Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1309: Olma

"The Demons Disintegrate"

Jiang Chen fired his skills. His short body suddenly exploded with a black light, and then his body spread apart as if torn apart. In the next second, the black light gathered toward the outside of the enchantment.


It was another black light. Jiang Chen appeared outside the enchantment and was less than 20 centimeters away from Lu Yang, but at this time the two were separated by an enchantment, just like a heaven.

"Haha, brother, I succeeded!" Jiang Chen shouted excitedly at Lu Yang, waving his arms.

With a smile on Lu Yang's face, he said, "Go, quickly get to the pirate ship and start boarding 30 seconds after the war begins."

"Well?" Jiang Chen scratched his head and asked, "Don't you get on the boat immediately? Why wait a while?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Stupid boy, isn't getting on the ship to let the enemy know that we have used a bug? Keep a low profile and let the other side think that we have used any special acceleration method. Do not let them find that we have used a bug. "

"I'm still scheming, and I'll go too." Jiang Chen ran away.

Lu Yang had a black line in his forehead, and none of the boys of the Second Ancestor Corps didn't hide their skin, making him a headache and a favorite.

No way, they are all formed by the relatives of their closest players. From the beginning of the formation, Lu Yang treats them as brothers and sisters.

Jiang Ze stood aside, his face full of helplessness, and said to Lu Yang, "I'll pack him when you go back, don't ignore him."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "It's okay. I like them to be so close to me. Don't say this. Who is the enemy opposite us?"

Qing Qian Zimen emerged from the side and said, "Retrieved by name, it is Olma, the president of Sultan Tangelos Guild. He personally took the vice-president Balgda and the elite players of the First Army to the battle. of."

Lu Yang was happy and said, "The enemies have a narrow road. We will pack up and clean up a while."

"Boss, hate?" Asked Zhuzhuo.

Lu Yang nodded and said: "Deep hatred, they hit me hard."

In the last life, among the several enemies who bullied Lu Yang, there was Olma. At that time, the New World had just entered the 200-level era. Lu Yang took the Guild to the 200 level with the guild spirit, and quickly found a copy of the equipment.

Relying on the support of the British consortium behind, Alma monopolized the 200-level map of his area and prohibited any players from playing copies. Anyone who wants to make copies must pay the protection fee.

Where did Lu Yang and those people have the money to pay for protection? They could only enter quietly, but were attacked by Olma's men many times. Once, Lu Yang's demon heart was almost destroyed, which made Olma personally shot Lu Yang.

For almost a month, Lu Yang was avoiding Olma's attack, making him embarrassed, and his ranks were all beaten back to level 198, which is a level 200 experience, and dropped more than 1 level.

Lu Yang was forced to run to other places with a lot of effort before he was promoted to level 200, but he was not able to get revenge on Olma at that time, and finally got a chance in this life, which made Lu Yang very Happy.

[Battlefield Channel] Olma: Hahahaha, President Lu Yang, it ’s really interesting. I did n’t expect that we would meet here. Let me see what you can do today.

Artifacts such as the heart of the demon are not allowed on the battlefield. Although they are carried, they are displayed without adding any attributes. Therefore, at this time, each player is equal.

"Boss, this kid is crazy." Bai Lang said angrily.

Lu Yang smiled coldly.

[Battlefield Channel] Lu Yang: What is your ranking in the world? Are you qualified to say this?

Olma has not participated in personal warfare before, because before that, he was also the president of a poor guild and was unable to purchase level 160 sub-artifacts.

Thanks to this capital invasion, Olma successfully found a British gold medalist. This wealthy chase invested 1 billion euros in his guild, which made Orma a top guild in one fell swoop.

Olma has always been dissatisfied with Lu Yang. Every time he sees the world's number one, Lu Yang makes him feel angry. He has despised Lu Yang more than once in the guild, and has repeatedly expressed disdain for Lu Yang. This meeting made him excited. Lu Yang's start provoked Lu Yang, but he did not expect to gain a question like Lu Yang.

Indeed, in the world rankings, he has no place at all!

[Battlefield Channel] Olma: Lu Yang, I will let you know how my strength is. I have the courage to challenge me in the middle circle.

Lu Yang was happy and said, "Orma, you want to fight with me. You will be in the top 10 in the World Individual Championship. Let ’s talk about it. No. 11 is not qualified to challenge me directly. Where do you qualify? "

In this life, Lu Yang had such arrogant capital. In the previous life, Lu Yang was helpless to Olma. In this life, he could press Olma to the ground.

"Damn Lu Yang, you will taste the pain of failure, you wait for me." Olma was already furious.

System prompt: The battle starts in 5 seconds, countdown






"Brave soldiers, destroy enemies on the other side and break their supply station." A loud command sounded in his ears.

Lu Yang said loudly: "10,000 people are divided into three parts, with 3,000 people on each side and 4,000 people in the middle. Attack."

"Yes." Zhuojiu and Tianyao each led three thousand men's regiments towards the left and right sides, while Lu Yang personally directed the four thousand men's teams Xia Yuwei, White Lion, Half-Life, and Cute Queen towards the middle. Run away.

He sent a message to Jiang Chen and said, "Get on board."

"Yes." Jiang Chen responded. He looked up at the warship more than 30 meters high, and jumped onto the ship.

"Who?" A pirate wearing a green sailor turban pulled out his sword and pointed at Jiang Chen ~ ~ ha ~ ha ~, don't get me wrong, I'm here to explore the road. Jiang Chen quickly raised her hands and said she was harmless.

The pirate looked back at the one-eyed dragon pirate captain and said, "Boss, what can this man do?"

Pirate Captain Rose stared at Jiang Chen and said, "Since you are the first to jump on the ship, it represents your strength. If you can seize this ship for 1 minute, we will choose to help you."

Jiang Chen took off his hat and said, "Thank you."

He walked to the top of the three-story ship and looked at the front and back sides. From his position, he could vaguely see the overall situation in the field. Lu Yang and Olma were running towards the pirate ship with all their strength.

Omar was already furious, he kept urging: "Run as hard as possible, give Lao Tzu to run as hard as possible, win the pirate ship, and each person rewards the guild with 2,000 points."

"Yes." The crowd shouted excitedly, but they didn't know it, and a massacre was about to begin.

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