Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1674: Legion of Spiders

one week later.

Lu Yang arrived at the rainforest fortress in the Olma area and merged with Liu Juan's 10,000 spider-blooded players. During this week, Claudio's vice chairman Lindelof led 3 million players in a small army attack mode. With four million players led by Olma and Mitoemon, they fought thousands of wars in 227 areas.

The fighting between the two sides was not fierce. After a little contact, they found that they could not beat each other and retreated immediately, because the supply of the two sides in this area was very difficult, and they did not want to put too much pressure on the supply of the rear and rear. After that, the method adopted was to attack players in the original G8 region.

There are nearly 80 million European players in this area. As a result, these European players who are killed are in dire straits, especially when the original Ministry of the G8, who was still clamoring for Lu Yang to enter this area, will give Lu Yang a nice look, and European players saddened by the failure of the G8.

Yali, Hans, Reit and Siddell did not expect that such people as Orma, Tom, Sanyoumonemon, and Claudio would carry out such inhuman killings in this area.

Originally, they also wanted to help their bosses to level their opponents and recruit more players from the G8 region, but in this way, the four of them actually became street mice, and finally, one week later, Arie and Hans A large number of brothers under the four men announced their departure from the guild, and another guild called the Revenge League was formed.

Their idea was to take revenge on all the guilds that had bullied them, not only Sanyouemon and Olma, but also Lu Yang. Unfortunately, this guild had not been formed for a day, and they were formed by them. The legion was defeated.

Lindelof also took the opportunity to rob a group of these players. The inner anger of these players turned into a deep sense of powerlessness. They wanted to escape, but found that there was no place to run, as long as they were in the safe area. Outside, they will be slaughtered, and they don't want to leave the area where they have stayed for about two years.

After defeating the Vengeance Guild, Sanyouemon and Olma decided to launch a third decisive battle against Claudio and attack the twin tower fortress area. To this end, they assembled tens of millions of players. In the G8 area, more than 9 million players can also gather in the area of ​​the Twin Tower Fortress and the Yunhai Fortress.

Lu Yang has always been watching the war on both sides. He did not expect that Olma and Sanyoumen could also use their shady tricks such as the family account plan to treat their occupied areas. Within this week, Olma did not mobilize any of them. The supply team headed to the G8 region.

In this decisive battle, the two sides are bound to fight for more than a week. Lu Yang does not believe that Olma and Sanyoumen have not yet mobilized supplies.

After three days.

At the beginning of the war, the two sides conducted a full-scale decisive battle at the Twin Towers Fortress. Although there was no victory for the time being, both sides were sponsored by several large companies at the same time and obtained the advertising rights on their respective clothes.

Little Phoenix, Mike, and others were a bit can't wait. Lu Yang was still quietly waiting for Ma Jingming's phone call. Finally, when the two sides reached the ninth day, Ma Jingming raised an eyebrow and sent a message to Lu Yang. : "In the early hours of this morning, Olma's first batch of combat supplies set off from the rainforest fortress and made preparations."

The side that attacks the fortress always has the most equipment loss, because as long as the fortress is not attacked, the equipment will fall into the fortress and be picked up by the enemy.

Lu Yang asked with a smile: "What materials? How many people protect?"

Ma Jingming said: "There are about 3 million dark gold sets of 160, and the total number of protectors is 20,000."

"If the attack is successful, you will get a 20% return." Lu Yang said.

He sneered, wanting to send supplies from the Rainforest Fortress to the Goddess Fortress, with 13 fortresses in the middle, and only 20,000 defenses, Olma was really arrogant.

Ma Jingming said: "In order to transport these supplies, Orma has a group of people involved in the protection of every other fortress. We can walk up to 4 fortresses a day. We have few opportunities. I recommend a sneak attack on the Iron Fortress, although it is the nearest area , But it's also the area where the enemy's defense is the most lax. "

The Iron Stone Fortress is in the lower left corner of the Rainforest Fortress. Lu Yang attacked Olma in that area before. He thought about it and said, "I think your mission that day should be to send vulture warriors to check the enemy situation in the sky. "

Ma Jingming said: "Yes, there are 200 people in my legion, and they will fly to the surrounding areas to search in advance."

Lu Yang opened the surrounding map sent by Ma Jingming, pointed to Wan Daolin, and said, "This area should be your only way. I will ambush here."

"Fighting?" Ma Jingming was a little surprised. He asked: "That requires a lot of people, 20,000 people are in an open area, and 10,000 people, including the 10,000 people, are not so easy to kill, and each of them still has There are resurrection stones. "

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I have 50,000 people in this area. It's easy to kill them."

He did not tell the truth. In order to give Ma Jingming confidence, he exaggerated 10,000 people to 50,000. Ma Jingming was not cheating. He thought that Lu Yang really had 50,000 people. He said excitedly, "Why do you have so many people?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "I naturally have my way. Go get ready. I must get all the 3 million people's supplies."

3 million 160-level dark gold sets, worth tens of millions, but this is a fortune!

Ma Jingming knew he had asked a lot, and he hung up the phone with a smile. Late at night, the rain forest fortress, the second vice chairman Hei Feng and Olma's cousin Tulabi personally took 25,000. People, quietly set off from the rainforest fortress, this is still the night in the game.

These 25,000 people are all loyal players such as Olma and Heifeng, and they have made every effort to ensure the safety of these supplies.

Most of the players in the Olma area are asleep at this time. Even if there are a few who have not rested, it is impossible to attack them in groups, and there are hundreds of large and small guilds in the Olma area that are capable of sneaking attacks. Also in the monitoring of Olma, none of the guilds changed.

Hei Feng walked vigilantly and looked to the left and right. What he hated most was traveling at night. The visible range was too small, but this time he had to do so, and could not help but lament that Olma was too cautious. Ma Jingtang, head of the Vulture Legion, said, "Is there anything wrong?"

Ma Jingtang looked around and said, "No problem, there are very few players in the area we are moving forward, and no more than 10 teams can see it."

Heifeng gave a little breath, but still said in a commanded tone: "Look carefully, don't miss it."

Ma Jingtang hated the style of Hei Feng very much. He hung up the phone and continued searching.

On the other side.

Lu Yang and Liu Juan brought 10,000 of them to Wan Dao Lin. The reason why it is called Wan Dao Lin is because it is a forest, and the trees here are special, each leaf is the same as a blade, so , Named after Wan Dao Lin.

The area of ​​the forest is large, but not dense, and the spacing between the trees is also large, because the trunk of each tree extends far.

Lu Yang said to Liu Juan: "The whole is in the forest, and you must not let the enemy's air force detect your spider web."

"Boss, rest assured, leave it to us." Liu Juan's white face was full of perseverance. UU Kanshu

She looked back at her players and said, "Sisters, prove that our opportunity is here. Don't embarrass the boss. Everyone can use housekeeping skills. You must not let the enemy's air force and the ground players who come by find your existence. . "

"Okay, look at us." The heads of Liu Xiang, Li Yan, and Tao Fei all showed charming smiles.

"Look at our spider's ability." Li Zhi turned into a spider form, spit out a spider web, and stuck to the leaves in the trunk. She jumped up onto the trunk and stepped on the spider web, unless she was extremely careful. You can see that there is a spider web in the trunk, and Li Zhi on the net is invisible.

Tao Fei and Liu Xiang were not far behind, and one after another hung spider webs in the trunks of the trees on both sides of the roads and hid above the trunks.

Lu Yang didn't expect them to have such high hopes, but did not expect that Liu Juan and their little sisters were so struggling, so Lu Yang also relaxed, and said to Naif and others, "Let's ambush in stages, listen to my order to launch a sneak attack."


Nef and others are preparing to go. (To be continued)

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