Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1712: New Affiliate Guild

Jerz didn't want to cooperate with Lu Yang at all, because he found that Lu Yang is now more and more capable of annexing the New World. Of course, as capable as Lu Yang, one must be counted as one, and then Radvijeff.

After laying down the area of ​​Claudio and Harriken, the two who made the most profit were Gerz and Radvieff. For unknown reasons, Claudio caught Tom's mammoth, causing Tom to be in Craw The Dior region has the most profit.

By virtue of his strength, Radevjeev simply snatched a large area in the hands of Anatoly and Stephen, resulting in Anatoli and Stephen being very resentful of Radevjev.

Jerz thought over and said, "Let me think again."

Lu Yang said, "Okay, wait for your call at any time."

He is not anxious about these things. Now he is still immersed in the mysterious man. Now he has enough money. In the last war, 3.5 billion credit points were spent without a penny, and an extra 20 was spent. Billion credits.

Now that the war has been won, the G8 region has resumed its normal escalation order. This month alone, the tax collected will have more than 100 million US dollars. This is still not fully restored. When it is completely restored, the income will not be restored. Second to the Spanish region.

This month, the Spanish region contributed another 200 million US dollars. Counting about 600 million U.S. dollars in India, South Korea, the Nine Star Alliance region, and China region together, this month, Lu Yang's income reached 8 Billion dollars.

After removing the expenditure, there are still more than 7 billion, as if it is stealing money, but it is normal to think about it. Nearly one-eighth of the population of "Second World" is in the Jagged Brothers region, almost 10% of the world. More than a billion players are paying taxes to Lu Yang.

Heidel called and said: "Report boss, according to your request, players in the G8 region have been recruited again. Now it has recruited more than 1 million people. Players want to talk to you."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It's time to meet with them. This area must be stabilized. They are the most important factor for stability."

The reason why this is so is because players in the G8 region, whether recruited to the guild or outside, all have a knot in the Iron Brotherhood.

Even if they joined the guild, they still considered themselves to be outsiders or being used as enemies. Several leaders of the G8 did not quit the game, but instead served as vice presidents in the region of Steiger.

Although they knew that the words of Blood Butcher and Daniel had no effect on the original G8 players, they hoped that Lu Yang would also know.

Hiddell also means the same. They have left Kerim, Daniel, and the Blood Butcher. They abandoned them and hurt their hearts. Now it is good to meet them again. It is not good to be enemies. It is impossible for them to be Daniel. jobs.

What Siddell was most worried about was that Lu Yang still thought he was Daniel's person. Now he heard that Lu Yang was willing to meet with everyone, he couldn't help but get excited and said, "Thank you, boss, I'll arrange it."

Lu Yang said: "Don't need to be so deliberate, tell the players, who are willing to come and chat with me, come to the Grand Opera House in the East District of Tianyu Shencheng, we will chat here."

"I'll tell them now." Hiddle immediately sent a message on the guild channel.

"Lu Yang is willing to talk to us?"

"Just go and see if he really accepts us."

"Don't take us as a step, let's go and see."

"Yes, go together."


In less than an hour, no one expected that more than 600,000 players entered the opera house.

Lu Yang stood on the stage of the opera house, watching the crowd of G8 players under the stage, couldn't help laughing, and said, "It looks like everyone wants to meet me."

"Boss Lu Yang, I want to ask a question." A G8 female player raised her hand in excitement.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes, you say."

"What do you think of us?" The female player asked.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "I see you, there is no difference between me and Chinese players, they are ordinary guild players."

"But we have fought against you before and almost killed your vice chairman." A male player said with a raised hand.

Lu Yang's wheat-grabbing mode and his invitation mode, he said, "That's what Galga and Daniel do. It has nothing to do with you. I'm not a right or wrong person. Most players in this game want to entertain, but There are too many people in this game. After all, there will be wars due to the large number of people. Galga and I are fighting because of this.

I won't treat you differently. I hope you can be like the players from South Korea, Spain and India. Let's work together to build the strongest guild. When we lay the new continent, I hope Among you, you see hundreds of excellent legionnaires and several vice presidents. "

With his eyes brightened, Hiddle said excitedly, "Can we also be vice presidents of the Jagged Brotherhood?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course, you are now. As for other people, they need to test them a lot. As long as they have enough strength and prestige, and they really like Iron Brotherhood, I will invite him to be the vice president of the guild.

The vice chairman of the Jagged Brothers Alliance is the most valuable position and the most recognized position at present. If the players in the G8 region can come up with several vice presidents, it proves that they have been accepted by the Jagged Brothers Alliance.

"You wouldn't lie to us, let us rush forward when we fight, cannon fodder." A player suddenly asked.

Lu Yang laughed and said, "So far, in any battle, Jagged Brothers has not made the affiliated guild players used cannon fodder. You can ask on the Internet. Any Judge Brothers player can answer you. I take the most sincere Treat everyone with attitude, so I also hope to give back the most sincere attitude. "

Regardless of the player in any region, Lu Yang will treat each other sincerely. As for the G8 region, he also thinks so. This region is very important. It is next to Tom's region. In order to prevent Tom's trouble, the G8 region must be able to Forming a team against Tom independently, although it is not easy to train, there must be a trend.

Just like the more than 100 Huaxia guilds and more than 30 million Huaxia players, now they are not strong enough to compete with any of the strongest guilds, but as long as they are given enough time, they can grow up.

In a day, Lu Yang was chatting with the players of the G8 to discuss future developments. This time the chat completely ended the anxiety of the players of the G8. Many people put this conversation on the forum and attracted more. Players from the G8 region joined the Jagged Brotherhood.

The number of people increased on the other side. On the other side, Lu Yang continued to brush the mysterious people. You got the demon pot, you got the **** wrath gem ...

One month has passed, everyone in the New World is safe, there is no war, and there is no small-scale friction. Lu Yang finally became a big money. One person spent more than one billion yuan on the mysterious person. If the US dollar had not obtained more than 200 demon pots, hundreds of thousands of gems, and escape daggers, it would be easy for people to think that Lu Yang was corrupt.

In the red fortress meeting room ~ ~ Xia Yuwei and Bai Shi and other vice-chairmen are all there. Looking at Lu Yang's more than 200 refining pots on the table, everyone's eyes are green.

"Boss, why are there so many babies." Xia Yuwei put a refining pot into her backpack while talking.

The white lion, muddy wine, and other people secretly packed into the backpack, Lu Yang said with a smile: "Take it casually, and spent a total of one hundred million dollars to get the baby at this table. It was originally shared equally with you. You Take the pot of demon monsters, upgrade them, and take them to catch blood spiders. Be sure to train 10,000 players of level 180 within one month.

The official lowered the experience value by 30%, and also opened up the restrictions on upgrading above 175. You don't need to upgrade your practice to 20, as long as you have 10, you can continue to upgrade.

"Of course there is no problem with this thing." Xia Yuwei's cheeky face with an excited look, said: "Don't talk about level 180, put it all together, you can get out of level 200."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Don't think about the 200 level for the time being. It doesn't make any sense. You have to upgrade quickly. When you reach the 180 level, I will bring you equipment."

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