Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1737: Army Collection

Three consecutive days.

Lu Yang not only did not break the defense line of Sanyoumen, but was attacked by Sanchuanweimen's men Furukawa Takeshi 30 fortresses, and 30 million players were killed by Furukawatake.

Faced with this situation, domestic players blamed Lu Yang, and players from various affiliated national guilds also discussed whether the Blood Brotherhood is worth following.

The affiliated guild within the country did not say much this time, because they all knew that it was too shameful, 30 million people let two million people lose their temper, and they did n’t know how to blame Lu Yang.

The morning of the fourth day.

Lu Yang is still in charge of the battle. From the first day of the war to the present, the Iron-Blood Brotherhood has only advanced 169 trenches, which is a distance of about one kilometer.

This length is not enough for him to control the flying dragon to fly forward for one minute. On the high platform, Lu Yang leisurely looked at the battlefield.

Ayala came over, looked at Landing Yang, smiled helplessly, and said: "Your excellency, I really don't know how you can still be so leisurely, I have been scolded by you outside."

Pada said with a smile: "We are also under a lot of pressure."

Lu Yang looked at the two girls and smiled, and said, "Why don't you care, I know you will all stand firm to support me. When you win the war, all the problems will disappear, right?"

Li Wenxing said excitedly: "I believe President Lu Yang will definitely win the war."

Hiddle frowned, saying: "Your Excellency, although I don't know how you want to fight, it is really not a way to fight like this. Do we have to find some paths and cross the defense line formed by these four fortresses and hit them directly."

No matter how perfect the defense of Sanyoumen is, the trails on the mountains on both sides have a great chance of passing a few people, but the way in the past is too troublesome.

Lu Yang knew that there was more than one way. He smiled and shook his head. He said, "Don't worry, I'm waiting. Please be restless, there will be a result today."

Except for Ayala, the presidents of the other affiliated guilds were somewhat unintelligible by Lu Yang. They did not know that the players of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood who participated in the attack during the day were not the same group.

Lu Yang gathered more than 10 million players this time, only within the Jagged Brothers League, he recruited 15 million. The four affiliated guilds, Li Wenxing, Pado, Ayala and Hidal recruited 300 respectively. The total number of affiliated guilds is 12 million, and the total number is actually 27 million.

It's just that they were recruited in batches. The rest of them didn't find out. They were also tricked by Lu Yang by tricks. The method of cheating is very simple.

Every day, Lu Yang put the 6 million people who were recruited in advance into the battlefield, playing for two days in a row, and on the fourth day, the 6 million people withdrew from the battlefield, replaced with the newly recruited 6 million people to fight, and played for three days The 6 million people who could be evacuated were not disbanded, but were dispersed by Lu Yang to India, South Korea, Heisha and the Group of Eight.

The task given by is to get the news that there are affiliated guilds to betray, and they are responsible for rebellion. In this way, these people not only did not disperse, but more and more prepared to stand by.

In this way, in fact, each team did not suffer much damage. They played for three days, and Lu Yang did not let them all do their best. Only one million of them were attacked, which is 100 on the frontal battlefield. Ten thousand people hit the most tragic, the remaining five million people were injured very slightly, and did not lose their fighting power.

Has a rest period of three days or even longer, and their equipment has been returned from the copy. Although the morale is somewhat low, there is not much problem on the whole.

Lu Yang was initially worried that he could not cheat Sanyou Weimen and other players around the world with this method, but it was unexpected that on the one hand, the players of the Brotherhood of Blood were really very careful, and no one leaked secrets.

On the other hand, Sanyou Weimen was dazed by victory. The 30 million players of the domestic affiliated guild were killed by his men. Sanyou Weimen even said to the outside that he wanted to exchange positions with Furukawa Takeshi. Enjoying the thrill of killing, it can be seen that Sanyouweimen has been completely immersed in the sense of victory in strategy and strategy, and has not found that Lu Yang did not do his best.

As for the rest of the forces, they are all about to fight their time to the decisive battle. No one cares about the Jagged Brothers League. The most interesting is the major media, as if they have seen the Jagged Brothers League completely failed. Reported desperately.

Although Lu Yang thinks he has hidden these millions of secrets, everyone who finds them hard will find clues, but unfortunately, no one cares about these things, everyone is immersed in the news that the Predator Brothers will be defeated on the main battlefield. among.

Padu asked curiously: "Boss, what are you waiting for?"

Lu Yang laughed and said nothing, which made some of the vice presidents around him feel a little puzzled. At this time, Tu Feng jumped up from below and said to Lu Yang: "Jerz retreated, Tom did n’t. Forgive him and lead the main force into Gerz's area. "

Lu Yang showed such a smile on his face, and said: "Tom's mortal blow, it was really strong enough, Gertz is going to be unlucky."

Tu Feng nodded and said, "The war in Radvedev has entered a critical stage, and within a week can win or lose."

"How about Liu Jie?" Lu Yang asked.

Tu Feng said: "Liu Jie and Steiger were in full-scale war, and Vice President Zhuo Jiu explored the news every day, and also changed his account into the main battle area of ​​the two. . "

Lu Yang asked: "What do Roland think?"

Tu Feng said: "Roland still has no intention to send troops and is still in the border ink, not even 3 million people have assembled."

Lu Yang smiled, stood up, took a breath, and said, "This time I can rest assured that I will recall White Lion and Xia Yuwei and report them immediately."

"Yes." Tu Feng sent a message that the eyes of the white lion and others who were commanding on the battlefield ran to the platform.

Lu Yang looked at Padu and others and said, "Don't hide the reserve forces, and order them to gather to the east of the Sky Fortress after an hour."

"Yes." Although Padu and others did not understand it, they issued orders in accordance with Lu Yang's request.

It was at this time that White Lion and others jumped onto the high platform and watched Landing Yang said: "Boss, you finally decided whether or not."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "The time has come."

"Great, I can't help but go to the battlefield." The white lion jumped and said, watching his brother's charge failed again and again, his subordinate **** wanted to rush up and beat the enemy, but if he went up This shows up.

Lu Yang looked at the White Lion and others with solemnity, and said, "Order, the 15 million Jagged Brothers who have been recruited will gather on the west side of the Sky Fortress within an hour. Starting today, we will officially fight against the Sanyouweimen. Within three days, the Sanyouweimen will be completely defeated. "

"Yes." Everyone answered in unison, and each issued orders to go.

On the battlefield.

The 6 million players of the Iron-Blood Brothers began to withdraw from the battle in an orderly manner, and the 4 million affiliated guilds also gradually withdrew from the battle, leaving the enemies who were defending and attacking a little bit confused.



"Why did they leave?"


In a curious voice, Sanyouweimen stood on the high platform with an excited expression, shaking his arms and shouting, "We win."

He has received news from his men that Gerrze lost, and Tom led two-thirds of the main attack into Gerrze ’s site.

"Looking for it, Lu Yang either helped Gertz to interfere with Tom, or he was afraid that Tom would copy his back and take the initiative to admit defeat." Kentaro Miyano, the first vice president, said excitedly.

Sanyouweimen looked back at the several vice presidents under his hands, and said with a laugh: "Order all players to prepare to switch from defensive battle to offensive battle. All the strongholds in the horse area merge the Orma area into our site. "

"Yes." The eight vice presidents present responded loudly, issued orders, and prepared their men to go.

More than 10 million players came out of the trenches and began to gather, but as they assembled, the vice president of the spy system, Ryosuke Sakura, suddenly shouted loudly: "Ca n’t leave the trench, everyone will go back immediately . "

Sanyou Weimen was pleased, turned his head and frowned and asked, "What are you shouting about?"

Ryosuke Sakura came to the Sanyouweimen excitedly, and sent the video that he was playing simultaneously to the Sanyouweimen. He said in horror: "Lu Yang is not retreating, but preparing more people to participate in the attack. A large number of players are gathering, and the number is not less than 20 million. "

"What?" Sanyou Weimen only felt cold all over the body, and quickly looked at the video, but found that it was exactly like what Sakuda Ryosuke said. From a height, the Sky Fortress was divided into two areas, and the east area was for foreign players. , The west area is Chinese players.

The players on both sides gathered together, and the area was even larger than the fortress. This is obviously only achieved by more than 20 million people.

Sanyou Weimen quickly shouted: "Everyone returned to the trenches to prepare for defense, and all of them were doing defense."

Tens of millions of players can only return to the trenches, but they have no video, and they are all confused.

The live broadcast of Dubin and other major anchors is playing the retreat of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood.

"Oh, the Iron-Blood Brothers League can't bear it after all." The American host said happily.

"The great testimony that the Sanyou Weimen successfully blocked the Brotherhood of Blood, and let Lu Yang taste the first defeat in life." The Japanese host said excitedly.

"Lu Yang was finally defeated, hahaha, Smecta, we finally saw Lu Yang defeated." The South Korean host said.


Among the many voices, Du Bin was the most depressed. Looking at the landing of Yang Yang, he did not want to say a word. The whole channel seemed very dull, even depressed.

Hitomi was sorting out the information transmitted by the guide below. Suddenly, she saw the live video of the Sky Fortress from the guide, and her eyes widened quickly sent to Du Bin, saying: "Lu Yang seems not to be defeated, but to Prepare for a stronger attack. "

Du Bin was stunned when he saw the video. With surprise, he shouted: "Iron Brothers Alliance was not defeated, Lu Yang did not retreat. Everyone look at the Sky Fortress. What is this, my God, Lu Yang has gathered two Tens of thousands of people, what is he doing, I am going crazy, and use the strength of the whole country to attack the Sanyouweimen? "

With the roar of Dubin, the audience watching the live broadcast across the country was shocked. The video has been replaced by the Sky Fortress. Sure enough, as Dubin said, the tens of millions of players who have returned to the Sky Fortress have gathered with the recent The players come together to form two huge squares.

"The computer calculated it automatically. There are 12 million players on the east side and 15 million players on the west side of the Jagged Brothers League. The total population launched by Luyang this time has reached 27 million. It ’s not the 30 million Chinese guilds that have no combat power. It ’s the fighting power of foreign affiliated guilds defeated by Lu Yang one by one. It ’s the main fighting player who can break the wrist with any strongest guild. This is what to do, how much money it will cost. "Dubin hysterical shouted.

Depressed for too long, for six days in a row, he wanted to vent too much, and now, once vented out ~ ~ He no longer knows how to express his excitement.

Fortress of the sky, on the north side of the fortress, two huge legions, like the two big tongs of the crab, wave out from the left and right sides of the fortress of the sky.

The Chinese players and European players in the team have a crazy feeling. The flame knife has been playing with a low momentum these days, but he can be astonished at the scene.

"Sidell, the main legion left by the Group of Eight, how can he follow some of Olma's main force behind him."

"Ayala didn't take only one million people, how come another two million golden legions."

"Li Wenxing's main force is out there. Isn't it defensive in China?"

"Dalv brought all 300,000 cursed legions, it's terrifying."

Affiliated country guild players were also ignorant.

"How come there are so many people under Lu Yang."

"All of them wear the emblem of the Brotherhood of Blood, and the level is still above 170, which is crazy."

The affiliated guild still does not know that the number of players in the Jagged Brotherhood guild has already exceeded 100 million. After these six months of adjustment, a large number of players have risen to level 170, so it is not surprising that there are 15 million people today.

"All attention."

"All attention."

"All attention."


More than a dozen vice presidents such as White Lion, Xia Yuwei, Jiang Ze, Half-Life, Zhou Tianming, Ayala, Darvi, Pado, Li Wenxing, Sidall suddenly issued commands with loud speakers, more than 20 million Players looked at it curiously.

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