Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1619: Extremely hard to copy

"My God." Coster looked at Lu Yang in surprise and said, "Boss, how did you know this?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "This is the strength of the strongest guild. He has not only the number of players on the Ming Dynasty and the hard power on equipment, but also the soft power. This gold coin map is soft power."

Lu Yang knew the map on the gold coins long ago, but after the group of people he studied in the old continent specialized in books entered the new continent, Lu Yang let them continue their research without assigning a job.

This gold coin is one of the successes of their research. Lu Yang only knew the approximate location before, and he has not been there, but this group of researchers not only found the location, but also found the approximate way of the map inside.

Unfortunately, their strength is very low. Everyone has developed a certain routine, but they just can't fight it. Even if they go all out, the reaction speed can't catch up with those of Lu Yang and their elites. If they use it too much, it will lead to They were forced to interrupt the game.

Lu Yang explained all the way, and Koster and Naif went all the way to listen in detail. Until this time, they really recognized the strength of the Iron Brotherhood. A guild can always find other people's hidden places they can't find. , And they are the beneficiaries of this first hidden place, no one would be reluctant to join.

Three hours later, Lu Yang took them to a cave. At the entrance of the cave, there was a pale white enchantment layer.

"Here it is." Lu Yang pointed at Jiejie.

"Can I go in this way?" Mike went to the enchantment, but didn't respond at all.

Lu Yang smiled and scolded: "Stupid, so you can go in, what do you need a gold map?"

"So how to get in." Mike looked puzzled.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Look at your gold coins, there are detailed ways to enter the map. There are six types, and you can clearly see which one you are. After completing the above requirements, put the gold coins into the one next to the enchantment. Inside the coin slot. "

On the rock wall next to the cave boundary layer, there is a coin slot with a diameter of gold coins, just like the coin slot of a large game machine used as a child.

As for the entry method written on the gold coins, Lu Yang's one is to turn left three times and then right three times, and then put the gold coins in.

"It's expensive, one coin at a time," Benanis said.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "The guild will reimburse you, come in."

"Thank you, boss." Benanis happily threw gold coins, and as Lu Yang entered the copy, Mike followed the action on the gold coins, and then poured gold coins into the copy.

The light shone, and everyone appeared in a dark underground cave. The ground of the cave was marble, very smooth. Looking forward, it was a ground with purple flames. Lu Yang said: "As long as you step on the ground, Die, no matter how much blood you have. "

"Well, then," Mike asked.

Lu Yang pointed at the oblate flying saucer flying in space in front of him and said, "Step on that and jump over, you all have ejection staff."

The ejection staff is the standard configuration of the Iron Brothers League for the elite players. Each elite has it. Mike and Coster got it from Mu Yi on the first day they entered the guild.

"Yes," said Coster and others.

"It ’s good to have it. I ’ll go over it myself in a while. You guys watched my video. Remember, everyone only had one chance. They fell below and died. They need to re-enter the gold coins. Don't waste guild gold coins, be careful that others don't look good to you. "Lu Yang said.

Everyone pouted.

"Come on, I can do it if you can get over," Mike groaned.

Lu Yang rubbed his little head and said, "I'm your brother. You're not as strong as me. I'm going."

"It's not as strong as you are now," Mike mumbled. He was a smart boy who knew the gap between himself and Lu Yang.

Lu Yang looked at the oblong flying saucer flying from a distance. The diameter of the flying saucer was only 03 meters. It just happened to be able to stand a person. But around the oblate shape of the flying saucer, there were 8 sharp short knives rotating at high speed. If the jump failed, the The rotating short knife hits, just like the purple inflammation that fell into the bottom, instantly die!

Even in the last life, Lu Yang couldn't guarantee that he would pass the level 100%, but this life is different. He has exceeded the limit of the previous life and the reaction speed has increased by 002 seconds. It is this improvement that allows Lu Yang is more confident than before.


Lu Yang grasped the distance, watched the flying saucer coming, and quickly launched the ejection staff. He flew over a beautiful parabola in the air and landed precisely on the flying saucer.

The flying saucer took Lu Yang to the front of the map and flew forward for a distance of 50 meters. There were six flying saucers staggered up and down, and there was a treasure chest on each flying saucer.

In fact, it's not a treasure chest, but a small flying saucer. Once you jump on it, you must step on the medium treasure chest, and the small flying saucer will break out of the box.

The small flying saucer has a switch. Stepping on it will accelerate him to fly upward. Each of the six staggered flying saucers is 200 meters away. Lu Yang wants to fly up and must use the small flying saucer. It can't be hit by a small flying saucer, this is the hardest.

"Ejection Staff"

Lu Yang aimed at the distance. When the flying saucer flying horizontally reached a sufficient ejection distance, he launched his ejection skills and ejected himself to the bottom fixed flying saucer staggered up and down, namely the No. 1 flying saucer.

As soon as it landed on it, a small flying saucer flying in the treasure chest with a diameter of only 01 meters was enough for Lu Yang to step on one foot.

He quickly jumped and stepped on the small flying saucer. Suddenly, the small flying saucer flew up at a high speed, an average of 15 meters per second. At this speed, Lu Yang was slightly slower and would hit the fixed flying saucer No. 3 above. He must be hitting Before flying saucer No. 3, jump to the fixed flying saucer No. 2. This jump has only one chance, and the flying saucer No. 2 only has a landing distance of 03 meters. In the case of high-speed rise, even if the timing is less than 01 seconds, it will be skipped. fall down.

The advantage of the mage is that he has the ability to escape daggers and flashes, and can have two more chances than others, but this copy of continuous and rapid response, that is, two more chances, now used, there are two flying saucers to jump, still You can't make mistakes, so if you can jump by in the early stage, you must jump by.

During the high-speed ascent, Lu Yang suddenly jumped forward hard, landing on a flying saucer No. 2 with a parabola.


The treasure chest opened, and the flying saucer No. 2 flew up. Lu Yang seemed to have formed a conditioned reflex. He just jumped quickly after landing. When he fell, he stepped on the flying saucer and the flying saucer quickly flew up. He has two choices for flying saucer No. 4, one is to jump to flying saucer No. 3 regularly, and the other is to start the flashing skill to jump to No. 4 flying saucer. After thinking about it, he still gambles.


Lu Yang landed on the No. 4 fixed flying saucer, and then he jumped up and down on the No. 4 small flying saucer. The small flying saucer did not take him up, but quickly moved forward, still moving at a speed of 15 meters per second. From Lu Yang's point of view, if there are trees on both sides, you can only see the ghost.

Fortunately, this is an underground cave. There are no counts on both sides. At this time, you can see a piece of marble land in front. If you are a novice on the land, you will be stunned by the horrible sight in front of you.

What a terrible place it is. Whether it is in the sky or underground, there are rotating cutting knives. If it is a long knife with a fixed pulley, there is a long knife with a 5 meter long moving pulley.

The so-called moving pulley long knife is that the handle position of the long knife can be moved up and down or left and right, and the map itself is very small. There is also a fixed pulley long knife that swings left and right. Opportunity, and this moment of opportunity is less than 03 seconds.

No matter it is fast or slow, it will be hit by a long knife. If it is hit, it will be a spike. The main thing is that it can't be avoided from side to side. The marble floor is only 20 cm wide and can only be run forward and backward.

Lu Yang carefully looked at the long knife in the sky, the ground, and the middle. After looking at it for 2 minutes, he finally found the opportunity and ran quickly forward, but he just ran 7 meters, 5 meters in the sky. The knife came, and he ran back 6 meters quickly to avoid the long knife. He ran forward quickly, because at the position he had just ran over, there was a 5 meter long knife behind him and smashed at him.

Just ran forward 6 meters to avoid the 5 meter long knife at the back ~ ~ and the long knife in front fell down, he must run another 6 meters back to avoid the long knife in front.

There is a small gap between the long knife and the ground, just to allow the long knife to pass through the gap. Lu Yang skipped the rotating long knife. In the sky, a long knife with a moving pulley suddenly descended, and he split it vertically according to him. At this time, Lu Yang was no longer afraid.

With his eyes closed, he sprinted forward 7 meters, turned back 6 meters, then ran forward 8 meters, and ran back 5 meters.

In the previous life, someone had already cracked all the areas on this straight line since then. As long as these numbers are memorized, and there is a response speed of about 027 seconds, they can successfully pass the barrier.

For a while, Lu Yang backed this number because, after entering the map, facing the pulley long knife with only 027 reaction opportunities, it was too late to take a few steps, only to memorize it in advance, and in the process of running No fear.

Later, Lu Yang dreamed of being able to memorize this string of numbers, so he is now very easy to run, as if the number has been printed in his consciousness, he does not need to think at all, his legs automatically ran so much Step, even when he needed to duck his head to avoid, he didn't need to think about it. When he reached that step, he bowed his head and passed. ()

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