Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1462: Corner Devil Attack!

Blue Dream Fortress.

"Fuck him and kill him immediately. Everyone will work harder."

"I've killed a lord over here, haha, burst into a level 140 dark gold equipment."

"I have a Level 3 gem."

"It's time to teleport gems, teleport gems, and get rich."


Below the city wall, the players shouted wildly in He Peng's ears. Tokayev stood beside He Peng and said gratefully, "Thank you to President He Peng for accepting us. This time everyone will be rich. . "

Ould, the head of the new Mauritania group, laughed with big white teeth and said, "Let us cheer President Peng, ha ~!"

The heads of more than a dozen casual groups around him complimented He Peng, which made He Peng's complexion more rosy and more proud.

"Everyone is up and down. Let's work together and work together. If there is a need in the future, just mention it. I can help, and I will never quit." He Peng said with a laugh.

Although Alice had not been promoted to be the president of the region, he suddenly regarded himself as the boss of all scattered groups.

The level of siege monsters outside the fortress is mainly between 100 and 140. Most of the players under He Peng's level are between 140 and 155, and a small number of them are up to 160. It takes almost no effort to kill.

And there are more than 3 million players in the city, which are scattered evenly throughout the city. Christmas siege monsters refresh hundreds of thousands at a time, and they are swiped every half an hour. They have enough time to destroy the lord monsters. Hit, 3 million people look happy.

Lu Yang saw the situation around the Lanmeng Fortress from Qingtianfeng. He didn't expect that there were so many people on the other side, but Tu Feng just called him and told him that 30 million members of the scattered group had entered He Peng's area. The average fortress is about 3 million people.

At this time, the enemy had spread out to the position an hour away from the main city, that is, at the foot of Qingtian Mountain.

A crooked corner demon scout ran back to Lu Yang and Suhabi, bowed and said, "The enemy was found in front, and the vanguard general requested an attack."

Lu Yang took out the telescope and looked at the number of enemies. This is a small scattered group of about 300,000 people scattered evenly on the vast and light hills. Most of the equipment he wears is a 130-level dark gold jacket.

Suhabi looked at Lu Yang and asked, "Are we attacking?"

Lu Yang said, "Let the brothers move first and kill this enemy."

Suhabi looked at the scout and said, "Order the vanguard general to launch an attack."

"Yes." The scout ran forward.

"Woo ~~"

"Woo ~~"

The dull trumpet sounded suddenly on Mount Optimus, and General Croud cornered and shouted, and rushed down with 3000 class 170 elite soldiers.

This time out of the 10,000 crooked monsters brought out by the Crudo family, there are 3,000 melees, 4,000 shooters, and 3,000 mages. There is a boss for every 100 people and a lord for 1,000 people.

General Vanguard himself is also a lord. Among the 3,000 people he carried, there were 3 lords and 30 bosses. The strength was not ordinary.

The level 170 monster crushes the level 130 dark gold player, and the boss and lord lead the team. The power is even more powerful.

The scattered groups on the hills without light are Vietnamese players. As Lu Yang estimated, it is indeed more than 300,000 people, and the head is Ruan Zhongfei.

"All members pay attention. All the money this time will be taken away by the scattered group. If there are special treasures such as teleportation scepter and wind elves, we must be handed in. We must be united to win." Ruan Zhongfei Mooing fluttered in the guild channel.

This is how they draw the player ’s blood. In the absence of an external channel for making money, they use this kind of money that is constantly extracted from the players ’sweat and sweat to put it in their own pockets. This is the status quo of most scattered groups. I think this is a wrong thing, and I followed the scattered groups.

Lu Yang was a bit uncomfortable about attacking and breaking up the group, but knowing the specific situation here, he would not have pity on this group.

They are nominally scattered groups, but in fact they are a very unethical organization, and these people are dead-hearted against the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood. In this case, don't blame him for being cruel!

Lu Yang uttered a spell in his mouth, summoned a large mount, and ran forward.

Ruan Zhongfei is still spreading his values. He wants to use the guild as his home and everyone to work for this family. Dora members join the association and work together for a win-win situation ...

While he was excited, suddenly, his deputy interrupted him forcibly, saying, "Boss, it's strange."

"Brush and brush, just hit, just interrupt, what did you interrupt me, didn't you see that I just reached the point?" Ruan Zhongfei said dissatisfied.

The deputy looked at Ruan Zhongfei and continued to say no other. He quickly grabbed Ruan Zhongfei's arm and pointed at the north side of Qingtian Mountain. "Look over there, the enemy is there."

Ruan Zhongfei frowned and looked at it. On the large **** on the north side of Qingtian Mountain, countless Crudo corner demon rushed towards them, and each of the corner devil's bright 170 level and elite words Ruan Zhongfei was stunned.

"Class 170? Elite?" Ruan Zhongfei stared dumbfoundedly at the vice chairman around him, and asked, "Isn't this a 140-level area? How can a 170-level monster appear?"

The vice-chairman has been directing the battle and is more familiar with the terrain here. He pointed at Qing Tianfeng above and said, "There is a 170-level map. I suspect that the battle on our side may have brought them over without news. "

"Fuck, quickly stop them." Ruan Zhongfei shouted.

The vice chairman was dumbfounded and cursed a fool, saying, "Unstoppable, level 130 dark gold equipment, and level 170 elite can't blame blood."

"What do you do?" Ruan Zhongfei asked ~ ~ You can quickly order to run, this can't beat. "The vice chairman said anxiously.

"Oh, oh." Ruan Zhongfei suddenly realized, and shouted in the guild channel quickly: "The entire retreat, 170 elites in the north side of Qingtianshan were led down."

300,000 people, the biggest feature of the scattered group is that they do not listen to the command, the next order can be gathered together for a long time.

Ruan Zhongfei's retreat order was ambiguous, and not everyone was following the guild channel. Therefore, those who saw the news were in a confused state, and those who did not see the news were still fighting, and almost no one Run away.

"Hello ~ ha ~!"

Unfortunately, when they were confused, General Crudo Pioneer arrived with 3,000 people, and the 170-level elite played the 130-level dark gold player, one sword at a time!

3000 people rushed into the crowd, just like a tiger rushed into a henhouse and killed one bite at this time. At this time, Ruan Zhongfei's 300,000 men only reacted.

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