Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1615: Need for a Big Bang

Lu Yang is now in this state. Adrenaline hormones have soared, allowing Lu Yang to unknowingly break through the 0.2 second response speed and become 0.18 seconds. This is 0.02 seconds faster, allowing Lu Yang to avoid overexcitation again and again The laser and, even bullets, that came from him, and Lu Yang knew that he couldn't leave the legs of the Fire Dragon King because he had two places to block the damage and left here. It really hurts in all directions.

If you look at the distant ancient ancient alien species, you can see that 80 billion blood has been punctured by laser at this time, and there is only 40 billion left. Lu Yang's total blood is not even 100 million, which means that if he is outside, They were pierced by the laser 400 times.

System Tip: Your connection to the helmet has been reduced to 94%

System Tip: Your connection to the helmet has been reduced to 93%

In this case of telling to avoid, Lu Yang's brain is finally unable to bear it. His brain and helmet connection has been declining. As long as it is reduced by 3%, he will be forced to go offline. However, Lu Yang is anxious. When I didn't know what to do, suddenly, there was a wailing over his head.

"Woohoo ~!" The huge body of the Mechanical Fire Dragon King suddenly stopped releasing skills, and fierce fire smoke erupted from the whole body.

"No, this grandson is about to explode." Lu Yang instantly launched the flashing ability to jump beyond 100 meters, and outside, the laser has not completely ejected, and at least 30 lasers are ejecting.

"Frozen Body"

Lu Yang froze himself in the ice cube. Fortunately, this skill has cooled down, otherwise he will die.


The body of the Fire Dragon King exploded violently, forming a huge fireball with a diameter of 50 meters. Although the damage did not reach Lu Yang, the shock wave rushed back the Lu Yang ice block by more than 10 meters.



Uh ...

More than 30 lasers successively hit the shell of the ice cube, all of which became MISS state. Lu Yang saw that the laser was gone, he ended the frozen state with excitement, and quickly ran to the front of the mechanical fire dragon king.

This is the big explosion caused by the mechanical fire dragon king in the state of anger, or the first big death in the story mode, it must be the best thing.

Lu Yang looked to the ground carefully. At this time, the body of the mechanical fire dragon king had been blown up, only the limbs and wings were still there, and the rest were gone. An 8X8 area was generated in the empty body of the mechanical fire dragon king. Need for Big Bang.

前 The first two of them are the mechanical fire dragon king wristband and belt. Now, Lu Yang's mechanical fire dragon king suit is complete, including weapons and equipment, a total of 13 items, all hit.

He put a piece of equipment on his body and looked at other items. A fiery red liquid crystal appeared in front of him.

"Second Fire Dragon King Crystal." Lu Yang made a strong fist, which could add 10 more flame burning skills to Little Phoenix.

Ghost Gear · Dragon Gun

Lu Yang laughed. He was thinking of exploding this weapon. It really exploded when he didn't think about it. This is a shooter's musket, which has a very technological sense. The silver fluid barrel is inlaid with the dragon color. Crystal sight.

Seeing that the dragon gun received the inside of the backpack, and then looked at the items on the ground, a strange wooden comb glowed golden light on the ground.

God's Wooden Comb

Description: It is said that this is a wooden comb used by a goddess of Jiuzhu God to comb her love cats!

When Lu Lu saw this wooden comb, his excited eyes were all bright, and his body was shaking. Others did not know, he knew the purpose of this wooden comb very well.

Lu Yuan originally thought that after finishing the mechanical fire dragon king, he went to the next secret place he knew, but he did not expect that this thing broke out, what secret place did he go to, just look for the cat directly.

After the Spring Festival, a **** cat appeared outside the Celestial God City. According to official explanations, he was a pet of the goddess of light among the nine pillar gods and fled to the heaven. Players can attack this **** cat wantonly, and once the **** cat Being attacked will attack the player.

So far, it is not the player that kills the most people in the entire server, but this **** cat. According to official statistics, this **** cat has killed more than 300,000 people, which shows how crazy this **** cat is.

You just ca n’t beat him. If you are not angry, if you do n’t attack the **** cat, the **** cat wo n’t take care of you. That ’s why you wander around the various areas around the Celestial God City, and sometimes enter the Celestial God City, no one at all. Leave him alone.

I remember that in the last life, in order to kill this **** cat, the players had reached level 200. Several guilds combined with elite players did not kill him, causing the **** cat to go crazy and killed hundreds of thousands of players.

Actually, this cat is not used to kill at all. The only one who has been able to hit the cat is the wooden comb. As for how to fight it, people who do n’t own cats do n’t know. Cat owners know what cats are most afraid of.

What is tortoiseshell cat afraid of? He is not afraid of humans hitting him, anxious cats can scratch you, bite you, and regenerate **** kittens to hide and ignore you. It doesn't matter how you poke the cats. What really can subdue cats is the use of wooden combs.

Once you flip the wooden comb teeth and make that crisp sound, the cat collapses, with one click, he will stare at the wooden comb teeth, two times, he will be confused, three times, his back will start to tremble, to the fourth When it sounded, the cat basically spit it out.

This is the best way to deal with cats. Of course, you ca n’t deal with kittens this way as a last resort, because it will hurt the cat ’s body too much.

However, the game is not the same. Remember that after some players figured out this secret, they flipped the wooden comb teeth against the **** cat. Each time they swipe 4 times, the **** cat will spit out a baby thing, which is fun. .

Lu Luyang had the trouble to find the God Cat immediately, but a sense of dizziness came. He resisted the discomfort, and flew back to the village of Prince Wanjie, found Huller, and said, "The mission is complete."

"It's hard for you, my friend." Hu Lei excitedly handed a skill book to Lu Yang, saying: "This is what you deserve. If you want to enter the star domain later, you can come to me at any time."

"Starfield Prison Cage"

Type: Mixed Spell

Distance: 10 yards

Consumption: 100,000 magic

Description: The five-line elemental mage can be learned in any profession. It requires five bodies to cast at the same time. The target is controlled for 20 seconds and the skill cooldown is 24 hours.

Lu Yang had a headache at this time, no other, and quickly took out the teleportation scroll and flew back to the hotel in Tianyu Shencheng, then quit the game, took off his helmet and rested.

The moment of taking off the helmet, the intense dizziness made Lu Yang almost vomit. He resisted the urge to vomit and walked to the reclining chair to lie down.

Baihei was watching Lu Yang's safety and found that Lu Yang's body wasn't right. He quickly came up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yang waved his hand and said, "I encountered a strong lord in the game and forcibly killed him. The brain was bitten back. I do n’t care. I just rest for a while."

He nodded in black and white, walked aside and poured a glass of water for Lu Yang. Now he no longer underestimates the game, especially after Zhou Tianming fought for a year of peace for the game city, he can feel that including Lu Yang Everyone in the family, the dedication to the game city, and the true love.

After a full night's relief, at 10 am the next day, Lu Yang calmed down from a state of apathy and severe headache. Lan Yu stayed with him for a whole night, watching Lan Yu worry about her appearance, Lu Yang said: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Wu Lanyu said, "Why so desperate, I don't care for my body at all."

Lu Yang changed a comfortable posture, sat up and leaned on the sofa, put her two legs on the coffee table, sighed comfortably, and said, "Zhou Tianming can work hard. What am I missing? Rest assured, this is a pain It's nothing, right, when will Zhou Tianming be back? "

Lan Yu gave a strange look at Lu Yang and said, "He has been in the hospital for half a month, and you won't go to see him when you are busy."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "How can I have time. I saw him in the game the other day. This kid is very active. I have already told him about the new appointment. He knows my trust in him."

Black and White smiled and said, "Of course ~ ~ All the buildings belong to him. This trust is the highest in the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood. However, you are a bit uninteresting in muddy wine and his loyalty is not bad Yu Zhou Tianming, but he has been silently guarding the Tianjian Fortress for you. "

Tong Lanyu smiled and said, "Look, black and white people who don't play games know that you are not fair to muddy wine."

Lu Yang grinned and said, "I bet, this is definitely not a complaint of muddy wine to you, it must be some of his people."

"How do you know?" Black and White asked.

Lu Luyang said, "This is the secret between me and Zhuojiu, and I will tell you later."

知道 He knows that there is a muddy wine in his most sorry person. He used to be one. Now he has one more Zhou Tianming. He can give Zhou Tianming a building because Zhou Tianming is dying for the game city, but the same is true of muddy wine.

White Lion and Tian Yao, they can also charge into battle to gain fame and money, but what can Zhuojiu get? He stayed at the fortress of Tianjian, not only did it have no advantage, but also had various complaints from his men.

Lu Yang knew this, so he privately gave a 5% stake in Game City to Zhuojiu. Game City is independent of War Studios and is a private company of Lu Yang. All stores in all the properties developed by this company The house, as well as the large shopping malls, movie theaters, and large catering companies developed around the war studio, are Lu Yang's private property.

Even if it only has a 5% share, this is a large amount of income. He told Zhuzhuo that he could n’t keep the sword fortress all the time, and they would be replaced with white lions in the future. By then, there would be white lions in this share. They got a share, but he got it first and made money first.

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