Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1397: Ye Wujin 0 mouths

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Study well today, everyone is put together? Aren't you afraid that Ye Wujin and the more than 20 guilds suddenly attacked from behind you?"

While talking, Lu Yang secretly sent a message to 20 elite 160-level army commanders such as the lovely queen standing in the first row and the king of **** and the two men who loved half-life and Tianyao.

"Look at my gestures for a while, I put the staff on the ground, and you immediately launched an attack." Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Pluto and the lovely queen and others familiar with Lu Yang's routine did not look back or move, as if Lu Yang didn't talk to them.

The blood demon stared at Luoyang's eyes, his face was very tense. Suddenly, he felt a scent, and looked over to Alice.

Alice snorted and looked at Lu Yang and said, "You have done Lu Yang too much."

Lu Yang smiled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Alice smiled, and said with a cold look: "If you haven't mentioned the leaves without traces, we really don't feel relieved, but you can say it yourself, we can be sure that this is your plan for alienation, you don't want to be alienated. we."

The Blood Demon reacted and said, "Yeah, if Ye Wujin and they are traitors, you wouldn't say it here, Lu Yang, I can't think of you, the president of a grand grand guild, who would do this kind of thing."

While talking about the blood demon while looking around, the many presidents who were next to him laughed loudly, and Ye Wujin, who was standing at the back, saw the situation through the video. There was a feeling of crying, He was finally proven innocent.

"I said it was Lu Yang who framed me, seeing no, seeing no." Ye Wuhen laughed and said the surrounding presidents: "He is afraid of me, he is afraid of me."

There were no more than 20 presidents around him. Originally they thought of surrendering. They could live comfortably with a large sum of money, but now their dreams are shattered. No one is too lazy to talk to Ye Wujin, just with a face on his face. Awkward smile.

Tian Yan also stood next to the Blood Demon. He was still guarding Ye Wujin, and he was monitored by video. You can see Ye Wujin's appearance. He closed the surveillance video disgustingly, and whispered: "Give this The grandson was sorrowful. "

Tianwu whispered, "I'm afraid he'll have to take command again after playing tonight."

Teana was annoyed for a while, and said, "I won't let you. Let the people behind make way. Ye Wuzhen will fight first tonight, and wait for his strength to consume for a while before we go on."

Tianwu nodded and ordered the rear team to go.

Alice saw the small movements of Tianyi and Tianwu, which made her feel a little upset. Normally, these presidents should stay in their own guild team and take charge of commanding the battle, but they do n’t know who came from below. Now big businessmen from all over the world are thinking about investing in advertising in the game.

As a result, these presidents ran into confrontation with Lu Yang in order to obtain the nihilistic advertising contract. The purpose was to copy the way of the seven guilds and self-reports in front of Lu Yang, but they did not want to think about those big manufacturers. How could they look down on them? Besides, could they survive the five days without knowing?

"Lu Yang, do you remember my nature? I will defeat you tonight with my brothers. Huaxia is more than just a talented person," Tian said loudly.

Lu Yang frowned and looked at Teana, and said, "Stupid."

"Sorry, I only remember brothers, traitors never remembered, especially those who were traitors when foreign guilds attacked me collectively." Lu Yang talked while inserting the wand in his hand to the ground, holding his hands to the law. Staff, as if not in a hurry to attack.

What Alice is most looking forward to is that the longer the fighting stalemate here, the better, so that Lu Yang can't separate his staff to support the Tiger Fortress.

The Blood Demon thinks so, but his claim is that the later he fights, the sooner he will end, and the less he loses.

The other presidents of the guild did not want to fight. They were waiting for Tian Ye to finish. They also introduced themselves in front of Lu Yang. Now TV stations and thousands of websites around the world are broadcasting live. Yang scolded him and wanted to refute it.

But just when nobody wanted to fight, all of a sudden, dozens of roars broke out in front of the Iron Brotherhood.

Twenty heads of army such as the lovely queen, Hades, Liu Ruohuai, and Wan Zhonghui pulled out their arms and pointed at the sky and shouted, "Iron brothers, kill ~!"

"Kill ~!" 200,000 players already knew the inside story and got orders to launch an attack at the same time. With a speeding scroll and wind elves at a distance of 500 meters, they were riding a war horse for only 10 seconds.

When the players on both sides did not figure out what happened, Liu Yunpeng's tauren warrior had rushed into the enemy's position with a totem pole.



Seeing the battle in front of me for half a life, I yelled, "The whole army is attacking."

Tian Yao shouted, "Follow me to the wing."

Five million people were divided into two parts. Three million people rushed forward for half their lives, and two million people followed Tianyao to the wing.

"Go offense and block their attack."

"Come on, stop them."


Alice and the Blood Demon and others shouted and yelled, Lu Yang's sudden attack almost knocked them out of their internal injuries.

Their team is lined up front, with more than 10,000 people, but only the one directly opposite them is learning how to play Lu Yang. Various defensive occupations are superimposed. Ordinary players in the rest are too late. To manage.

The cute queen and the prison **** king were not stupid. They did not rush to the enemy directly opposite Lu Yang, but penetrated into the defense teams of ordinary players on both sides, as if two steel knives were inserted into the soft underbelly of the enemy, and the scene was chaotic.

Fortunately, there were enough of them. After the panic, the Blood Demon reacted and shouted, "Fastly adjust the people without leaves to come up. Their team is complete and they can face Lu Yang."

Tianwu said, "I've given way to them. It should be coming soon."

Alice looked back, Ye Wuhen's figure had already appeared on the road to give up on the left, he shouted proudly: "Everyone in a hurry, I have Ye Wuhen here, see if I can get everyone back."

The blood demon shouted excitedly: "Brothers rely on you."

Lu Yang's surprise attack on the battlefield made the Blood Demon extremely uncomfortable. Normally, the two sides talked about the attack, and everyone attacked together, but Lu Yang attacked. His command system was not as strong as Lu Yang's. Chang and Hu were all around, and the entire command system was semi-paralyzed.

If Ye Wujin could resist more than 20 million guilds with more than 2 million people to resist Lu Yang ’s attack, and withstand a little more than half an hour, he would be able to slow down and regroup, and then attack Lu Yang again, and they Not so badly beaten.

Bancheng Yanyu also shouted, "Brother, it's up to you."

"Stop it for us. Support for 20 minutes. I'll help you when the team is ready."

"This time you carried it, I recognize you as the boss."


The voices of dozens of presidents in the front made Ye Wuzhen very excited. When he was 300 meters away from the battlefield in front of him, he jumped to a dirt **** on the left with a big wave of his hands and a ground dragon. The scroll appeared in his hands, which Lu Yang gave him.


Tupo responded and turned into a 30-meter-high cylindrical platform. Ye Wuhao stood arrogantly on it with his hands behind his back, and commanded: "The old song is like a dream, go around from the flank, and fight against the Iron Brotherhood. The wing of 100,000 people. "

The old song looked back at Ye Wuren, who was standing on the stage, with a look of ridicule on his face. At this moment, he just rushed to a place 100 meters away from the Iron Brotherhood, and he was standing beside him. This is the middle position of more than 100 betrayal guild coalition forces.

The betrayal group, the priest group, and the forbidden mage group are all here. He raised his weapon and suddenly shouted, "Brothers, the boss has officially returned to the embrace of the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood. Now, let ’s give the Brother Iron Blood. The alliance is dead, listen to my orders, the whole army will attack, kill ~! "

"Kill ~!"

Loudly roaring with the dozens of commanders around the old song Rumeng at the same time, obviously it was agreed. Ye Wujian's players originally suspected that the boss had surrendered to Lu Yang. Now they see their army commander and a dozen The head of the command all ordered.

200,000 people turned to the right collectively and rushed in towards the positions of the priests, cursed mages, and shooters of the Blood Demon Demon and Tencent.

Before the battle.

The blood demon is dumbfounded.

Alice was dumbfounded.

Teana was dumbfounded.

Bancheng Yanyu was dumbfounded.

On the high platform, Ye Wujin was dumbfounded.

"What am I ..." Ye Wuzhen suffered an internal injury for a while, and he shivered, totally unaware of the situation.

Before the battle ~ ~ Blood Demon pointed at Ye Wuren with his fingers, almost exhausting his whole body and cursed: "Ye Wuren, you **** me, I killed you."

Alice was also mad, her charming face twisted like a poisonous snake, her eyes staring at Ye Wuzhen and cursing: "I will never spare you."

The guild leaders such as Tianyi, Tianwu and Bancheng Yanyu even scolded.

Facing the scolds of everyone, Ye Wuhen was stagnant in the place like a lightning strike, but suddenly he shouted frantically: "Who has ordered you to rebel, old songs are like dreams, what words do I have to surrender to Lu? Yang, what do you tm blindly command?

Frost? What's your joke like, what time did I tell you I surrendered? Those ten heads, when did I say surrender? "

No one can hear, no one can hear! On the battlefield, countless people screamed, and the blood demon demon and many presidents were scolding each other. When a person speaks loudly, how can he hear what people say 300 meters away on the noisy battlefield?

In the eyes of the Blood Demon and others, Ye Wujin was like a mad patient at this time, and no one knew what he was doing.

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