Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1389: Secret Canyon

Lu Yang opened the map and looked at it. Each of the more than 30 exits was more than 200 meters wide. In terms of military arrangement, all anti-war and anti-riding arrangements were evenly arranged, and there was no professional match.

He understood, saying: "You have been fighting with me lately. I have no time to control the following. I am not sure about the skills after three turns. Today I will teach you a way to use these professions to arrange defense."

Tianyao is annoyed by this problem. The three-turn professional match needs a long running-in time to find the best match. In a hurry, he can only follow the original two-turn arrangement, but how he looks awkward.

"Boss, you said." Tian Yao said.

"Let's go to the front, and I'll talk about you as you move." Lu Yang said.

Tianyao nodded, and quickly led Lu Yang to the first defensive position of the front line Tianmo Hills. At present, there are 60,000 players armed, and their occupations are anti-war, anti-riding, priest, healing knight, and healing shaman.

Lu Yang pointed to the front lineup and said: "Our players in the Jagged Brothers Alliance have completed three transfers of blood. In the transfer of defense, there are three common bloods, which are **** warriors of the human race. , The blood sea warriors of the orcs and the natural guard of the elves.

In addition to these three, there is also a common human anti-riding bloodline-the town devil knight. Although the druid's bear form also has a defense mode, it is not suitable for players to use in large-scale battles with players, so , Lu Yang did not let Xiong De enter the war.

Although these four defensive occupations are regular occupations, they are the essence of the minds of all game designers, because they apply to everyone.

The **** warrior skills are the light of the underworld, absorbing 10 million damage, and use it every 30 seconds. The underworld war body and the front defense increase by 50%, which can be superimposed with the iron wall, that is, the front attack only takes 25% damage. And if the damage suffered reaches 10 million, it will automatically want to launch the underworld wave around, causing damage in the range of 10 million, regardless of the number of people.

The third skill is called the voice of the underworld. It is an active skill that reduces the player's attributes by 30% within 50 meters. It is released every 20 seconds and cannot be superimposed. The fourth skill is called back light. 10 seconds, and it is triggered automatically.

The last skill is called resurrection. After the war of the underworld soldiers is dead, they are full of blood and resurrected in blue, which means that a soldier has three lives.

After the enemy ’s first wave of attacks, **** warriors stood in front to resist all the damage. A row of 200 people stood in 20 rows. In the shield array formed by **** warriors, a natural guard soldier was hidden in it. Natural There are 6 very strong guard skills.

The first is called Aura Armor, which can be applied to the target, reducing his damage each time by 30%, and then the magic immunity and physical immunity skills, each of which can last 10 seconds.

The fourth is a space-time obstacle. Like a simultaneous air barrier, a semi-circular air fortress with a width of 5 meters can be set on the ground. It cannot be broken. When the enemy charges, the space-time barrier is used to force the enemy to attack more and more. The narrower.

The fifth skill is the guardian of the elves, which can summon 9 elves, each of which restores 100,000 blood to the target every second. Except for the time and space barriers, the first four skills can be used by the **** warriors. "

Tianyao immediately issued an order to change the first 20 tiers of the mixed occupation to all **** warrior defenses, interspersed with natural guards.

Lu Yang went on to say: "In the 21st row is the Blood Sea Warrior, they put a skill-the cemetery. Once the enemy attacks, let them throw the Blood Sea skill behind the 6th row Hell Warrior, the Sea of ​​Blood can Summon the bleeding ghost within 100 meters. As long as the sea of ​​blood is still present, the enemy cannot enter. "

This is a classic defensive tactic of the last life. The sixth row of **** warriors is shield-to-sky. It is responsible for defending against sky attacks. The blood of the sea of ​​blood is only 10 million points, which can be found under the sea of ​​blood under countless shields. It will not be harmed at all. A sea of ​​blood can last for 10 minutes and be used every half an hour. With the number of 10,000 blood sea fighters in each area, it is enough to release in turns without an attack interval.

Behind the Blood Sea Warrior, there is a three-turn anti-riding-the town magic knight. The town magic knight has an undispellable skill called the Holy Light Shield, which reduces the total damage by 20%.

In this way, the rigid **** warrior on the front can reduce the enemy's damage by more than 90%. The Priest's Purification does not work on the Paladin's skills, because both sides are pure divine magic and they are not restrained. The three-turned magical knight who rushed over to punish the angel could not break through this special line of defense.

Tianyao is not stupid, and soon learned this simple and practical skill. He ran down and arranged one by one. During this time, Lu Yang called bitter love for half his life and asked, "Did you fight over there?"

"I haven't found my enemies in the deep forest, but they seem to be waiting and don't take the initiative to attack."

Lu Yang frowned. After thinking, he smiled and said, "It is estimated that the Blood Demon has heard the following rumors. Ye Wuzhen does not advance, he will not fight."

With a bitter smile, he said with a smile, "If you are so jealous, you dare to hit our Jagged Brotherhood. They can't help it."

Deep forest.

The blood demon is indeed like Lu Yang said. He heard rumors spread from the spy from below. For the time being, no matter what Ye Wuzhen's character is, even a character like muddy wine will be encountered when cooperating with strangers. The doubts of strangers, not to mention Ye Wujin, who is often badly rated, thinks that this person is sneaky and sneaky, loves to take advantage of small ones, and likes to betray others, doing things that harm others. The presidents of the public associations did not agree to attack first.

The girl Yaran stood next to the blood demon demon, and said, "Just got to know, Ye Wujin just finished the team."

"The grandson must be intentional. There are fewer people than us, and the whole team is even slower than us." Yi Zuifang cursed.

The crowd nodded, but in fact they really wronged Ye Wujin. Although he wanted to let the Blood Demon attack them first, he didn't want the whole team to be caught by Lu Yang and attacked slowly, so he was in the best team. However, people like Tianyi and Tianwu are dragging their feet, which is the only way to make them slow.

After all, the team was over. Ye Wuhen found that the Jagged Brothers Alliance outside Taniguchi had changed. This made him feel very depressed. He asked, "How is the blood demon side?"

Night Demon said next: "The whole team was finished early, but didn't start, I don't know what to wait for."

"Why don't they call?" Ye Wuhen was furious. He called the blood demon and asked, "Why don't you call? What do you mean?"

The blood demon is hating Ye Wuhen for being slow, and cursing: "You don't fight and you say me."

Ye Wuchen was speechless and said, "At this time, we are still skeptical of each other. I only finished the whole team. Tianyi and Tianwu didn't agree with me. I managed to play it down. Hurry up and fight together. , I will attack now. "

The blood demon thought for a while, and felt Ye Wuzhen was right, suppressing the doubts in his heart, and said, "Then fight together, I will order the attack."

Ye Wuhen said, "I also ordered."

He closed the intercom and watched the more than 4 million people who had gathered around shouting, "Brothers, our good day is coming, listen to my orders, and all attack!"

If you want to say this person, sometimes it ’s so bad. Ye Wuhen shouted that it would n’t be so hard for skeptics to listen. Originally they suspected that Ye Wuren had surrendered to Lu Yang. More skeptical.

But the order came down, and the vanguard sent by Ye Wujin and Tianyi, Tianwu and others had already started the offense, and the rest also rushed out towards the mountain.

"Kill ~!"

Ye Wumo's first army chief Ning Shuang rushed to the exit of the first valley, and when he thought that the enemy outside the exit would attack them, a shield appeared in front of them.

"Well, I'll go ~!" Ning Shuang was dumbfounded and murmured, "What's the situation, why is it all a shield."

He jumped on a stone and looked back, and found that the back 50 rows were all shields, which stretched back more than 100 meters. There was no place outside the valley that was not a shield, and no attacking profession could be seen.

"What's the situation, why is the other side all defensive?" Ning Shuang asked blankly.

The elite players who followed him were also stunned, everyone looked at the shield in a daze, and some people curiously walked to a position 50 meters away from the Iron Brother Brothers player, and tried to move forward.

The first step is no trap.

In the second step, there are no traps.


I went to the front row of the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood, and I reached out to touch the shield of the Brothers of the Iron Blood, and there was no trap.

The player turned back dumbfounded and said, "No trap, what's the matter."

Ningshuang, they also commit suicide ~ ~ You ask them, what do you mean. Shouted Ning Shuang, standing 50 meters away.

This Paladin player is also a good thing. Turning his head to look for the shield gap and looking inside, he just saw a shield battle of the Iron Brotherhood, and asked, "Brother, what do you mean?"

"Don't you know?" Shield War asked.

"Know what?" Paladin players asked blankly.

"When I didn't say, how do you fight and how do we fight, we do not fight back." Shield battle expression of a person who you are not yet aware of.

The Paladin suddenly shone, and asked, "I heard that our boss, Ye Wujin, has surrendered to the boss of Lu Yang. Is it true? If you tell me, I won't fight anymore. It's a family, so why bother? Then. "

The shield war gave the other person a look you understood, saying, "I can't say, I don't know anything, don't ask, just hit it, we won't fight anyway."

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