Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1322: Sneak attack on fortress of villa

Cruise originally thought that he was being framed. As long as he did something here, he would definitely be able to regain the trust of Alfonso and return to the ranks of the legions. Where the relationship can stand, he, the big captain, cannot even command a small captain.

The same is true tonight on duty, Cruz stared angrily at his small captain and said, "Sooner or later you will regret it."

"Cut ~!" The captain sighed in disdain, and closed his eyes to continue to sleep. The other sentinel players followed suit and fell asleep.

Cruz was furious, but there was nothing he could do. He could only turn away in anger and plan to inspect other places, but when he was about to leave, an inexplicable danger sent him into a cold war.

He quickly looked to his side, and at that instant he saw a face that was terrifying him.

"Lu, Lu Yang !?" Cruise said.

Lu Yang looked at Cruise with a smile and said, "You are very good. You are a general. Come to me after the war."

"Why? What?" Cruise was stunned.

"The Sun Fist"

With a punch in the left hand of Lu Yang, Lu Yang hit more than 2 million spell damage, hitting 3 times the critical damage, and then 90% of the demon heart ignoring the magic resistance effect, the two-handed sword of Cruise Was instant seconds.

The fierce flame burst and the flames awakened all the members of the Lookout Team. They heard Cruz's words. Originally they thought Cruz was bluffing them, but after the fire, Lu Yang came down like a devil, from the flame. Get out.

"Lu, Lu Yang?" The captain of the lookout team looked at Lu Yang's face in horror and said, "You, how are you here?"

Lu Yang smiled, stroked the gem on the top of the wand, and said, "You really should listen to Cruise, it's a pity."

"Flame Storm"

A fierce light flashed and more than 10 players responsible for the lookout died!

Lu Yang turned his head to look at the gate organs not far away. A ghost image gradually appeared beside the bodies of the observation squad. Han Fei and Han Yu appeared in more than 20 time and space thieves. Department, opened the city gate authority.


The huge black jackstone at the east gate slowly rose.

Love half-life, Sun Yu, Sirius, Liu Yunpeng and others shouted in unison.

"Iron Brotherhood, kill ~!"

At that moment, more than 100,000 players of the Brotherhood of Iron Blood shouted in unison, the Blood Oath Shaman Army and the Blood God Army Army rushed to the gate.

Not only them, but almost at the same moment, the ten bloodwolf guards who launched with lofty sentiments launched attacks on 10 fortresses, such as Celtic and Basque, at the same time.

At this point, the Jagged Brothers' war against Alfonso officially began!

Villa city.

Lu Yang jumped into the air.

"Phoenix Change"

He became a huge flame phoenix. In the sky, the German corpse took 500 phoenixes behind Lu Yang and flew into the fortress in a horizontal line.

Viewed from a high altitude, there are only a few Alfonso men in the whole fortress, and there are not even dozens of people in the main city of the defensive city.

"It's unbelievable that Alfonso's defense against the fortress was so lax." De Bu tasted the corpse and said in surprise.

Lu Yang said: "Don't be careless, quickly occupy the city's main government and change the city's order. We don't have enough time."

"Yes." De said without a sound of corpse, Qing Xiao rushed into the main city hall with 100 phoenixes.

"Damn, it's really the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood, everyone will guard." The players in the city's government house just received the news from both Cruise and the Lookout Team at the same time. They didn't believe it at first, but when they saw the sky with their own eyes The Phoenix Legion, together with 11 other fortresses, reported the attack on the Guild Channel at the same time. They knew that it was really the Brotherhood of Iron Blood.

However, there are only 20 players defending in the city's main government, of which 10 are hidden in the back room to defend, and they are all defense-oriented and anti-riding class **** professions.

"Melt bomb"

100 phoenixes also released melting bombs at the same time. This skill of neglecting magic resistance made the defenders in the main city government afraid to resist.

"Hurry away, there are too many melting shots," someone shouted.

"Where are you hiding?" De Bu tasted that the corpse turned into cheetah form in the mid-air descending, his body flashed a black light, and even when he started jumping, he fell to the ground instantly.

"Big Thorns"

Germany didn't taste the corpse turned back into a human shape. When the right-hand staff knocked on the ground, the entire city's main courtyard was instantly covered with thorns grass, trapping 10 people in place.




Hundreds of melted bombs hit all 10 players, and the battle is over!

Lu Yang watched De Bu taste the corpse and rushed into the basement of the main city hall with his men in the sky. At the same time, he also received the information of the lofty and bloodwolf warriors, and they successfully broke into the main city house and destroyed the teleport Array.

He called out and called Ayala, saying, "Order your time-breaker to destroy the 16 fortresses between Astu Fortress and Poseidon Fortress."

"Yes." Ayala responded, issued an order immediately after hanging up the phone, and has long been ambushing in these fortresses. The timebreakers have begun to release spells.

The walls of the fortress of Kata.

Alvaro received the news that the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood attacked 12 fortresses from the beginning of the war 5 minutes ago.

But he did not send players into these main cities for the first time, because the news he received was that "countless" and "high-level" Jagged Brothers players broke into these 12 forts.

Alvaro relies on his previous experience ~ ~ He knows how many people need to be prepared to fight against 12 fortresses at the same time, which is at least several million.

He only has 400,000 people, and most of these 400,000 people are resting or fighting on the battlefield, and they cannot be awakened quickly. Therefore, he called and notified Alfonso to go online while sending out Of players call the legion leader one by one and let them wake the sleeping players to the fortress of Kata.

Inside a room in Spain.

Alfonso was just awakened and entered the game. When he learned that Lu Yang had secretly led a large number of troops into the hinterland of the eastern mountains, he was completely drowsy.

"That's my richest place." Alfonso said to Alvaro excitedly in the game. "Be sure to hold on to the front of Kata Fortress, and you must never lose it."

Alvaro calmly said: "Send someone as soon as possible, and I have at least half an hour to gather players."

"I try my best," Alfonso said.

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