Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1415: Like a funeral dog

"Come with me and kill the Iron Brotherhood." Radvedev snarled first, taking the player towards the nearest Chen Qiang Army.

"Kill ~!" Nearly a million players who belonged to Radvedev started a charge with him.

"Lu Yang only has 3 million people, we have 5 million, and they are overthrown," Stephen shouted.

"Kill!" Hundreds of thousands of players who belonged to Stephen launched a charge with him.

"Kill." Hundreds of thousands of players under the Sanyouweimen charged.

"Assault." Hundreds of thousands of players under Jelts charged.

"Kill." Hundreds of thousands of players under Galga charged.


The seven strongest guilds countered collectively, and a large swath of black on the plains rushed towards the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood.

At this point, Lu Yang's formation was chaotic. Players seldom formed battles because they were chasing too fast, and the timing of the enemy's election was also accurate. However, the time of the Seven Guilds to gather these 5 million people was too little. It's too hasty, it's a group of generals and soldiers who have just lost the battle, there is no formation, let alone the lineup.

After all, it only takes 1 hour. It ’s good to be able to gather people together. How can I have time to form a team? The main thing is that more than 1 million and 150 elites and 1 million main defense and riding are still in the tiger's mouth. The fort is blocked.

Jiang Ze and the White Lion did n’t kill them, they just consumed them. The enemies could n’t come out, they could n’t escape, and they were interrupted by the magic that fell from the sky. People are garbage.

Lu Yang sneered and shouted, "Brothers, the whole army attacked. As I completely broke them down, Jagged Brothers, kill ~!"

"Kill!" 3 million people smashed into 5 million people, and Lu Yang's most elite 300,000 level 160 players rushed into the team under the command of Olma, only a moment to put Austria Irma's team collapsed.

"Dammit, stay away from me." Olma was fleeing around with loyalty, but eventually failed to escape, and was killed and bitten on the ground by a frenzied rage.

Lu Yang nodded with satisfaction. He looked to the other side of the battlefield. He just wanted to command the arrogance and take 100,000 people to help Chen Qiang's position. But he was surprised to see that Chen Qiang and 4 other people turned out to fight one by five. Back off Radevijef.

"Damn bastard, give me death." Radevidev roared again and again. He was well-equipped. Although he did not have the heart of God of War, he had a lot of special equipment and accessories with skill levels +5 and +6. With Radevjev's strength, playing 20 of them is okay, but at the moment, he is blocked by three unknown people.

Chen Qiang had the same life, avoiding the big sword that Radevjeev swept across, and rushed back in front of Radevjeev in an instant. The sword in his hand was chopped towards his head. .

Radeviev was defensively high, not afraid of this attack, he was chopped with a slash on his head, and returned with a diagonal slash. Just before the blade was about to stab Chen Qiang, a paladin beside him fiercely opened invincible. Hit the blade, the hammer hit Radevjeev's head in his hand.

"Blessed Hammer"

Radvedev's physical attack is reduced by 12%.

The spell behind the sorcerer chanted.

"Corrosive Armor"

"Frightened fear"

Radevjev reduced armor by 50,000 points.

Another archer fired a bow and arrow.

"Armor Sundering"

"Burst of the Wind"

Radvidev lowered his armor by 50,000 points and suffered 8 times critical strike.

Chen Qiang took this opportunity to step closer, changing his two-handed sword into a one-handed dagger, the other hand put on a small round shield, and slammed his left foot on the ground.

"Thunder Shock"

Radvedev's movement speed is reduced by 55%. At this time, he has used all the available control skills and can only roar again and again.

"Fuck me away." Radevjeev furiously, launched the Whirlwind skill, spinning madly in place.

Chen Qiang and others dispersed quickly. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Radvedev's men finally broke through Chen Qiang's men and formed a shield array. They rushed in to support them.

Radvijef laughed and said, "It's great, follow me and kill the mess."

Chen Qiang's eyes suddenly turned red, and he roared, "There is no war, brothers, follow me for the atonement and kill them."

"Kill!" The players around were mad and swarmed up and rushed to Radvidev and dozens of Russian players around him.

The two sides ran into each other quickly, and Chen Qiang personally stood in front of Radvijev. The furious Radvijev cut his sword with Chen Qiang again and again, but Chen Qiang ’s strength seemed to have improved several levels in an instant. Entering the level of the top 100 players in the world, the little shield in his hand has blocked Radevjev's offense every time, and the dagger keeps stabbing like Radeviev's melting armor .

Lu Yang originally wanted to order the Forbidden Spell Masters to use firepower, but he was surprised when he saw this scene and said, "This Chen Qiang is not bad."

He loved for a long time and said, "I didn't really find out he had this ability before. He usually ranks in the middle of the game when he competes. To know that he has this technique, I chose him to enter the game city early."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Order the Forbidden Curse Master to be ready."

"Yes." Suffering half-life gave an order immediately.

On the battlefield.

"Kill ~!" Chen Qiang stabbed Radvedev again.

"Get away from me." Radevjev fell into rage. After using the same control skill for the same player three times in a row, it became invalid. At this time, Radevjev had tasted all the control skills. He is out of control.

"Dead." Radvidev kicked the Paladin, kicking his hands with a sword fiercely towards Chen Qiang.

Chen Qiang's health is not much at this time. The priest players on both sides are the first end point on the battlefield and both are dead. Chen Qiang's health is still only one-tenth. Hitting the sword will undoubtedly die, even if there is a shield to block it.

Just when everyone thought that Chen Qiang was going to die, suddenly, Qiang Qian put the shield into his backpack, just holding a dagger, and suddenly a forward charge, his body hit Radev Jeff, and his body was short. The dagger flicked upwards.

System prompt: You killed Radvidev

Hundreds of players around were all stunned. In their unbelievable eyes, Radeviev fell to the ground with his eyes empty, and Chen Qiang held up Radevev's explosive weapon.

"Radevjeev was killed by me." Chen Qiang shouted.

Radevjev's players were frightened, and Chen Qiang's morale was high.

Chen Qiang pointed his right sword forward and shouted, "Iron brothers, kill ~!"

"Kill ~!"



More than 100,000 people shouted in unison, under the leadership of Chen Qiang and more than a dozen legionnaires around him, they continued to launch onslaughts. Radevdev's boss died.

On the battlefield, the 160-level elites such as the Blood Wolf and the Tauren defeated Orma, and Chen Qiang also smashed Radvidev. Two of the seven strongest guilds were destroyed, and the remaining three friends Men and Stephen were also lost.

"Forbidden spell masters, cover attack." Lu Yang commanded loudly.

One third of the 50,000 forbidden mages that followed Lu Yang were able to release the forbidden spell, and the words were chanted in their mouths.

"Meteor Fire Rain"

"Icy Roar"

"Space-Time Cutting"


After 10 seconds, countless forbidden spells were placed on top of the seven strongest guild players.

"I can't win, run." I don't know who shouted first. This time, even the presidents of the seven major guilds couldn't control it. The whole collapsed. Millions of them ran in the direction of the fortress fortress, a bit smart. Took out the teleportation scroll to find a chance to fly to Tianyu Shencheng.

Lu Yang saw this and yelled, "Shoot, don't even try to run one. If you don't kill him 10 times, I can't resolve my hatred."

Xia Yuwei and Zhou Tianming and all other Jagged Brothers players will not let this group of people run away like this, and chase them crazy.

Lu Yang called out to Ayala, Spain, and said, "Are there any timebreakers in place?"

Ayala smiled and said, "All in place."

"Releasing the disorder in time and space gave me a chance to escape." Lu Yang said.

Ayala thought about it and asked, "Will that make them Jedi fight back."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "The players of the Seven Guilds have n’t beaten the fortress for more than 2 weeks. We are defeated when we are about to beat them. Now their morale has completely collapsed. Look at them. Only for running, I dare not resist. "

Ayala shrugged on the phone and said, "Okay, I'm ordering."

A total of 18 time-space breakers, 17 people chanted a spell ~ ~ for a time, one and a half hours away from the tiger mouth fortress all the way up to the 17 necropolis in front of the Tongtian Fortress thunder and lightning.

System prompt: Teleport Scroll is not available in this area

"Damn, run out of the necropolis and use the city roll." Some players shouted in a necropolis.

Tens of thousands of people ran out together, but as soon as they ran outside, they were blocked by the chasing Iron Brother Brothers players. Except for a small amount of luck, the rest were blocked inside and killed continuously.

At this time, the players of the Seven Guilds, like drowning people in turbulent rivers, threw their heads in this necropolis, and then died the next necropolis. The speed of death forced Lu Yang to send a space-time elven mage with a curse mage. The regiment went to the various cemeteries to intercept the fleeing enemies.

Sanyouemon died in the necropolis for the seventh time, watching the forbidden spell falling in the sky and the sound of the Blood Wolf Legion from the distance. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "Don't use the back to the city roll, run to the fortress fortress. ! "

Stephen and Radvedev also responded to Lu Yang's intentions to kill them. As a last resort, they also ordered their players to run towards the Fortress of Heaven, and the Seven Guilds were like dogs.

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