Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1475: Inflammatory Bloodline

The Devil Corner Council mission, the most secret task in the secret realm, is also the most difficult task to open. He needs to make the Devil Corner Vanguard and the player's intimacy reach 200 points.

Lu Yang did it. He helped the General Demon Vanguard to level 180 and successfully reached 200 points. Now he can enjoy unlimited rewards brought by the success of the hidden mission.

"Elder Bending Devil, if there is anything I need to do, please tell me." Lu Yang said respectfully.

The system prompts: The Elder Elbow of Angles increases your favorability by 1 point.

The Elder Devil Corner was very satisfied with Lu Yang's attitude towards him, and said, "In our secret realm, there are many annoying time and space dragons. They always kill our people. You kill them. Every time you kill them, Dead one, come to me for a reward. "

System prompt: Kill the Dragon of Time and Space and reward 10 million experience points!

Whether to accept?

Lu Yang shook his fist vigorously. What he wanted was this task. It was no longer possible to go out to kill with the Devil Legion. It would be exposed if he went out again, letting the top players know that he could control a strange monster. It must be strangled by the top studios and the strongest guild, so he can only fight monsters in a normal way.

Normally, a monster can only have 10,000 to 20,000 experience. Killing a 170-level plot elite can give 370,000 experience. However, not all of them can be attacked in a group. A few can, most of them. Still have to fight one by one, so that the upgrade speed becomes extremely slow.

Because of this, the game upgrade is so strenuous, but this task is equivalent to giving away a level, a space-time yulong with 10 million experience. Now the total experience of level-up is only 36 billion, killing 3600 time-space yulong. It ’s so easy to raise a level, if you let others know, it will make you crazy.

He chose to accept the task, leaving a native avatar, this banquet can also participate in the avatar, a set of procedures will take half a day, and finally give 30 points of favor.

He came out of the corner devil castle, Lu Yang put on a magic flying carpet, and flew towards the north side of the corner demon realm.

Youlong, a special creature hidden in time and space, looks like a silver dragon fish, and freely shuttles in time and space.

I did n’t know how many people accepted this mission in the previous life, but in the first half of the year, no one knew where the space-time dragon was. Later, some players found that the space-time dragon was in the area at the foot of the alpine mountain in the northern part of the bend. It is the only way that the corner devil can go to other secret realms.

The reason why players can't find them is because the space and time dragons know the space and time stealth skills. They can hide their bodies in the void and only appear when they encounter prey. So no one can find these for half a year. Time and space dragon.

Lu Yang flew to the foot of the Dragon of Time and Space, and found a place where no one was. He left a wind clone in place, hid it with the wind concealment technique, and the fire method flew to the Celestial City.

Tianyu Shencheng Dongcheng District Pawnshop No. 1788. This is a house hidden in small alleys of many tea houses and restaurants.

Lu Yang stepped in. The room was small, 60 square meters square, and the floor and counter were made of mahogany. An old man sat behind the high counter, looked at Lu Yang and asked, "What's the matter? "

"I want to buy something," Lu Yang said.

The old man said cheerfully, "This is the first time someone has come to my pawnshop to buy something."

Countless players in the last generation used pawnshops as a place to sell things. Players ran in to sell things and left. They did n’t know they could buy things here, and it was a place where strange and strange things were sold.

An item box appeared in front of Lu Yang, with many item names and pictures on it.

Demon Potion

Plane Phantom


Lu Yang turned five pages and found the item he needed in the bottom column, the Planar Converter.

Plane converter

Type: Mechanical

Description: A strange goblin item sold, he looks very disappointed, he doesn't know if it will be returned or not. According to him, this item can be used to enter another plane and see a lot of different things.

Lu Yang delivered 10 gold coins, and the plane converter disappeared from the purchase bar. This was the only item, which surprised Lu Yang. The only items had follow-up missions. The player who announced the mission at the time did not say it.

There are many places to buy this type of plane converter, and you don't have to buy it from this pawnshop. He knows this place, just the player who announced the strategy.

He had a plane converter in his hand and thought in his heart that if he could meet the follow-up mission, he must do it. Since the player didn't say it, there must be some special adventure, maybe it is a better thing.


Lu Yang launched the unique bloodline skills. After 1.5 seconds, the body flew to the corner of the devil, where the wind clone was.

He put the time-space converter on the ground and pressed the on button.

"Zi ~ la ~!"

A burst of electro-optical light flickers, centered on the space-time converter, and the scene around Lu Yang becomes another look.

The mountain is no longer a high mountain, but a large plain. Above the plain, there are several space-time dragons flying at a height of 2 meters above the ground.

Time and Space Dragon

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 4300000/4300000

The body of the Dragon of Time and Space is about 2 meters. They have low physical attack power, low blood and defense, but extremely high magic damage. Unfortunately, this amount of blood cannot support Lu Yang's critical crit.


Lu Yang raised his hand to a large fireball, in the middle of the head of the space-time Youlong, there was no sound, the body of the space-time Youlong spontaneously ignited, leaving only a crystal nucleus.

He picked up the crystal nucleus, left the wind in his place, used the teleportation skills, and returned to the banquet scene with a ray of light. The elder was sitting in a smile with a smile, and Suhabi toasted one by one below.

Lu Yang came to the elder and gave the nuclei to the other party, saying, "The mission is complete."

The elder looked at Lu Yang in surprise, took the crystal nucleus, and said, "Very good, you have completed the task."

System prompt: You get 10 million experience points!

You get 100 reputation with the Devil Corner!

Lu Yang is satisfied with the experience, but he is more concerned about the reputation of the Devil Corner, saying, "I continue to kill."

"The more you can, the better."

The system prompts: You have received the order to kill the Dragon of Time and Space!

Lu Yang left the main body of the fire method in place, and the earth clone was teleported to the wind clone. He killed the time and space dragon with the wind clone, and quickly teleported back to the task. Then, the fire clone was teleported to the soil clone, and the soil clone had been killed. You dragon, soil clone and then teleport back to the task.

During the mission here, on the other side, Lu Yang took the opportunity to control the water body and teleported to the unknown island for fishing, and only one thunder clone was idle.


After playing for three hours in space and time, Lu Yang's two avatars rose to level 160, and at the same time, his reputation in the Demon Corner Council reached respect.

Lu Yang paused fighting and said to the elder, "I want to buy something."

"Of course, you can buy the items of the Devil's Council at any time." The elder opened a purchase frame for Lu Yang. The first item was what Lu Yang wanted to buy.

`` Certificate of Transfer of Fire Bloodline ''

Description: None

There was a look of excitement on Lu Yang's face, and he finally got this bug bloodline. Among the top bloodlines of the last life, one of the most important bloodlines. Any guild that can get this bloodline must be one of the strongest guilds. .

The bloodline of the flames is simply to turn the fire mage into a profession that uses the array to attack the target. After changing positions, the fire mage can change the attack form to become a flame line to attack.

Once changed into the flame formation, their fire skills will have an additional icon called flame cannon.

The effect of the Fire Cannon is to increase the spell damage by an additional 90%, causing damage to targets within a range of 10 × 10 meters, with a distance of 300 meters.

In other words, once the player has changed into the flame formation mode, after using the flame cannon attack, each attack will be 190% magic damage, and he can launch an attack from 300 meters away.

In the previous life, a player found this bloodline and was ecstatic that it was a top-level bloodline. He immediately changed his bloodline and used the inflammation line. After the replacement, he started the inflammation line and found that the inflammation line took 10 seconds to start. It takes 10 seconds to recover the time, that is to say, this is an output occupation of a fixed station.

There are several lords in the game that allow players to stand and output. Suddenly, players are disappointed. Slowly, ordinary players no longer use this bloodline.

However, what ordinary players don't know is that they cannot be used. For the guild, this is a top bloodline.

The Fire CD's attack CD is once every 2 seconds, with a range of 10X10 meters, which seems ordinary. Once a large-scale cluster attack is formed, this is a group of long-range artillery, and the attack range increases with the increase of blood level, up to 500 meters.

I remember in the last life, at the beginning, the world ’s top guilds did not find the benefit of this bloodline. It was a large guild in France. They were born with spiritual worship of this remote artillery profession ~ ~ This guild quickly produced 10,000 Yan Zhen blood, after a battle with the hostile guild, when both masters threw the curse to the opposite side, his 10,000 Yan Zhen Master set up a turret, 500 meters away Inhumane fire cannon attack on the opposing guild.

When 10,000 people attack an area at a rate of fire every 2 seconds, up to 4 times the damage can be triggered under the condition that 190% of magic damage can still trigger a critical strike. No one except the anti-war and anti-riding Resistance, the battle ended with the victory of the French guild.

At this point, the price of the Yan Zhen bloodline has changed from one silver coin to three gold coins. No matter how this is, the major guilds are still rushing, thinking that in the future war, there will be one more Yan Zhen occupation, and more An artillery.

Lu Yang has 50,000 forbidden spell masters, and their bloodline has not been resolved. One thousand of them are fire forbidden spellmasters. He directly bought the 10,000 blood veins in stock and spent 100,000 gold coins.

"Unfortunately, none of the flames on the market has appeared, otherwise I will buy as many as possible." Lu Yang shook his head with emotion, sent a message to Hei Yan, and said, "Assemble the 10,000 Fire Department forbidden mage. The inner city of Laogukou Fortress. "

"Yes." Hei Yan immediately responded.

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