Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1352: Advanced Wrath Skills-Fire Kill

"Screams and screams"

Agave was beaten with anger, and opened his mouth wide to spray black sound waves towards the whole regiment.

The priests, such as Lan Yu and Ye Lan Ting Feng, brightened their eyes, and activated the skills one second before the skills reached the whole group.

"Swarm Purification"

As soon as this purification technique that lasted for 3 seconds was released, everyone was struck by a scream of thunder instantly, but it did not cause any impact. Everyone felt a shiver and their skills were released.

Lu Yang said with satisfaction: "Continue to export."

"Look at my blood oath strike, I fight." Wan Zhonghui roared excitedly, the attack triggered the blood oath strike effect, and 7 phantoms fell on the lord's body with blood.

"I continue to fight." Wan Zhonghui had just passed the knife, triggering a blood oath strike again, sending 7 phantoms in a row.

Sometimes the chance is that this kind of thing is very scary, he may not come out at once, or he may come out 3 times in a row.

Just when Wan Zhonghui cut the third sword, he triggered the blood oath strike again. For the third time, there were 7 phantoms. His happy face was full of flowers. Do n’t guess he can also know that this melee output The first is him.

"Haha, I'm so violent." Wan Zhonghui said whispered.

"Don't be proud, look at me, the gift is free." Jiang Chen suddenly triggered a 27x critical strike, hitting 30 million damage with a single sword, followed by another critical strike, and then another critical strike.

Three consecutive bursts!

"I depend." Wan Zhonghui was silent. Jiang Chen hit 90 million with three swords, which was much higher than him. His previous advantages were all gone.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "The first output must be me."

The prison king and the lovely queen refused to lose, watching Jiang Chen's high output, they all output, but in this kind of station pile output, Jiang Chen's **** assassin is indeed a well-deserved first place, even if it is Lu Yang Can't compare with him.

"It's too violent," said Zhujiu.

Jiang Chen is right next to him. He can see clearly that with the blessing of black light gems, Jiang Chen's attack speed is almost every 0.3 seconds. Two daggers hit flowers in his hand, like a phantom, from time to time. Exploded a 30 million damage.

It was mainly not only one of his assassins, but also Tianhui and five other assassins. They had almost 40% of the output of the regiment. Lu Yang accounted for 10% of the output. The whole battle was in Adolf. The negative magic was not controlled by Lan Yu and Yeyue Tingfeng and others, and the Lord blame died in less than 10 minutes.

Lu Yang looked at the items falling on the ground.

Thorkin's Venomous Tentacles

Description: No one knows what he does.

This sentence indicates that this thing is used to upgrade the poisonous heart. Lu Yang excitedly put the poisonous tentacles in his backpack and looked at the items on the ground.

Poisonous Eye

Description: His taste is very disgusting. Trying to eat him will have unexpected results.

"Boss, what is this?" Jiang Chen asked.

Lu Yang said, "This is a poisonous heart-improving item."

Like the previous Poisonous Ball, players who need to have Poisonous Hearts can increase certain poison damage after eating it.

"Hey, I don't know if I can get the upgrade materials for the poisonous heart. In retrospect, Jin Buhui changed the poisonous mist and destroyed half of his opponent's fleet. I really look forward to it." White Lion said.

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Let's go and see how lucky we are today."

Everyone was interested.

"I'm going to blame." Sun Yu said with pride.

Lu Yang said: "Dora more this time."

He took the others back to their original position and continued to wait. After a while, Sun Yu and the lofty sentient returned with thousands of death guards.

"Meteor Fire Rain"

"Icy Roar"

"Space-Time Cutting"


After spells were cast, the monster was cleaned up in less than an hour, and countless poisonous gems dropped on the ground.

What surprised Lu Yang was that he dropped a skill book.

Wrath Skills-Fire Kill

Type: Fire Spell

Distance: Close to and within 2 meters

Cost: 2 Fury Skills

Description: This is one of the higher-level anger skills of the fire anger skill. After release, he will appear a violent flame shell around himself. At the same time, the player will appear 4 phantoms around him. The shaking speed is 1 circle per second, and each phantom has a flame shell. The hit target causes intelligence x 5 damage for 10 seconds.

Lu Yang was a bit confused when he saw this skill, and muttered to himself: "How could it be dropped here, this is too unexpected."

The cute queen asked, "Boss, is this skill strong?"

Lu Yang said with an excited smile on his face, "Strong, very strong."

Who would have thought that one of the most powerful fire-wrath skills of the last life would have fallen on the blue island's story monster.

However, it's right to think about it, the story is strange, the ghost knows what he can explode, this thing is rare in itself, it is gone when it is killed, and it is reasonable to be able to drop this skill.

Jiang Chen scratched his head and said, "Boss, I don't feel where this skill is. It looks similar to other skills."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "There are a lot of differences. With this skill, I can single out more superior lords."

This is a skill for killing lord monsters. A powerful late official has to weaken this skill, but before weakening, Lu Yang even dared to use this skill to challenge the 190 level demigod.

He said to Zhuojiu, "You already understand the way of playing, and I will leave it to you. Let me go and see if I can find some good things."

Zhuojiu guessed that Lu Yang would leave and said, "Be careful."

Lu Yang nodded, turned to look at the huge blue city, turned into a phoenix, and flew in. From a high altitude, the entire blue city had been ruined, and there were not a few complete buildings.

He quickly flew into the map of the central area, and saw at the gate of the Blue City Palace, a weird lord with nine death guard heads united.

Death Council · Nine Demon (First Class Lord)

Level: 160

Qi and blood: 50000000000/50000000000

"I actually feel the taste of human beings. Why are there weak human beings on our island?" Said a female erudite face.

"Regardless of him, our responsibility is to destroy that monster. What is human beings doing to us?" Said the head of a male irritable face.

"Ha ha ha ha, you idiots, even thinking about killing that monster, we have been betrayed, betrayed." A male's bitter head mocked.

The other eight heads looked at this head together, each with a sigh expression.

Lu Yang felt these heads had problems and fell in front of them, and said, "Do you need any help?"



"Someone really?"


Nine heads were choked, then.

The system prompts: You offend them and the Death Council considers you an enemy.

"Give me death, wouldn't the great one need your help, the arrow of death." The bitter face opened his mouth and spit.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang moved laterally to the side for a distance of 1 meter. At the moment he teleported, the black light penetrated his figure, and the difference was less than 0.3 seconds.

"Cold Ice Cone"

The erudite face spit out a huge ice cone on the landing sun.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang reacted and couldn't face them, teleported behind them, but just landed, with three heads facing him.

"Dark ruling" solemnly exhaled a black light toward the landing sun.

A 160-level superior lord has an attack damage of tens of millions, and Lu Yang doesn't have that much blood. If he is hit, he will die.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

"Remnant Flame-Activated"


Lu Yang didn't dare to stay in one place and teleported continuously. He looked around at these nine heads in circles. There was no dead place in any place. As long as he stopped, he would be attacked and wanted to fight like this. Lord, only if you hit him can't attack.


Lu Yang suddenly appeared in front of the lord monster. His left hand was angry and flaming. He struck at the connecting point of the nine faces.

"The Sun Fist"

The lord's nine heads uttered a sharp tweet at the same time, receding 5 meters in a row.

"14860000" (triple crit X weak click break)

Lu Yang understood that this connection point was the weakness of the death council, as long as he could hit it with every hit, it could cause great damage.

"Destroy Heavy Artillery"

He pointed at the lord monster with his right hand. Just when the lord monster retreated, he had already stored energy, and the lord monster just recovered its movement.


With a loud noise, a giant red fire flame hit the connection point of the lord monster, and he hit back by two meters while inflicting more than 20 million damage.

Lu Yang took this opportunity to take three consecutive steps and read the spell in his mouth.

"Earth to Earth"

A group of flames emerged from the ground, hitting the lord monster's connection point accurately, flying him backwards and hitting more than 6 million damage.

"Blazing Heart"




Four consecutive flames hit the connection point ~ ~ and caused more than one billion damage, which happened to be when the lord hit the wall behind him.

Lu Yang saw that his anger had reached 3 squares, and he read the spell.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

A crimson flaming strip of landing sun suddenly appeared at the connection point of the Lord's Monster. After releasing the sun mask to his body, he pronounced a spell in his mouth.

"Angry Skills-Fire Kill"

The 9 heads of the lord's monster were almost aligned with Lu Yang at this moment. Just as they were about to release their skills, Lu Yang's body suddenly emitted a violent flame and surrounded him into an oval egg shape. Then, The four figures also appeared around Lu Yang with egg-shaped flames, spinning wildly.

The lord blame was uncontrollable for a moment, and he was beaten back and forth.

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