Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1643: Attack the Sapphire Fortress

From Tianyan Fortress to Tiger Mouth Fortress, there are 17 fortresses and a desolate area more than 4 hours away.

Lu Yang flies from the air and runs much faster than the ground, because he does not need to climb mountains and pass through areas with many curves.

After flying overnight, he flew over the tiger's mouth. Until the next morning, he watched Mu Yi come out of the tiger's mouth, and all the way through the silent ridge controlled by the black gauze. In the area, he went all the way to Tom's area. In the middle, he encountered danger several times, and Lu Yang resolved for him.

I waited until the afternoon of the third day, and Mu Yi marched for two days and one night, and successfully brought 500 people to Tianyan Village near Tianyan Fortress where Lu Yang was located.

"Brother, I'm here." Mu Yi watched with interest Lu Lu standing at the door to welcome him.

"Yes, you did a good job along the way, take someone to rest, sleep well tonight, we will launch a sneak attack tomorrow." Lu Yang said.

"I went to bed in the hotel, exhausted me." Mu Yi took people away.

Kost walked to Lu Yang and said with a charming smile, "You really love your little brother."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I will do the same for you. No one can be harmed by the people I want to protect."

Coster's formula was frozen and he took a serious look at Lu Yang. He didn't speak and turned away.

"Somebody inexplicable." Mike shook his head while watching Coster's back and said, "Boss, let's take a rest, too."

Corelly said, "Yeah, you are the most tired."

"Don't talk about this, just go to rest." Lu Yang was really tired, and he also rested after entering the hotel.

清 Early morning the next day.

When Lu Yang woke up, it was already 8 o’clock in the morning. He entered the game again and appeared in Tianyan Village. Not only was the eight fierce, Koster, Little Phoenix, Mike and Zhang Yuan, but also 500 logistic players brought by Mu Yi. Each of them wore the legendary World Realm Infantry Gun.

Manjie Consortium Infantry Standard Musket (Legendary)

Level: 170

Physical attack: 1200000——1200000

Power: +280000

Physical strength: +200000

Additional physical attack: +1000000 points

Additional physical crit: +1000000 points

Extra physical puncture: +1000000 points


Breakthrough Piercing: Ignores 35% of the target's physical defense

(Attack speed 3.5)

"Wow, it's a legendary weapon, and the damage is so high." Paul looked excitedly at the standard musket and said, "This is not much different from my 175-level ghost weapon. Three such musketeers treat me. Fast fire, I have no choice but to run. "

Lu Yang said with a smile: "These 500 people were all promoted by experience Dan. They wore a 170-level dark gold suit equipped with such weapons and fired in three rows. In addition to the invincible Paladin, no People can come close. "

Mu Yi proudly said: "This weapon has a range of 250 meters. Without a sufficient number of Paladins, it can't be close."

Lu Yang laughed and looked around. At this time, there were almost no players in Tianyan Village. He said: "The time now is 8 pm in the United States. After 4 hours, tens of thousands of players from the Atonement Angels Guild will attack with all their strength. The sapphire fortress, we took the opportunity to sneak attack on the Tianyan fortress and **** the potion of Tianyu No. 7 inside. "

"I understand." The crowd said together.

"Now follow me to prepare for the Tianyan Fortress." Lu Yang changed into a regular mount and ran over 500 people towards the Tianyan Fortress.

While on the road, Lu Yang called Tu Feng and asked, "What is Tom doing?"

Tu Feng always contacted Hermon and the Chairman of the Atonement Angel, and replied: "Tom and Christina have withdrawn from the game and rested. At present, the deputy chairman Kunstin and Diesel are in charge of the overall management. Canyon Fortress, a guard at the Boulder Fortress, is currently guarding Dulles. Hermon has recently assigned a lot of Dulles' rights. The two are very different. Hermon is responsible for defending the sapphire and screen fortress. "

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It looks like Hermon has good luck recently, we can use him to make more articles."

Tu Feng said: "I think so too, Hermon is not a person who can get close to Tom ’s more private information, but he is an early partner of Tom. He is not popular in the guild and can help Tom a lot. If we With Dulles helping him, Hermon is likely to take over Dulles. "

"It's worth a try," Lu Yang said.

What Lu Yang lacks now is players who are familiar with fighting in the central region. Unlike the previous battles in the northeast and eastern regions, the fighting methods on both sides are familiar to players from Lu Yang and the Iron Blood Brotherhood.

沙漠 The desert area in the central part of the country is different. The fighting units here and the way of desert warfare are different modes. For example, the sand lizard's fighting method is not the person who really controls the sand lizard's legion. It is impossible to understand.

He needs to recruit some senior commanders in the central region, especially the commanders of the first-line combat troops. The players who are really familiar with these battles are the treasures of major guilds, either signed long-term contracts and high penalty fees, or Just don't betray at all.

If Hermon really can occupy a high position, Lu Yang could use the problem between Tom and Christina to force Hermon to drive away the senior commander in the guild. At that time, if he uses it, he can attack the central mountain area in the future. Save a lot of problems.

"Tomorrow you go to the United States and talk seriously with Hermon. Don't be afraid to spend money, buy a lot of money for his future, and enable him to realize his lifetime financial freedom once." Lu Yang said.

"Okay," Tu Feng said.

The problems that can be solved by spending money are not big problems. Now Lu Yang's advantage is that only he realizes how important spy warfare is to the New World, and other major guilds have not yet raised this game to a new one. the height of.

He can take advantage of this opportunity to do as much damage as he can, until the major guilds understand that each guild will invest more money to protect its own secrets, and then have money to buy secrets, No one sold.

两 When the two of them were chatting, Lu Yang came to the city of Tianyan Fortress. At this time, the game was still at night, and Lu Yang let everyone take the stealth potion and hide in the desert of no one.

While the two were talking here, on the other side, Hermon had learned from Tu Feng that he was going to sneak into the area where he was guarding the fortress. Therefore, at night, Hermon was still working diligently to check the outposts and walls outside the city. On guard.

能够 In order to make him act realistically, Tom did not realize that he had deliberately acted in subsequent enquiries. Tu Feng specifically found Tian Feng and asked him to teach Hermon how to do it on the spot.

He Heng was all stunned. Originally, he wanted to prepare the defense forces in all aspects, so that the fortress was not really beaten down, but Tian Feng asked him a word.

If he was Tom, he would definitely ask, why did n’t he check it, but this time deliberately checked it? Did you already know that you were going to be attacked?

He Meng sweated on the spot, and quickly asked Tian Feng what to do. Tian Feng taught Hermon hands, checked the dark whistle, and guarded the city wall. He walked twice, pretending to be working hard again with Tom ’s weapon. As for the boulder The defensive forces of the fortress and the canyon fortress, and the million defensive forces of the orange fortress in the adjacent Jerz area, you go to say hello one by one, and without mentioning the matter of strengthening the alert, contact them and pretend to be a pair After being reused, you can just grab a bowl with Dulles.

The orange fortress is under the sapphire fortress, which is the area of ​​Jerez. The fortress is guarded by Jerz's vice president. The other party needs a friend who can help him when he is attacked. Hermon is reused again. Naturally It will make Jerz's vice president willing to associate with him, and he will be attacked without care, and will also make the other party feel respect.

As for the two vice-presidents of Boulder Fortress and Canyon Fortress, they have a good relationship with Hermon. They are all miscellaneous soldiers. It is Dulles who really controls the best special legion. Therefore, they and Dulle Steve also had contradictions and was happy to see Hermon's success.

Hermon played this set according to the script Tian Feng gave him. It was just right. At 12 o'clock in the evening, a legion suddenly rushed out of the mountains toward the fortress. The words of Claudio's army's attack came!

A sigh of 5km away from the fortress ~ ~ I have n’t been sleepy after being checked by Hermon for a long time. I heard this shout and was frightened. After a closer look, it turned out that under the moonlight Countless people rushed towards the fortress, the number was at least 100,000, he quickly sent a message to Hermon, saying: "Boss, Claudio's at least 100,000 people attacked the sapphire fortress, and quickly raised an alarm to ask for support."

He Heng smiled, pretending to be calm and asked: "It's true, do you see clearly? How could Claudio attack at this time?"

"Don't lie to you, they are clamoring Claudio's slogan, boss, you hurry, 100,000 rush." ​​The sentry shouted.

He Meng also learned from Tian Feng when he was so eager. He reported to Dulles and the other two vice-chairmen immediately, and it seemed that he already knew the same thing. He deliberately did not immediately say It is a word-by-word inquiry. When inquiring afterwards, he will only feel that Hemen is doing things closely.

"Zila ~!" Suddenly, a space-time crack lit up over the sapphire fortress. Then, the portal of the sapphire fortress became ineffective.

"Fuck, so fierce." Hermon quickly hung up the phone, and then called Dulles and the two vice presidents.

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