Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1486: Tian Feng's achievements

He Peng sighed and said, "I don't know who was leaked. We were exposed. Lu Yang knew we were yours."

"How would he know." Alice frowned.

He Peng said: "Leave it alone, what shall we do now?"

Alice laughed sarcastically and said, "In the beginning, I advised you not to occupy this place. You had to listen. Do you think that Lu Yang is so kind and will leave such a clear space for you? Is it not for harvesting you later? Come on. "

He Peng showed a dark look and said: "Blame me, I was greedy for cheap, President, please save us, we don't want to lose the guild."

Alice was very satisfied with He Peng's attitude and said, "I had long thought that there would be a day when you took everyone back to the Ralbagh Fortress, and then crossed the Red Valley into the pink fortress area."

"Isn't that the place of the G8?" He Peng asked in surprise.

Alice proudly said, "Daniel will accept you on my behalf. I know what Lu Yang thinks, but it is a blow to our self-confidence. But will I be afraid of him? He doesn't dare to stay in this area for too long."

"You wise, I'll do it now." He Peng said excitedly, with the back road and future plans, he knows what to do.

Alice hung up the phone and looked at the time. It was eight o'clock in the morning. She guessed that Zhou Tianming had arrived at this time. She glanced over and looked at the sleeping white devil like a dead pig. , Took the phone and walked to the bathroom to call Zhou Tianming, the taste of President Xiaoxianrou, she has never tasted it.

"Jingle Bell"

Zhou Tianming is thinking about how to deal with Alice in the hotel alone. This is a great test for him. The woman on the opposite side is in his twenties and has been in the dust for many years. He thought about many countermeasures before he came. , But they didn't feel perfect, and needed to be strengthened a little bit. Therefore, he was thinking about the rest of the time besides sleeping for two hours by plane.

Seeing that the phone rang, he picked it up and saw that it was Alice's call, and he could not help shaking, he knew that the time had come to test him, stabilized his mood, pressed the call button, and said, "Hello, Alice wire."

"Where are you? I want to see you first." Alice's voice was very soft, but it didn't look cheap. It was a kind of sound and emotion that was just right. It wouldn't be necessary to be a person with insufficient concentration. In a week, you will be willing to go to the fire for Alice.

Zhou Tianming had seen the world and couldn't help but sigh for Alice's voice, and said, "I'm at the hotel, and I'm preparing to go out to see the scenery. Italy is the first time."

"I'm the host here. Why not let me show you the scenery?" Alice said humblely.

Zhou Tianming recalled the text message Lu Yang sent to him on the plane. He was the vice chairman of the Jagged Brothers Alliance, the shareholder of one of the few strongest guilds in the entire New World, and the oldest very popular game. One of the members, if he really wants to leave the Jagged Brotherhood, Lu Yang has no way to embarrass him and can only watch him leave, so he now really has this right and momentum, enough to make a heavenly pride like Alice Lower his head and fold his waist.

Zhou Tianming said with a hint of domineering in his speech, saying, "Okay, I'll wait for you at the hotel."

"An hour, wait for me." Alice hung up the phone smugly and quickly called for someone to arrange her makeup. An hour later, she appeared downstairs.

At the same time, Lu Yang also learned of Alice's arrival from Zhou Tianming. At this time, he was receiving reports from Tian Feng with Tu Feng and Qing Qian Zimeng.

Tian Feng said quietly: "Of the ten heads, there are two traitors, one is Liu Yufeng and the other is Zhang Chi."

"Why?" Tu Feng stared at Tian Feng and asked: "They didn't lift anyone one day yesterday, why did they conclude that they had problems?"

Tian Feng said with a smile: "They have no problems, but they have problems. The ordinary groups under these people are discussing the unfairness of the guild and they have not given them enough treatment. The other eight groups Without such a problem, I can conclude that the two regiments will rebel as soon as war begins. "

Lu Yang looked at Tu Feng, Tu Feng nodded, and said, "Very well, these two guys do have problems, but we haven't had conclusive evidence."

Tian Feng was not smug and humble, saying, "This is our job."

Lu Yang looked at Tu Feng and Qing Qian Zimeng and said, "The two of you go first and continue to penetrate outwards to find more enemy weaknesses."

"Yes." Tu Feng and Qing Qian Zimeng each responded and left.

Stepping out of the door, Qing Qian Zimeng couldn't help but take a look at Tu Feng and said, "It looks like the boss is really fierce this time."

Tu Feng snorted and said, "Some people need to be punished. They obviously have the conditions that others don't admire, but they always complain that they are not as good as others.

Qing Qian Zimeng shrugged his shoulders and left.

Inside the room.

Lu Yang looked at Tian Feng and said, "From now on, you will officially have five million capital support. Give me the head of the ordinary regiment inside the investigation. They can't hold my money and pay me back, please."

"Rest assured, I won't run away." Tian Feng said with cold eyes.

"Is there any good way to solve the problem of ordinary players?" Lu Yang asked.

Tian Feng said, "The best way is to make them move, and then it is best to give some real benefits."

Lu Yang nodded clearly and said, "In the future, we will usually contact by phone ~ ~ I will come to you every night, and you will report to me on the day."

"Yes," Tian Feng said.

Lu Yang patted Tian Feng's shoulder, turned away from the room, and returned to the war studio by car. It is not difficult to move the player. It is nothing more than playing equipment. At this stage, most of his people are here. Level 150, of which the most elite are 2 million to level 160, and about 3,000 or so are about to rush to level 170. They are all high-level players who have been hired after the global competitions before, and are responsible for leading the team to play copies.

Lu Yang entered the game and sent a message to all vice presidents such as Zhuojiu and White Lion, as well as all the guild members, saying, "All members of the Iron Blood Brotherhood can enter the Heaven Soul Fortress to Ralbagh Fortress and play Christmas monsters. Counted as a small benefit for everyone in the guild. "

The explosion rate of Christmas monsters is twice as usual, there are more, more elites, and a lot of people are robbing. Now they are occupied by this area. No one is playing here, which is just a benefit for players in the guild.

Almost all Jagged Brothers players are waiting for this sentence. The Huaxia area is too crowded, and Lu Yang does not let them kill and rob monsters. Now that there is no one to grab, they have rushed out of the tiger mouth fortress and ran to the new Occupy the area.

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