Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1525: Blessed Island

As for where to find the 160-level gold drawings, he knew the place. After completing three games, he used the teleporting scroll to fly to the blessed fortress in India. He put on a flying carpet and went straight to the east of the blessed land. Fly out.

The Blessed Fortress is one of the four fortresses on the northeast corner of the New World. From here, eight hours further east, it is the sea.

However, the sea here is frozen, not seawater, but also land. If you walk along the ice surface for about two hours, you will encounter snowstorms, unless you have a compass on your body. The rest will be lost in the storm and will be attacked by monsters. Therefore, even if many Indian players reach level 170, there are almost no people here. This is the cleanest place.

Lu Yang flew over the ice. He also encountered a storm in the sky. The icy wind was mixed with countless ice particles to blur the original white world.

"Woo ~!"

A gust of wind engulfed Lu Yang with snow and wind. At this time, the visibility in front of Lu Yang was less than 2 meters, and all around were ice particles and strong wind.

Lu Yang took out the compass he had bought from his backpack and looked at the direction. He flew towards the east side. At the end of the ice mist, this was where he was going.

This ice mist has a very wide range. Lu Yang flew for two hours before flying out. As an ordinary person, he has doubted that his direction is correct, but Lu Yang clenched his teeth because he felt the surrounding temperature. In the change, not only ice particles, but also rain and lightning.

This is the evidence that we are about to step out of the ice fog range!

"Click ~!"

A thunderbolt struck his body in the sky, causing 20% ​​health damage. A faint smile appeared on his face, and he took the potion from his backpack and quickly recovered.

The thunder and lightning in the sky can kill people, and finally broke out of the blizzard area. If he was stabbed to death by the thunder, he would be embarrassed.

Lu Yang watched the changes of the surrounding sky carefully. This is an area that cannot be avoided. Even in the sea, he will be attacked by lightning and there are monsters attacking from the water. He is already lucky. It is in the sky. There is only lightning. .

As for how to avoid lightning, it takes eyesight and luck. The surrounding lightning is emitted from the clouds. Only when you see the blue light flashing in that cloud, you will attack his location in the next second, so, His escape time was only 1 second.

It can also be regarded as a good place for exercise techniques, and it can let the eight fierce men practice them, Lu Yang thought to himself.


A flash of lightning shot out from the dark clouds, but Lu Yang moved a half meter to the side first, and the lightning struck out.

Lu Yang continued to move forward, the further forward, the fewer ice particles, the more rain, and the more lightning. When he continued to fly forward for an hour, all the ice particles disappeared, and only the last piece in front of him required him to forcibly Breaking through the area is the thunderstorm.

At the center of this thundercloud storm is the island he was looking for, but anyone who wants to enter the center area must cross the ice storm in front of him and the thundercloud storm in front of him.

Lu Yang remembered that the range of this storm was a half-hour distance. He only had to break in, and the compass would fail after entering. At this time, he needed to lower the flight and determine the position by some protruding reefs on the water. This increased his problem of attacking by enemies in the sea.

He knows whether he can win this battle with his brothers and win the stability of the recent one or two years, depending on whether he can get in this time. Zhou Tianming is willing to go to Mexico for his life in this game city. Whatever it takes to enter this area.

Lu Yang gritted his teeth, quickly lowered his flying height, and reached a position 5 meters above the sea surface. In thundercloud storm, this was the maximum visibility. Here he could see the reefs exposed on the sea surface.

The compass in his hand was not good enough. Fortunately, when he flew over, it was fairly standard. He flew in a straight line, not too crooked, and soon he found the reef area in his memory.

In this complex reef area on the sea, there are more than a dozen extremely smooth stones. If you don't pay attention, they are not much different from other stones, but if you look closely, you will see that there is no moss on their surface.

Lu Yang flew forward along the dozen or so stones. Before he flew in for more than ten meters, a dark shadow suddenly appeared below the sea surface.

"Hello ~!"

With a loud roar, under the flying carpet of Lu Yang, a 5 meter long shark-like demon suddenly burst out of the sea and bit him towards him.

In time for Lu Yang's discovery, he quickly adjusted the position of the flying carpet and flew to the side, passing the devil shark's mouth full of teeth. Unfortunately, he did not escape the devil shark's tail-flicking attack and was killed by 800,000 health. .


A flash of lightning hit Lu Yang in the sky, killing him nearly 2 million health. Fortunately, before Lu Yang filled up his blood, he could not afford to add blood, and quickly glanced around, avoiding four lightning and three consecutive Only a demon shark had a chance to take medicine, and then he flew in quickly.

If it is an ordinary player, in the face of such a situation, it has collapsed and will not fly into it at all. It is so dangerous outside. Is n’t it harder inside.

This is indeed the case. The more you fly in, the harder it is to enter this area, because the reward in the center of this area is too generous, so the official set up such a strong obstacle outside.

As a top-level master like Lu Yang, even if the conscious response is the first in the world, the top three masters in the world have no way to guarantee that they can break through, let alone others.

If there is an official video record at this time, players will definitely see a crazy scene. Among the dark clouds and strong winds, there is a player sitting on a flying carpet and avoiding various lightning attacks in the sky with an incredible reaction speed. , And the attack of creatures under the sea.

Some attacks he can hide, some can't hide, when it is safest, in a dense thunderbolt, he is like a small sparrow, how can he not get electricity, and the monsters under the sea can't hit him, but the most dangerous At that time, numerous lightning strikes hit his body one by one, and monsters under the sea hit him again and again.

Lu Yang is like a flat boat in the sea. In the face of rough waves, the waves can be shot into the sea at any time and cannot float.

But Lu Yang was so hard-hearted. He held the potion in his left hand, controlled the flying carpet with his right hand, and looked at it in all directions. No matter how he was attacked, he could survive the crisis by taking medicine, and he was lucky to be in the thunderbolt. Take medicine and blood.

For a full half an hour, with a snoring sound, Lu Yang seemed to smash into the cotton. Suddenly, all the thunder and lightning in front of him disappeared, and there were no monsters under the sea, as if the heavens and the earth became extremely quiet. general.

A round of bright sunshine in the sky poured 10,000 points of golden light on his body. In front of him, it was a mirror-like sea surface. There were no waves, and countless islands were connected. Among these islands, one The biggest island is the destination of Luyang's trip.

System prompt: You have found the island of blessings!

Lu Yang quickly flew to the beach of the island. He felt a moment of coercion, and the flying carpet involuntarily retracted. He fell on the beach, which surprised him. He didn't expect to stop flying here.

There are many no-fly zones in the game, but most of them are in the 190- and 200-level areas. No-fly is here, but it was the first time.

He looked around, and after confirming that there were no monsters, he took the road and entered the island. Soon, behind a mountain, he found a village.

The system prompts: You found Shenyue Village!

Shenyue Village, in official history, this is a village formed by the remnants of alien planet gods left on this road.

In the strongest battle of the year, most of the alien planet gods were repelled, but when the alien planet gods were the strongest, there were forces in various parts of the new continent, on the one hand for the rule, and on the other hand for the back road , Shenyue Village is one of the roads left by them to prepare for returning to the planet in the future.

The village is small, and the entrance is a stone gate and a fence. This is a village built in a mountain stream. Therefore, a fence and a gate in front protect the village.

At the gate of the village were two guards wearing red and gold silk threads. They were about two meters tall and had two very exaggerated corners on their heads, just like male deer, but as thick as buffalo horns and bent forward.

The overall appearance and shape of the guards are very similar to humans, but their skin is blue, with thick mane, palms are claws, holding two crescent-shaped tips, and a long-handled weapon at the back, Covered with a robe underneath, only the footsteps of a cow's hoof were exposed.

Guard of the Divine Moon (Elite)

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 100000000/100000000

"Stranger, what are you going to do?" The guard on the left watched Lu Yang walk to the door and stepped forward to point the tip of the crescent-shaped weapon at him, his face full of vigilance.

Lu Yang quickly raised his hands. Now the guards have no hatred or friendliness to him. Whether he can enter the village depends on his language. A little carelessness will offend these guards and may be attacked ~ ~ Then he came in vain.

"Sorry, I'm an explorer and came here by accident." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Explorer?" The guard on the left frowned at Landing Yang and asked, "You came in through the storm and ice fog outside? How is this possible?"

Lu Yang said, "That's how I came in. I was almost chopped to death by lightning. Fortunately, I have good luck. May I go inside and take a break? I want to buy some supplies."

The guard frowned and said, "Sorry, we also lack supplies here and cannot give you extra."

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Do you have a recipe for cooking the beasts here? I'll do it myself, but without the recipe, I'm afraid of poisoning."

The guard on the left thought it out and said, "If you can help us hunt back ten demon ants, I will give you a recipe."

"Uh, okay." Lu Yang was a bit sick. People here eat ants, but he remembers that this is the island. Because the island has limited resources, they have to eat not only the demonized big ants, but also the demonized. Each of the rats and the demonized cockroaches is very disgusting, but the formula is very powerful, especially the demonized ants, which can greatly increase the power, and the demonized cockroaches can greatly increase the magic resistance.

Lu Yang waited for a while, but didn't see a task reminder, indicating that he wanted to enter the entrance of the village, fearing that it would take some effort, he turned and walked into the dense forest, looking for ants.

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