Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1613: Heads-up Mechanical Fire Dragon King

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For this mechanical fire dragon king, the guild was fully stuck for a month and a half. If it was not found that other guilds came in, the elite players of this guild fought hard for a day and night before killing it.

Normally, an ordinary player comes here, just like sending death, but he is Lu Yang. He has the top response speed of 0.2 seconds, the only summoned beast with 80 billion health in kimono, and a top ghost equipment. This is his reliance on the mechanical fire dragon king.

Most of the equipment in the body is a mechanical fire dragon suit, the probability of the blaze is more than 20%, and his output is enough, and he speaks a spell at the mechanical fire dragon king.

"Blazing Heart"

A heart attack hit the mechanical fire dragon king, causing more than 80 million injuries.

"Hello ~!"

The mechanical fire dragon king roared. There was no time for Lu Yang to prepare. While opening his mouth, the tongue made by the revolving machine gun was directed at Lu Yang and fired fiercely.

"Da da da"

Lu Yang knew what the Fire Dragon King was going to do when he saw the fire light. His body turned into a white light and appeared at the eternal position 100 meters on the left side.

"Danger Prediction: A stronger dangerous breath was detected, Target: Lu Yang, * launch!" The two eyes of the Mechanical Fire Dragon King continued to flash red light, and numerous holes were opened on his back, and more than 100 rounds * were launched into the air. , Then, the blasting towards the landing sun.

The damage of the pseudo-mechanical fire dragon king is about 100 million, not to mention this real mechanical fire dragon king, Lu Yang is afraid to resist his injury, aiming at the * in front of him, and spelling out in his mouth.

"Fire and Wine Storm"

A flame spit out, and the first number rushing in front of him was detonated, and then the landing sun spoke a spell in the mouth of the mechanical fire dragon king.

"Mixed Spells-Hundred Snakes Kill"

A hundred fire snakes suddenly shot out from the front end of Lu Yang's staff, and the part hit the mechanical fire dragon king.

"Danger Prediction: Stronger dangerous breath detected, Target: Lu Yang ,, launch!" The Fire Dragon King still has no control over the wild ancient aliens that are constantly attacking in front of him. You must know that the ancient ancient aliens have more than 8 million injuries. The damage caused by the Fire Dragon King is extremely high.

Lu Yang felt that maybe the attack method of this mechanical fire dragon king was to hit anyone who saw high damage to him. Therefore, this is a battle that does not require defense, but requires a blood bull warlock with high defense value. .

If he fights like this, it will be simple for Lu Yang. His strength is to evade the lord's skills and watch four blast towards him.

"Escape The Dagger"

At the moment of the explosion, Lu Yang jumped to a position 100 meters away and returned to the front of the mechanical fire dragon king.

"Mixed Spells-Hundred Snakes Kill"

Lu Yang released another hundred fire snakes, and the mechanical fire dragon king followed Lu Yang again. This time, he opened his huge mouth and aimed at Lu Yang with a machine gun.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang quickly ran to a position of 100 meters on the right with a red-gold light, and let the machine fire dragon's machine gun fire only 30 meters before stopping.

"Roar ~!" The mechanical fire dragon king lost 1% of his blood. He roared and opened two huge wings to point at Lu Yang.

System prompt: Warning, danger is approaching! Be prepared to withstand the anger of the Mechanical Fire Dragon King!

"Hello ~!" The mechanical fire dragon king Qingxiao uttered, and two wings opened hundreds of shooting ports at the same time, aiming at the position where Lu Yang was standing, and started shooting wildly.

"Who can resist this." Lu Yang with a residual image quickly ran towards the right side, he did not dare to go back to the front of the Xuangu alien, he was worried that the Xuangu alien would be shot and killed by this wave .

It is estimated that the damage done in each shooting hole is about 100 million. The rate of fire of several rounds and hundreds of shooting holes in one second is not at all ridiculous. It is estimated that it must be hung in 3 seconds. Already.

The mechanical fire dragon king opened his wings and glanced at Landing Yang for half a minute. He did not hit Lu Yang. His hatred was attracted by the ancient ancient aliens, and he bit his head with a bite.


Instantly 580 million HP was gone. This attack frightened Lu Yang. He didn't dare to let the mechanical fire dragon king output like this again, and quickly released his skills.

"Blazing Heart"

A heart attack hit the mechanical fire dragon king, causing more than 80 million injuries, the mechanical fire dragon turned his head and stared at Lu Yang instantly.

"Warning: Laser overload!"

The laser of the fire dragon king's eyes fired instantly, even that instant attack speed, Lu Yang could not escape. Fortunately, Lu Yang saw in advance that the red light in the eyes of the robot fire dragon king would soon turn into water. Already.


Lu Yang jumped back to a position 100 meters to the left, so that the abdomen of the mechanical fire dragon king was facing the ancient alien, so that he would not be shot by his wings.

What Lu Yang didn't expect was that the body of the wild ancient beast suddenly exploded, and then the blood volume fell by 1 billion points. At the same time, the other side of the ribs on the other side of the body of the mechanical fire dragon king shot at him. .

"Halo ~!" Lu Yang found that the mechanical fire dragon king was transformed by the Prince of the Realms Hull with weapons, and he hurried to the front. Now it seems that the frontal attack can be less, at least the mechanical fire dragon king attacks He can see it.

"Blazing Heart"

After playing for several minutes in a row, the attack methods of the mechanical fire dragon king are still the same, which makes Lu Yang feel a little relieved, but when the blood of the mechanical fire dragon king dropped 10%, the mechanical fire dragon king fiercely lay on the ground. His mouth was huge, his eyes were blazing red. At the same time, his wings were exposed with numerous shooting holes on the metal bones, and his north was exposed with four huge muzzles with a diameter of 2 meters, and a large number of The energy began to gather.

"You must not let him release it." This is Lu Yang's first thought, and not to mention whether Lu Yang can resist it. Just saying that this ancient and strange beast is easy to be hit by skills in this first wave of attack and give it instantly Drops two-thirds of your health in seconds.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang jumped in front of the Mechanical Fire Dragon King with a flaming light, and when the Mechanical Fire Dragon King was about to play his skills, he spelled it out in his mouth.

"Angry Skills-Fire Kill"

His body burst into fierce flames, stunned for 8 seconds with the mechanical fire dragon king, his body became stiff, and even the skills he wanted to release stopped.

"Rage Skills-Red Lotus"

Just after the skills stopped, Lu Yang was worried that the mechanical fire dragon king would continue to put his skills on. Then he took the red lotus for 4 seconds and continued to stun the mechanical fire dragon king.

After the two skills, the mechanical fire dragon king automatically stood up and stowed the skills just to be released. The two claws suddenly ejected and flew towards the position where the landing sun was.


Lu Yang jumped back to a position 100 meters behind him and read the spell in his mouth.

"Lava Eruption"

He found that the wrath skills were also good for this lord, and quickly put a skill to accelerate the wrath, and then he read the spell.

"Destroy Heavy Artillery"

A fierce flame ball hit the Fire Dragon King's body and tilted it back, then he was spelling.

"Meteorite Impact"

A small fireball in the sky hit the body of the Fire Dragon King, and quickly rolled along his body, Lu Yang's anger value was instantly full.

"Roar ~!" The mechanical fire dragon king roared, the strength of his body left, and numerous muzzles appeared in front of the wings. This time it was not a machine gun muzzle. Unlike the previous appearance, the machine gun muzzle was black, this time it was fuchsia. of.

"Not good, it's a laser." Lu Yang only reacted, but it was too late. Immediately, countless lasers flew out.

"Ice Guard"

Lu Yang traps himself in the refrigerator, and the laser hits Lu Yang and disappears automatically. The ones that do not hit are ejected to the surrounding wall and continue to bounce until they hit Lu Yang's ice cube or the ancient alien species. The damage of each laser is 100 million.

The mechanical fire dragon king saw that Lu Yang was no longer exporting, the hatred was transferred to the wild ancient alien, the mouth of the fortress wild ancient alien, two claws attacked wildly, and in a flash, 5 billion blood was gone.

"Blazing Heart"

Lu Yang ended the freezing and fired a heart attack according to the mechanical fire dragon king, which caused 80 million injuries. The mechanical fire dragon king opened his eyes and stared at the landing sun to emit a laser.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang ordered the Xuangu alien to run away. He avoided the attack and added blood to the Xuangu alien. At this time, the Xuangu alien only had one third of his health. It took 3 minutes for him to fill up. Order the ancient ancients to attack again.

At this time, the mechanical fire dragon king's health dropped by 10% again, he lay on the ground again, and Lu Yang quickly jumped in front of him.

"Angry Skills-Fire Kill"

The Mechanical Fire Dragon King was stunned again. At the same time, Lu Yang discovered one thing, as if jumping on the back of the Mechanical Fire Dragon King, the attack was also possible. This Mechanical Fire Dragon King did not have the ability to attack the back ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ He jumped up on the back of the fire dragon king still lying on the ground, and hung it on his neck. Suddenly, he saw the mechanical iron plate on the neck, and there was a red light spot. He Smiled for a moment, this is obviously the weakness of the mechanical fire dragon king.

"Meteor Fire Rain"

Lu Yangning could let the mechanical fire dragon king attack the wild ancient alien for 5 seconds, and read the secondary forbidden spell. Then he added a sun mask to his body. He aimed at the red dot area of ​​the mechanical fire dragon king, with a stick in his right hand. Smashed down.

"Angry Skills-Devil Slash"

A red-gold flame was sharp as a knife struck the metal piece across the neck and hit the red dot. The mechanical fire dragon king was still biting the big mouth of the ancient ancient species and instantly released, and at the same time was killed more than 2 million blood.

The damage of the Wrath ability is intellectual damage, so the damage is not high. He chants a spell while the mechanical fire dragon king is rigid.


A big fireball hit the red dot area, and the mechanical fire dragon king roared again, losing 12 million health.

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