Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1535: Mixed Spells-0 Snake Kill

"Mixed spells ?!" The audience was stunned, and countless barrage screens were skipped in front of the screen. Players in the field also asked each other, but no one knew what the mixed spells were.

As a senior player, Ma Feng couldn't wait to ask: "What does the mixed spell mean? Is this a bit unreasonable, the power is too great, is there any limit?"

Dubin nodded in agreement. He was very satisfied with Ma Feng's question. Each sentence could ask the player the most concerned topic. He said, "First answer the first question. Mixed spells are what everyone sees. Lu Yang can use his avatar to release his joint skills with him. "

"As for the power, there are no restrictions. The official explanation is that it is extremely difficult to release mixed skills. This requires strong coordination of consciousness. They also cannot understand how Lu Yang achieved such a quick release. Normal release , At least three to four seconds. "

Hitomi asked in surprise: "Is it a simplified spell again? But this is not like it!"

Dubin nodded and said, "This is not a simplified spell. The release time of each individual spell that composes a mixed spell is 1 second. The official explanation is that the release speed mainly depends on the understanding of the skill of the releaser, perhaps Lu Yang's understanding. It's too high. "

When Lu Yang was resting, he also heard Dubin's words. He smiled, and thought to himself: the official release method of mixed spells is as slow as a pig. There is no chance to release them in the arena, but he has a trick. Developed by countless top bloodline players in the last life, using the principle of the same frequency resonance, as long as the consciousness reaction is fast enough, this can be done.

It may be difficult for ordinary people, but for the top competitive masters, it is very simple, why the blood of the last life is called the first blood, as long as your consciousness is strong enough, you are the king of this arena. For other super skills that are cherished by bloodlines, the avatar bloodlines are freely released.

To defeat the cloned bloodline, either your consciousness responds faster than the cloned bloodline player, you can use the gap between the opponent's shots to find holes, or you are smart enough to let the cloned bloodline player be led by your nose, otherwise, there is no Any chance.

During the live broadcast, Ma Feng asked curiously, "How many avatar skills does Lu Yang now have?"

Dubin said: "The official didn't say, but if Lu Yang had everything in place, he should be able to release thirty or forty mixed spells."

Hitomi asked in amazement: "It's terrific, but it's so unfair. Can't you restrain it?"

Dubin looked at the information and said: "The official restraint method is to mix the spells in a wide range, only 9 times the damage result. If targeted fire jewels are used, Lu Yang's damage is not high, only three skills at a time. Four million damage, if it is a single attack skill, as long as the reaction speed is fast enough, it is not difficult to hide from it. As for the super powerful move, the mixed skills of the five avatars need to be delayed by 2 seconds, no matter what profession They all have the ability to interrupt spellcasting, or equipment such as the Purple Lotus Staff, which is easy to interrupt. "

Then everyone came to understand.

"It turned out to be the case, I thought this profession was invincible." A thief player said proudly.

A mage sneered next to him and asked, "Knowing is knowing, but can you hide on the field?"

"Fuck." The thief gave the Master a scornful look and said, "You treat me like these non-humans, of course, this night king is also unlucky. His equipment is definitely not fire resistance, but blood."

The players in the audience reacted and looked at the night king on the field with a smile. You know, the night king had previously shouted that he would win a personal championship for Olma, that is, he was going to defeat Lu Yang. Yes, but now it seems that he is tragedy.

On the court.

The King of the Dark Stare stared at the sun. During the intermission, he and Olma heard information about mixed spells from Dubin. They also knew that it was difficult to win in this game. The official Provisions are not allowed to change equipment on the way!

Lu Yang felt the eyes of the night king. He smiled and walked to the light spot, and said to the night king who was also near the light spot: "Surprising, there will be more surprises in a while."

"What do you mean?" The night king was reluctant to walk to the light spot. If he was unwilling to enter the light spot quickly in the first game, it was to delay time and make Lu Yang more uncomfortable. Now the night king is thinking about how to delay Time allowed him to find a way to defeat Lu Yang, but he hadn't thought about it for so long just now, and now he was told by Lu Yang again, he had no idea.

Lu Yang saw the fear of the king of the night, and he grunted coldly, saying, "When you hit it, you will know."

He summoned four avatars and ran towards the back corner at the same time.

The night king is very upset, but he can't help it, the reminder time is getting less and less, he has to step on the light spot before the last second.

System prompt: second game countdown







"I won't admit defeat." The dark king opened the game and decided to kill madly. He knew that Lu Yang must not be given any chance, so he had to make a desperate attempt.


The night king rushed towards the landing sun with a phantom.

In such a response time of only 1 second, Lu Yang still had time to show a smiley face. When the smile appeared, the audience knew that the night king lost!


The moment Lu Yang hit him, his body turned into a white light and disappeared in place. The next second, he appeared 100 meters behind him. It was surprising that the night king threw an escape dagger at the same time. , Actually appeared accurately in front of Lu Yang, but Lu Yang did not have any movement.

"Ah, Lu Yang made a mistake." Du Bin exclaimed.

At this moment, the audience was cheering for the efforts of the night king. The night king raised his long sword and slashed his head. If he slashed, the escape dagger would be invalid, and Lu Yang would face the night king. The crazy attack mode of God of War's Wrath mode.

But at this moment, Lu Yang's body suddenly burst out a red golden light.

"Polynuclear explosion"

In the future, the violent flame power will be less than that of the night king, who is less than 1 inch away from Lu Yang's head, and his sword will fly out, and then Lu Yang will point his staff with his right hand.

"Destruction Cannon"

An energy hit from the tip of the staff ~ ~ and hit the night demon while crashing him back another 20 meters.


While the night demon was still flying in the air, Lu Yang's four avatars jumped to the side of the fire method at the same time.

"Fire Snake Dance"

"Spirit Judgment"

"Hurricane Burst"

The water body, the wind clone, and the fire magic body glow at the same time, and three energies converge on the tip of the staff of the fire magic body, and the three bodies speak at the same time.

"Mixed Spells-Hundred Snakes Kill"

In just one moment, 100 fire snakes rushed out of the energy ball at the front of the staff. When the night demon landed, 100 fire snakes arrived. Even if the night devil tried his best to escape, more than 30 hit him.

Each Fire Snake has a damage result of 300%. The Night Stalker's health is already low, and this one should not have a chance to hit his skills, and it was instantly killed.

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