Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1492: Split

The deputy thought about it and sighed. He could see that the White Devil had approved Alice's plan, and other men also had such ideas. After all, who can lay down to make money, who wants to make money busy.

"Okay, I won't say any more, and then work." The deputy raised his hoe, and as he was about to plan down, he found that the countless corners of the gate where the pyramid castle was located turned out. come.

"What is the situation and how can there be a corner demon?" Said the deputy confused.

The white devil also found the problem and frowned at the corner demon. Among the glittering corner demon monsters, many of them were elite and boss-level, and their levels were around 175.

"No, this is a corner upgrade monster that attacked Lalbagg Fortress and Purgatory Fortress. Damn it. These monsters are controlled by the player, everyone returns to the fortress to participate in the defense." The white devil yelled, Gu Unable to run, he quickly ran towards the secret castle, and when he was on the road, he opened the panel and released the desert demon cavalry in the secret.

Speed ​​battles on both sides are together. These soldiers have no specific control. After issuing the attack order, they can only watch them attack forward.

Lu Yang turned into the shape of the two kings of curved corners, and advanced forward in it. Soon, the two sides fought together. The total number of desert demon cavalry was also 10,000, but they were not upgraded. After fighting each other, they were quickly crushed. It was crushed, and there were more than 8,000 people remaining in the corner devil.

"Break their pyramid." General Bendhorn Vanguard roared, and rushed towards the pyramid with the group of clusters. After a slash, the pyramid quickly burst.

The system prompts: you get 5000 gold coins, 60,000 wood, 20,000 iron ore, and 30,000 food.

Lu Yang laughed. There are really enough secret materials, especially gold coins. This is a must-have for buying experience. He looked around, and just saw the angry expression of the white devil in the distance. antique.

"It turned out that you found the antiques in the mysterious realm." Lu Yang knew in his heart that each secret realm produced something different. The curved corner magical realm gave the experience Dan, and here is the antique.

"Who the **** is, come out to Lao Tzu, I will definitely avenge you, I will definitely avenge you." The White Devil shouted angrily.

Lu Yang ignored the white devil. At this time, he exposed himself. That was a fool's job. With a wave of his arm, the entire Devil Army returned to the secret place.

He opened the control interface, and successively built barracks, war mills, and houses, and then he chose to upgrade the corner castle.

The system prompts: 1 hour before the end of the upgrade!

Lu Yang looked at the time. It was almost four o'clock in the middle of the night. He quit the game and went home to rest.

By noon the next day, Lu Yang returned to the game after the workout, and the angled magic castle was upgraded to become a level 2 base, and each building changed.

He opened the barracks, looked at the population, and had a corner demons with a population of 10,000. He opened a corner demo workshop to upgrade the soldiers' attack and defense. At the same time, several clones continued to upgrade the level according to yesterday's method. .

In the map, Suhabi completed an external attack on the Lord of the Nuanshui River.

Zhou Tianming called and Lu Yang pressed the call button and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm on the plane back." Zhou Tianming squealed and said excitedly, "they have already agreed to join and gave me a big contract."

Lu Yang said: "Pay attention to safety."

"Rest assured, all have been checked by the black knife around, no problem." Zhou Tianming said.

Lu Yang nodded and asked, "Are there any special requirements?"

Zhou Tianming said: "I mentioned one, but I promised, and it was nothing, when I rebelled, I asked me to log in to the game myself."

Lu Yangmeng's eyes widened and cursed: "Your boy is looking for death, you dare to go to Mexico. This plan will stop here and will not continue."

Zhou Tianming said with a smile: "I knew you would disagree, but I agreed, and they could kill me."

Lu Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Really, you get off the plane and hurry back. This is the case, absolutely no more."

"You're waiting for me to come back." Zhou Tianming hung up the phone, showing a determined look in his eyes. He must do this. If he doesn't, the Iron Brotherhood will definitely fall apart in the next three years. .

The seven strongest guilds in the distance do n’t say that there are rebellions in India and South Korea nearby. If the three friends and guards gates destroy the Iron Brotherhood, they can really do it. Since he has this opportunity to save the guild, he Never miss it.

It may be silly to do so, but others absolutely cannot understand the influence of War Studio and Game City on him. This is a holy place in his heart and no one is allowed to destroy it.

Inside the game.

Lu Yang watched the lord blame his death with no excitement, picked up his soul and wept his trousers and put it in his backpack, and continued to think about Zhou Tianming's affairs.

The danger is too great. He cannot guarantee Zhou Tianming's safety. In any case, he cannot let Zhou Tianming pass.

Looking at the time, Zhou Tianming has at least 10 hours to return, and he can only continue to upgrade in the game.

Attacking other mysteries is very simple. Many people have not yet figured out how to defend and attack them. Lu Yang, a latecomer, easily penetrated more than 20 mysteries in a day and obtained more than 100,000 gold coins and other materials. At this time , Curved Magic Castle is also level 5.

Lu Yang believes that he can reach level 7 early in the morning. He quit the game and just dropped his helmet. Zhou Tianming walked in.

During the conversation here, Zhuo Jiu, Xia Yuwei and others knew about Zhou Tianming's return. Zhenglian came over and saw what the two were talking about. He could not help anger and pointed at Zhou Tianming and scolded: "Are you trying to betray us?"

Zhou Tianming gave a mocking look at bitter love for a long time and said, "Why am I going to betray? Don't buckle my hat."

"You!" The bitter love could not find evidence for half his life. The only evidence was the conversation between Zhou Tianming's men in private.

The White Lion frowned and said, "Zhou Tianming, we all take you as a brother. At least you control your players, don't let them spread words that are not good for the guild. This will split your men and the guild."

Zhou Tianming stood up and said with a smile, "Cheng, I just said it."

"What kind of attitude do you have." Suffering love is half angry and anxious. Everyone who sees clearly sees Zhou Tianming's perfunctory, raises his fist and hits Zhou Tianming's right face.


Zhou Tianming couldn't wait to be beaten. He jumped up in anger, kicking his feet towards the bitter love for half a life, and the people around him quickly separated them.

"Don't fight," Lu Yang said coldly.

Zhou Tianming and bitter love stopped for a while.

"Let's all go back to their respective positions. It's messy enough now, don't add any more." Lu Yang frowned.

Xia Yuwei, White Lion, and others knew what Lu Yang meant by chaos. The guild players had insufficient levels, insufficient equipment, and insufficient supplies. South Korea and India were in chaos, and internal complaints were raised. Large ships may be hit into the sea floor by a hurricane and a large wave at any time.

"We're going back," said Zhujiu.

Xia Yuwei and others nodded to Lu Yang and left. Zhou Tianming left first.

Soon, the news spread wildly. The main vice-chairman bitterly loved half-life and Zhou Tianming fought, and their faces were swollen, so that their players were unhappy to see each other's players, and the game city was filled with The spirit of division ~ ~ Lu Yang sat quietly in the room, not long after, Tian Feng came in and said with a smile: "Boss, as for such a big battle?"

"What?" Lu Yang asked.

Tian Feng said with a smile: "Forget it, I am also guessing, there is no real evidence to tell you, and there are more than a dozen group-level betrayers, and more than thirty betrayal and non-betrayal. Was swinging before. "

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Good job, have you ever thought about expanding the team?"

"Of course I think." Tian Feng said, "I wish to expand the team. To manage a guild of tens of millions of people, I must give at least 5,000 spies."

Lu Yang laughed and handed a letter to him, saying: "Inside is 50 million cash, allowing you to freely recruit players inside and outside the guild, training spies, preferably Korean and Indian spies. I have some here. Intelligence, you need to follow the intelligence to find the source of the enemy. "

"Of course you can." Tian Feng readily agreed.

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