Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1477: 100,000 people battlefield

He called the White Lion's phone and said, "What's going on in the military academy recently?"

The White Lion has been mobilizing players over the past few days, ready to rush out of the tiger fortress to attack He Peng, but Lu Yang hesitated to give him any news, which made him a little bit puzzled. Suddenly he asked such a question, and it was even a little hesitant.

"I've learned a lot, although it's still fur, but it's useful to try it," White Lion said truthfully.

Lu Yang asked, "Is there an army officer in your military academy who is responsible for teaching intelligence, called Tian Feng?"

The White Lion was a little surprised and said, "There is indeed such a person, and it sounds like he is terrible, but he seems to be a bit unscrupulous and was assigned to a military academy."

"Can you see him?" Lu Yang asked.

"Yes." White Lion is taking a class at the military academy and has not yet returned to the studio. He said, "Tian Feng lives in the dormitory of the military academy, and I can find him."

Lu Yang said: "Help me make an appointment with him. I will arrive at your military academy tomorrow at noon and tell him that I want to buy him a good bottle of wine."

The white lion smiled and said, "Boss, you have a conspiracy, you want to dig him."

"Hurry up and help me find someone, boss, but I'm a good person, how can there be any conspiracy." Lu Yang said with a curse.

"Observe." White Lion hung up and smiled.

Lu Yang retracted the intercom, and closed his eyes for a while to ponder. Before long, Liu Yunpeng arrived with 10,000 tauren, and not long after, Chen Qiang brought 80,000 people.

"Boss, the level of personnel is somewhat uneven, generally all are above 140." Chen Qiang came to the wall and said apologetically to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, your level doesn't matter. Someone can come."

There are Masters of the Yan Formation and Liu Yunpeng's heavy-loaded tauren. The battlefield is not unbeatable. Even if they come across other legions organized by the guild, the curse is banned and it is done.

He looked at Chen Qiang's men. Everyone looked at him with bright eyes full of hope. This proved that these people were not really dissatisfied with the Brotherhood of Iron Blood, but the false news of a hostile guild walk, which made some people uneasy. Committed players have complained.

Lu Yang turned on the loudspeaker and said loudly, "Brothers, I have worked hard for everyone recently. Starting today, I will try my best to bring my brothers to upgrade and raise everyone to level 160 as soon as possible. After that, someone will take everyone to play equipment. Estimate that At that time, the enchantments, cooking, mixture, and gems in our warehouse were full again. Everyone has more points in their hands, so you can exchange them at will. "

The eyes of 80,000 people showed an excited look. What they wanted most was to quickly upgrade the level and equipment. Now Lu Yang has given them all, which makes them feel that they were desperately in vain.

Liu Lei also showed a look of surprise. The original complaining mood disappeared without trace, only joy in his heart.

Lu Yang looked at the smiling faces of the crowd and nodded with satisfaction, turned on the team mode, merged Chen Qiang, Luo Siyu, and Liu Yunpeng's team together, turned on the battlefield switch, and selected the battlefield of 100,000 people.

The battlefield of 100,000 people is a battlefield model that has only recently emerged. This is a warm-up for competitive games launched a few months later.

There are three big battlefields. The first is called the decisive battle. The players from the two camps are decisive on a plain. Which side kills 200,000 and which side wins. The second is called the big fight. There is no camp. Who is well equipped? Whoever is the boss, kills the last 10,000 people; the third is called the artifact battle, two camps, each of which has an artifact, stealing the opponent's artifact to get three victory.

Of the three types of battles, the decisive battle is the most popular and fairest. He chose this map and shouted, "Listen to my order. I count three, two, and one and enter the battlefield of the decisive battle."

It is not allowed to enter the map in team mode. Elite groups such as the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood, a team unified, and other ordinary players do not need to play, just wait to lose, so official regulations Even if they are in team mode, they are randomly assigned when entering the battlefield.

Officials think that this can be fair, but they never thought that there was a small loophole in the game. The battlefield started with 100,000 people. This requires waiting in line. If 100,000 players choose to enter the battlefield at the same time, there are very The chance is that these 100,000 people will enter the same camp on the same map.

Lu Yang used this loophole. After the countdown to 321, 100,000 people in the regiment simultaneously pressed the battlefield application button.

The system prompts: You have selected the Great Plains battlefield, whether to enter!

Lu Yang clicked into the battlefield, and a flash of light flashed. He appeared on the red side of battlefield 10009838. He asked: "The heads of the regiment counted the number, how many people came in, and how many people did not come in."

Less than two-thirds of the people enter the battlefield, this battlefield does not have to fight, it is not suitable.

Luo Siyu, Liu Yunpeng and Chen Qiang quickly counted the number of people.

"Yan Zhen Masters all come in."

"The tauren are all in."

"My 80,000 people came in more than 70,000, and the remaining thousands did not come in."

Lu Yang nodded with satisfaction. It was good to have so many people. He said, "Let those thousands rest first, Chen Qiang took the people to rest in place, Liu Yunpeng and Luo Siyu took people out with me. ,Ready to fight."

"Yes." The three responded.

There are five minutes to prepare before the start of the battlefield. Players on both sides are trapped in a valley. The only channel has a white enchantment, and players are prohibited from going out first.

Lu Yang called Luo Siyu and Liu Yunpeng to his side, opened the battlefield map, pointed at the two peaks outside the valley, and said, "Leave a thousand men of the flame array mage and a thousand tauren at the entrance, and the rest told me When they went out, Luo Siyu and Hei Yan each took 4,500 Yan Zhen Masters to the two peaks, and Liu Yunpeng took 9,000 people to defend around the peaks. "

There are four dwarf mountains in the middle of the map, arranged in a square, and each two are 200 meters apart.

The hills are flat-topped, and each one is about 6,000 square meters. The rest of the area is all plains. Players basically fight around these four hills. Whoever can get control of the hills can win this one. fighting.

Normally, the two players rush out of the map to control the two dwarf mountains in their own direction to form an offensive battle with the opponent. Due to the limitation of the attack distance, the shooter can hit a maximum distance of 150 meters, and therefore cannot hit the opposite peak. Now, the two sides will form a burning battlefield here.

Luo Siyu and Liu Yunpeng saw Lu Yang's play when they saw these four mountains. The attack range of the Yan array mage is 300 meters. Standing on the edge of a low mountain, you can hit an area within 100 meters of another low mountain, which is equal to It was the instant set fire that dropped the control point on the opponent's high platform, coupled with the super-attack power of the Flame Array Master and the melee output of the Tauren Warrior, this battle was equal to winning.

System prompt: The battle has 30 seconds to start. Please make the final preparations!

Chen Qiang came to Lu Yang with curiosity and asked, "Did we all need to go out for 80,000 people?"

Lu Yang said, "Yeah, it's enough to have these 20,000 people. You can let the brothers play card games and watch the video."

"Er." Chen Qiang scratched his head and asked, "Are our guilds so strong, or I'll go out with a main force above 140 to do something."

In the game battlefield, the levels are not average. Players between 140 and 169 count as a file. If the opposite players are mainly around 160, Chen Qiang is worried that Lu Yang can't handle it.

Lu Yang patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "Go out with me and see if you see your name."

Chen Qiang was a little surprised, let Liu Lei and they stay in place to stabilize the players, the game battle began, he ran out of the canyon with Luyang and 20,000 elite players.

The canyon is not long, only 150 meters, and 80 meters wide on both sides. It comes out of the canyon is a very wide plain, 5 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide. It is as large as more than twenty football fields.

The four hills are arranged on both sides of the mid-circle line. Hei Yan and Luo Siyu both start the acceleration scrolls, and each brings 4,500 Yan array mages to the two low mountains near their side.

Lu Yang stood at the front of the cliff on the left side of the dwarf mountain and shouted, "Yan Zhen Master, open Yan Yan form."

A total of 9,000 mage bodies on both sides emitted a fiery red light array at the same time, forming a five-star star array under their feet. At the same time, a skill called the Yan Cannon was added to the magic column of the Yan array mage.

Below the low mountain, Liu Yunpeng and the tauren arranged the formation, mainly defending at the entrance of the two low mountains to prevent the enemy from sneaking up.

When the Jagged Brothers League was ready to complete, the other player appeared on the low mountain too late. The head of the player was very dazzling, with red and green hairs on his head, donkey eyes, big white teeth and black skin. Lu Yang recognized Olma at a glance.

"The path of the enemy is narrow." Lu Yang muttered to himself.

Olma also saw Lu Yang. He pointed to Landing Yang and covered his stomach and laughed and said, "It's really good luck, let me run into it, and see how I can kill you today."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Stupid dog."

"Who are you calling a silly dog?" Olma was furious, pointing at the rounded eyes of the landing donkey.

Lu Yang said: "Stupid dog, you can't hear you, you are pure silly dog."

"I, I ..." Olma was anxious.

Lu Yang snorted and cursed, "Stupid dog, I'm your dog head."

Hei Yan: "..."

Luo Siyu: "..."

Chen Qiang:"……"

Jagged Brothers Elite: "..."

No one expected that Lu Yang, who was very well-produced, had such a side, and it seemed that he had a high degree of curse.

Where do they know that Lu Yang was a scolding expert, and when the boss played psychological warfare with hostile guilds, he must learn to scold others.

When he was in the old continent, he killed a lot of enemies by scolding him. After entering the new continent, he developed faster and stronger. He no longer needs to use scolding to control the emotions of his opponents, but it does not mean that he is not meeting.

Today, when I saw Olma, Lu Yang couldn't help but have to say that every time I saw Olmar's red and green hair and donkey head, he couldn't help urge to curse.

How could Olma tolerate Lu Yang's scolding of him? When he and Lu Yang scolded him on the spot, he could be the president, and Olma was not vegetarian. Suddenly, the fighting on both sides became a curse in the middle of the two presidents.

Lu Yang scolded while sending a message to Hei Yan and Luo Siyu, asking: "Are you aiming?"

Hei Yan said: "I'm aligning the coordinates, the slowest is 1 minute."

"Okay, I scold him for another minute." Lu Yang opened his mouth and scolded: "You are a stupid dog, the whole family are stupid dogs."

Hei Yan: "..."

Luo Siyu: "..."

The Flame Cannon skill of the Flame Array Master is a projectile attack. It is a very fast radiant projectile with a small arc. Before release, you need to check the coordinates first, otherwise there is a great chance of being distorted.

It doesn't need to be so troublesome to play against ordinary players, but the enemy is Olma, and he has to be careful.

Olma and Lu Yang scolded for two minutes. What made him speechless was that Lu Yang scolded people for as long as 2 minutes, but he was speechless.

"I'm furious, I'm killing you, I'm killing you." Olma was anxious.

Lu Yang was very proud. At this time, he received the news from Hei Yan and Luo Siyu, and the 4,500 Yan Zhen Masters of the two men had aligned their coordinates.

"Lu Yang, there is a kind of heads-up, without the spirit of the demon, you are something." Olma scolded angrily.

"Single-headed, single-headed, you stand there and don't move, Lao Tzu come here." Lu Yang cursed.

"But it's a dog." Olma scolded.

"Yes, the dog that didn't pass is Hei Yan, hit Lao Tzu, I'll pass now." Lu Yang cursed.

Olma originally set up a trap and scolded Lu Yang, but he heard that Lu Yang really wanted to come over and let Hei Yan attack. He felt a strange feeling in his heart. There was no attack range that could hit 200 meters away. There was also a curse. Mage, but for the sake of fairness, the power of the curse of the curse to suppress 50% of the damage in the big battlefield is difficult to kill. He doesn't know what Lu Yang is going to do?

"Yan Cannon, let it go!" Hei Yan and Luo Siyu sang at the same time.

Olmar looked at the mage behind Lu Yang in surprise. He felt a problem just now. Why did these mage have a halo under his feet? He didn't understand it at first, but now he understands it.

On the two dwarf hills, a fierce flame suddenly lit, and 4500 grimace fireballs on each side shot at the two dwarf hills on his side.

Olma felt only a flash of light, and was attacked by dozens of grimace bombs at the same time. He died instantly on the spot. Not only him, but the two low mountains on his side looked as if they were dense from a distance. Fire meteor attacks are average, and all remote players standing on top of it die.

A light and shadow appeared across the battlefield next to Olma's corpse, and Lu Yang showed his figure with a bang. He looked at Olma who died on the ground and said, "I'm here, what can you do to me, silly? dog."

"I'm killing you." Orma was resurrected in situ, seeing Lu Yang stepping on his face, turning over and sweeping his sword.

"Stand to me." How could Lu Yang make Orma hit, and he was ready to use the fire snake restraint skills immediately.

The nine Fire Snakes instantly trapped Olma, and his sword was less than 10 cm from Lu Yang.


Olma lifted control, but did not wait for him to swipe, and Lu Yang's spell came out again.

"Yan Yang Suo"

Olma is under control again.

Lu Yang scowled on Orma's face and scolded: "Let your grandson attack me in association with other guilds. See how I can clean you up today."

"Meteorite Impact"

"Resistant Fire Ring"

"Destroy the Sky"


Lu Yang hit a set of basic serial attacks, killing Olma, and then he jumped back to his own low mountain before his horse rushed up.

Olma was killed again, and when his men were resurrected, he shouted angrily: "All offense, give me all offense and kill Lu Yang."

100,000 players rushed towards the landing sun.

Lu Yang took a closer look. There are 50,000 160 players in Olma. He is a guild. It looks like he used the same tricks to participate in the battle, but his luck was bad, only 50,000 came People around, the remaining 50,000 people are ordinary players, from all countries.

He said to Hei Yan and Rose Rain, "Coverage attacks within 300 meters."

"Yes." Hei Yan and Luo Siyu immediately issued orders.

Flat shots have radians, low shots do not require radians, and 9,000 Fire Array Masters started firing at players who rushed below the enemy.

The 160-level mages of the flame formation can reach 2.13 million magic damage, an additional 90% of magic damage, which is equal to 4 million magic damage value, and a 160-level dark gold sleeve melee, the total blood volume is only more than 13 million, The French resistance is only more than 400,000, which is equivalent to each attack, can kill the opponent's health of about 3.6 million, if the critical strike is 7.2 million.

The fire cannon's attack range is 4 square meters, and 9,000 Yan array mages fire in three groups. All players rushing in 300 meters away are killed by the Ghost-Flame bombs.

Chen Qiang stood next to Lu Yang, watching the fire flaming under him, and his face was full of surprise. He couldn't imagine how these Yan Zhen Masters could be so strong.

Olma was also dumbfounded, standing in the distance, staring at the donkey's eyes and watching his own player being attacked by Yan Bo, none of them could rush in.

"What kind of job is this and why is it so aggressive?"

When Olma didn't know what to do here, his men were desperately charging towards the low mountain. In less than a minute, the number of killings exceeded 60,000 ~ ~ On the other side, Liu Yunpeng received Lu Yang's order and took 9,000 ancestors to the side.

When Olma reacted, he quickly shouted, "Stop the attack, everyone stops attacking, and regroup behind the low mountain."

When more than 60,000 people resurrected were running towards the low mountain, Liu Yunpeng roared 100 meters away and said, "Ancestral Tauren Legion, attack ~!"

"Drink ~!"

At the same time, the 9000 ancestor tauren slammed the totem on the ground and rushed into the team of Orma carrying the totem pole.

Lu Yang took the opportunity to order: "Luo Siyu and Heiyan Bandyan array mage followed behind the tauren and launched attacks in turn."


9,000 Yan Zhen Masters jumped off the 80-meter-high cliff, and a parachute appeared on the back of each person. This was created by the smithy of the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood. Every elite player had this device on their cloak.

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