Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1318: Army buildup

Rest that night.

Early the next morning, the players of the Jagged Brothers League just came online, and a blood red announcement appeared in front of the main entrance of the office building.

"As of today, all players have stopped using all external communication facilities and entered a state of first-class readiness. All food and accommodation are in the working room. There is no first-level instruction from the vice president. It is strictly forbidden to leave the studio building. Or communicators, use spies. "

Some players read the content of the announcement, and the words of the stoppers instantly exploded the pot.


A player immediately hung up the phone being dialed and wiped his sweat and said, "Frighten me, I'm a three-year veteran."

The surrounding players then recovered their cold eyes and smiled, but the cold eyes of everyone at that moment will make this player remember for a lifetime.

"Brothers, enter the studio in order, and the war is about to begin, and quickly go online for preparation." Zhuo Jiu said loudly.

"Don't ask why. After entering the game, someone will direct you, brothers. The war belonging to us is about to begin, Brothers of the Iron Blood." The white lion raised his right fist and shouted.

"Kill ~!" The players standing in line at the door couldn't help raising their right fists and shouting in unison.

For a time, rows of players quickly entered the guild gate. Fortunately, the gate was spacious enough to accommodate the next 50 people side by side.

27th floor.

Ayala and Elena stood by the bed watching the scene in amazement.

"Terrorist Brotherhood of Iron and Blood." Elena's face looked amazed.

Ayala was also shocked, saying: "I knew that the Jagged Brotherhood was strong, but when I saw the real scene, I realized how strong they are."

Ona took out her mobile phone and recorded the scene, saying: "When the war ends, I will post the video online to let people see how terrible the Iron Brotherhood is."

Laura smiled with a bit of frustration: "Before we came here, we were still thinking about one day to gain the autonomy of the guild, and we were going to defeat him in the future war with Lu Yang."

Ayala said: "Without two or three years, we can't cultivate such players."

"Hey, now I understand why Lu Yang promised us to leave after 2 years, and set the conditions that he would not take the initiative to attack us for 2 years. I thought he was proud and conceited, so he really has this strength." Ona said.

Everyone nodded.


The talking device of the game helmet rang, and Ayala saw that it was from Lu Yang and said, "Lu Yang is greeting us, let's enter the game."

Laura and Elena nodded.

"It looks like we are talking to Lu Yang in a different way. Yesterday did not anger him, so we are lucky." Ona said.

Ayala, Lola and others looked at each other and saw the fears in each other's eyes. Although they don't know what the strength of the Jagged Brotherhood is, but there are such players, it is not something that Spanish players can resist.

War City Fortress.

Ayala appears on the wall of the city's main palace. According to the rules of the game, players cannot teleport across forces unless the two forces have opened a teleportation array.

Wanting to enter the eastern map from the eastern mountains, Ayala and others first teleported to the Agave Fortress, then reached the Eagle Fortress on foot, and then teleported to the Fortress of War City.


Lu Yang was standing on the command building not far from them. On the point field outside the city wall, players from a thousand-man team after a thousand-man team were teleporting quickly.

"Chairman Lu Yang, do you have other people gathered in other fortresses?" Ayala was a former president of the assembly. At a glance, you know the number of people gathered downstairs. Obviously, there are at most 30 people here. Million.

"All the people who attacked Alfonso are here," Lu Yang said.

Ayala frowned and asked, "But it's only 300,000. How can this beat Alfonso?"

Elena, Ona, and others were also surprised. They couldn't tell how many people were, but Ayala said that they were shocked. According to their ideas, the Brotherhood of Iron Blood must send tens of millions of troops this time. , Crushed Alfonso with the army.

"There are only 300,000 people. How could Alfonso have been hit?" Ona asked, frowning, and he was already a little angry.

Lu Yang laughed without saying a word, and Tu Feng next to him said, "Please take a closer look at the players below."

Ayala and Ona and others looked down. Ona and other star investors couldn't see why, but Ayala and Aisha took a closer look, but both eyes widened in horror.

"I've seen this equipment. It's a 160-level dark gold case. Why is there so much? Isn't this a manual one?" When Ayala looked at Lu Yang and said these words, his whole body seemed to be hit by an electric current. In general, the horrified crispness made him cold.

"Class 160 dark gold suit?" Elena frowned at Ayala and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ayala unbuttoned her cloak and revealed the bronze demon suit she was wearing, saying, "Look at my outfit, the players below are all wearing the same outfit as me."

Elena, Ona, and others no longer understood the game and understood Ayala's words. They stared at the players below, but found that each melee player was wearing a bronze magic suit.

"The Bronze Devil suit is a 160-level advanced dark gold suit, isn't it very difficult to fight? You assembled several elites in several studios before you made five." Ona stared at Ayala with a confused look.

Ayala's face was already full of shock. Looking at Lu Yang, he asked, "Chairman Lu Yang, what special method must you have used to do it, right? Normally, you can't hit equipment. So fast. "

Aisha could not help but interjected and said, "It ’s okay to say, how did this level go up? We spent a lot of money and it took a lot of effort to reach level 160. How come you have 300,000 160 people? Ah, it's scary. "

Lu Yang looked at Aisha's excited little look and couldn't help grinning, and said, "If you look closely, there are surprises."

Ayala turned her head and looked down. Suddenly, among the many melee legions, a holy light was revealed, which made Ayala stare and stare carefully.

"Holy, holy sword ?!" Ayala's excited voice changed, pointing at the Orc Warrior Corps and Templar Corps not far below, shouting: "How can their two armies be equipped with 160 Evil Eye, the legendary weapon of the first class, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible. "

"What?" Ona, Elena and others were also stunned. They were all playing this game and knew exactly how difficult the legendary weapons were.

Ona looked at the holy light, turned his head and said to Deyang dejectedly, "Chairman Luyang, I do not ask you to tell me how you got it, but can you tell me how powerful these legions are under you? To what extent can it be? "

Elena, Lola and others nodded and followed Yinghe, they are really convinced!

Lu Yang looked at their expressions and laughed, and said, "I didn't even think about hiding you. I'll tell you what kind of army these 300,000 people are under me!"

"The 1st Army, the Blood Wolf Legion, all 100,000 people are Blood Wolf fighters who have been transferred to become three-time senior blood vessels. They are my light cavalry legion. Everyone can run for half an hour at a speed of 655%. The entire staff was equipped with a 160-level bronze magic dark gold suit, which penetrated into the eastern mountains and instantly broke through 8 forts. "

"The Second Army, the Forbidden Mage and the Blue Dragon Mage, 50,000 archmage who can release 3 secondary forbidden spells and 1,000 water-based mage, all dressed in a 160-level dark moon eclipse, full of enchantment, 10 gems, 10th-level spell cultivation, cooking, and mixtures all add up to a spell damage of 2.6 million points per second. "

"Third Army, the Tauren War Corps. Regardless of the fact that they only have 10,000 people, they are all three-turned ancestor Tauren. Throwing skills in group battles can add 200,000 attack power. Use the smashing hammer to open the road and prevent war Can't resist it. "

"The Fourth Army, Shadow Warriors, Divine Knights, Templars, Blood Oath Shamans and Divine Blood Warriors, each with 10,000 occupations, are the most elite players I have selected from 30 million players. Level 160, The whole body has a 160-level dark gold sleeve, and the front battlefield is one hundred. "

"The Fifth Army, the Starbreaker shooter, this legion's attack power is the highest among all legions, the range is the longest, and the distance is 150 meters. If they want to hold a place, no one can break through."

"The Sixth Army, the Divine Assassin, the Black Iron Hawk Eagle, and the Phoenix Army, one can raid, one can glance at the air, with them in, I can clearly know the enemy's movements, and I can wipe out the enemy's collective troops at any time.

"The Seventh Army, Rev. Skywrath, Time and Space Elf Mage, one can ensure that our players take the least damage, and one can send 100,000 troops at any time to participate in the battle."

Assault, counterattack, assault, reconnaissance, assassination, guarding, support, the seven in one. This is the ultimate that Lu Yang can currently do, and his most elite troops are concentrated here.

Tu Feng continued: "In order to ensure their strongest attack power, our president also learned level 10 practice for all 300,000 members, a few of which reached level 15, and all the gems in the body were level 10, 160 The level enchantments, cooking, potions, and conditions are all ready, and our unique scrolls, at least 20 per person. "

Ayala, Lola, and Elena were stunned.

"Chairman Lu Yang, your family is very rich, 300,000 people are trained at level 10, and a small part is at level 15, and there are 10 levels of gems, enchantments, cooking, mixtures and scrolls. How much does this cost? "Asked Ona, eyes widened in surprise.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It's worth it for the eastern mountains."

Ayala said touchedly: "Chairman Lu Yang, rest assured, we will surely become your strong backing when we fight down the eastern mountains."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "I believe you, are your team ready?"

"Everyone is ready. A total of 3.6 million players, you can enter the eastern mountains at any time, they can participate in the battle at any time." Ayala said.

In the past, Ayala and Rolla thought that they had so many players in their hands. Even if they turned over with Lu Yang one day, it was enough to protect themselves. Today, they saw the 300,000 people in Lu Yang's hands and let them know if they have One day they turned their faces, and they couldn't resist even Lu Yang's 100,000 players.

Lu Yang said, "There won't be spies."

Ayala said with a smile: "My 3.6 million people are evenly distributed in 60 small guilds, and each guild is only 60,000 people. Even the assembly will not attract the attention of the enemy."

"The presidents of these 60 little guilds are the 60 players who have followed her since the defeat of Sister Ayala. You are very loyal and you can rest assured." Aisha said.

Lu Yang nodded, and this woman was not stupid. She used the people who were most loyal to set up a small guild to recruit masters. This would definitely not cause Alfonso's vigilance.

"Order them to gather tomorrow afternoon." Lu Yang said.

"OK." Ayala ordered to go.

Lu Yang opened the video connection and connected the subordinate vice presidents such as Capu, Massano, Padu, Li Wenxing, Pope I and God of War I.

A flash of light passed, and images of the crowd appeared in front of Lu Yang.

"Boss," everyone said.

"Start tomorrow, gather elite players ready to fight at any time." Lu Yang said.

Karp was surprised and asked, "Who are you going to fight?"

Lu Yang said: "This time the mission is extremely confidential. You guys just need to be prepared for battle."

"Yes," Carp said.

Patou and Li Wenxing nodded.

Lu Yang closed the intercom. He didn't say a word, but it was enough. Starting this morning, the elite players in India, South Korea and the Nine Star Alliance area in Lu Yang's area will be on alert.

Elena stood next to Lu Yang and asked curiously, "Did you let the affiliated guilds act now, wouldn't it reveal that you have an offensive intention?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Of course, but they couldn't think of it. I hit the eastern mountain area."

Elena was at a loss, still not comprehending the significance of Lu Yang doing this.

The turbid wine poured quickly and ran to the city wall, and said to Lu Yang: "Boss, 300,000 people have assembled."

Lu Yang didn't have time to explain with Elena. He walked to the front of the viewing platform with a smile, and looked around. More than 300,000 people were arranged in various squares, and they were standing below.

Lu Yang shouted loudly: "Brothers, it is time for my brother-in-law brotherhood to engage in a foreign war. In the eastern mountains and Alfonso, we have helped the Group of Eight to confront our brother-in-law brotherhood on several occasions.

This **** occupied the rugged eastern mountainous area, thinking that we could not get in, but he was wrong. Our Warhawk Army had already found a secret passage from the northeast into the eastern mountainous area, just outside the city. "

300,000 people laughed for a while.

Lu Yang then shouted: "Brothers, on this continent, if you don't advance, you will retreat. We show a little fatigue, which will cause the surrounding players to devour.

In order to ensure our own security, and to let the enemies around us know that we can't afford it, I decided to declare war on Alfonso from today on, and at my command, the legions would leave the city one by one, following their respective vice presidents and legions Go to the secret passage. "

Shooting Sirius first shouted: "The 100,000 crazy wolf legion is out of town with me, brothers, it is time for us to make a contribution."

"Woohoo ~!"

The howls of wolf began to rise and fall, and 100,000 mad wolf warriors turned into **** giant wolves, and ran toward the city as they shot Sirius.

"Let's go too," shouted Zhuoju.

"Come with me," shouted the White Lion.


A group of vice-chairmen led their legions out of the city and ran towards the river outside the city.

This is the plan set up this morning. Germany does not taste the corpse opened the perspective of the sky for each commander of the army, and took them through the road.

It only takes 8 hours to fly through the sky. During this period, each vice chairman received the road map sent by De Bu taste corpse.

The vice-chairmen such as Sirius and Zhujiu only need to run according to the map and their memory of the terrain, and they can easily take their respective legions into the eastern mountains.

Of course, the road itself is not too difficult. He is next to the river. There was no transparent sky fog before. To pass this road, he must kill the story-level bosses and elite monsters along the way. This kind of monster is very difficult to kill. That is enough to consume these 300,000 people a week or so.

But now there is a transparent sky fog. After it is released, it will not be found by running directly around the boss of the plot, nor will it be found by the enemy's reconnaissance pets and flying professions in the sky. If you want to find the transparent sky fog, you can only find it within 50 meters In order to crack the stealth effect of the sky fog.

Here, the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood has acted, and on the other side, Karp, Li Wenxing, God of War I, and others began to convene their own men.

For a moment, the war machine of the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood rolled up, as if this war machine was an organ of the New World. As soon as he started, all the guilds in the middle to the north of the New World followed.

"What? Players in India, South Korea, and Nine Stars are being ordered to gather?"

"Order the spies to continue to inquire about the news, and be sure to know who the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood will hit."

"Everything is done to get close to their top, and I want to know the exact news."


Of the many strongest guilds, four guilds are the most vigilant. The first is Liu Jie. He is worried that Lu Yang will hit him. However, a simple analysis of dead grass eliminates Liu Jie's doubts.

"Lu Yang has to face Alfonso, the Group of Eight, and some of the strongest guilds in the central region. How can there be more power to hit us?" Said the dead grass with a smile.

Liu Jie's eyes lighted, and he asked, "So we can attack the Cavalry Regiment while landing Yang?"

The dead grass laughed and said, "This time we must be able to annex the Cavalry of the Gods."

Regarding the Cavalry Regiment of the Gods, Steiger, Renault and others agreed on the idea that Lu Yang did not hit them ~ ~ but they still issued an orange warning.

The most unfortunate is the G8. Lu Yang gathered his men. The first thing that Gelgar and Daniel and others thought was that Lu Yang was going to hit them.

In the special space, the G8 was noisy again, and Galga reluctantly calmed down the anger of the several chairmen present, and perhaps invited Alfonso in.

"President Alfonso, this time Lu Yang is afraid he will come to hit us. If so, it's all up to you to help." Gherga's hero was short of breath and could only whisper.

Alfonso smiled and said, "No problem, if Lu Yang comes to hit you, I will support it, but I can't come for nothing. How can this money be counted?"

Gherga gritted his teeth and said, "500,000 main force, 20,000 gold coins a day."

Alfonso nodded with satisfaction and said, "This price is okay, I promise you, and this brings the players to the Agave Fortress."

The light flashed, Alfonso was gone, and only the dissatisfied presidents were left, but no one knew that this was why Lu Yang released the news, and Alfonso was fooled.

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