Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1216: Hell King

Lu Yang quickly ran to Lan Yu and covered her with a cotton jacket. Black and white and others also took off their coats and put them on Xia Yuwei, Qing Zimeng, and the girl. In winter, the moon was full of water. There is no frozen ice, but it is even colder, and the three women are freezing.

The girl's face was pale, the three blue feathers did not care about the cold, and tried their best to rescue them. The girl spit a few spits of water and gradually woke up.

Lu Yang gave a sigh of relief, and said, "I'm finally awake."

The girl looked at the three blue feathers in front of her confusedly, and looked at Lu Yang and the others standing next to her, tears streaming down unconsciously.

"Why do you want to save me? It is very difficult for me to have the courage to die. Why do I have to suffer another pain?" The girl shed tears of pain and did not struggle, as if she had lost everything.

Everyone who would rather die than face life must be severely hit in reality. When Lan Yu and Xia Yuwei heard the words of the girl, they both showed a distressed look.

Lu Yang is not the same as black and white. The things he experienced in the last life are more painful than this girl. Black and white are crawling out of the dead, and both of them have no feeling in their faces.

Lu Yang asked with a cold face, "Have you ever thought about how much this will affect your family?"

"Family!" The girl looked helpless, crying, "I'm just one step ahead of them, and soon our family will meet."

Lan Yu couldn't bear it, and said to the girl, "Don't say that, there's nothing wrong with it, you have to be strong."

Lu Yang asked, "What about the person who loves you? Have you thought of him?"

The girl lost her eyes for a while, and said hollowly, "I'm sorry, I have no face to see him again."

Black and white is the most annoying woman in this state, and frowned and asked, "How big is it, as for short-sightedness, what happened to you?"

After hearing the black and white questioning, the girl's grievances seemed to erupt all at once. How did her family get sick, how did she sell her boyfriend's natural heart to her, but she was attacked by the thorn bird organization in the middle. come out.

"It's this organization again." Black and White cursed angrily. Lu Yang had been conspired by the Thorn Bird Organization before, and Black and White knew this.

Lan Yu said to Lu Yang, "Brother, let's help her, let's get this money, OK?"

"That's a lot of money, you can't help it," said the girl, crying.

Lan Yu smiled slightly and said to the girl, "Don't worry, standing in front of you is the largest guild in the national costume, the president of the Jagged Brothers League, Lu Yang. As long as his elderly one word, your parents' surgery costs, very It's easy, isn't it, President Brother. "

Lan Yu rarely spoofed Lu Yang. Facing Lan Yu's cute face, Lu Yang had no resistance at all. Besides, he was going to help this girl this time and accepted her boyfriend at the same time. He said what to say, but he did it.

After listening to Lan Yu's words, the girl looked at Lu Yang in astonishment. Through the lights, she could see clearly that the person in front of her was the three-time global competition champion Lu Yang. She immediately knelt toward Landing Yang and cried. Said: "President Lu Yang, please, please, please save our house, you can let me repay anything."

The girl collapsed, and her dignity was abandoned when she was desperate. Now she only hopes that Lu Yang can save her family. No other things are considered.

Lu Yang quickly avoided the girl's kneeling, walked up to her and said, "Lan Yu has already promised for me, I will definitely help, get in the car first, let's go to the hospital where your parents are."

"Uh, uh, thank you, thank you, President Lu Yang." The girl felt from **** to heaven. Who would have thought that she was desperate in the first second, and everything was resolved in the next second.

Lan Yu helped the girl to get in the car, Lu Yang drove, and the group went directly to the hospital. As soon as they arrived at the ward, they saw a man rushing over and hugged the girl held by Lan Yu and Xia Yuwei.

"Oh my God, where have you been, you are dying to me." The man said angrily and distressed again.

Qing Qian Zimeng looked at the man. He looked 20 years old and was a bit childish, but his eyes were full of manhood.

"Don't see your girlfriend's body wet? Not yet looking for a dress for her." Qing Qian Zimeng frowned.

The man released his arm and looked closely, only to find that the girl was soaked, and he quickly asked, "What happened, you, what happened to you."

The girl saw that the man had collapsed, and there were only tears in his eyes. He couldn't say anything. The man was more anxious and said, "You say it."

Qing Qian Zimeng was furious and said, "I can't see that I just jumped into the river, what is it?"

"Jump, jump the river." The man was dumbfounded and quickly looked at the three daughters of Qing Qian Zimeng. They found that the three women's bodies were also wet and instantly understood.

The girl said, "Sorry, I couldn't think of it just now, these three sisters saved me."

The man looked at the three men of Qing Qian Zimeng, and Kuang Tong knelt down on the ground, and shook his head fiercely according to the three women.

The "swipe" frightened Qing Qian Zimeng.

The three women quickly shied away, Xia Yuwei said, "You don't need to do this to us, hurry up."

"Thank you, I thank you for Lanlan's parents. They can't go down to the ground, thank you." The man said respectfully.

Lan Yu looked at Lu Yang. Lu Yang signaled her not to worry. She walked to the man's side and held his arm. He said, "There is gold under the knee of a man. You don't need to kneel me, and we are not asking for your return."

The man looked at Lu Yang, blinked, and said, "You, you, you are, you are the chairman of the Iron Brotherhood, Lu Yang?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It looks like I have a little bit of popularity, it's me."

Holding the man's arm, the girl cried and said, "Shiming, my parents have been saved. President Lu Yang not only saved me, but also said that he would help my parents pay for medicine."

Zhao Shiming looked at Lu Yang in shock, his knees were soft, and he was about to kneel, but was supported by Lu Yang's next step. Zhao Shiming alone could not kneel.

"Chairman Lu Yang, I, I really don't know how to thank you." Zhao Shiming's tears were in his eyes.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Passing by, I can help as much as I can, and life is huge."

He turned his head and said to Blackknife, "You stay here to help and pay for the medical expenses tomorrow. We will go back to the hotel first."

The three blue women are frozen, and they are sneezing.

Hei Dao said, "Boss rest assured, give it to me here."

Lu Yang turned back and patted Zhao Shiming on the shoulder, without speaking, turned around and took the crowd away.

The group hurried back to the hotel. The three women opened a room. After washing, the three women recovered some.

There was no speech overnight. The next morning, Lu Yang waited in the hotel. It didn't take long for the black sword to return with Zhao Shiming and Lan Lan.

"Boss, they have to follow." Hei Dao said, scratching his head.

Zhao Shiming and Lan Lan saw Lu Yang and knelt down again, but Lu Yang did not stop them this time.

"Chairman Lu Yang, the medical expenses totaled more than 10 million yuan, and the follow-up treatment was tens of thousands of yuan a month. You paid for one year at a time, and we didn't expect anything. We just hope to join the Jagged Brotherhood." Said.

Black and white happy, said: "What are you two capable of, the Brotherhood of Iron Blood is not so easy to enter."

Zhao Shiming said: "My name in the game is Zhenhei Pluto, and I was the seventh in the world in the last global competition."

Even in black and white who didn't understand the game, he was stunned when he heard this, and said with a smile, "Okay kid, there are really two hits."

Lu Yang smiled, and he did not find the mistake, the boy in front of him was really Zhao Shiming.

"Well, I can take both of you and be a guard next to me. I will pay you according to your identity." Lu Yang said.

"Xie Boss," Zhao Shiming said.

"Xie Boss," Lan Lan said.

Lu Yang stood up and said, "Let's go back. Things have been delayed last night. It doesn't make sense to go back now. Go back to the studio."

"Yes." Black and White took the man down to pick up the car.

The group quickly returned to the studio. They didn't ask Lan Yu along the way. All their thoughts were on Lan Lan. The four women were very happy talking in the back car. As for Lan Lan's parents, Relatives take care.

Re-login to the game, the town **** king found Lu Yang report, at this time he did not have any equipment, learned that Lan Lan lost the heart of nature, the town **** hell sold all the good equipment, so see It was awkward when I arrived in Luyang.

"Boss, I will soon be able to hit a sub-artifact." Zhao Shiming said with a vow.

Lu Yang Yile asked, "How do you do that?"

"That ..." Zhao Shiming bowed his head and said, "You can lend me a set of 140 dark gold equipment first, and I can single out a level 160 demigod with equipment."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "I've prepared it for you."

He patted Tu Feng next to him and said, "This is Tu Feng, the vice president of logistics in charge of the Iron Brotherhood. Many future orders are issued from him. You have to listen to his orders, you know? ? "

"Yes," Zhao Shiming said.

For the first time, Tu Feng saw that Lu Yang valued a person so much, and smiled and handed a storage bag to Zhao Shiming, saying, "The items in it should be all you can use at this stage."

"Thank you." Zhao Shiming took the backpack and opened it for a look. A full set of 140 dark gold shooter suits, full of enchantments and gems, and a starting capital with an escape dagger and 100 gold coins.

"Boss, thank you." Zhao Shiming could only thank him again.

Lu Yang said: "I'm going to make a copy today, let me see how good you and your wife are, and follow me."

He took two of them to the guild hall ~ ~ Zhuo Jiu was waiting there, there were 100 shooters beside him.

"Boss, I've got 100 shooters," said Zhujiu.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Follow me with the teleportation scepter, or the Demon Camp."

"Yes," said Zhujiu.

The two took out the teleportation scepter and flew more than 100 of them to the sentry tower outside the Demonized Army Barracks.

Lu Yang said, "Follow me. The place we are going to today is special. If we take the wrong step, it will be completely scrapped. Don't let me down."

More than 100 shooters are new rookies. When they heard Lu Yang say this, they were afraid. They were afraid that they would make mistakes in front of Lu Yang.

Continue to the east from the Demonized Army Barracks, through the ordinary 200-level monster area, Lu Yang fight all the way, took them all the way for a long time, and reached another 200-level map.

System prompt: You found Kuze Mountain

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