a long time.

Three in the afternoon.

Steige said to Lu Yang with a smile: "I hope we will cooperate happily in the future."

With this contract, his gaming company goes public and earns at least 600 million euros.

Lu Yang shook hands with him with a smile and said, "I hope we have a happy cooperation."

If the listing is successfully completed, Lu Yang will also earn 400 million euros.

"Want to have a meal together," Steiger asked.

Lu Yang smiled and shook his head, and said, "When it goes on the market, we'll have a good dinner again."

"Alright." Steige shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and he invited Lu Yang just to be polite.

Lu Yang turned around and said to Sirius, "The next thing is left to you to handle. I have recently lived here to help them complete the listing."

"Yes," said Sirius.

Lu Yang left with Black and White and Qi Yun, leaving a team that shot Sirius and a listed company. That night, Lu Yang returned to China by plane.

He had just returned to the 33rd floor of the studio, and a security officer walked in and said to Lu Yang and Black and White: "Boss, Liu Baicheng's investigation is clear."

Lu Yang is thinking about how to deal with one step up, and said, "You say."

An Bao said: "After investigating, a girl named Qinger is a frequent visitor to KTV that Liu Baicheng frequents. Liu Baicheng likes this girl."

Black and White asked: "What's wrong with this Qinger?"

Anbao said: "It has been confirmed that Qing'er is a step up to heaven, that is, Zhang Hong's lover. This is only known to a few senior executives in the one step up to the guild."

Lu Yang asked: "You mean, Zhang Hong let his lover deliberately approach Liu Baicheng and used love to make him betray me?"

Anbao said, "Yes, there is one more thing. Liu Baicheng has been bitterly concerned that he is only a legionnaire. He thinks he is qualified to be the vice chairman, and has complained in private for a long time.


Lu Yang punched on the table and scolded: "Asshole, I gave him the best legion, and my most trusted subordinate. When he did this, how could he be worthy of me?"

Lu Yang was about to explode. He couldn't help but be angry. This is a legion. As a legion commander, how good is the relationship with his men, who can guarantee that his men have not betrayed like him.

As a legion leader, if you want to set up traps for your men to rebel, it is only a matter of minutes. If so, no one in this legion can reuse it.

Who are the people in this legion? It is a special unit under Lu Yang and a main unit under Xia Yuwei.

Lu Yang was really furious, he said, "Control me Liu Baicheng and control it today."

"Yes." Black and White immediately led out.

Lu Yang rang the electric bell at the table, the secretary came in and asked, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"Call all the vice presidents to come to my room for a meeting. I have things to arrange." Lu Yang said.

"Yes ~ ~ The secretary immediately walked back to the phone at the door and called the vice chairman one by one.


Zhuojiu and White Lion came to the 33rd floor under the authorization of Lu Yang.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Zhou Tianming asked.

Lu Yang said: "I want to start a war in advance, the purpose is to eliminate one step to the sky."

"Eliminate one step to the sky?" Zhuzhuo and White Lion were surprised.

Lu Yang said to Tu Feng: "Tell them what happened when we controlled Pei Zicheng."

Tu Feng nodded and said to the crowd: "Three months ago, we captured the guild's traitor, Pei Zicheng, and stole the internal information of the guild for one step to the sky. After that, we used Pei Zicheng to continuously give one step to the sky. It's enough to go to prison. "

People like Zhuojiu and White Lion are happy.

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