Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1426: Aeolian Heart of Spain

Lu Yang tried the speed at which the consciousness quickly entered the fire mage body and then the water mage's clone. The time difference between the two was only about 0.2 seconds.

Such a small amount of time was used for sneak attacks, and even the master couldn't react, and he said a spell in his mouth.

A reddish light flashed, Lu Yang's body fire mage instantly appeared in the original position, 1 meter in front of him, exactly sixteen players ambush his hidden position.

At this time, the sixteen people were observing the surroundings from the perspective of the thief boss hidden beside the sentry tower.

"The method introduced by the game is really good. We ambush the enemy through the boss's perspective, and each time I am ambushed successfully, haha." A shooter said excitedly.

Master Bing said anxiously, "Why isn't this person coming back?"

The boss of the thief said slowly: "Don't worry ~! If you want to kill someone, you need to be patient."

Everyone answered.

Lu Yang was standing behind them, and as soon as he came out, he would use flame storms and blazing birds to end them, but they didn't take any action, and they understood that they were sharing the perspective of the thieves.

This is good, but it also has disadvantages. Right now, the biggest disadvantage is that you can't see behind them. In addition, these dozens of people are so confident that they never thought that the tower he called was a disguise.

However, think about it. The only thing that can be transmitted through space in the game is Artifact Heart players. There are only a total of players in Spain who have Artifact Hearts. How can they encounter them in such a way?

Unfortunately, they did meet!

"Summon Water Body"

Lu Yang's mouth meditated silently, a light shone beside him, and Moisture appeared on his side. As soon as he landed, he immediately ordered the avatar to release the drunken clouds. At the same time, his consciousness returned to the body instantly.

"Drunk Clouds"

"Hot Fire Dragon"

Two magics were released at the same time. At the front end of Lu Yang's body fire mage, a group of flames quickly condensed, and the next moment, it turned into a crimson flame faucet with a width of 30 meters and roared forward.

At the same time, the adjacent water mage drunk a fierce blaze and slammed into the flame faucet. The original 30-meter wide area became 45 meters wide.

"Mixed Spells-Fire Dragon"

With a clear moan, the crimson fire dragon wiped out the 16 ambush players in front of Lu Yang in an instant, and within one second, he received 16 system prompts for his killing.

He nodded with satisfaction, and read the spell in his mouth. His water body returned to the special space to find the third clone. He only left the fire mage body, took out a bottle of stealth potion and drank it, and slowly walked out of the corner. To the area opposite 30 meters.

He knew that the thief player would definitely come, because among the players who had just been killed, someone had three storage bags in their hands, and at this time they all fell to the ground, and he had to **** them back.

If it ’s usual, he does n’t need such trouble, but now his level is not dominant. The opponent is obviously all players above level 155. The three-turn thief is invisible. Without special treasures in hand, he ca n’t find it at all. To the opponent's position, can only wait for the thief to hook himself.

No surprise, the thief player did get hooked. After seeing the news of 16 men killed in the team channel, he walked towards the corner in anger, but when he left, he did not break the stealth, but was careful. Move towards this side.

He knew that the other party was able to kill 16 people in one second. He must be a high-level mage. If he wanted to kill the mage, he had to sneak in first.

"Someone killed us, help us get revenge."

"Give it back quickly."


Sixteen people sent messages to the thieves as soon as they were resurrected.

The thief shook his dagger in stealth and typed, "Look at my revenge for you, he probably doesn't know that there is another me, just to ambush him."

"Be careful, that person should be fire, and the damage is very high," said the mage.

The thief responded with a humorous word, and came to the corner with a light step. He leaned his head and looked inside the corner. He thought he could see people picking things up, but he didn't expect that there was nothing and things were still there. On the ground.

"Strange, are you killing you?" The thief asked.

"What's wrong?" The mage asked as he ran.

"Why didn't anyone pick up things? You weren't killed by the monster," the thief asked.

The ice mage frowned and said, "It is impossible, it must be a person. This place has only black flames and green flames. There is absolutely no red flame. Only a fire mage can emit a flame of this color. It is definitely a fire mage. Is it the other party? I drank a stealth potion and hid near you. "

Thieves players suddenly wake up, the opponent must have found their existence when they first arrived.

"Blade Whirlwind"

The thief danced in place, and the small swordman flew around with his rotation. The entire corner was swept by the swordman, and even within 30 meters of the corner, it was pierced by the swordman. Unfortunately, no one was found.

"No one?" Said the thief.

"Isn't that man out of the corner?" The mage asked.

The thief frowned and said, "Impossible, how can there be such a fast speed and responsiveness."

Mage and skill were also inexplicable.

"Watch your surroundings, don't die, otherwise we won't be able to make a difference," said the priest.

"I know." The thief looked around alertly.

At a distance of 33 meters outside the corner, Lu Yang looked at the thief sneer. This clumsy technique was a way he had seen in his last life. How could he find his hidden position? No longer invisible, then the thief can die.

"Flame Shock"

Lu Yang showed his figure, and watched the thief turn his head, his left hand pointed at the thief's head, and a fire burst out from his head.

"5683940" (Critical Strike)

Thieves die!

A silver book page fell to the ground ~ ~ Lu Yang's eyes brightened, he walked two steps to the thief and picked up the page.

The Wind Spell

Type: Wind Spell

Cost: 10,000 magic

Distance: 100 yards

Description: Release a gust of wind to the enemy, and the damage is spell attack / 5.

Lu Yang was really surprised this time. He was short of this skill, and he unexpectedly burst out on this group of people.

He summoned the wind mage avatar, learned this gust of wind, and then returned the wind avatar to a special space. The body walked to the storage bag, picked it up and looked at the contents.

What made Lu Yang very surprised was that the storage bag was full of Xenopus eyes, which caused him to frown. In his memory, Xenopus' eyes had only one role, which was to give the wind **** of Spain The heart is used to upgrade the level.

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