Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1639: Get rich

"Not good. The raid came ahead. The Paladin and the defense quickly opened the shield to block the damage."

"No, the enemy's magic damage is too high, it may be equipment and gems with high amount of magic wear special effects, and my blood loss speed is the same as no magic resistance."

"The Paladin is invincible, stop it."

The shouts of the eight strongest guild players rang through the valley. No matter what they thought, they would never think that someone would dare to attack them with 13 artifacts. Level 9 artifacts ignored 70% of magic resistance or physical defense. How high the armor was, in front of them, the same as paper.

Lu Yang stood on the edge of the cliff on the left cliff top of Rift Village and watched the struggling players in the valley. It took less than 20 seconds. Hundreds of thousands of players transporting trebuchets in Rift Village were killed. In the clean and large Rift Valley Village, there were only 200,000 uncontrolled trebuchets.

"You can grab as much as you can, all sold." Lu Yang took the flying carpet and entered the Rift Valley Village. Just after landing, he quickly touched the slinger and clicked to sell.

A trebuchet turned into a transparent color instantly. Large pieces of gold coins fell into Lu Yang's pockets. Little Phoenix and Koster and others also snapped up trebuchets.

Large pieces of gold coins fell into Lu Yang's pockets. Things just happened here. On the other hand, the presidents of the eight strongest guilds received reports from their men at the same time.

"What? The Catapult Legion in Rift Valley was attacked?"

"The entire army was wiped out, and the trebuchet was lost."

"Asshole, rush it back to Lao Tzu."

"The enemy has an artifact? A large number of artillery sneak attacks?"

Mitomonemon, Radvijeff, and others looked at each other. Several people could no longer pretend that they could not see each other, and entered into a special space to discuss together.

Tom said sternly: "Let ’s take a few things before, and now it is time for our eight guilds to survive."

"What's wrong?" Olma looked indifferent.

Tom frowned and said, "Don't you understand? If Claudio is the person who sneaks into our trebuchet legion, now he has nearly 100 million extra cash. Using this money, he dares to launch a decisive battle against us. No matter if we lose or win, we all use our money and we lose. "

Olma was stunned.

Stephen said: "The main problem is that the construction of the trebuchet takes time, and we must delay at least one month of offensive time. This month is enough for Claudio to be fully prepared. In addition to this one hundred million, how we fight, we eat Great loss. "

Jerz frowned and asked, "Where is Claudio's 13 Artifact Hearts? The Union Guild formed by the six Argentine nations has only 7 Artifact Hearts. This is what we all know about intelligence, isn't he Hidden? "

"I don't know," Stephen shook his head, and said, "Anyway, we've lost a lot this time. We must find a way to solve this."

"What better way is there?" Sanyouweimen asked.

Stephen frowned, but couldn't think of a way, so was Tom, and all eight of them bowed their heads and thought.

On the other side.

Claudio is also a little hesitant. He already knows about the sneak attack of the Eighth Strongest Guild's Catapult Army, but what makes him depressed is that he didn't do it, it was someone else's, and nothing to do with him.

"Although I don't know who helped me, but Sanyouweimen definitely thought it was me, not me." Claudio said, scratching his head.

"Then we have to make the enemy think that we only do it." The first vice chairman said firmly.

"I know, I'm just a fire, if the money is in my hands, I'll be fit, unfortunately, unfortunately." Claudio murmured to himself.

From the time he knew the main force of the eight strongest guilds to clown him, Claudio knew that he had escaped this time by chance, believing that he owed a great favor to Lu Yang. If his main force was wiped out several times in a row, At the same time, if the eight strongest guilds started a war against him, he lost a lot.

"Oh!" Claudio sat up sharply and asked, "Did you say that Lu Yang did this?"

The first vice president shook his head and said, "It should not be possible, unless Lu Yang is crazy. He takes 12 artifact players and walks through the area of ​​Hexa, Olma, and Tom to the fortress of wealth."

Claudio nodded and said: "It makes sense that it shouldn't be him unless he's crazy."

If Lu Yang hears Claudio, he will laugh arrogantly. He is so crazy, that is, he dares to take 12 people across so many enemy-occupied areas and disrupt the actions of all parties.

Rift Valley Village.

After spending half an hour, Lu Yang finally sold 200,000 trebuchets before the reinforcements of the eight strongest guilds and Baikal arrived, and took Koster and ran into the distant mountains. .

"I'm rich, this time I'm rich." Kerui Li said excitedly.

"So much money, I have never seen it in my life," Mike said excitedly.

Lu Yang looked at them with a smile, and stretched out his hand and said, "Leave it to me."

"Oh." Neff and Kerui Li didn't hesitate. Although the money was good, they didn't dare to think about it. After marching along the way, they have fully realized how strong Lu Yang is, in the central region. The movement of any guild is under his control.

Even in the game, in the reality of Zhou Tianming's rescue operation, even if they did not listen to other people in the game city, they knew how much power Lu Yang had. They could not afford it. Although the money was good-looking, they wanted Comfortable life.

Several people handed the gold coins to Lu Yang, and Coster even handed in the silver coins, which made Lu Yang a little bit unsmiling. In the end, he sold nearly 100 million credit points.

Lu Yang took out 1.3 million cash and gave it to Koster and others, saying, "Hold it up and play, and have a day off today."

"Thank you, boss." Each of the 12 people returned to Tianyu Shencheng with 100,000 credit points, and then went shopping offline.

Lu Yang also returned to the Celestial City and ordered the vice-chairmen such as Zhuojiu and White Lion to return to the Guild Hall together. He looked at the crowd and put gold coins worth 70 million in cash on the table, saying, "Today, A total of 70 million. "

The other 30 million is for Ma Jingming.

"Oh ~!" Zhou Tianming said with a smile at Lu Yang: "Boss, you are so generous for the first time."

After the previous wars, the money earned by the Jagged Brothers Alliance from the regional forts and guild funds was used to pay the players in the war and purchase various war essentials. This year, even the fixed guild dividends were not paid. How many points.

The money that Lu Yang took a few days ago was handed over to the muddy wine to improve the cultivation level of his subordinates. Now they can take out so much money that they have no idea.

Lu Yang said: "This time, the landlord's family has surplus food. Robbery is welcome. Let us have any comments."

Xia Yuwei said with a smile: "I suggest that UU reading Let's use this money to improve the cultivation of our subordinates. The cultivation of our brothers is still insufficient."

Zhuojiu Xiangxiang Luyang said: "At present, I can only upgrade 80,000 people to level 17 training. If I add 70 million, I can raise 50,000 people to level 17 training. We have 100,000 advanced players. "

Tianyao and Zhou Tianming and others looked at each other and agreed with the suggestions of Zhuoshu. Tianyao said: "What we lack now is the upgrade speed. I didn't expect it was so difficult to upgrade from 160 to 170. We have the boss to help upgrade , The players below can only play bit by bit, which is too difficult for them. "

"Yeah, I have never seen a time when I need so much experience. I ca n’t quickly upgrade the level on the battlefield. It takes almost a month to upgrade to a level." Zhou Tianming said depressed.

Lu Yang also has no better way now, saying: "Then improve the practice. Tomorrow, I will take everyone's blood copy, and we will do all the logistics for our brothers, so that they do not have any worries to upgrade."

"Yes." Zhuojiu answered with Bai Shi and others.

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