Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1734: There is cause and effect

Gertz stared at Pons and scolded: "I really take Lu Yang right?"

Pons looked at Gertz calmly and said, "Lu Yang puts you in this position. I don't know how to crack this game."

"I asked Lu Yang to go!" Gertz was angry, but still called Lu Yang and asked, "What the **** do you mean, why haven't you hit it? How many days have passed? Do you know that my military spending is wasted?" How much was it? "

While killing the demigods, Lu Yang said with a smile: "Brother, don't blame me. The Sanyou Weimen has Chen Bing near the Sky Fortress. He is always attacking my area in Olma, and Roland, with an ambiguous attitude, if I'm playing Tom now. If you don't fight with Tom, you'll fight me instead, and with Roland and Sanyouweimen, I'm done. So, to ensure that you are really cooperating with me, it is better to fight first. "

"How come it becomes a suspicion that I am not really cooperating with you?" Gertz anxiously pointed to Lu Yang who came from the three-dimensional projection screen. "Aren't you pitting me? I'll fight him first, and then you Sit for fishing, I will not lose. "

Lu Yang said: "I'm afraid it's not easy to pass this time. Sanyou Weimen seems to hate me. I swept his area last time. He wanted to take this opportunity to attack my affiliated guild in the Olma area. The equipment of the 30 million people cannot fall into his hands. Otherwise, I will not have a good life in the future. "

Gertz chuckled and looked at Landing Yang contemptuously, saying: "I don't hide what you said, I want to beat your 30 million affiliated guild players, I don't understand what you think. What do the guilds do, what can they do, except to send equipment and medicine. "

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It wasn't the same at first. I didn't expect them to be so dissatisfied, but I can only do my best to protect them. After all, I cultivated them. I have to protect them."

The dissatisfaction of these guilds is reflected in their internal struggles, and it is also a evil door. Lu Yang decided not to participate in their equity issues, which led to these guilds finding rich bosses outside, but these bosses have a lot of them. Part of it is not to play games, but to leave to earn a ticket.

They used the equity in their hands to grab the management rights of these affiliated guilds, and some of them could not grab the management rights, and robbed other authorities. In short, these 30 guilds are now in chaos. The original second half of last year was a good one. Development time, but most of these guilds are trapped in power struggles.

Just like those listed companies and family companies, the equity was bought by outsiders, and unrestricted internal fighting began. The boss who injected capital learned the experience of Steiger and brought these companies to the market. Many people took a wave. The money went away, and as a result the guild left an empty shell.

The big guild has less than 10 million in operating funds and may go bankrupt at any time. Lu Yang couldn't see it, but he made a decision at first. If he didn't participate, he couldn't participate.

It's even worse now. Before that, they were protected by the Brotherhood of Blood. They waved their stocks up, but there was a muddy water company, but they were short-listed companies. They took advantage of this decisive battle in the New World and went short within a week. The listed companies in the seven affiliated guilds have all gone bankrupt and liquidated.

Lu Yang told Gertz one by one to these things and said, "You said what I can do, I don't understand them. Finally, I beat Tom and also cheapened Sanyouweimen. In the future, Sanyouweimen will use this 3000 The equipment of 10,000 people can continue to attack me for two months. What can I block? "

Gertz was anxious and said, "With you, you really want me to fight Tom first. I don't care about any reason for you, you must go to war immediately."

Lu Yang said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I can't do it. It's not as good as this. You can get as much as you can. I don't take advantage of you. As for my participation in the war, half of the things I fight are for you This will not work. "

"Are you sure?" Gertz was a little emotional. In his eyes, if he could take the complete Claudio area, and a small part of the Tom area as a buffer zone between Lu Yang and him, then Roland and Sanyou Weimen's attack, Lu Yang will not do anything.

Even if he betrayed the alliance this time, but in the face of the strong enemy of Lu Yang, in the face of right and wrong, he firmly believed that Sanyou Weimen and Roland would still form an alliance with him.

Lu Yang said sincerely: "Of course you are sure, you can rest assured that I will never take advantage of you, you know, my ultimate goal is Liu Jie, but I just hit him now, you all fight Me, am I right? I can only get rid of those around me who want to hit me first. "

Gertz said, "I'll go back and think about it."

The light flashed.

Lu Yang returned his gaze to the lower **** in front of him, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Jerz can't help it anymore, he should start."

Xia Yuwei asked: "Do you really want to give half of the Tom area we will lay to Gerrze?"

Lu Yang chuckled and said, "I gave him the area from the canyon fortress to the Boyue fortress. You said, will he come flying and beat me."

White Lion: "..."

Turbid wine: "..."

Xia Yuwei couldn't help rolling her eyes and said, "Boss, you really lack morals."

Lu Yang said: "When they united together to fight me ~ ~ I haven't called them lack of virtue. He was idle in Gertz, and I followed him 180 thousand miles away, followed by Sanyouweimen They came to beat me together, I still haven't spoken, I don't pit him, who do I pit? "

If it wasn't for Gerz and their joint attack, how could Lu Yang develop such a slow place, especially the few **** battles at Tiger Mouth, and the blood-blooded brotherhood collapsed almost all, relying on him to bring muddy wine and they worked hard kill.

Recalling the most dangerous one, more than 10 million enemies outside Tiger ’s mouth, more than 3 million enemies inside, Tianlong regional mutiny, millions of enemies, Korean regional mutiny, more than 2 million enemies, together, at that time the Brotherhood of Blood When reaching 10 million people, they have to fight against nearly 30 million people and finally win. Lu Yang feels that he is favored by God.

"Maybe it's the system's help. During the attack, everyone's crit once or twice may change the outcome of the war." Kuai Ai half-life sighed and said.

At that time, he was responsible for directing internal battles, and when he thought of it, he felt like a fool. The kind of life-threatening battle made him never want to have a second time.

Bai Shihe smiled and said, "It's okay on your side. I almost turned my face against my two brothers. I watched the defensive walls being attacked by the enemy one by one. My heart was like a broken one. I almost wanted to kill me. The two brothers quarreled when they met. They dared not go to sleep every day. They closed their eyes and dreamed that the fortress was broken. "

The white tiger and the white wolf nodded together, and the white tiger said: "I was on the front line of the fortress at the time. The overall quality of the joint army of the grandsons was better than ours. I tried hard to defend and couldn't resist. I lost a city wall. Stubborn to die, but then lost the next one, beat Gertz, don't be polite. "

Everyone recalls the battle that year, and it is not a taste in my heart!

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