Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1662: Central New World War 1

The month-end meeting of the Jagged Brotherhood.

In Lu Yang's special space, all the main vice-chairmen such as Zhuojiu, White Lion, Zhou Tianming, etc., were sitting around the conference table.

Tu Feng said, "After three months of self-cultivation, our guild's accounts have reached 800 million U.S. dollars. This is a net surplus. Excluding all expenses, we have finally made money."

People such as Zhuojiu and White Lion showed excited expressions.

"Hey, I heard that we have made money before. I still don't believe it. It's true." The white lion laughed.

Zhuo Jiu said with a smile: "I didn't expect to have so much money."

Lu Yang looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Since I have made money, I will send you a big red envelope. It is now the end of June. After half a year, all those who have shares will receive a dividend according to the percentage. $ 300 million in dividends. "

"Thank you, boss."

"The boss is so interesting."

"Haha, it's rich."

300 million US dollars, even if only 1% of the shares, you can get 3 million US dollars of income, converted to credit points is more than 20 million, everyone present here, the lowest share is 1%, the highest is Jiang Ze, several times Because after the addition of others, there is also a 10% stake.

Lu Yang didn't dare to say that in returning to Jiang Ze's family, he did it. Jiang Ze could take away 200 million cash at a time. The previous investment of 2 billion, a pharmacy store of Song of Blood and Fire alone, has already made Jiang Ze's family. Back in time, the smithy made the Jiang Ze family make at least 1 billion.

With every amount of money now, Jiang Ze is making a net profit, not to mention this is only a half-year bonus. If there is still no war at the end of the year, the money he can receive is definitely more than 800 million.

However, the blood and fire pharmacy has recently suffered a severe decline in its ability to make money, and its peer competition has been too fierce, and it has been impossible to provide financial support for the guild for more than half a year.

Lu Yang didn't care about this. With the development of the game, this is an inevitable result. If you want to solve this problem, you must continue to use low-cost medicine to squeeze other colleagues, or you have the best medicine, a 170-level medicine formula. All were beaten, and Lu Yang had no choice but to wait until the 180th level was open, and he went to find it again.

Lu Yang went on to say: "In addition, I am going to pay 100 million US dollars to give bonuses to elite players who do not have shares in our guild. You nominate, Tu Feng approves notes, remember, you must not betray the meritorious people."

Imposting or giving more money to relatives, such things are inevitable. Lu Yang faces the same problems as Heisha and Alice.

The reason Lu Yang did not fall is because there is a game city, a sacred place in the hearts of everyone, and another is that Lu Yang has money and can support it, allowing a small number of such things to happen, in exchange for overall unity.

"Boss rest assured, we won't make you embarrassed," said Zhujiu.

They have been with Luyang Yang for 4 and a half years. They know where Lu Yang ’s bottom line is. People ca n’t pass it. In addition, they do n’t know many things. The so-called meritorious power is the military power. Give money to a player who has no merit, and who will do it with him in the future.

There is also a lot of problems in the White Lion, but they are all suppressed and never tell Lu Yang.

Lu Yang looked at them with a smile and said, "The next topic, Tu Feng continues."

Tu Feng said, "Heisha ’s recent net income has about 200 million credits. Alice used this money to recruit masters. His strength is much stronger than the original. For this reason, Heisha even provocatively in Ling The rivers of water and the Silent Hills have established wild fortresses, which have shielded us from the central region. "

Lu Yang sneered and said, "It's so much face-saving. Dogs think they're wolves. Don't worry, let Black Gauze and Alice continue their arrogance."

With Cumberbatch, and Reese's recipe for killing scattered players, no matter how the black yarn and Alice improve their defense, they are their fatal weaknesses.

Tu Feng nodded and said, "The third thing is that our player level has generally risen to level 167 and a half, and is getting closer and closer to level 170. The players below are feeling too boring and want to fight."

"Hey," Lu Yang said, "It's too easy to abandon my upgrade. It's too easy to set up an upgrade reward. Who can find a more convenient and quick upgrade method, rewarding 1,000 to 10,000? Take your heart back. "

"Boss, this is your trick." White Lion said.

"I'm also worried about this. When did our guild have 4 months without fighting, it's almost stretched out." Zhou Tianming said.

Everyone laughed.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "It's really been 4 years. It's the first time I've been so relaxed."

Zhou Tianming did a great job, but he couldn't say more at the meeting, otherwise the White Lion and Xia Yuwei should have their opinions on Zhou Tianming.

Tu Feng said: "There is one last thing. From the comprehensive information, the eight strongest guilds and Claudio are not far away from each other. We need to be prepared for what to do."

Lu Yang said, "Don't take action. I will send K and Black Friday special players, together with Koster and Mike, and constantly walk between the central area and these two kings’ guilds, robbing them of supplies. , Definitely not help them fight. "

Xia Yuwei asked: "But if they are destroyed, the eight strongest guilds in central China will join Liu Jie and they will come to us for trouble."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Rest assured, they can't be united. The way to dismantle their alliance is in my hands. When they defeated Claudio and Harriken, when will I release evidence to let them thoroughly Divided. "

The current situation is that everything is only owed to Dongfeng ~ ~ As long as the eight strongest guilds fight with Claudio, the winner of this war is only him.

"Let's rest, we continue to accumulate strength, quietly waiting for the moment when most of our guild players have risen to level 170." Lu Yang said.

From 167 to 170, there seems to be only 3, but it actually takes at least two months. Not only did Lu Yang know this clearly, but also Sanyouweimen, Radvedev, and Claudio. Very clear.

In the special space of Sanyouemon, he looked at seven presidents such as Radvidev and Stephen, and Shen Sheng said: "We must launch an attack on Claudio and Harriken in the near future and eliminate this in World War I. Two confidants, otherwise, for another month or two, even if we have the ability to defeat them, then Lu Yang will destroy us. "

Radvedev looked at Tom and asked, "How is your preparation? If you are not ready, you will attack me first."

Tom smiled proudly, saying: "Vice-President Olaju has decided to surrender us, allowing us to slaughter his players on the day of the war, as long as we pay him $ 10 million, I agreed."

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