Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1297: Liu Ruohuai

Lu Yang had to retreat in order to avoid the sharp edge of the sword. At this step of Lu Yang's retreat, Liu Ruohuai did not continue to attack, but immediately retracted the sword and retreated two steps.


Liu Ruohuai was stuck at a position of 3 meters and launched an attack on Lu Yang. At such a short distance, the reaction time was less than 0.3 seconds, and even Lu Yang could not make an escape action.


A crisp clash of weapons sounded, and when Liu Ruohuai thought he was hitting Lu Yang, he looked up and found that his attack was blocked by Lu Yang's staff.

Liu Ruohuai hesitated and said, "Boss, how did you stop it? This way you can react?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "You did a good job. I ca n’t react normally, but you should n’t attack me directly, but you should lower your body when attacking, attacking my knees, waist For the following thighs, at the same time, when you charge, do n’t charge forward, but charge my side, and I can avoid it by raising my arms, but if you charge my side, the first I ca n’t react, the first Second, my subconscious blocking action will not block your weapon. "

Liu Ruohuai nodded clearly and said, "That's what happened. No wonder you can stop me. I'll try again."

Lu Yang nodded, and Liu Ruohuai attacked again. Even if Lu Yang was prepared, he could still be attacked by Liu Ruohuai to his right thigh, and he was severely cut off with 1.8 million crit damage.

"Haha, that's what happened, I know." Liu Ruohuai said excitedly.

Lu Yang nodded with satisfaction. Liu Ruohuai had a good understanding, and he knew it all. The trick he taught Liu Ruohuai was a close-range attack skill developed by Japanese players who were respected by the players as the Emperor of the Sword in the past.

In the early years, Lu Yang and the Japanese player have studied for a long time. He knows Lu Yang's advantage of fire, and Lu Yang also knows his warrior advantage.

"I will teach you the second trick and attack me again." Lu Yang said.

"Um." Liu Ruohuai was full of confidence and the same attack action. After the first knife slanted to the right, he slammed Lu Yang, followed closely with the second knife, and launched the slashing skill.


With a clear sound, Lu Yang raised his staff in his hand and blocked Liu Ruohuai's attack again. Suddenly, Liu Ruohuai's face became ugly. The second move was his most proud move. Once the first move hit, the first The second move is almost a must.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "I never thought I would block your attack."

Liu Ruohuai asked, "Boss, how did you do that?"

Lu Yang said: "It's too simple. Your slashing is a fighter's skill. The first slash is to cut back, and returning to a slash is the fastest skill. You can understand this and be a master."

Liu Ruohuai said, "But you were stopped easily."

Lu Yang said: "Of course, this trick is not effective for me, not only for me, but also for most of the top masters, because this action is too obvious, I can't stop your first knife, the second knife I Raise your weapon and place it there in advance, waiting for you to actively chop my weapon, triggering a block automatically, it is very simple. "

Liu Ruohuai thought about it and found that it was really like this. He said, "In the past, few people could block me. Only one or two masters could block my attack in group battles. I didn't think that was the reason. What to do? what."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "The method of cracking is also very simple. The reason why your attack was predicted is because your fake moves are too few. If you keep on your body after the first stroke, you will continue to tilt Step forward and look back. "

Such an action is twice as fast as the previous one. At the same time, a fake action is added. It is used in the Huaxia martial arts faction. It is a hidden trick hidden in one move. other skills.

Liu Ruohuai pondered for a moment and said, "I'll try."

Do it again.

After Liu Ruohuai cut Lu Yang in the first sword, he took a step forward obliquely, Lu Yanggang raised his weapon to resist, and Liu Ruohuai's backhand knife slanted into Lu Yang's abdomen.

Lu Yang asked: "Do you understand?"

Liu Ruohuai nodded understandably, as if he had opened up, saying, "I see."

Lu Yang said, "The third sword, what will you do?"

"War tramples the blade storm," Liu Ruohuai said.

Lu Yang said: "This trick can be used in group battles, but when singled out, Blade Storm is a disabled skill. Do you know why?"

Liu Ruohuai shook his head.

"Spin time of 5 seconds, if it is a mage, you have 5 Pyroblasts at close range, and you hang up." Lu Yang said.

"How to fight that one-on-one." Liu Ruohuai asked.

Lu Yang said: "If the second sword ends and the mage flickers, follow the previous method and continue to approach step by step. If the same soldier is ready to attack you, watch my steps."

Lu Yangmeng made a half step forward, then suddenly took a step backward, struck a forehand, and shot a stick on Liu Ruohuai's head, saying, "Do you understand?"

"I'll take the test." Liu Ruohuai couldn't help but swear, "Boss, I took it like this, who can hide it."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "This is the essence of melee. Melee attack is not a sword, but a foot. You move fast enough and your body changes fast. No matter how high the enemy's martial art is, you can't be captured. "

Liu Ruohuai buzzed his head, as if the light had appeared, and looked at Lu Yang with excitement and said, "Boss, I understand. I know the problem of my fighting before. It turned out to be footsteps. I never thought about footsteps. It's here. If I match the knife method I studied before with the footwork, it must be very powerful. "

Every melee player who uses a knife can study a set of swords that suits him after playing for a long time. The ones that Lu Yang said are ultimately auxiliary and really work, or are they researched out best for their attack Knife.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Use all of your knives to show me and continue to attack."

"Yes." Liu Ruohuai launched an attack on Lu Yang in excitement. His set of swords is based on his three years of cannon fodder battle experience, and is divided into team battle and heads-up. It's simple. In personal warfare, it is mainly based on skill coordination.

Lu Yang has seen his attacking thoughts. As the top master of the last life, he can see Liu Ruohuai's problems at a glance.

The first point is that players who have grown up in group battles are still not familiar with heads-up play. Even in heads-up on the battlefield, they still pay attention to quick battles, but in individual battles, they pay attention to slowness, or Say it is grinding!

"It depends on who reveals the flaws first and who attacks first may not win. Often the last winner is the winner. Remember, in the true sense of singles, don't go ahead, use only seven points, and leave three. Looking at each other's moves after each other, once you move forward, the other party shrinks a few times and wears out your patience, you lose. "Lu Yang said.

Liu Ruohuai nodded and said, "I see, but what's the use, boss."

Lu Yang said silently, "As the elite army commander, you will have to fight against the enemy's main force in the future. Another one, isn't this your transfer to play mirroring? Mirroring can only copy your state from a week ago, not your day. State, you can use the new way of understanding to fight the mirror, can you beat it? "

"Ah, yes to Ha." Liu Ruohuai shook his head in embarrassment and laughed.

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Go to the transfer, let me see what your transfer skills are."

"Oh, so go." Liu Ruohuai turned to the orc's Shadow Priest, "I'm willing to accept the challenge."

DeRozan said with satisfaction: "Very well, standing in the middle circle, I will send you over."

There was a blood-colored circle in the center of the temple. Liu Ruohuai just stood up, a flash of light passed, and Liu Ruohuai disappeared in place.

Lu Yang stood by and waited. It didn't take long for Liu Ruohuai to appear in the blood-colored circle. He ran to Lu Yang excitedly and shouted, "Boss, I've played the mirror. It's as simple as you said. I used two tortoise tricks, and there was nothing I could do with me a week ago, haha. "

Lu Yang laughed and asked: "Tell me what skills you have after your transfer."

"Oh, I'm happy to patronize, I forgot to watch it." Liu Ruohuai opened his skills to watch. When he saw the bloodline skills, he was stunned.

"It's so strong." Liu Ruohuai looked at Lu Yang and said, "Boss, the first skill is to disarm and forbid the opponent to attack me for 5 seconds. The second trick is called Blood Shadow. Each attack comes with 500 points of blood. Damage lasts 10 seconds and can be stacked indefinitely. The third is called Divine Blood. Whenever my health is reduced by 10%, the attack speed is increased by 10%, the magic resistance is increased by 10%, and the life recovery rate is increased by 10%. The base is per second. At 100,000 points, there is a big move. If it hits someone, it hits the opponent, causing 50% of the opponent's maximum health ~ ~ I lose 20% of my own health. "

Lu Yang said, "That's right, this is the profession-the **** blood warrior."

This is one of the top five occupations in the warrior department. The reason why he is called the top occupation is mainly because of the third skill-God Blood.

It seems that the best blood of God is to increase the magic resistance and the speed of life recovery. When it is the strongest, you can increase the magic resistance by 99%, which equals the magic damage to 0. If there is a curse in the future, the blood soldier can rush in, and then There is no need to be afraid of being killed by the forbidden spell, and there is no need to have a magic knight to protect it from magic.

Recovering 100,000 points on a base, increasing the effect by 10% per second, can reach a maximum speed of 200,000 points per second. It is almost an invincible Xiaoqiang. As long as they are powerful and have sufficient blood, they will bring them Comes on a strong battlefield survivability.

The first two are actually just general abilities. The really powerful one is the last attribute. The attack speed is increased by 10%. Taking the best two-handed sword as an example, the attack speed can be reduced to 1.05 seconds, that is, once they have black light. Gems, if their health is lower than 50%, their attack speed will reach one attack every 0.4 seconds. If the health is reduced, the fastest attack speed is 0.2 seconds.

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