Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1599: Claudio attacking G8

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Seeing this situation, Sanyouweimen said to Orma: "Abandon the slinger, each person throws away one piece of 160-level dark gold equipment."

"Does it work?" Olma asked.

"Trust me," Mitomon said.

"Okay." Olma immediately gave orders. Even if the players were puzzled, managers at all levels looked at them and threw down their equipment.

Sanyou Weimen also ordered the equipment to be thrown away. At a time, 6 million people threw down the dark gold equipment on their bodies, and they were covered with glittering equipment on the road pursued by White Lion and others.

Seeing this scene, the White Lion said to Xia Yuwei not far away, "I can't follow it."

Xia Yuwei said with emotion: "Sanyou Weimen is indeed a smart man, so he must be careful in the future."

Among the 3 million Brotherhood Brothers players, the front row was bewildered by the equipment and rushed to start the rush. The players in the rear heard the shouts of the previous players and stopped chasing. They skipped the first row and rushed to the front to pick them up. The equipment went, and the entire Jagged Brothers League became a mess.

Sanyouweimen looked back at the chaotic Jagged Brothers Alliance sneer and said with a sneer: "If it ’s not that the formation was too chaotic when I ran away, I ca n’t order my counterattack, otherwise, I must let the Jagged Brothers have a defeat and wait, I lost the second time, but we have more to come. "


When Lu Yang took the main team of the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood to catch up with the White Lion and others, he just saw this scene. The White Lion and Xia Yuwei and others came to Lu Yang, and everyone's face was ashamed.

"Sorry boss, we failed." White Lion said.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "I understand the situation here, not surprisingly, our enemies are too strong, so we can train our elites well in the future."

Don't say that the White Lions lead the team. Even if Lu Yang personally led the team, he couldn't help it. He went on to say: "Anyway, we won, let them go and we return."

"Return?" White Lion asked in surprise: "Don't chase it? If we continue to chase, we will cooperate with the Sun King Guild, and it will be no problem to destroy the two or three central guilds."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Why do you want to destroy the nine strongest guilds? Just kill one of the G8 nations in Galga. I also count on the remaining eight to help me kill Claudio and Ha. Where's Ruiken. "

"What?" White Lion and others were stunned.

"Don't be surprised," Lu Yang snorted, and said, "Harrican and Claudio are not good things either. Seeing what the boss is doing behind it opens up an eye-opener."

World Channel Lu Yang: In view of the chaos of the current guild level, the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood has launched a new guild evaluation template. The Brotherhood of the Iron Blood, the Sun King and the Dragon Army have become the three king-level guilds of the world. Wait for the strongest guild.

World Channel Harikan: Agree, the only king-level guild in the Southwest, the Dragon Dragon Corps.

World Channel Claudio: Yes, the only king-level guild in the southeast region, the Sun King Guild.

Xia Yuwei looked at the news that the two responded quickly, and asked a little at a loss: "What does this mean?"

Lu Yang said, "The war has entered the next stage. From now on, the three strongest guilds in the world are only three of us."

"But it's too fancy," Jiang Ze asked.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "All, I blocked all the channels between us and the enemy. In the future, some of the strongest guilds in the middle will be connected with their territories only the evil dragon legion and the sun king guild. Without us. "

"How is this possible?" Xia Yuwei said, "Should we not fight from the undead fortress in the Spanish region, and attack the ice fortresses, purple lilies, and Longshan orchids in the Galga region?"

Lu Yang sneered and said, "No, these areas have been given up, and the ministry gave it to Claudio."

"Why?" Xia Yuwei couldn't understand it. Seeing that the vast territory was about to be reached, and players from hundreds of millions of countries would enter their control. The Brotherhood of Iron and Blood would earn huge profits from now on. Claudio, she disagrees.

Lu Yang said there were no outsiders at the left and right, and he said to Xia Yuwei and White Lion, "We just see the benefits, not the chaos in the G8 region."

"Chaos?" Everyone was puzzled.

Lu Yang said: "How long did the G8 fight with us, how much hatred, can killing a G8 guild make them surrender? If we occupy, even if Galga they completely withdraw from the game, but There are also successors, who will always encourage players to fight with us. In this case, why not give this trouble to Claudio? We thought that the vast area of ​​the Group of Eight was gold inlaid, but in fact it was a huge trap. "If you go, you have to be trapped. I bet that Claudio occupied the G8 area. Not only did he not make any money, he also lost a lot of money."

The Group of Eight, mainly composed of players from eight countries, and a large number of idle players in other countries. During this year's war, players in the Group of Eight countries hated players in the Huaxia region. Once Lu Yang occupied it, he faced Right, there will be endless revenge. Just to keep the fortress, a lot of manpower and material resources will be required. This is also worrying that the players from the eight countries and Claudio formed an alliance to attack the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood. Even if Claudio does not send people to attack, It ’s absolutely inappropriate for Lu Yang to give equipment to support their sneak attack ~ ~ In this case, it is better to switch to Claudio's Argentine occupation. Then, the players of the G8 region were caused by the failure of Gellga. The anger will be vented to the six Argentine nations. Claudio will have to exhaust himself for this. Lu Yang waits for them to vent enough. The G8 people have no intention to toss any more. He goes out and kills Claudio. Let the players in the G8 region thank him.

Why not do it?

Xia Yuwei, the White Lion, and others looked at Lu Yang in astonishment. They did not expect this at all. Xia Yuwei said, "It is indeed the boss, it is amazing."

White lions and bitter lovers nodded.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Let's make a badass, and quickly take someone with me to India, the White Lion and Jiang Ze to take the headquarters to the Flame Fortress, attack the Frost Fortress, Xia Yuwei and Tian Yao go to the Ascetic Fortress, jointly attack the Cold Wind Fortress, bitter Love half a lifetime and the breeze of spirits to bless the fortress and jointly attack the thundering fortress. "

"Yes." The crowd answered in unison, the things in the field were almost picked up, and the players who robbed each other were stopped by their respective captains. They heard that there were still battles to fight, and they could make money. They followed their respective vice presidents. Fly to the fortress of flames, penance and blessings in the Indian region.

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