Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1452: Hybrid Spell-Fire and Earth Storm

Every non-element mystery in the game contains elements of the various parts of the New World, so that the space of an ordinary mystery can be guaranteed.

The crooked corner magical mystery is just a normal mystery, so there is a wind element in it, just on the top of the mountain.


A group of humanoid monsters with huge red bat wings flew over 50 meters in front of Lu Yang.

Yafeng Yasha

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 43000000/43000000

At present, there is no air combat, they are almost invincible. Although Lu Yang can kill them, he will also fall into hard battle.

Lu Yang carefully looked to the left and right to confirm that no other Yasha was nearby, and then he continued to fly forward, passing through the clouds, his eyes lit up, and a beautiful mountain peak appeared in front of him.

On the hilltop, a jeweled gold treasure chest was emitting a dazzling light, and he confirmed that this was what he was looking for.


Lu Yang's body turned into a white light and appeared at the top of the mountain instantly, holding the mountain in his left hand, holding the treasure chest in his right hand and choosing to open it.

The treasure chest was not locked, a simple rotary switch would open the treasure chest, and a silver book page inside made Lu Yang look satisfied.

"Concussion Storm"

Type: Wind Spell

Cost: 10,000 magic

Distance: 100 yards

Description: Releases a violent storm that attacks creatures within 100 yards, dealing 100% spell damage and causing a stun effect for 0.1 second on the target.

This skill is one of the strongest wind magics before Wind Magic 2 turns to the bloodline exclusive spell.

Lu Yang put the skill book in his backpack, took out the teleportation scroll and flew back to the crooked corner magic camp, and then entered the demon temple to rest.

At this time it was 10 o'clock in the evening, and he needed to take a rest. As for Xue Yiming, Lu Yang shook his head with a smile and he was afraid that the boy had already entered Wenrou Township.

No words overnight.

Early the next morning, Lu Yang returned to the game. Xue Yiming had not contacted him, and Lu Yang didn't care. There was a 6-hour time difference between Huaxia and Italy. His side was 8 am and there was 2 am.

[World Channel] Everlasting Monarch: Roar ~! Uncle Ben reached level 170, and roared, hahaha ~!

Lu Yang looked at the translated text a bit frowning. This is an American. I haven't seen it on the ranking list before, and it suddenly popped up. It is so popular that it must have other intentions. He is number one in the rankings.

Tu Feng called and said, "This person is the boss of Yongye Studios. He just joined the Tangerlus Guild of Olma yesterday."

[World Channel] The Lord of the Night: This year's individual heads-up title, I announced that he and I must be the Tangerus Guild.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Here is coming at me."

Tu Feng said: "It is estimated that in the next half month, many people in Yongye Studio will rise to level 170, and they will try their best to find level 170 equipment for King Yongye. , It is not difficult to create a set of 170 dark gold sets for the Lord of the Night. "

General silver and gold can be created, but if you want to participate in the global competition, you must be dark gold or above.

Lu Yang understands that these people are still suppressing themselves, knowing that the Jagged Brothers League has experienced wars, the level photos are on average 3 levels lower than the other largest and strongest guilds, and they use such words to stimulate, just want to see his joke .

"Huh." Lu Yang sneered and said, "Don't worry about them, I will catch up with them soon."

Tu Feng knew Lu Yang's strength and hung up.

Lu Yang came out of the demon temple and returned to the city gate. This morning, it is time for the second wave of demons to attack the crooked corner magic city of Crudo. He needs to come and help.




The drums of war outside the city can be heard before the door. He quickly flew to the wall and came to Suhabi, asking, "What's the matter?"

Suhabi frowned, looking out of the city, and said, "I didn't expect the comer to come, they are strong."

Lu Yang looked out of the city, with a rhino face, a huge horn on his head, two huge corners on both sides, and a height of more than 3 meters. The muscular black devil was snarling and looking towards the wall.


Level: 170

Qi and blood: 40000000/40000000

"Like the last time, let me fight." Lu Yang said with a smile.

Su Habi looked at Lu Yang in surprise and said, "Our warriors, there are too many enemies, and their vitality is twice as strong as the last faceless person. Don't be stubborn."

Lu Yang said: "Trust me, they have no difficulty for me."

Suhabi was even more surprised, saying, "Well, it's still the same as last time, as long as they don't rush to within 30 meters of the city gate, I won't let my men act."

Lu Yang nodded, jumped off the city wall, and came to a position 30 meters in front of the city gate.

"Summon avatar"


Three consecutive rays of light appeared next to him: the water body, the soil body, and the wind body. He moved his body a bit, and his consciousness shifted back and forth between the three body parts. After making sure that there were no problems, he looked forward.

He is not afraid of these monsters. If I did n’t get the three skill books of “Eight Wildfires”, “Concussion Storm” and the previous “Earth Breakdown” last night, today he would destroy the countless vicious devil alone It is impossible, even if the forbidden spell and the secondary forbidden spell are all used, they cannot be beaten.

It's different now. With these three skill books, you can compose a mixed spell-"Fire and Earth Storm", with the same power and fire and wine storm.

Fire and Earth Storm

Type: Mixed Spell

Cost: 30000 magic

Distance: 200 yards

Description: Release a super-mixed spell with a diameter of 500 yards, causing 8 times spell damage to targets within range, and stun targets within range for 3 seconds.

Lu Yang now has about 2.6 million French injuries, 8 times the French injuries is more than 20 million, plus more than 20 million fire and wine storm, 40 million blood blame him can be killed with a set of strokes, at the same time, "Fire and Earth Storm" His skill cooldown is also 15 seconds, and he can be quickly released.

"Su ~ ha ~ bi ~! You killed my friend Faceless Lord Borjak. Today, I will make you pay a bitter price, Vicious Legion, attack ~!" Vicious Lord Kang Ruiz said with a large axe pointing at Suharbi.

"Hello ~!"

The first team of 1,800 vignettes rushed towards the gate. Their movement speed was not fast, but the ground shook every step.

Lu Yang watched the enemy rush into the area within 50 meters of him, and the appearance of the 3-meter-high curved corner demon was clearly visible. He could see bloodthirsty and madness from the blood-red eyes of the dark corner demon rushing at the front.

"Fire Spells-Eight Wild Fires"

"Earth Spells-Earth Cracks"

"Wind Spells-Shock Storm"


"Mixed Spells-Fire and Earth Storm"

The two energies in the hands of the wind mage and the earth mage were gathered on the fire mage of Lu Yang's body. He slanted his right hand forward, and an extremely fiery three-color storm emerged from the tip of the staff. When the three-color storm merged Come together.

For a moment ~ ~ The world seemed to be quiet for a moment. A huge fire storm with a diameter of about 500 meters rose instantly from the ground, and the light from the towering flames turned the whole world into the red color of the flame. .

A large number of numbers rose from the head of the Veil Demon, each of them was hit by more than 20 million injuries, and at the same time a 3 stun symbol was on the head.

In Lu Yang's mouth, the spell continued, and the fire, water and wind systems combined again.

"Mixed Spells-Fire and Wine Storm"

A flame dragon with a width of 90 meters and a length of 450 meters was ejected from the front end of Luyang's staff, and 1,800 vultures were once again annihilated by the flames when the fire ended.

System prompt: You killed the Veil

You get 370,000 experience


After a piece of experience came down, Lu Yang's experience slot improved a lot, and several clones also gained a lot of experience value.

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