Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1199: Lu Yang's Killing Ring

Centering on the city, a super-strong curse with a diameter of 2,000 yards surrounded all enemies on the wall.

"3278688" (Critical Strike)

"3277688" (critical strike)


Lefes's spell-casting mage on the city wall and more than 20,000 defensive players were killed without even a chance to react.

"I'm going to open the city gate." Lu Yang took a sip of the potion and flew towards the city wall in the form of a phoenix.

"We protect you." Germany does not taste the corpse into a phoenix, and the rest of the druids also become phoenixes and crows and fly to the city wall with Lu Yang.

The other three players who were not attacked by the forbidden spell on the wall immediately knew what was happening here. They ignored the city wall and rushed towards this side, but they just died after entering the forbidden area and scared everyone. Quickly stopped.

"Damn, how could the damage be so high," one head cursed.

Lefes was resurrected in the city and shouted: "Don't enter the forbidden area. Lu Yang has few forbidden spells. We don't need to be afraid of him and defend in the city."

The heads of the various commandments of the city wall rushed back to the security area in front of the main city hall to arm their troops, with a total of more than 50,000 people.

Lu Yang saw their movements, with a sneer on his face, and flew to the wall to open the gate.


Some of the elites of Han Yingsan's three siblings, Xiao Liang, Mu Yu and Hei Yan, the forbidden mage masters, came in immediately.

Lu Yang jumped underneath the city wall, and just fell to the ground, the words in his mouth were spelled out.


He instantly became a huge 9-meter-high flame demon, and the heart of the 9th-level demon let him emit a fierce red flame.

"It's been a long time since I used my full strength, and it really feels comfortable." Lu Yang said excitedly, feeling the energy changes in his body.

Level 9 Demon Heart adds an extra 120% attack range to each skill of Lu Yang. Even Pyroblast is more than twice as large.

"Transformation of the Phoenix"

Lu Yang's 9-meter-high flame demon form jumped into the air, and instantly became a huge fire phoenix with a length of more than 80 meters.

"Fire Sword"

He read a spell in his mouth, and nine huge lightsabers appeared around his body, each of which was about 10 meters in length and 1 meter in width.

Le Feisi and the 50,000 players in the safe area were dumbfounded, and the whole body was scared by the horrible form of the landing sun.

"How is it possible, how can such a terrible player form appear in the game." Le Feis said unbelievably.

"How do we fight? Lu Yang hasn't released a few curses yet," said a head silently.

"Do you still use a forbidden spell? I am afraid that the scope of a secondary forbidden spell is the same as forbidden spells, and a special skill can be compared to the scope of the secondary forbidden spells," said another head.


"Neighing ~!"

Lu Yang screamed, without seeing the spell in his mouth. Above the safe area, suddenly more than 20 crimson meteorite with a diameter of 2.5 meters appeared.

"Isn't this the fall of a meteorite? How come out so many at once? It's so big?" Lefes was dumbfounded.

It is very easy to distinguish the three skills of fire meteorite fall, meteor fall and meteorite impact. Meteor fall is the crimson red meteorite falling vertically in the sky. The size of the meteor fall is larger than that of the house. Smashed down, the size of the meteorite is only about 2 meters.

The falling meteorite this time was obviously vertical. However, the conventional meteorite fell only 1 meter in diameter, causing 3 times the damage of biological intelligence within 10 meters around, but this time it was 2.5 meters in diameter, Lefes couldn't imagine it.

"Hold a shield, turn on magic resistance skills, heal plus blood, and stand up to this attack." A chief of the main group shouted.

More than 1,000 players raised shields to protect the output and healing below. They couldn't see, they could only hear the sound of wind breaking when the meteorite fell. The harsh feeling made them panic, but outside the attack range of the meteorite, Players clearly saw the reddish meteorite falling vertically from the sky.





Like small nuclear bombs, a cloud of mushrooms emerged, and each meteorite fall covered a range of 25 meters around it.




The damage from a meteorite fall is three times that of intelligence. Lu Yang is wearing a 9th-level demon heart, a sub-artifact Ziyan suit, and two sub-artifact accessories. The total intelligence is more than 1.5 million.

After the meteorite fell, all 1,000 anti-combat and invincible anti-riding vehicles were killed. Even the healing and output guarded by them were all killed by Lu Yang. In this attack alone, Lu Yang killed more than 3,000. people.

Le Feisi has collapsed. They only have 50 regiments. Lu Yang killed 3 regiments in a single attack. If Lu Yang attacked with all his strength, it wouldn't matter. It seems that Lu Yang didn't exert much effort.

"This makes them fight, who teaches me, how does it make us fight?" Lefes said collapsed.

"Why is there such a high output, this is too much."

"Can't fight."


The other commanders also collapsed.

Just when many heads were deterred by Lu Yang, a head shouted: "Don't be afraid of him, he is only one person, so many of us are here, fight with him, do not believe that he can kill us alone 5 Ten thousand people. "

"Yes, the support from the other three countries will be here soon, and we will win as long as we persist." Lefes responded.

"adhere to."

"adhere to."

"The dead resurrected immediately and fought with Lu Yang."

"He dared to come close and shoot him."


A roar of confidence filled Lu Yang's face with a sneer. He used a big horn and said lightly, "Are you still dying and struggling, okay, I'll do it for you."

"Neighing ~!"

Lu Yang's phoenix shape was another scream. The dark clouds in the sky suddenly thickened by three points, and then the entire sky turned red. A huge meteorite the size of half a football field was smashed in red. Come down.

"Meteor Falls"

In the dumbfounded eyes of Lefes and others, they were hit by the meteorite without even being able to evade. A huge mushroom cloud rises over 800 meters in diameter, including those that use invincible players and ice shields. Among the players, more than 20,000 players were killed instantly, and the remaining 20,000 people were stunned. There was no blood on his face when he looked at the vacant lot.

"Neighing ~!"

Lu Yang uttered a shout, and the huge body flew towards the remaining 20,000 hostile players at a height of 70 meters.

At a distance of 100 meters, Lu Yang didn't wait for the shooter's attack. Lu Yang's 9 lightsabers at the same time emitted a huge light, attacking the players on the ground crazy at an attack speed of 1 round per second.

A normal lightsaber can only attack one person each time. After transforming, the lightsaber's attack turned into a range attack. The huge lightsaber fell on the ground and attacked the enemies within 2 meters.

The damage of the lightsaber is one-ninth of the intelligence. Although the damage is not high, Lu Yang's attack only focuses on the attack. The nine lightsabers are aimed at a red heart at the same time. Therefore, when the lightsaber fired, they were hit by nine lightsabers All players within that 2 meter area were spiked.

While flying forward, Lu Yang released the impact of the meteorite. In the state of inflammation, all the skills above the non-secondary forbidden spells are instantaneous, without any cooling time.

He flew all the way with a lightsaber attack, and smashed all the way with a meteorite impact. All the players who were hit were killed with no trace of resistance. When Lu Yang flew over the enemy's position once, he killed at least 10,000 people.

On the roof of a building, Han Fei, De Buwei Shi, and others were standing on top of it and watching Lu Yang stunned beneath him.

De Bu tasted the corpse with his mouth open and said, "I'll take it. Boss, this is a heavy bomber and fighter. Throw it all the way and shoot it with machine guns. You have killed more than 30,000 people. It's too cruel."

Sister Han Ying, Xiao Liang, Mu Yu and Hei Yan nodded, agreeing with the description that Germany doesn't taste corpses.

"Unexpectedly, the Level 9 Pyromorph turned into a Phoenix has become so powerful that it is too cool to kill."

"I don't think we need to help the boss, just go to several other resurrection points and destroy the resurrection teleportation team." Han Ying said.

"It makes sense, we act separately, a 9-level artifact leads a team." Xiao Liang said.

The crowd nodded and dispersed.

Hei Yan followed behind Shen Yiyi, and he looked at his cousin with a sullen expression on his face, saying, "Brother, why don't we change it, how about you being the head of the cursed mage regiment?"

His cousin Xiaohuoqiu quickly covered his heart and shook his head and said, "No way, I wo n’t change you if you are killed. Mine is also Level 9 of the Demon God, but there is no transformation of Phoenix. Wow haha, it wo n’t be long before I can be like a boss That's arrogant. "

Heiyan wanted to cry without tears, and said, "I regret it. How could I have coveted the profession of the head of the curse master and mistaken the devil's heart. The boss is too arrogant. I think so."

Xiao Huoqiu said with a "false sorrow" in consolation; "Brother, look, you now have more than 50,000 people, aren't you, all of them are forbidden curses? This is also very powerful."

Heiyan's face was depressed. If he could, he would rather have the level 9 demon heart than the position of the head of the 50,000-person curse mage regiment. The level 9 demon heart would be so invincible, if it was level 10. How strong is it?

He turned to look at Lu Yang. In the sky, Lu Yang was still raging. Like a bomber and fighter, he swept across the court. The enemy he killed didn't have any reaction ability.

"Well, brothers, you blasted me in front of the teleportation array. I'm in a bad mood today, and I blasted it fiercely." Hei Yan pointed at the teleportation array in front.

The members of the forbidden mage team behind him chuckled. It is conceivable that the gap in this attack was too great.

A piece of magic swept over, and the teleportation array was broken.

"Boss, the Eastern Teleportation Team was destroyed."

"The west was also destroyed."

"It was destroyed south."

"The north side was also destroyed."

Lu Yang was killing, and nodded after receiving reports from Han Ying and others, saying: "Han Yu, Han Ying, Shen Yiyi, and Little Fireball each took 500 fire crows to defend the four gates of the east, west, and south. I This immediately destroyed their resurrection points. "

"Yes." Four players with 9th-level artifacts rushed to their respective walls immediately, and Germany didn't taste the corpses and divided 4,000 Fire Ravens into 500 people for each of the four walls. There were only 2,000 people around him. .

Below the main city house.

Lefes and others are in the form of death. They don't want to be resurrected anymore, and they all sit there in a daze.

"Look, let's just admit it, the resurrection is dead, and we can't fight it," said a head.

Lefes sighed and said, "It's not that we don't want to do our best, but that we die after being resurrected."

A regiment said: "It will also be resurrected. I estimate that the main Turkish army in Kerem will be here in half an hour. Be sure to stick with you guys."

Lefes and the other heads looked at each other.

"Well, resurrect everyone, let's stick with it, but I can't guarantee how many people are willing to die like this," Lefes said.

"What's this? No matter what, we have to give the boss an explanation." The leader who spoke before was angry.

The other heads of delegations all laughed.

"Just do you know that you are loyal to the boss? You haven't been demoted to the commander."

"That is, now that the boss is in the prison, the vice-chairman and all the legionnaires are also in the prison. The future is unknown. We are willing to work so hard to help the boss defend the city and boost morale, but you are talking coldly."

"No wonder you don't want to be seen."


Several heads were angry.

The leader of the previous talk was called Liu Quan. It was one of the first players to follow a step up to the sky, but this person was bad-mouthed and loved cymbals, so he was crowded out by players above the regimental level. Demote to head.

He could n’t mix in the rank of the regimental commander before, but in the circle of the regiment commander, he was mixed like a fish, because he was senior and he was promoted by the regiment commander, plus he was following The old man who stepped into the sky step by step, any head of the team had to make him three points.

He did not respond, thinking that everyone else respected him. Over time, his mouth became more and more stinky and annoying.

Today's defensive battle, the head of the regiment who has stepped up to the sky has done his best. This old man not only did not unite everyone, but also accused this and accused him of side by side, and finally caused the dissatisfaction of several heads of the party, and they all ironic.

"Do you want to rebel? Do you dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not, I will ask the boss to tell you." The head of the group angered.

Lefes sneered and said, "Okay, go ahead and sue, I'd like to see. The boss listens to you, or to us all."

He LeFeis is the head of the cursed mage regiment, and his rank is the rank of legionnaire. Although he does not have the qualifications of this regimental elder, he is a trustworthy person, so he is not afraid at all.

Several other heads of the group stood next to Lefes, and Lefes testified, and they were not afraid of the chief.

"You're a bed bug, and you've long bored people like you."

"Get out early and know I'm bored of defending a main city with you."

"I'm all sickened."


Several heads of anger blasted the anger to the extreme. He pointed to Lefes and other heads and said, "Okay, okay, wait for me. If you don't go, I'll go."

The light flashed, and the head resurrected with his men.

Lefes and other heads looked at each other.

"No, this grandson is doing it this way, we are not people inside or out," said a head.

"It's obviously **** lost, what's the point of giving someone a head?" Another head cursed.

Le Fais said: "Forget it, let's resurrect it. There are as many people as you like. After all, we are holding a one-step salary, and we should know what to do."



Several heads of sighs sighed, they couldn't understand, how well the guild became what it is today.

"Resurrection," said Lefes, who greeted his men and chose to resurrect.

Outside the city, on the cemetery half an hour away from Tianji City, Lefesi appeared in the light with hundreds of forbidden mages.

"Why are we resurrected in the necropolis outside the city," Lefes said in a panic.

"Damn, all the resurrection points in the city were destroyed by Lu Yang's men. We now want to enter the city and can only be resurrected here," said the leader following the resurrection.

The uninvited head of the group pointed at Lefes and others, his face was full of curse and anger: "It was because of the delay of several of you that Lu Yang's men destroyed the teleportation array. You wait. Now, the boss is out, I will sue you. "

"I am ..." A head of angrily was about to attack this old senior head, Lefes quickly stopped him and said, "Hurry up to gather players to attack the city. There are not many people in Lu Yang's hands. We are in There are still more than 200 people in the city's main government. As long as we can rush in and take back the main city, this city is still ours. "

The other heads nodded, and immediately gathered their players, and no one went to see you, the uninvited head, but they gathered for a while, but they only gathered less than 5,000 people, the previous 50,000 people Only one-tenth of them stayed, and the other nine-tenths chose other resurrection points, or went offline directly.

"None are loyal to the boss. Damn, when the guild divides things, they are more happy than they are, but now they are gone. This time, I won't let them go." Scolding while walking.

Le Feis and several other heads looked at each other ~ ~ This grandson is a bastard, but he is loyal to the boss. Whispered a head.

"Hey, if you are the boss, do you want such a bastard?" The other head asked with a mockery.

"Ghosts want it, pure waste. So they followed the boss so early, but they were thrown down as heads. They still don't know how to pretend to be united brothers. What do they want?"

Several heads laughed.

Lefeisi said, "Don't make a noise, whoever of you are in the basement of the city's mansion, ask them what's happening there, and none of the cursed mages in my hand are underground."

"Okay." A head of the group called immediately, and the call was answered two times later. He asked, "How's the basement going, did Lu Yang come in?"

Basement of the city's main mansion.

"Lu Yang, Lu Yang is here." A sharp shout appeared.

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