Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1512: Lu Yang collects 8 fierce

Naif was a little hesitant, and he was able to escape the attackers like him. So far, Lu Yang was the only one. He looked at Lu Yang unconvinced and said, "I don't believe I can't hit you."

He approached here again, Lu Yang, two steps to the place in front of one meter, his two-meter long sword in his hands pierced forward.

"Stabbing straight"

A piece of white light shot towards Landing Yang in an instant at less than 0.3 seconds. Lu Yang suddenly widened his eyes and turned his body into a red light with a distance of 5 meters.

Naif's left foot was about to step forward, and when Lu Yang ran out so far, the expression on his stunned face quickly became very wonderful, and he said incredibly, "You, why do you want to jump Going this far, don't you just jump within 3 meters of me? "

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Are you going to follow up with a series of moves? Are you uncomfortable?"

The sacred temple mad soldier's combo skill. The stabbing straight is the initial move. After stabbing, if you dodge in any direction, he will quickly take a step forward to launch the next skill stabbing. With him as the center, countless ground spurs suddenly appeared within a range of 5 meters, stunning all targets within the range.

Once the opponent is in a coma, he will launch the third skill Sword Whirlwind. The other **** violent battles are crazy rotations with hand weapons. The warrior of the Sword Temple is throwing out the weapons in his hand to rotate quickly. , Can also throw out a short knife, is also a whirlwind skills.

With these two skills, he can kill the opponent. If he doesn't, he can still receive four charge skills in the follow-up. This is the unique skill of the Sacred Temple. Other people only charge two times, and he can charge four times.

In a short distance of a few meters, under the circumstances that his opponent was fleeing, Naif absolutely did not believe that Lu Yang could easily escape from the past, but Lu Yang had retreated 5 meters away, just outside the attack range of all his skills. , So that his follow-up skills can not be put out, it is particularly uncomfortable.

"Lu Yang, don't look down on people." Naif was a little angry, he felt that he had been tricked, and came towards Landing Yang with a big sword in both hands.

Lu Yang still stood still, holding his arms and saying, "Don't waste time, you have no chance."

"Arrogant," Neuff snorted, and said, "I know you want to anger me, but it doesn't make sense. I'm the coolest of our eight brothers. Your trick is useless to me."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I don't need to anger you. You don't understand. You and me are not a level. Maybe you can win some elite players, but in front of me, you have no chance."

"Just kidding," Neff said sarcastically.

Lu Yang suddenly changed his face and said proudly: "You forgot, I am the three-time individual champion, maybe you should know the gap between you and me, I will let you know, even if I am 5 meters from you Within the attack range, you have no chance to use even a normal attack. "

At this time, Naif was just 1 meter in front of Lu Yang. Just as Naif was about to stab straight, Lu Yang's feet burst into flames, and his body suddenly swayed from side to side.

This is a hot and fast skill, and Neff has not used slashing but straight piercing because slashing wastes 0.2 seconds more than stabbing. If he slashes, he will not hit Lu Yang at all.

If you can pierce straight, Lu Yang can't move. In this way, Lu Yang moves back and forth in the same place. There is a feeling that the boxer is moving on the ring. He stabs in such a sudden way that he suspects that he can't hit.

"What are you doing?" Neff asked, depressed.

In the hot and fast state, Lu Yang's body was shaking left and right with a phantom. He sneered and looked at Neff and said, "This year's game, there are anger skills that can be used. Many people think that it is possible to win the game. The point, I tell you, is not the case.

What really made this contest so unusual is wrestling skills. For example, Furukawa, who played the game before, may be a bit unfair, but if you do n’t know wrestling skills or close combat, it ’s hard for you win. "

Neff frowned, and said, "What the **** do you mean, how can I not understand."

Lu Yang smiled, took a step forward, and said, "Attack me, I'm within one meter of you. Can you hit me?"

Naif was forced to take a step back. His straight sword needed a distance. Without a distance, he couldn't get out.

"Woo ~~"

"Woo ~~"


There was a sudden boo outside the court. Naif knew that this was a mockery of the audience. Lu Yang came to him as a mage, and he was afraid to attack.

"I have nothing to dare." Naif was cautious again, and he couldn't help a little anger at this time, and his sword pierced the upper body of Landing Yang.

At this moment, in front of billions of viewers around the world, Lu Yang made an action that stunned everyone. While he took a step to the right to avoid skills, his right foot suddenly popped out. In the middle, Naif stretched out and ready to step on the left foot to start 1 inch.

System prompt: The attack action is determined to be French amputation!

The target was knocked down!

Neff watched incredibly as he was thrown forward and fell with his head up to the ground. The damage suffered was very small, only a few hundred points.

He quickly got up and looked back at Lu Yang, and said in a panic, "You, what kind of attack method did you use."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Modern fighting techniques."

Modern fighting techniques are divided into European, South African, African and East Asian and Southeast Asian branches. There are dozens of fighting techniques in a dozen countries.

Lu Yang dare not say that it is all-round, but in the game, with the current body style and movement speed, he can use any one, and this fighting technique has no power judgment, but the damage judgment is based on strength. Can you fall, just look at the action is not in place.

Neff didn't understand the fighting technique at all. He was a game master, not a fighting master. At this moment, he calmed down and looked at Lu Yang with a dignified expression, saying, "I don't believe I have no way to deal with you."

Lu Yang still smiled and said, "Come on, I don't want to make you shame, or the old saying, lose, you want to be my little brother."

Neff snorted and said, "I'll talk until you win."

He slowly approached the landing land, and once again reached a distance of 1 meter, but Lu Yang did not give him a chance, and his body turned into a light and disappeared in front of him.


Neff showed an excited smile, and his body emitted a white light. Lu Yang used any skills to be bounced by the white light, which took effect instantly, and there was no rebound ballistic.

The light flashed, and Lu Yang suddenly appeared 2 meters behind Naif. He ran a step forward and hugged Naif's waist with both hands.

"Back fall"

Naif's body emptied and Lu Yang's head fell down.

The system prompts: The attack is determined to be a Japanese fall!

The target was knocked down!

"Damn, you play with me." Neff jumped angrily, and fell twice by Lu Yang. He was joke by people all over the world. He was furious and looked for Lu Yang everywhere but didn't see it. Lu Yang was right next to him.

"God Monkey Fist"

Lu Yang raised his arms horizontally, and punched the area of ​​Neff's helmet under his neck without protection.

The system prompts: The attack is judged as Thai **** monkey fist!

The target was knocked down!

"God fist, wow ha ha!"

"Where's the attack name? It's so funny."


The players burst into laughter, but it soon became popular. Thailand really has a **** monkey boxing. On the monkey island, it is one of the standard sixteen styles of Muay Thai. It uses the force of the legs to generate forward momentum. At the same time, the arms quickly move. Hit forward, attacking the throat of the target, is one of the standard actions of melee combat, with the special effect of knocking the target down for 2 seconds.

Off the field, inside a private room.

Gailgar watched Lu Yang continue to use the fighting skills to knock Neff down again and again, and said with a mockery: "Neff must be mad, this fool, so he can recruit Neff and all eight of them."

Daniel sneered and said, "Lu Yang is really whimsical. Besides, it is useless to recruit eight of them. It is troublesome to recruit them in the guild. No one in the elite group wants to form a copy with them."

Kerrim said: "I hope Lu Yang can recruit people, so that his guild will be chaotic, haha."

Eight people laughed.

After several months of recovery, the Group of Eight has once again returned to the ranks of the strongest guilds. Fighting in the plains, the strength of only one of their guilds is not under the iron brotherhood, and the iron brotherhood has to worry about the Korean and Indian regions. Civil strife, and the Spanish and Nine Stars regions far less calm than they seem.

Now they are very much looking forward to the next battle against the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood. At the same time, they also hope to attract some talents at this contest. The guild has money and they are willing to invest more.

Not only the Group of Eight is the idea, but also every strongest guild, such as Sanyouweimen, Olma, Radvidev, and even any super guild, hopes to find more useful talents through this contest.

Eight fiends were originally the object of any guild, but now any guild is not tired of eight fiends, because they are unwilling to have a team consciousness, even if they are a small team, they are not willing to join. This is the majority of presidents. Are unacceptable.

I hope others will give them money, let them learn to cultivate, and let others provide them with equipment, and they will not pay labor, no money, and no time and energy to lead the team. What do they want them to do to join the guild?

In the other rooms, all the chairpersons, including Mitomonmon and Olma, were shaking their heads.

On the court.

Lu Yang is still fighting with Naif, and he has been fighting for more than 20 minutes. Naif has been red-eyed by Lu Yang. For more than 20 minutes, he didn't even lose a drop of Lu Yang's blood. Where is Lu Yang? This kind of fighting made him hate. Words can no longer express his inner anger. Now he just wants to catch Lu Yang and kill him. If he can meet in reality, he will not hesitate to put the helmet on Smashed on Lu Yang's head, even more than smashed.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you." Naif was once again knocked down by Lu Yang who never knew where, and he lay on the ground and roared wildly.

Lu Yang felt that there was almost no time, and stood 30 meters away and said, "I'm here, come."


Naif was mad, and desperately launched Lu Yang's onslaught skills. He even forgot to use countermeasures.

"Flame Shock"

Lu Yang raised a hand and hit Neff's head with a flame, followed by a scene very familiar to audiences around the world.

"Destroy Heavy Artillery"

"Meteorite Impact"

"Blink + Poly Nuclear Explosion"


A series of skills were played out. Even if Neff reacted and used the badge to release control, he did not respond as fast as Lu Yang. Before Neff released countermeasures, he was stunned by Lu Yang's rage skills, and then a set of strong control and attack. Killed and killed him on the field.

System prompt: Lu Yang wins the game!

The audience cheered loudly, Lu Yang waved and smiled at the surrounding area and exited the arena. What he didn't know was that when he finished the game, there were countless players who watched the game. All the players who participated in the competition, they all knew the close combat skills. Lu Yang's play today opened them up completely.

"So this game can still be played like this?"

"Haha, since you can use melee combat, who can fight me?"

"I'm a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu master. Come with me to the arena. I'm going to practice a new game."


In Lu Yang's private room, the White Lion walked awkwardly in front of Lu Yang and said, "Boss, you just knocked Neff down. I think he's furious now."

"Don't worry, see how I subdue him." Lu Yang said with a smile.

He took out the teleportation scroll, appeared in the fortress of the sky, and ran to a village in front of all the players.

In a village in the 170-level area outside the Lalbagh Fortress, Naif and the other seven brothers are standing on the edge of the safe zone. They have just seen the battle. Lu Yang is like a joke, so Naif is in front of the world. It was a joke. They felt the same way. Everyone was extremely angry.

Nef kicked an angry player and turned over a player around him, yelling, "Lu Yang, I must kill you, I must kill you."

"Let's go and kill him with you." Old Eight Gibri exasperated.

"But we don't know where he is. How can I find him?" Lao Qi is the female player Benanis, she said with a frown.

"Regarding him, first enter the area of ​​the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood, Lu Yang always fights to upgrade, we kill him when we find an opportunity." Said the third brother David.

Several people nodded one after another, just as they packed up and went to the Jagged Brothers area, the second brother, Karim, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Gelga has news that Lu Yang has appeared and he is outside the city of Chiyang. In one of the villages, it seems to be doing tasks. "

"Teleport to me, I'm going to kill him." Neff was furious, but instead of going foolishly, he changed into a camouflage coat.

"We change."


Seven people disguised themselves and disappeared into the crowd.

Now Lalbagg Fortress is under the control of Lu Yang. From there to the Crescent Fortress and then to the Tongtian Fortress are all brothers of the Iron Blood. The teleportation team can directly transfer them from Lalbagg Fortress to the Tongtian Fortress.

Lu Yang pretended to walk in the village for the same task, then he went out, put on a mount and came to a canyon. There is a dead end here, surrounded by cliffs that are thousands of meters high. There is only one way to enter and exit. Known as the calabash mouth.

Lu Yang walked to the innermost wall of Hulukou and pretended to collect herbs. At the same time, he looked around carefully and many people were collecting herbs.

On the way, he encountered many players, many people recognized him, but did not dare to approach. In this 140-level area, all players were around 140, Lu Yang, a large 170-level, they Do not dare to offend.

Lu Yang's eyes glanced, they were glanced at by Lu Yang's eyes, and he immediately lowered his head, for fear of being caught by Lu Yang.

Others followed him, pretending to collect herbs at this time, but Lu Yang knew they were secret agents.

These people seem to be wearing ordinary clothes, but they are all large size 170, with 170 levels of dark gold hidden in their backpacks, killing at any time.

They met Lu Yang's gaze and evaded quickly. One of the players whispered, "Strange, what is Lu Yang doing?"

"I don't know, the boss asked us to follow him, so we followed."

"It's better to kill him and grab the devil's heart. We have more than thirty people."


More than 30 players nodded, but the leader sneered and said, "Don't try to die, you can't beat it."

"No way, Captain." The deputy captain said unbelievably, "It's all 170. Lu Yang's equipment is the same as ours."

The captain shook his head and said, "Do n’t think about it. We are standing 100 meters away and looking at him. Do you know if anyone is by his side, if so? Even if not, I tell you, we ca n’t beat him. This is pure. We ca n’t beat the question of strength. "

The crowd was a little dissatisfied, but the captain said: "I believe that I will be sent to him in a moment, and you will know when you look at it."

The captain is a knowledgeable person. At level 170, the attributes of the demon heart are no longer useful, that is, 700,000 more magical injuries than other professions. There is no increase in defense. It seems that there are many people. Under the circumstances, the demon heart cannot work, but the captain knows that the real demon heart is really neglecting more than 70% of the magic resistance, which is an absolute bug skill.

In the case of the demon heart, Lu Yang casually put a range of skills, and they can easily seconds them, and they must not go on.

Gelgar called and asked, "What's going on with Lu Yang? Is it still there?"

"Here it is," said the captain. "He seems to be collecting something and doing tasks."

Gail Gahaha said with a smile, "You will stay in hiding for a while, and it will soon become a battlefield. If you have a chance, grab the demon heart."

"Someone will hit him?" The captain asked curiously.

Gail laughed and said, "Eight murderers went to him. Be careful looking for opportunities."

The captain immediately understood and said, "The boss can rest assured that he can grab the heart of the demon god. I will grab it and give it to you."

"It's good ~ ~ If you can grab it, I will reward you again." Galga said proudly, he is not afraid that his men will not give it to him, because he also built a game city based on Lu Yang, just scale A lot younger, but this captain works in his game city.

Gelgar hung up the phone, and he sent a message to Naif, saying, "Brother, my brother can help you here. Come on, don't go to Lu Yang to leave."

"Thank you very much." Naif sneered. He knew that Galga was uncomfortable, and knew that there must be Gelga's men near Lu Yang. It was not necessarily who killed him.

He stood at the entrance of the canyon and said, "Come in with me, go inside, kill everyone around you, and then kill Lu Yang."

"OK." Several people said one after another.

The eight gangsters came together to have a unique style of play. They did not fear many people and had this confidence.

The gorge is not long. Seeing Naif seeing that he ran to the end of the canyon, he also saw Lu Yang standing at the innermost. His face sneered, and he yelled angrily, "Chairman Lu Yang, I'm Neve here. . "

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