Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1340: Lay 9 Snake Fortress

In the guild channel, a series of reminders kept refreshing their panels, and 15 fortresses such as undead birds and red wolves were captured at the same time, leaving millions of Alfonso guild players' expressions stagnant at the same time.

This was a huge blow to morale. They thought that the Hydra fortress had blocked the Iron Brotherhood for 5 hours. As long as they persist, the fortress behind will not be lost, but now all their efforts are in vain. Yara's Dragonwing player sneaked in the rear and lost the two main towns, the Undead Fortress and the Red Wolf Fortress. They didn't know how to fight.

Alfonso and his think tank were also blinded.

"Can anyone tell me how these three million men in Ayala came out and how?" Alfonso looked angrily at the vice presidents behind him.

More than 20 vice chairpersons bowed their heads, no one talked, and they couldn't understand how Ayala did it. At the same time, they secretly scolded Alfonso in their hearts, and usually did not give them rights. Now something is wrong. Now, ask them what's the use.

Alfonso also knew it was useless to ask them. He looked up at Lu Yang, biting his teeth and cursing: "I will never surrender. Now let's see who can't bear it first, not 15 Are there fortresses? I still have 24 fortresses, and I can afford them, I'm afraid you can't afford them. "

Lu Yang hummed at Alfonso, just as he was about to speak.

[World Channel] Scarlet Angel: Elena, my goddess, I am willing to give everything for you, I announce that the guild of angels is 50,000 loyal to the goddess Elena and Dragon Wings Guild, and now I have laid the demon king Fortress, this is my gift to Goddess Elena, please smile.

[World Channel] Elena: Thank you for your help. The war is over. I would like to have dinner with you.

In just one sentence, the world channel in Spain is chaotic. Why did Elena talk so confidently to Lu Yang before? The reason is that Elena is one of Spain's top stars and beauties.

Now helping her can date and eat with her. I do n’t know how many people are tempted. Not only that, the Demon Fortress is the fortress in the southwestern corner of the eastern mountain area. In such a situation, I do n’t know how many Scarlet Angels will appear. Player.

Lu Yang looked at Alfonso in panic and said, "Can you afford it now?"

Alfonso was speechless.

Lu Yang sneered. He knew that it was time to launch the total attack. With the collapse of the Spanish players ’psychology, 300,000 people on the front of the battlefield, under the leadership of the turbid wine and the White Lion, had rushed under the wall 30 meters location.

"Meteor Fire Rain"

Lu Yang launched a secondary forbidden spell in the sky. Unlike other people, his secondary forbidden spell was added by the spirit of the devil. Originally, a normal secondary forbidden spell passed the level 9 demon in Lu Yang's hands. Heart + Purple Flame Set + Divine Blood Phoenix Inca has reached level 16 with a skill range of 2000 yards, just like a top forbidden spell.

From 30 meters in front of the East Wall of the Hydra Fortress to the fortress, all of them were wrapped in curses.

"3849586" (critical strike)

"2839842" (critical strike)

"3947498" (Critical)

Large fireballs with more than 2.6 million spell injuries fell to the ground, and the players in them were greatly injured, and almost no one could resist this attack.

On the battlefield, at this time, players on both sides basically ran out of the forbidden spell. The reason why Lu Yang was useless was to wait until this moment, and the landing of his forbidden spell also represented the trend of the Hydra Fortress War.

Jagged Brothers League, entered the city!

Zhuojiu jumped up to the city head, raised the banner of the Jagged Brothers Alliance and shouted, "Jie Brothers, kill ~!"

"Kill ~!"

300,000 people who used the Earthquake Scroll to build roads rushed to the city walls with skills, those who had the ability to jump up the walls directly jumped to the city walls, and could jump up to the city walls. For a time, the Hydra Fortress East The door broke.

If Spanish players had the courage to resist before, when the Hydra Fortress was breached, they would retreat.

The Hydra Fortress is not large. He can only carry less than 1 million players. For so long, most players have resurrected in other areas, and then teleported to the four safe areas of the Hydra Fortress. The east gate of the fortress entered the battle.

Lu Yang stood on the wall and looked at Alfonso, who was unwilling to fall to the ground, and the resistance that was gradually disappearing in the city, and he felt relieved.

Tu Feng appeared next to Lu Yang and said, "According to information, Alfonso withdrew everyone to the Fire Bug Fortress to set up defense."

Hei Yan opened the map and said excitedly, "The Fireworm Fortress is located at the top left of the Hydra Fortress 2 hours away. If normal Alfonso wants to counterattack, he should retreat to the necropolis half an hour away. If he retreats to the fire, Worm Fortress is equivalent to giving us the Hydra Fortress by hand. Boss, we have won. "

Lu Yang said: "This war, we are about to win."

Everyone knows how important the Hydra Fortress is for the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood. Now that this fortress is laid, it is equivalent to giving Lu Yang's 300,000 people a foothold in the western area of ​​the eastern mountain area, and then attack At this time, you do n’t need to cross the Shenmang steppe in a time-consuming and laborious way, you can quickly go to any nearby fortress directly from Hydra Fortress.

Lu Yang looked at the time. At this time it was 5 o'clock in the evening in Spain and 11 o'clock in the morning in China.

"Ayala, order the 500,000 people you follow to enter the Hydra Fortress to defend. Iron Blood Brothers players pay attention, enter the original underground line in the safe area to eat, rest for 2 hours, and continue to fight." Ordered.

"Yes." Zhuojiu and White Lion immediately issued orders, and the Jagged Brothers players quickly went offline to rest.

On the other side, Ayala and Elena haven't adjusted the players in the various fortresses. Their vice presidents can only sigh, the players of the Jagged Brotherhood are really too strong.


In the guild, the logistics department has already prepared lunch boxes for the players. Each player quits the game immediately after eating, and immediately closes his eyes to rest after eating. They have not slept for a day and soon went to sleep.

Lu Yang didn't sleep. While eating, he made video calls with Carp, Padu, Li Wenxing, God of War I, and others.

In the game, whether it is Skysword Fortress or Lalbagh Fortress, at this time is being attacked fiercely.

Li Wenxing took the lead to say, "Dear President, I have no problem at all. Liu Jie's strength is very weak. He can't beat us at all. Only the Steiner and Rennes Cavalry Regiment can give us a small one. A little bit of trouble, however, with the efforts of all of our Korean players, we still stubbornly defended the fort and did not lose an inch of land in the Sword Fortress. "

The anxiety in Lu Yang's heart temporarily fell to the ground and asked: "It's a good fight, but Liu Jie's strength should be strong. Why do you say they are weak?"

Li Wenxing said: "I don't know. I just feel that their attack power is very high, but they can't get in, especially the players in the middle position, they will die a bunch of people with any magic. When Liu Jie's melee approaches the fort, I only persisted for more than half an hour and then got kicked back. "

Lu Yang felt problematic, he said: "Be careful Liu Jie, he may be thinking of any conspiracy and tricks. Don't be fooled by him."

Li Wenxing nodded solemnly and said, "Please be assured, Your Excellency the President, I will pay more attention to Liu Jie and not give him any chance."

Lu Yang nodded, looked at Padu and Karp, and asked, "What's the situation with you?"

Partu looked at the battlefield behind him, with a bitter smile on his face, and said, "An hour ago, the most elite players of the seven strongest guilds attacked the Lalbagh fortress at the same time. One million people. My side There are only 500,000 people. Fortunately, there is a war fortress on the left and right sides of the Fort Lalbagh. With the help of a trebuchet, I barely defended the fortress, but the enemy is now reacting and is attacking my war fortress. I have no ability to leave the city Support, at least 2 hours later, the war fortress on my left will be captured by the enemy. "

Lu Yang sighed helplessly, no way, this is the most elite players sent by the seven strongest guilds, all of them are level 155, wearing a dark gold suit of level 150, while the defense of Padu is still more than 140 players , Wearing a dark gold suit of level 140.

Not only that, most of the 1 million people in the enemy are high-end blood, which has a great advantage in fighting. In addition, the time and space breaker breaks the transmission system, and Padu can only rely on his 500,000 people to fight the enemy.

Fortunately, the fortress of Lalbagh has a special terrain. The war fortresses on both sides are on low hills. The enemies will take some effort to attack, otherwise, they will not be able to persist for two hours.

Karp said: "Her President, I originally wanted to send someone to support Padu, but the G8 was dispatched. A total of 3 million people were on the front line, besieging the fortresses defended by me, Marosa and Cory, making it impossible for us to be separated. "

Lu Yang asked, "How are you there?"

Marossa said: "It's difficult for me ~ ~ The G8 is doing its best, and there are 2,000 catapults."

Karp said: "I also have 2,000 here."

"I do the same," said Koli. "This time, the G8 has used its family. We are fighting hard, but for the time being, there are no problems. The two fortresses of war have helped us a lot."

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's okay for the time being. Continue to defend. I will end the battle as soon as possible."

He ended the call and returned to the game. On the city wall, he saw Fernando standing not far from him.

Lu Yang asked with a smile: "Why didn't you go offline to rest?"

Fernando himself is an elegant and handsome Western European guy, but at this time there is a bit of vicissitudes on his face. He looked at Lu Yang and said, "I'm not tired, and I don't want to rest."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "You still hate me."

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