Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1601: Lu Yang attacked Shrov

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Just as Mitomon fled back to his area, Alice called and said, "By borrowing the right way, we are going to Steig's area."

"Why?" Sanyouweimen asked.

"Merger." Alice said helplessly: "No way, we can't stay in that area anymore, we have to go."

Sanyouweimen said in surprise: "Why not merge with me, I can also accept them."

Alice smiled and refused, and said, "Who can do the math? Together, we are bound to become vassals. We might as well go to Steiger's groceries and work together."

"Sorry, we have signed an agreement with Steiger," Alice said.

Sanyouemon was so depressed that he regretted that he had just patronized and ran away. He didn't have time to understand the subsequent developments. If he thinks a little more, he can definitely get a profit from the G8. Unfortunately, it is gone now It became the stabbing cargo of Steiger, but it was also a good thing. At least it could curb the development of Liu Jie in the northern region and not make the central region more chaotic.

"Okay, I'll let you go. I'll send you some back to the city. We signed a cooperation agreement before. We can use our fortress' reels, which can save two days."

Originally, Alice was going to ask for this. She couldn't think of Sanyou Weimen's initiative to agree. She said excitedly, "Thank you."

"Give them only one minute. I don't want Galga to run away through me, otherwise, I will be targeted by Lu Yang. At that time, I will come to Lu Yang for protection. They're stupid. "

Alice breathed a long sigh of relief, and said gratefully, "Don't worry, this will never happen."

She quickly told Daniel about this, and Daniel and Kerim and others briefly discussed. The guild issued an order and the members gathered in their respective fortresses. After half an hour, nearly 2 million absolute masters simultaneously used the transmission scroll. He flew out of the G8 region and sold everything he could.

Gelgar was chatting with Daniel and others, and suddenly learned that Daniel and his men flew away from the fortresses. He looked at the allies sitting next to him in surprise and asked, "Where are our people? Anymore? "

Daniel glanced at Galga apologetically and said, "What a guarantee."

The light flashed, and Daniel and Kerim disappeared from his presence. Galga was stunned instantly. The next moment, Steiger and Daniel announced simultaneously that they would form a new guild congregation.

"Dirty, despicable, shameless, cowardly bastards, villains!" Galgar fell into rage and pointed at the north and cursed: "They abandoned me and left it to Claudio, these **** bastards, I want to kill them. "

As soon as the words fell, Claudio's hearty laughter came from outside the fortress: "Gelga, today is the end of the G8, let me Claudio go to the road."

Vice Chairman Anthony looked at Galga with a bleak expression, and said, "Boss, let's ... hide it first."

Gale grew angry and said, "Why retreat, I forged this fortress, and I will never let it go."

"But apart from our 500,000 elites, not many people are willing to fight with us." Anthony said lonely.

"Then let these 500,000 people fight with me, I will never give in." Gellgar roared and quickly came to the wall.

Outside the walls, Claudio was proud of the expression of 1 million people. When he saw Galga coming, he said loudly: "Today, the strongest guild in Mexico dissipates in the hands of Claudio, Galga, I Give it a chance, and give up resistance, and I can let everything go with me. "

Gelga looked at the countless enemies, and Yang Tianchangxiao said, "Someone will send someone to attack me. See if I'm afraid, Gelga will let me admit defeat. What a thing."

"Be brave, this is what you ask for." Claudio didn't care, and shouted with a laugh: "The army attacked, laid the fortress, killed Gerga, and destroyed the Mexican Guild ~!"

One million people swarmed up from four directions, fighting with Gelgar's men. During this melee, on the other side, Lu Yang's three army arrived at the Frost Fortress, the Cold Wind Fortress, and the Thundering Fortress. below.

Frostwind fortress walls.

Shrov didn't show up. At this time, he had hid in the earth fortress at the northeast corner of the map and enjoyed his feeling of being the president for a short time.

At this time, defending the Cold Wind Fortress was the second deputy chairman of one of Shrov's many women, Rusata, and sixteen large guilds, with a total number of 2 million.

"The army is ready, here comes the Brotherhood of Iron Blood." Rusatta yelled loudly with a three-pointer.

Two million people stubbornly guarded the fortress. Lu Yang watched the enemy not even out of the fortress, sighed, and said, "What age is this? Why is there such a way of playing?"

When the forbidden mage exists in a guild with thousands to tens of thousands, the defensive fortress cannot stay inside the fortress, otherwise it is a group of live targets for the forbidden mage to play.

Xia Yuwei said, "Don't underestimate this fortress. I don't know who Slovak listened to. The last four fortresses he has occupied have been modified above the city wall. There are special places to avoid magic, and there are shooting holes in the city wall , And the undercover channel allows their players to support from all parts of the city wall, which is very difficult to play. "

Lu Yang looked at Tu Feng, and Tu Feng said, "That's right."

"It's a bit more interesting," Lu Yang said with a smile on his face. "If we won the battle so easily, I'm afraid we can't pretend not to attack the area of ​​Gelga and be suspected by Claudio, Ayala, Attack. "

"Okay." Hei Yan waved his arm, and 80,000 Spanish cursed mages began to release magic in batches according to the fortress.

The entire fortress instantly fell into the ocean of forbidden spells, and Wu Yun covered most of the fortress. Taking advantage of the release of the forbidden spell, Lu Yang said to Xia Yuwei, "The army attacked."

"Yes." Commander Xia Yuwei stormed four gates.

At the same time, the battle between Frost Fortress and Thunder Fortress began, and the three fortresses were simultaneously attacked by the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood.

For five consecutive days, Lu Yang did not fight seriously. Until the sixth morning, Lu Yang received the battle report, Claudio defeated Gherga completely, the Mexican Association was dissolved, and the Group of Eight had already been dissolved.

A new guild congregation of gods appeared in the northern region. Headed by Steiger and Daniel, a guild management committee was formed. The first president was Steiger, and the rest were Daniel and Renault. The position, including the position of a vice chairman, was not made public, but Lu Yang knew that it was for Alice.

All of Xue Yiming's suggestions were made by Lu Yang. Lu Yang's purpose was to let Steig restrict Liu Jie's development and allow the two of them to continue the melee in the vast northern region, so that he could free up his hands and improve his level.

Now, outside enemies and internal enemies are unable to attack him within a year or two, and he can finally settle accounts with Liu Jie.

Tu Feng said, "Heiye took her scattered army to occupy the area west of the Qingling Plain to the Lalbag Fortress, and all areas of Gelga were occupied by Claudio. Now Claudio On the guild of two men, Jerz and Tom. "

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Claudio is really rude. Even my entrance to the central area blocked me."

Tu Feng said: "I'm afraid he means that we want to go out, we must drive the black guild first. This will give him time to prepare."

Lu Yang said: "Yeah, we have a hatred with Black Yarn. No matter what, we can't ally with Black Yarn. Therefore, if we want to enter the central region, we must first kill Black Yarn, and Claudio If he doesn't want us to go out, he can secretly send equipment to the black yarn, so that the black yarn consumes our level and equipment first. "

"This kid is black enough," the White Lion and the bitter half-life said.

Lu Yang said, "Don't worry about him, sooner or later he will eat bad results."

Tu Feng grinned and said, "That's right, now that Galga has been destroyed and the Group of Eight has dissolved, but when the seven of them, Daniel and the Blood Butcher, left, they took away only the most elite people. No one else took it away, leaving tens of millions of G8 Guild players stranded in that area.

Originally they shouted that if the Jagged Brothers League entered, they would fight the Judge Brothers to the end. As a result, we did not go. Claudio went. There are almost hundreds of new organizations derived from the dead bodies of the G8 ~ ~ Threatening to take revenge for the G8 and Galga, they are looking for supporters. "

Xia Yuwei frowned and asked, "Where are their fighting spirits, Galga and Daniel, eight of them, do they have such a big favor below?"

Tu Feng said: "Of course there is no more, if any, they are taken away, they will not stay in the original area for Claudio to kill them wantonly."

"Then why?" Bitter love was puzzled for a long time.

Lu Yang said: "These people are just gathering power under the guise of revenge for the Group of Eight to build a new guild. When they really take Claudio away or develop to a certain extent, they will never What about the G8? "

"It's really a bunch of boring people," Jiang Ze said.

Lu Yang said: "There are rivers and lakes in people's places. They can be bosses and who are willing to be younger brothers. Even if they gather people and don't fight Claudio, and enter the replica to fight equipment, their leaders can get equipment first . "

"Fuck." Everyone shook their heads. Obviously, Lu Yang was right.

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