Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1484: New Bloodline-Water Soul Mage

On the pit of the game, "Second World" can be called the first. Ordinary people think that if he walks in this way, he can merge with the lord monster and become a complete superior lord controlled by the player.

Just kidding, when was the official so kind, the last generation did n’t know how many players had come with a puppet, and all of them were seconds.

So that the players thought of countless ways later, they even carried the attack to let the puppet walk to the front of the wild ancient heterogeneous, and then there was no more, and the puppet stood there in a daze, and no one knew how to synthesize.

The official did not give a hint, and there was no mission description. In this way, it lasted for half a year. When the players thought it was a pit, a guild player unexpectedly succeeded.

At that time, the wild ancient aliens had been killed as a normal superior lord monster. Killing him can get a lot of good things. When this guild once again obtained the control of the palace, some of them brought players with them. Destroy the ancient heterogeneous.

Fortunately, when they left the last 10,000 points of blood with the ancient ancient aliens, the level 7 puppet launched the only special attack on the ancient ancient aliens, soul shock!

Xuangu Xuan died instantly, and at the same time, Xun was merged with Xuangu Xuan, and the 20 players who watched this guild to fight against the lord were Xuan.

None of them could see how 噜噜 succeeded, and asked each other and found no results. Later, some people thought that the last attack might have been 噜噜 killed, and they only reacted. Later, after several tests, it turned out that That's it. So far, the method of obtaining wild and heterogeneous species has been cracked.

It is also considered that these 20 players are lucky. They are all classmates. 20 people agreed to keep secrets. After more than half a year, it was accidentally said by a player and told a girl that the girl was broadcasting live that day, which was made public.

So far, these 20 people have never been able to enter the underground palace, and the major guilds have madly snatched the wild ancient aliens. This has become one of the most terrible wild PK battlefields in the New World.

Lu Yang and his cricket walked to a corner 50 meters away. This is near the entrance. No blame. Then he returned to the lord blame.

"Damn man, how dare you take away my avatar." Huanggu Xuan growled when he saw Lu Yang return.


He had eight chains on his body. Among them, the huge chain that bound his left arm was broken by him and turned into his weapon.


The chain on the right hand was also broken, followed by snoring. Eight chains finally left only two on the left and right ribs. This was the chain that controlled his soul.

System prompt: The battle will start after 5 seconds, please be prepared!

Before the encounter between Xun and Xuangu, it was a way to start the battle. Otherwise, the monster's name is gray and cannot start the battle.

It is very easy for Lu Yang to kill such a lord. He cannot move by himself, so Lu Yang can control him to death.

"Lava Eruption"

Lu Yang pointed the lord with his staff in his right hand, and a piece of lava with a diameter of 30 meters appeared under his feet.

"Yanyang mask"

Lu Yang himself appeared a golden flame shield.


Lu Yang suddenly jumped in front of Xuangu Xuan, and one second before the start of the battle, a spell was spoken in his mouth.

"Angry Skills-Fire Kill"

The Wilderness is completely incapable of action, so it is controlled by the skills in place. There is a lava eruption and a sunshade to increase the rage value. Lu Yang can be reused. This trick is expected to be revised after Christmas, but before the revision, he can Head to any lord monster.

After 10 minutes.

There is only the last 10,000 points left in the wasteland of Xuangu Xuan. At this time, Lu Yang jumped to the back, and the control puppet ran over quickly, aiming at the wasteland of Xuangu Xuan.

"Soul Shock"

The huge and strange body of the ancients stopped instantly in place. The next second, a violent light burst out. The soul trapped by the chain was defeated and turned into six rays. At the same time, it escaped the control of the chain and penetrated into the body of the uncle.

"哐 啷"

The last two chains fell to the ground, making a crisp sound, and the huge and strange body walked forward to Lu Yang.

System prompt: Congratulations to player Lu Yang, who successfully controlled the wild ancient aliens!

Barbaric Heterogeneity

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 80000000000/80000000000

Physical injury: 80080000

Legal injury: 70000000

Defense: 3628680

Magic resistance: 2500000


Sky Penalty: The target is harmed by 20% of the current health! Cool down time is 30 seconds.

Skywrath: Ignore the target's magic defense, drop 8 alien **** thunders, each of which deals 10 times spell damage, and has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Sky Slash: Ignore the target's physical defense, and play 8 consecutive physics in 1 second, causing 10 physical damage and a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Lu Yang couldn't help but clenched his fists. This is a strange and strange strength. A non-perfect superior lord. Who can fight such a lord strangely? The attack power is so high. Just give him a chance to attack. dead.

In the last life, he had never controlled the wild ancient alien species. This thing is not like other monsters, summoned one away, and can brush out another one in a few hours.

This thing is the only one that will be brushed if it is dead. If the one summoned is not dead, it will not be brushed here.

In the last life, this was the most fierce battlefield in the eradication of ancient and alien species. Lu Yang's little guild did not dare to come, even if he held the level 10 Demon Heart.

At that time, he was thinking about when he could get a wild ancient alien species, which he didn't realize in this life. He looked at the monster in the distance, with a sneer expression on his face, issued a command and attacked.

"Hello ~!"

噜噜 The body with a small jelly-like body came out with a small mouth, and learned to roar, and the ancient and heterogeneous body also roared and went towards the distance.

Now, the body of cricket has become the most precious thing. Normally, a wild ancient alien is absolutely impossible to be killed. This thing is extremely precious to everyone. When you see that you are about to die, you immediately run away with the ancient ancient alien. Even with strong control skills, it is difficult to keep him 100%.

The only fastest way to kill the wild ancient aliens is to kill the puppet that devoured the souls of the wild ancient aliens. The dead, the wild ancient aliens immediately become the superior lords without owners and are no longer controlled by the players.

I still have the original appearance. The seventh-level state of the first-level mob has a total of more than 200 points of blood. The magic resistance and physical resistance can be ignored. Once found, at present, any player can put an instant skill to death. .

噜噜 is also a monster. Once found by a patrolling NPC in the security zone, it will have to die, and it is easy to expose its position. Even if the NPC is killed, it will lead to the pursuit of other enemies, and it will have to die at that time.

Even if it is placed under the fortress's main capital, it may be infiltrated by the other party. There is such a baby helping to equip the equipment and let the hostile guild know. He would rather kill a regiment spy.

This is an extremely troublesome problem, and the only solution is to hide the maggot in the corner demon realm, unless other people can enter the corner demon realm, but now the corner demon realm seems to be the only one, Lu Yang decided to take the cricket with him first, and then go out to transform the corner demon realm, otherwise, he would not sleep well.

"Sky Wrath"

A scream roared in the distance, and Lu Yang looked over his side, and eight blue gods thunder suddenly fell from the space where the roof was broken. All eight elite monsters were seconds, and many skill books burst.

Lu Yang walked over and took a look. There are three skill books in the water system, all of which are water water stab skills books, which makes Lu Yang interested. The effect of water stabs is that as long as there is water, the water mage can Release the Spunlace skill, the range is 100 meters away. Anyone within the range will be attacked by 1.5 times the current spell. This is a line of attack, which belongs to the high-level skills of the Water Spirit Bloodline Master.

Now that the skill book can burst out here, maybe related bloodlines can burst out, Lu Yang pointed at the various monsters in front of his left hand and ordered: "Ancient alien, attack."

"Hello ~!"

The wild ancient alien rushed forward, whether it was a winged demon, a demon with a curved corner, or a long tail demon, the elite level could not carry the wild ancient 10 knives, and the boss class only needed 20 knives.

Lu Yang didn't need to see who was killed by the wild and ancient aliens. Just follow him to pick up things. Only one hour later, he picked up more than 200 water ghost stab skills books.

This is the advantage of land reclamation. Whenever land reclamation has a very high explosion rate, good things can be easily obtained. Especially maps like the underground palace have a large range. It takes at least two days to kill a circle, but now there are ancient and alien species to fight. It is estimated that it can be done in half a day.

In fact, the items that seem to drop here are good, but actually reach level 200. The Water Ghost Skill Book and Water Spirit Bloodline Certificate are very common, but at this level, it seems to be rare. The real value is only the ancient and exotic. The rest are all It's garbage.

But there is a benefit. At this level, this thing is still a rare item. No one knows what the ghost of the water soul is. The attack distance is still 100 meters, which can pit many people.

"Ga ~~~!"

A special voice sounded, Lu Yang turned to look at the front of the Xuangu alien, and a monster about the height of the Xuangu alien stood in the middle of the road.

Water Soul King (Lord Level)

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 50000000000/50000000000

The Water Soul King is about 10 meters high. The upper body is in the form of a flesh. The skin is gray and black. It covers the body of the hard armor. The fingers are slender and have spikes. The attack power is more than 30 million.

There was no hair on his head, only a gray circular outline, two blood-red eyes with a trace of anger, acid water could be sprayed from his mouth, and the damage would be 1 million per second.

Water Soul King has 8 spikes on both shoulders. When attacking, these spikes will release icicles and damage 2 million.

Below his abdomen is the form of water, and under the vortex-like water flow are four antennae, which are the four antennae, which can launch a water ghost attack.

Lu Yang ordered the wasteland ancient aliens to stay in place. The Water Soul King could not beat the wasteland ancient aliens under normal circumstances, but there was all water around him. When the blood was low, he could be transformed into a water ghost and dive into the water without the eyes of true vision. Can't hit him at all.

He built a table post in the same place, leaving the crickets and wild ancients, and flew back to Tianyu Shencheng. He bought 100 sets of true vision eyes in the hidden grocery store. He returned to the underground palace to see true vision. Eyes stuck in the ground.

Eye of True Sight

Description: Enemies within 50 meters have nothing to hide!

This eye of true vision completely restrains the water ghost stab skills, but it also requires the player to be within 50 meters to release it, and rushed up, only to give the water ghost stab.

Lu Yang does not need to be so troublesome. Within 30 meters away from the monster, the monster will not attack you, so there is no danger in putting him up.

"Ancient alien, attack!"

Lu Yang issued an order, and Xuangu Xuan rushed towards the Water Soul King. The two monsters had the same height and the same body shape. When fighting each other, Lu Yang withdrew to a distance of 100 meters.

From a distance, it is clear that the Water Soul King can't beat the Fanggu Xenotype. When the Agu Ancient Xuan still has 80% health, the Water Soul King's health is only 50%.

"Water Ghost Sting"

Suddenly, the body of the King of Water Souls became completely liquid, and turned into a pool of water that merged into the current on the ground. Far, or caught off guard, will be stabbed.

On the other side, when the Spurs started, an incorporeal Water Soul King was running quietly towards the distance. Without the True Sight Eye, the Water Soul King would not be found at all, but now he is in front of the wild ancient aliens. .

"Sky Wrath"


"Sky Slay"

After several consecutive attacks, the Water Soul King in the incorporeal state suffered double damage. It took only 10 seconds to lose 40% of his health. After several attacks, he did not wait for the Water Soul King to return to the physical form. Just hung up.

Lu Yang ran over with a puppet and looked at the items falling on the ground. Sure enough, the transfer certificate of the Master of Water Souls fell out.

The remaining items are some 170-level ordinary gold equipment. There is nothing worthy of Lu Yang's attention. After he simply collected them, he continued to attack the ancient and alien species.

Behind the Water Soul King, there are a large number of Water Soul Elites and Water Souls ~ ~ Every time he kills, Lu Yang puts down an eye of true vision, the killed Water Soul monster will burst the Water Soul Master Transfer certificate.

Lu Yang typed it for two hours, and even more than two thousand copies burst out. He felt good, and continued to kill. When it was dark, he killed 12 hours here, and just got one. Ten thousand transfer skill books and ten thousand water ghost stab skills books.

He sent a message to Tu Feng and said, "Take the Logistics Corps and teleport to the Corner Demon Realm Palace. I have something here."

"Okay." Ten people holding a teleportation scepter here at Tu Feng followed Tu Feng to the underground palace. When they saw Lu Yang, he stood not far away, holding dozens of storage bags in his hand, and asked with a smile. "What is this?"

Lu Yang said: "Water Master's advanced transfer certificate and advanced skills are placed in the tiger mouth fortress."

Tu Feng nodded, took the skill book underwater into his backpack, and started to transport the skill book by ants moving.

Lu Yang took advantage of this time to return to the corner of the magic castle, and the cricket was left in the ground palace, a avatar standing at the entrance to the palace, guarding the cricket.

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