Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1708: Tea House and Mysterious Man

That night.

The guild created by Olma completely collapsed. Olma himself announced his withdrawal from the game. All 28 artifacts in his hand were sold to the bank and all the arrears were paid off.

Although he was gone, players in the Olma area did not recognize the Jagged Brotherhood and were still struggling. Lu Yang was no longer worried about this, and he turned it over to the affiliated guild to deal with it. The 30 million players rushed out are responsible for killing these people.

Here, the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood and the affiliated guilds are on the other side. On the other side, players from the strongest guilds in the central region, such as Tom and Radvijev, have just ended their war.

When Lu Yang launched a decisive battle against Olma, they also launched the final battle. Claudio and Harrican were officially defeated. At this point, the whole war in the New World has basically ended, and the rest is only sporadic.

The war exhaustion has spread throughout the new continent, and Lu Yang has found the ten most important ones including Sanyouweimen, Radvidev, Anatoly, Roland, Tom, Stephen, Jerz, Liu Jie, and Steiger. Ten presidents of the strong guild signed a truce agreement and publicized it on the World Channel. At this point, the New World War has temporarily entered a new equilibrium.

In the live room.

Dubin commented: "This is definitely a deferred plan that all parties want together. Neither the Sanyoumen or Tom will allow the Jagged Brotherhood to become so powerful. At this time, the parties are only digesting them. What they just got, as for Liu Jie and Steig, they are afraid that they can still only be trapped in the northern region. They can't distinguish between the winners and losers and can't enter the middle of the new continent. "

Lu Yang turned off the live broadcast and said to Xia Yuwei, White Lion, and Zhou Tianming, "The next war, I am afraid that it will be half a year later, that is, during the winter vacation, and everyone will take this opportunity to promote their brothers. Level, which guild takes the lead in getting more 170-level dark gold sets, and in the next war, which guild will have a better chance to win the war. "

"Boss rest assured that next time I will definitely raise all my staff to level 170." White Lion said.

"I'm fine," Zhou Tianming said.

Xia Yuwei, Tianyao and others also expressed their attitudes. Lu Yang signaled that they don't need to worry, saying, "It's the same, let's take a rest for one week in turn, and let's relax for six months."

"Thank you, boss, then we're welcome." Xia Yuwei said.

This war made everyone very tired. Even Lu Yang couldn't take it anymore. He smiled and said, "I just took Lan Yu out to change my mood."

The long state of war caused Lu Yang to have not accompanied Lan Yu for a long time. This time, he quit the game and took Lan Yu to play for a whole week.

The presidents of major guilds around the world are staring at the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood. For fear of what Lu Yang is going to start a war again, after seeing Lu Yang go out to travel, they relax and arrange rest plans.

Only during the break, Lu Yang secretly ordered inside the Tiger Mouth Fortress. The level 7 guild of the Red Fortress was upgraded again. The level of the guild can be increased to level 9 according to the area of ​​the occupied area.

In the area where Heisha and the Group of Eight were annexed, the area of ​​Lu Yang's territory was enough to upgrade the guild to level 9, and by level 9, the guild could build a new building, a teahouse.

This seemingly useless building is actually very useful, especially for mysterious people. Remember the mysterious man that Lu Yang encountered by chance, and sold it to so many mysterious people with special jewelry and special equipment. Every time, I have the opportunity to see in the teahouse.

There is a bug in the game that is not a bug. If you build two teahouses and walk back and forth between the two teahouses, you will increase the chance of encountering mysterious people.

Lu Yang desperately wanted more advanced equipment and accessories. However, the construction of the Nineth Guild was too long, and seven days was not enough.

Here Lu Yang took people out to play. On the other hand, seven days had just passed, and there was no more one day to play. Sanyouweimen and Roland informed the world that the two guilds merged and Sanyouweimen married Roland's daughter. An engagement dinner was held a week later, and guests from all walks of life were invited to participate online and offline.

In the conference room.

Lu Yang smiled at the white lion and others who were on the line urgently, and said, "What do you think?"

White Lion said: "If they merge, there is an invincible guild that is twice as powerful as us. No one can beat them."

"I must stop this wedding. Sanyouweimen is crazy, and he came up with such a crazy idea."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "This is just an engagement banquet. There is still some time before the wedding banquet. Don't worry, I believe someone will be more anxious than us."

Zhuoju asked: "Do you mean Liu Jie, Steige, Stephen, these strongest guilds?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Liu Jie and Steig are the ones who want to destroy the wedding the most. If Sanyoumenmen gets stronger, it means weakening them. Wait and see, if they can't do it, I will shoot again."

Xia Yuwei laughed and said, "Boss, you have long thought about how to deal with Sanyouweimen, haven't you?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "In the beginning, in order to change myself and leave safely, Heifeng and Zijin Giants betrayed the news to me. I have already set about getting people ready to go."

Big liar Bagley and Xue Yiming have prepared in Vienna, Roland's young daughter lives in Vienna, he does not believe the character of Roland's young daughter, after getting used to French and Italians who like to joke and have a pair of deep eyes, Will marry the dwarf, old-fashioned man of Sanyouemon.

The memories in the game are over. Lu Yang takes Xia Yuwei back, and when it returns to the guild, it is already ten days later. Without waiting for him to enter the game, an official game update announcement came.

For the first time, all servers in the world stopped for one day and one night. After the early morning of the next day, Lu Yang and their helmets went online and found that the game had undergone a huge change.

Official upgrade: First, the player's experience value required to upgrade is reduced by 30%, and second, the 175 level is no longer the limit level.

Not to mention for the time being, just these two points make the players in the world crazy, they no longer have to desperately save money to improve the cultivation value, as long as they have enough experience, they can rise to level 176, and on the other hand, players The experience required to upgrade is reduced by 30%, and many players are no longer difficult to upgrade.

For a while, the entire game was full of joy, and players from all over the world fell into the joy of playing monster upgrades.

It used to take more than half a year to upgrade from 163 to 170, and now it only takes four months. If you are a better player, you can upgrade the monster faster and upgrade faster.

Lu Yang flew to Level 180 map with Lan Yu. In a bug position, the two brushed it up. Lan Yu looked at Lu Yang curiously and asked, "Why are you staying with me every day? I'm not afraid they said you fell into it. Can't get out of the gentle village. "

Lu Yang smiled proudly and said, "That's why my wife is beautiful, or else this gentle town won't fall in."

"Go, my wife and wife, and say the same thing." Lan Yu blushed a little.

Lu Yang liked to look at Lan Yu's expression the most, and said with a smile: "On the one hand, I really want to be with you. I have no time before, and I have time recently. I will stay with you for a while, and I want to pose a harmless one. Let everyone look at it, and let everyone temporarily aim at Sanyouweimen. "

As soon as Lan Yu guessed it was the reason, she said, "It is not just to accompany me, there are other attempts."

Lu Yang was a little sorry, saying: "Liu Jie is not finished, the war in the new continent is still going on, and I have no problem. So many people need to feed."

Even though Lu Yang transferred some of the pressure to the newly established more than 100 guilds, they could not share much. Now the Brotherhood of Iron Blood seems to be very powerful, with more than 40 million combatable players, but it can really fight The 12 million people in the Jagged Brothers League, and the remaining 30 million are weak chickens, and they will collapse against any of Sanyoumen and Roland.

Lu Yang is now thankful to Sanyouweimen. Because of his arrogance, the iron blood brother alliance that was in the public's eyes has become less valued. After all, it is the merger of the two strongest guilds. This is more than 30 million with him. Chicken is much more scary.

Lan Yu didn't care much, saying, "Just with you, let's upgrade."

Lu Yanggang nodded, and when a message came, he couldn't help but smile, and said, "It's fun to show you, I'll take you back for a task."

"What task?" Lan Yu asked ~ ~ to go back and forth. Lu Yang said with a smile. He took the blue feathers to finish the strange monster that he had brought in, and built a sentry tower in the surrounding remote area. The two returned to the red fortress using camouflage coats.

At this time, the red fortress had changed a lot, and the main city of the city became extremely towering and magnificent. The unique appearance of the 9th level guild made everyone look at the buildings here, but it was just a few more. Just eyes.

The red fortress is a level 100 fortress. At this time, there are not many players who have just reached the level 100. They have been in service for four or five years, and they are all above the level 140.

Lu Yang didn't deliberately block the news here, and the enemy's spies didn't bother to come here to investigate the situation. Another thing, Lu Yang didn't tell anyone about the intention of building a level 9 guild here.

Just behind the city's main government building, there are two very inconspicuous buildings-the teahouse, which is only on the second floor and is facing away. It takes only 20 steps to go out from this building to the second building.

The surface of these two buildings is intended to be the best place to ambush the enemy if an enemy sneaks into the main city from behind. No matter who comes, they cannot escape the fate of being attacked by players in both buildings at the same time.

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