Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1231: League invitation

"You're busy. I'll go to the boss to report. I'll treat you at night. Let's have a few dinners." Chu smiled at them and turned away smartly.

In the top floor office on the 33rd floor, Lu Yang was watching the muddy wine, Chu Xiao, Tu Feng and others arrange the 100,000 people on the top floor. Suddenly, the phone next to him rang.


Lu Yang used the watch to press the answer button, and the camera hair on the phone projected a bald figure.

"Mr. Lopegi." Lu Yang looked at the projection in surprise, and asked with a smile: "Why did you call me, wouldn't you want to get the money back, I have spent it all."

Lopegi laughed and said, "Chairman Lu Yang, you are still as humorous as ever. I am not here to ask for money, but I am going to continue to send you money."

"Send money?" Lu Yang laughed and asked, "What's the good thing?"

Lopegi coughed and said, "I officially send an invitation to the President of the Jagged Brothers Alliance on behalf of the Second World official. I hope you can join the World Games League and become a legion in the Super League."

"Legion?" Lu Yang asked.

Lopegi said: "Yes, it's the Legion." Second World "officially decided to officially host the Super League leagues in the game industry, which are the leagues of the Super League, A, B, C, D and so on.

The league is held once a week. Players are required to have a minimum of 50,000 people and a maximum of 100,000 people. The two sides of the war will invest in a few specific match maps. Which side kills the other first to win the victory. .

Anyone who participates in the league will get a bonus share and get a major broadcast. The share will be more, and the first place in the league will get more money. "

With a smile on Lu Yang's face, he said, "I accept the invitation and the Brotherhood of Iron Blood will join the league as an official gaming company."

He knows that the super league of the last generation is also the most watched game in the last generation. At the highest period, more than 10 billion people worldwide watched online at the same time. Remember that the ads played at the time of the game were hundreds of millions. The value of the dollar.

The establishment of this league, on the one hand, provided reliable financial protection for the top ten strongest guilds, and also provided employment opportunities for more people.

Lu Yang wanted to continue to expand his staff. With the income from this competition, he could recruit more people to join the studio.

Lorigui guessed that Lu Yang would not refuse, and said with a smile: "According to official statistics on the points of the Jagged Brothers Guild, in the Super League half a year later, your guild must be ready."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Rest assured that the champion of this league must be mine."

Lorigi smiled and waved, closing the call.

"Boss, I'm here." Chu Xiao yelled at the camera in the elevator on the 29th floor. .

Looking at Lu Yang in black and white.

"Let him come up," Lu Yang said.

Black-and-white clicked the switch, the elevator continued to go up, the door opened, Chu smiled in and walked in. He made a noise with Black-and-white to recruit and stood in front of Lu Yang, saying, "Boss, the staffing is complete."

Lu Yang said: "Good job, sit down. I asked the other vice-chairmen to come to the meeting together and something will be announced."

"Oh." Chu smiled and sat aside, blinking curiously.

Lu Yang opened the talker and sent a message to all members of the group. At one time, whether in the game or outside the game, the turbid wine and white lions and other people returned to the headquarters building and came to the 33rd floor of Luyang. Inside the office.

"Boss, what's so mysterious." Asked bitterly for half a life.

Lu Yang saw everyone here and said: "Lorigi just called me and said that the Super League will be held half a year later, and the size of each team will be between 50,000 and 100,000."

"How much money can I give this game?" The old man asked.

Lu Yang said: "Lorigi did not say, but according to my estimation, those who participate in the Super League, taking our Jagged Brothers League as an example, can get more than 2 billion US dollars at least a year."

"Can there be so many?" Old Man asked, disbelievingly.

Zhuoju and the White Lion were both blank.

Lu Yang said: "You think, the revenue share of live broadcasts, the advertising revenue of chests of all contestants, the exclusive clothing of all of us is an income, and the revenue of derivative authorization."

These aspects are the most famous income source channels of the last century, and they must also be opened in the first place.

Others, let's not mention it, only the clothing of the competition personnel. In the last life, there were agreements between some super guilds and certain clothing brands. The clothing of the combatants were designed by these brands.

In discussions with the official, the official quickly made beautiful dresses for these brands. At that time, when all members of the guild wore clothes made by the top designers of these brands, the players watching the world were uproar.

On the day of the competition, on the official online sales channels, these clothes sold hundreds of millions of items in just one hour, and were sold out directly. If there are still stocks, more are sold.

This was a perfect win-win situation, and within the next month, these companies sold clothes they couldn't believe in numbers.

All students around the world, if they do n’t have one or a few sets of such clothes, they will be laughed at when they go to school. No one will play with you after school. Even elementary school students require parents to buy them a set of such clothes.

This kind of clothes is not only cheap, but also high-priced items such as celebrity explosions and classic collections, especially the clothes worn by the president and several star members in the competition. The price is as high as more than 1,000 credit points. Finally, all the revenues are added up. This month, several companies together made a net profit of tens of billions of dollars.

Lu Yang briefly talked about the money-making model and everyone, combined with the current popular Premier League games, everyone quickly understood.

"Boss, do you mean that this game is likely to exceed the Premier League?" Tian Yao asked, he is a football fan.

Lu Yang nodded and said: "It will definitely exceed them many times. Starting today, I will expand the recruitment and tell players within the Iron Brothers Alliance that anyone who wants to work full time and can accept a basic salary of 3,000 yuan will be determined by you and Tu Feng. It is not after the spy, I reserve for half a year. During this half a year, I will continue to build buildings here in the development zone and build a very large studio that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. "

"Hundreds of thousands of people?" Chu Xiao opened his mouth in surprise and asked, "Boss, isn't there only 50,000 to 100,000 people?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Do you know Wal-Mart, the world's largest supermarket, how many people?"

Everyone shook his head.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "2.3 million."

Everyone took a breath.

"My boss, you don't want to recruit 2.3 million people."

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's wrong? This game is getting hotter and there is no sign of decline. In that case, why can't I recruit over 2 million people?"

Everyone: "..."

"We don't have the experience of managing more than 2 million people, so starting from the first batch of 100,000 people recruited, you all have to be mentally prepared, and more and more people are managing." Lu Yang said.

"Boss rest assured, I can't ask for it, the more brothers are around, the stronger our fighting ability is, isn't it the top ten strongest guilds, and one day, all of them will be destroyed." White Lion said.

"I don't think the Super League is finished."

Everyone laughed.

Lu Yang said, "Be careful about us first. The number of super guilds used to be small, but once the official releases this news, think about it. Is it enough to make up 50,000 to 100,000 people to participate in the game, just a few Together, large guilds,, can gather enough people. "

"But they have no money or equipment ..." Zhou Tianming reacted before he finished speaking, saying in surprise: "It would not be a sneak attack on the strongest guilds."

Lu Yang said: "Positive solutions, the good days for our strongest guilds are over. Those guilds can just pull up a group of people to participate, and sneak in on us without equipment. You can get money if you have equipment to play the game. With money directly Splitting accounts, and we eliminated them, and it did n’t make sense to break up this guild. Several guilds over there shouted people and gathered another batch. ”

"Fuck." Everyone was silent.

"Now it seems that the boss still has a foresight. If we offended the scattered people before, the official announcement came out, the scattered people would have been in trouble, and now they are driven by interests. They have to fight with us." Lu Yang said.

Xia Yuwei sighed, "It's dangerous."

Lu Yang said: "Everyone take a good rest tonight, and tomorrow we will officially take these 100,000 people to waste the town of Garola."

"Yes," everyone answered.

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