Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1343: Lu Yang fully occupied the eastern mountains

Alfonso almost squeezed out of his teeth and scolded: "Lu Yang, even if I die, I will not surrender to you. Players of the League of Kings, we fight with the enemy."


"How do you spell it?"

"What fight?"


Most of the 6 million players ’psychological defenses have collapsed, their homes have been lost, the enemies have failed to fight again, the affiliated guilds have betrayed again, and Ayala and Elena have so much influence. Players in the country are Join in large numbers, this is simply a war that cannot be won.


Six million Spanish players collapsed, and the scattered players fled, and no one defended the Fire Bug Fortress again, and began the overall escape.

Alfonso stunned!

He watched the collapse of his men and didn't know what to do, as did the vice chairmen of Alvaro. For the first time, they found that their men were out of control.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Alphonso muttered to himself.

Alvaro first came to his senses and said, "We can't just quit like this, we must insist, fly with me to Heaven City God City, order all players who can fly to Heaven City God City, fly in, and we will regroup there, As long as Lu Yang dares to return to the Lalbagh stronghold, we will return to the eastern mountains and fight against them. "

Alfonso suddenly woke up and said, "It makes sense, you're right, we haven't lost yet, Lu Yang will definitely leave, and we must have a chance to come back."

[Guild Channel] Alfonso: All players pay attention, and immediately fly to Tianyu Shencheng, listen to my order, and immediately fly to Tianyu Shencheng.

It seemed as if he had caught the last life-saving straw. Most of the more than 6 million players flew to the Celestial City using the scrolls back to the city.

Lu Yang looked at the scene, sighed, and said, "It looks like this war is going to become a protracted war."

Ayala and Elena smiled.

"Chairman Lu Yang, in order to show our role, otherwise, our role in this war is too low." Ayala said.

Lu Yang asked with a smile: "Can you say that, does it mean that you have a solution to the problem at hand?"

Elina said: "Of course, after tonight, a few of us will use our influence to try our best to join Alfonso. We have collected the names and phone numbers of the legionnaires and watch our performance. "

Lu Yang smiled even more, and said, "Very well, do a better job."

Ayala asked: "Are you ready to take these 300,000 people back to the Lalbagh Fortress now?"

[System Tip]: Lalbagh Fortress is Occupied by the Enemy

[System Tip]: Lanmeng Fortress is occupied by the enemy

Lu Yang spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, and said, "It's not necessary, both fortresses have been lost. If I had predicted correctly, by tomorrow morning, east of the Qingling Plain, I would have just occupied 11 towers. The fortress must be lost. "

The 1 million elites of the 7 strongest guilds are all special occupations. There are also a large number of slingers, and the time and space breakers have disrupted the space-time teleportation there. It takes 7 hours to take someone to the celestial fortress east of the Qingling Plain.

When Lu Yang ’s 300,000 people arrived, he had no fighting power. He could only watch the Indian legion being sieged. Therefore, his return did not make any sense, and it did not make any sense to send someone for support, let alone he left. Fang Suo had to come back immediately, but at that time, he couldn't come back. After all, the teleportation team here was destroyed, and it took a day to rebuild.

"Let's go and occupy all the fortresses of Alfonso, except for agave," Lu Yang said.

"Yes," everyone answered.

For a time, the 300,000 people of the Iron Brotherhood, together with Ayala's men and more than 50 affiliated guild players who betrayed Alfonso, helped the Iron Brotherhood to win the reputation of 24 forts on the eastern side of the eastern mountain area. At 3 o'clock in the morning in Spain, Lu Yang officially announced that the entire army of the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood successfully occupied the entire eastern mountain area.

At this point, Alfonso only has more than 6 million players who can fly back to the eastern mountain area through the Celestial City. The rest of the eastern mountain area has no relationship with Alfonso any more. In arms.

However, on the other side, Lu Yang also lost 11 fortresses including the former soul of the Group of Eight, including Tianhun, Heishui, and the Holy Church. In this region, Lu Yang and the seven strongest guilds led by the Group of Eight confronted again. On the Qingling Plain.

late at night.

Lu Yang, Ayala, Elena and others are sitting at the head of the Fire Bug Fortress. If Alfonso's men want to return to the eastern mountains through the Celestial City, they must appear where they flew away, which is the Fire Bug. Around the fortress.

Tu Feng came to Lu Yang and said, "300,000 people have been assigned on duty, 200,000 people have two vigils, and 100,000 people are sleeping peacefully, ready to deal with the war tomorrow morning."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Go and rest. I'll follow the vigil today."

Tu Feng said, "You haven't slept for two nights. Go and take a rest. I'm watching here. I'll let you know if something happens."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I can't sleep. You go to rest first. The logistics work requires your overall planning. Don't get tired."

Tu Feng still wanted to speak, but knew that he couldn't persuade Lu Yang at all, so he had to step back, sit beside Lu Yang and quit the game, and fell asleep.

He is really too sleepy!

Inside the game.

Ayala sat beside Lu Yang and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "I'm thinking of Alfonso, what do you think he thinks at this time, will he discuss what to do next in the Heaven City God City and the seven other strongest guild leaders?"

Ayala thought about it, and frowned, "It should be discussing the countermeasures. Our spy received the news, and Alfonso did fly to the Heaven City God City."

Lu Yang said, "Let's go and see how he is."

Ayala: "..."

Elena: "..."

Laura said, "No, just ridicule him, just ridicule him."

Lu Yang shook his head and said: "I make a hypothesis, what if the seven strongest guilds decide to raise Alfonso together? When they continue to attack, I have to return and leave only Millions of you stay here, and the affiliated guild may be rebellious at any time. At that time, Alfonso's army of tens of millions appeared, and your number is only half of the other. Is it right? "

Ayala's three daughters were speechless.

"It makes sense that we must completely eliminate Alfonso." Laura said.

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "It can't be destroyed, but I have a way to make Alfonso continue to break with his men."

"How?" Ayala asked.

Lu Yang said: "I believe that Alfonso's men are also in Tianyuan God City. It's better to do this. The three of you go to their head level players to chat, and they don't break the law, right?"

Ayala quickly responded, looking at Lu Yang with complex eyes and saying, "You ..."

She wants to say that you are really lacking in morals, but you have gone back abruptly, for fear of Lu Yang's resentment, and then asked her to settle accounts. The two women, Laura and Elena, also reacted and looked at Lu Yang differently.

Lu Yang reluctantly said, "Don't look at me like this, you should also make more contact with your team leader. You must know that players at this level are the least caring. You presidents and the big stars talk in person. It's better than fighting them in the future. "

"Okay, let's go," Ayala said.

"It's a pity you don't choose a president, orator." Elena said.

Lu Yang laughed and flew to the Celestial City with his three daughters.

Qing Qian Zimeng has already reported to Lu Yang that the seven strongest guilds and the Alfonsomi in a hotel in the middle of the Celestial City of God, and most of the players under Alfonso are in the central area of ​​the Celestial City of God. rest.

Ordinary players have rested at this time. Only the players at the level of the regiment and regimental are still online, and they are waiting for Alfonso's next order.

Burning Pub.

In a private room on the third floor, the presidents of the seven strongest guilds plus Liu Jie and Steger were sitting at a table with Alfonso to discuss.

Sanyou Weimen said with a smile: "Don't be discouraged, you can retain more than 6 million players, this trick is very beautiful, leaving you great hope in the future."

Olma said with a smile: "Your 6 million people are like the millions of players who retreated in France during World War II. As long as the people are still there, you will be able to regain your territory."

Alfonso was refreshed and said, "Do you really want to help me?"

Olma said, "Of course, we can't let Lu Yang continue to grow. If we continue to do so, we will be destroyed by his central area."

Liu Jie said: "Yes, it's not just your central area, nor the northern area of ​​Steige and me. There is no way to live. He is too strong."

Steiger nodded and said, "After going through so many online games that have opened the world server, Lu Yang and his Jagged Brotherhood are the first powerful presence that makes us feel invincible ~ ~ they It's too strong, it shouldn't exist in this game, it must be cleared. "

Alfonso breathed a little sigh of relief, and said, "He is really too strong, do you know? Not only is he strong alone, but also the group of vice presidents and commanders at all levels under his command. I can make 30 people just like waving his arms to him. I have never seen such a guild. If you do n’t join together, my failure today is your tomorrow. "

Everyone nodded.

Sanyou Weimen asked, "What are you missing now?"

Alfonso said, "All my fortresses have been taken away by Lu Yang. Now I need a lot of money and a lot of supplies of level 140 dark gold suits and potions and mixtures. If you can provide I, when Lu Yang withdrew from the eastern mountains, I could easily take back the eastern mountains. "

Olma and Mitomon looked at each other.

"We can provide you with funds, but we also have limited cash. In this way, we will give you equipment in advance, but we can only give money once a week."

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