Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1446: Faceless Lord

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He was really tired after playing for a day, but he was very satisfied with the speed of his experience. According to this speed, when the global competition started at the end of the month, his level was around 170.

"Damn man, you dare to destroy all my faceless legion, I will definitely avenge you, you remember it to me." The faceless lord jumped up violently, pointing at the Landing Roar.

Suhabi suddenly appeared next to Lu Yang, frowning frowningly, "Be careful, the Lord of the Faceless is very strong. Even if he is alone, we have to pay a heavy price to eliminate him."

If this is the first time the player has played this story, he will definitely follow the advice of Suhabi and become cautious, but Lu Yang knows that the faceless lord is a rookie coward, and his next action is to run away.

If you missed it, next time you want to kill him, you will have to find him in his area. It is a complex castle, very troublesome, and the explosions are random. If you kill him now, you will be 100% explosive. Unearthed special spells, he is sure to get the faceless Lord.

"Destroy Heavy Artillery"

Lu Yang's staff pointed at the ground under the faceless person's feet, and a ray of light shot from the front end of the staff. At that time, a taupe glow emerged from the feet of the Faceless Lord.

"I'll be back tomorrow." The Faceless Lord yelled sharply and slammed down into the ground.

The ground speed is very fast, only 1 second can get into the ground, but when the faceless lord ground down to the next head alone.


The Destruction Heavy Artillery carried a ray of light in the center of the bull's eye, and a stun symbol appeared on the faceless head, but only 0.5 seconds.

This is enough!

At the moment when the heavy artillery was destroyed, Lu Yang's body glowed a reddish light.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

A red light followed the destruction of the artillery and came to the faceless person. With a bang, Lu Yang appeared in front of the faceless person.

"Fire Anger Skill-Devil Slash"

A fiery blaze of light draws a perfect half-moon from the bottom up. At the same time, the faceless lord's body is picked up into the air with the half-moon. At the same time, the faceless lord's health is displayed.

Faceless Lord Borjak (Lord Level)

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 4313840000/4313840000

The faceless lord just now is in the story mode. Although attacked, he will not lose blood! Now, it is considered a formal attack mode.

However, once the faceless lord landed, he still chose to run away. When he merged into the ground, he triggered the non-attack mode again, that is, once he landed, he would recover full blood.

To kill him, Lu Yang needed to prevent the Lord of the Faceless from landing. Since the last battle, he found that his reaction speed was a few tenths of a second faster than before. He was confident that he could kill the Lord without landing. he.


Lu Yang instantly jumped to the place where the faceless lord landed 20 meters behind him. While he was still falling from the air, he spelled out in his mouth.

"Yanyang mask"

A red gold mask enveloped him all at the same time, and the Faceless Lord was about to land.

"Earth to Earth"

Lu Yang struck the staff with his right hand to the ground, and a sky-fire flame erupted from the faceless Lord's landing position, pushing him into the sky, flying backwards a distance of 10 meters.

"Blazing Heart"



Three spells were played in succession, and the faceless lord flew a distance of 5 meters.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang appeared momentarily behind the faceless lord's landing, with a spell in his mouth.

"Polynuclear explosion"

A fierce fire burst out from Lu Yang's body. The Lord of the Faceless Person was just in front of Lu Yang's oblique position. Pushed by this force, the Lord of Faceless Person flew forward for 20 meters.



After 4 consecutive blasts, Lu Yang flew back a distance of 10 meters, and read the spell in his mouth.

"Earth to Earth"

The lord blame jumped back another 10 meters, and Lu Yang saw his anger value reached the full value again, he no longer hesitated.

"Hot Boxing"

Lu Yang appeared in front of the lord monster with a blaze of fire. He grabbed the lord monster's legs. Even if the lord monster was 5 meters high, it still triggered the hot boxing special effect, and charged the lord monster with a fierce charge back 50 meters away.


The Lord Monster was hit hard by Lu Yang on the wall next to the crooked corner of the Devil's Gate. The Lord Monster was slammed and leap over Lu Yang's body, and fell back 10 meters away.

"Escape The Dagger"

Lu Yang jumped to a distance of 55 meters behind him and read the spell in his mouth.

"Earth to Earth"

The third flame blasted the Faceless Lord into the sky again, and the landing site happened to be the wall location. Lu Yang was waiting for this location.

"Lava Eruption"

A piece of lava appeared in front of the wall.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang appeared instantaneously 1 meter in front of the faceless Lord's landing site, and at the same time, the Lord's feet were about to land.

"Fire Anger Skills-Flame Overkill"

Lu Yang's body burned with a crimson eggshell, and four imaginary shadows like him spun around him in madness. Each emptiness hit the faceless lord and backed away, but behind him was the wall. Unable to act, the Lord of the Faceless was thus controlled by Lu Yang in front of the wall.

It takes 2 squares of anger to release Fire Blaze, and the duration is 10 seconds. Lava eruption and the sunshade both cause 1 damage in 1 second. Combined it is 20 damage, which is 20 anger.

In a rogue way, Lu Yang released the flames indefinitely to kill the faceless lord. In less than 10 minutes, the flame lord had super high health and was still killed by Lu Yang. A silver book page , And a golden villain fell out at the same time.

The system prompts: You killed the Faceless Lord ~ ​​ ~ You and the Crudo Corner Devil defeated the Faceless Legion together.

With this hint, the monsters that appear tomorrow are not faceless. Although the reputation is not full, it is enough to get the skill book in advance.

He picked up the silver pages.

The Earth Crash

Type: Earth Spell

Cost: 10,000 magic

Distance: 100 yards

Description: Deals 60% of magic damage to targets within 100 yards, causing stun for 1 second.

Taking this skill out alone is of no use. Any soil-level high-level bloodline level 3 or higher player has a skill that has multiple times the damage of "Earth Crack", but this skill and the fire skill "Eight Wildfire" The wind spell "Concussion Storm" combined together is the famous mixed spell-Fire and Earth Storm.

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