Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1391: Sneak attack on the fortress

The 10,000 war tauren followed the charge, and then the battlefield fell over ...

Lu Yang didn't need to participate in the battle, but just behind the war tauren. On the plane of 10,000 meters in front, no enemy could stand.

The Blood Demon instantly found the situation here, and he shouted in horror: "Quickly send the 150-level elites to control the army and block these 200,000 people."

This is an army consisting of 200,000 level 150 players, 500,000 level 140 control systems and Paladin players. Most of the level 150 are mage players, while the level 140 control system mainly includes druids, space-time mages, and soil. Mainly Mage, Warlock and Ice Mage.

The druid has a special magic called the Thorns, which can control enemies within 100 meters for 30 seconds, regardless of magic immunity.

The time and space mage sometimes has space barriers, and the earth system mage has a ground dragon. It can cut these 200,000 troops. The warlock can release fear in a small area, forcing players to attack normally. Timely support.

Lu Yang was most worried about this legion, so this was the direct reason for him to let the bitter love command on the high stage behind him.

After half a lifetime of bitter love, he quickly discovered the enemy ’s development through spies and on-site observations. He immediately ordered: "The 66th Army to the 88th Army merged in the direction of the boss and blocked on their flanks to prevent the enemy from controlling the army. The boss led the team. Retreat. "

The 23 army commanders immediately moved 230,000 people towards the flank, and Lu Yang immediately ordered everyone to stop hunting and retreat backward.

Where did the several presidents responsible for hunting down Lu Yang react at this time? Lu Yang was using tactics. He was afraid that Lu Yang would attack their hinterland and urged the 700,000 people to move forward at full speed.

Lu Yang's retreat, they only thought it was a reforming formation, but did not expect that one head and more than 20 legions supported by the flanks collided together.

"Boss, you can continue to attack, let us hand them over here and make sure to block them for an hour." The half-life deputy is the leader of the 22 legions, he shouted to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang nodded and rushed towards the enemy's flank with 200,000 people. Suddenly, the enemy's flank was killed, and the 700,000 people were entangled in the place by these 22 legions. It was impossible to run out in time, because the 22 legions were also based on control skills, and neither side was killing, but limited.

The 200,000 people who looked at Lu Yang with the blood demon eyes were like a rice harvesting machine in an autumn rice field. They swept all the way forward. Five million people under his hand were hit in less than half an hour. Killed more than 1 million.

"Damn, go and support our control army, you must rescue them, you can't let Lu Yang fight like this!" The blood demon's eyes were bloodshot, shouting like crazy.

But he is not Lu Yang. Lu Yang can direct his players to fight, but he is not so easy to command, and the small guild players around him do not know how to carry out such large-scale operations.

The swarm of bees has long been outdated. After blindly following the betrayal of Lu Yang, they also discovered their own shortcomings, and now no one dares to take the initiative to attack.

Live channel.

Dubin looked at the scene where the Blood Demon was in, and said with a sigh of relief: "Now the people with good eyes can see it, the little guild president near the Blood Demon will not dare to fight, and will not fight."

The guest nodded and said, "The group of blood demon monsters has no ability to change the status quo. These 200,000 people are too powerful. You must know that Alfonso's eastern mountain area was hit by them."

The second guest said: "Unless there is a problem with the Tiger Mouth Fortress or the Sky Sword Fortress, the suspense of this battle has been killed."

Dubin nodded, and he switched the screen to the Tiger Mouth Fortress. He just lifted his breath suddenly and looked at the screen with surprise and said, "Why is the Seventh Strongest Guild so arrogant."

The first line of defense of the Tiger Mouth Fortress has been hit by the Stephens of the seven strongest guilds. Players on both sides are fighting on the first line of defense. White Tiger standing on the first line of defense will not help. It's very embarrassing.

"No, brother, I can't stand it here." While resisting the enemy's attack, Bai Hu reported to the White Lion through the intercom.

"Stop it for me. I have issued a military order with the boss. The first fortress will never be lost before tomorrow morning." The White Lion roared.

"Brother, I did my best." Bai Hu said.

The white lion is furious. True, the white tiger has done his best, but the scene is too ugly. If he loses a fortress today, he is still robbed by the enemy. He has no face to see Lu Yang, and no face to face the other vice president .

The white wolf couldn't help but said, "Let me support, and I will definitely fight the enemy down."

The White Lion did not speak, and the White Wolf's team was a special army group specially organized by his men. In fact, it was an ordinary three-turn punishment rider-an arbitration knight.

The arbitration knight's offense and defense are very average, but after the punishment angels are turned on, their instant bursts are very high, and they have a certain life-saving ability. A very important force for the Lions.

"Can't wait any longer, if lost, we can't explain to the boss." Shouted the white wolf.

The white lion sighed angrily and said, "You rushed up with someone, and you must grab me the first wall."

"Yes." The white wolf immediately rushed up.

Fantasy night forest.

Although Lu Yang was leading the team to attack, he had ample time to observe the situation in various areas on the battlefield. The Tiger Mouth Fortress was the area he focused on. He found that the first fortress could not be held immediately, and he was anxious.

"Plenty of lofty sentiments, immediately led through the blood wolf legion through the fortress." Lu Yang ordered.

Outside the fortress.

At the request of Lu Yang, two thousand hours ago, he had arrived in a gorge on the side of the fortress one hour away. It was a 160-level area. The terrain was so dangerous that the enemy's thieves could not jump up, so there was no Find them.

At present, the players defending in the Sky Fortress are 14 affiliated guilds under the seven strongest guilds. Each guild has 50,000 people. Unlike the northeast region, the situation in the central region is fierce. An affiliated guild can have 50,000 people. To choose a camp, it is absolutely impossible to expand.

700,000 people are responsible for the direct defense of the fortress. In addition, more than 30 guilds are ready to support, and are specifically used to defend Lu Yang, the 100,000 blood wolf.

Just these guilds will spend hundreds of millions of credit points every day on the seven strongest guilds. Fortunately, they are evenly distributed and not much money falls on everyone.

Because of their rich support, these guilds are very strict in defending the fortress. Not only is there a thief investigation in the area outside the fortress for half an hour, but there are also thieves and stealth shooters in the jungle.

Above the city wall, there are more than 120,000 people defending at any time. Ordinary players are aiming for the guild points. Defending for an hour will have 100 guild points, which is usually impossible.

The spy news sent by Tu Fengfeng through Tu Feng, and the spies ambushing outside the city by the light and dark thieves have cleared the surroundings of the fortress.

"Boss rest assured that this fortress can't be prevented by relying on the affiliated guild." Said with pride.

Lu Yang said: "You have only one hour to attack the city."

For more than an hour, I am afraid that the enemy will completely occupy the first fort and attack the second fort.

"Leave it to me. I can't hit the fortress's main house within half an hour. I volunteered to be removed from office." Said with pride.

"Okay, go." Lu Yang hung up.

Pride Wan Wan shouted back to the 100,000 blood wolves and shouted, "Brothers, brother and I have issued a military order and entered the fortress within an hour. Can everyone do it?"

"Ha ha, boss, rest assured, 40 minutes is enough, the waste on the city wall can't stop us from a wave of attacks." Said the head of the first blood wolf regiment.

He laughed with pride and said, "Blood wolf form, the whole army is attacking."

"Woohoo ~!"

The 100,000 blood wolves screamed in the sky. In the forest below the valley, the thieves and shooters in charge of the investigation immediately reported the information to the six presidents of the defender.

"This is the blood wolf legion of the Jagged Brothers Alliance. Sure enough, they came to attack us. I will report it to the three friends of Weimen and Stephen." The president of the Divine Guild, Han Zhan, said.

"The enemy hasn't shown up yet. Would you like to wait for a while? It's not very good." Cang Long, the president of the Tianyu Guild, asked.

"Yeah, it's too early."

"At least I see people."


The other chairmen also supported waiting.

The chill said silently: "You are not unsure about the speed of the blood wolves being 650%. We ran for an hour, and they arrived in ten minutes or so. After seeing them, we were too late to pass the news. "

Cang Long and the other chairmen hesitated a little while, while they were thinking ~ ~ Suddenly, a thief sent a message.

"A hundred thousand blood wolves are here, 40 minutes from the fortress."

The chills quickly opened the map. The 40 minutes mentioned by the thieves were only a few minutes for the blood wolves.

"Damn." The chill glared at Canglong and others, and quickly took out the phone and called Sanyou Weimen, saying, "Lu Yang's 100,000 blood wolves are approaching the Tongtian Fortress quickly, at least 8 minutes later. Will siege. "

Sanyouweimen has long been anti-landing, but he never thought that his own reporting staff had only left him 8 minutes.

"Asshole," Sanyouweimen scolded, "how did you say that my team was sent back, and there was no way to arrange the formation from the safe zone in 8 minutes."

The shiver quickly apologized.

Sanyouweimen was too lazy to listen to the shudder of the chill and hung up the phone. He said to Olma and Stephen and others, "The Blood Wolf Legion really attacked the fortress behind us, and we must send someone back immediately. To a team time of 8 minutes. "

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