Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1742: The countermeasures of the Brotherhood

Lu Yang asked, "Where is Digus?"

Hermon said: "The attack time of Digus is almost the same as that of Yuga. Where he rushed out, he chose the Rega fortress above the canyon fortress."

Lu Yang said: "Your information is very beautiful, continue to work hard."

He hung up the phone, and Tu Feng was already waiting on the other side, saying: "This time Tom ’s order was not passed down, but all the people were disbanded in batches. The highest position of our people is The commander of the legion, the order is only hidden in the area near the full moon fortress. I can't know more about it for the time being. "

Lu Yang laughed and told the news reported by Hermon again. Tu Feng also knew that Hermon existed and said with a smile: "Since that is the case, it will be much easier to fight. They must gather near the Boyue Fortress. Kill them all. "

Lu Yang nodded and said, "I think so too, but be careful, this Yuca may not be assembled at Boyue Fortress according to what he said, it is likely that he hid somewhere else."

I heard from Hermon before that several other vice presidents looked down on him. This time, he became one of the four main vice presidents, which made Yuga uncomfortable. So, what Yuga said at the meeting, and Not necessarily true.

However, Lu Yang can be sure that Yuca will definitely choose the three areas of Devil Bull Fortress, Bit Fortress and Tenjin Fortress as a breakthrough, because this is the closest way to the Group of Eight. If they gather in other regions, they will definitely be met with blood Brotherhood hunt.

As for the time, Lu Yang suspects that the time set by Yuga will also change. He sent a message to Qingqian Zimeng, saying: "Spy immediately ordered your men to be sure to find the specific meeting time of the Yuga Army and the Digus Army. , Do n’t care about money, I just want the result. "

Qingqian Zimeng has left Artemis, but she did n’t leave the United States. She stayed here and directly controlled the celebrity anchors recruited by the United States, that is, her spies. Upon hearing the order, she responded to the house. The more than three hundred anchors of the son said: "My sisters, the opportunity to make money is coming. Who can find the hiding place of Tom ’s legion? Remember, the regimental award is $ 10,000, and the captain of the regiment is $ 100,000. The head of the regiment is 10,000 US dollars, and a regiment commander is rewarded with 100,000 US dollars. If anyone can directly counter the vice president, it will be rewarded with 1 million US dollars. If the location of the vice president is known, the reward will be 300,000 US dollars. "

More than 300 anchors have been attacking Tom's players. They will notice that among their fans, everyone's guild belongs to. Once they are under Tom's, no matter whether they are rewarded or not, they will talk to them every day.

Especially those positions above the head and deputy heads will even discuss deeper topics with them, making these men unable to extricate themselves.

After more than half a year, among the more than 300 people under Qingqing Zimeng, each of them had hundreds of Tom players. At this time, they immediately picked up their phone and connected with these people.

"Honey, what are you doing, I miss you."

"You seem to have been defeated, will I not see you again in the future? No? You are preparing for a counterattack, are you hiding somewhere now?"

"My God, it's really good to be able to receive your call. Where are you, haven't been defeated by the Brotherhood of Blood."


Warm greetings and thoughtful interrogation, every regimental commander and every commander of Tom ’s men hides the position of the player, revealing one almost every second.

It took less than 30 minutes for Qing Qing Zi Meng to get the positions of more than 2,000 regiments and 113 regiments. There are Yuga, Digus and Tom.

"It is estimated that Tom's death will not be known. He placed it in the hands of Lu Yang's boss and was defeated so miserably." Qing Qian Zi Meng said to Bagley around him.

Bagley shrugged his shoulders and said: "Your boss is willing to spend money. This year, it's just a game. Whoever gives money is God. We are all willing to serve God. Tom didn't lose to Luyang, but to God. "

Qing Qing Zi Meng lost her smile and said, "I will report."

After carefully sorting out the information, she sent it to Tu Feng together and made a video call to Lu Yang, saying: "Report the boss, Yuga's specific location could not be found, but some of his legions can already be determined. Divided into two parts, one part is on the north side of the Fortress and the other part is on the south side. "

Lu Yang asked: "Why is this judgment? Shouldn't he all gather in one area?"

Qing Qingzimeng shook his head and said, "I don't understand the specific strategy, but I suspect that Yuka's method is to use part of it as a bait to delay our main force, and some people rush into the G8 area."

Lu Yang looked at the map carefully, and through the news from Qingqing Zimeng, Tu Feng marked the deployment of the 200 regiments of Yuga ’s men, 12 of which were on the north side of the Boyue Fortress, leaving 188 The regiments are all on the south side of the Fortress.

"Two-thirds of these people are hidden in the Tianyuan Divine City, and one-third are hidden in the Divine City of Heaven, but the location of their return to the two Divine City from the New World can be roughly determined. I suggest that we should be in the middle of the night, Control these areas and kill the enemy in advance. "Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang looked at Jiang Ze and Liang Yun and the others around him and said, "I order Zhou Tianming to take Xia Yuwei, Jiang Ze, Liang Yun, Old Man of Twilight, and the legions of Li Wenxing and Ayala together to siege the Yuga Legion in The main force in the south of Poyue Fortress, who loved for half his life, was responsible for attacking the bait of the Yuga Army on the north side of Poyue Fortress. "

"Yes." The group said together.

Lu Yang looked at Qingqing and Zimeng and asked, "Where is the team of Dagus?"

Qingqian Zimeng frowned and said, "I do n’t have an analysis of Dagus ’s thoughts at present. It stands to reason that he should be hiding behind the canyon fortress, but his personnel are more dispersed and are gathering in the dozens of fortress areas around the Tianyan fortress. These places have enemy positions. "

Tu Feng marked the team of Dagus, from the left side of the Skyeye Fortress to the Sand Lizard Fortress, the right side to the Canyon Fortress, the north to the Thunderfire Fortress, and the south to the Full Moon Fortress, there are people everywhere.

"What way is this?" Lu Yang asked.

Everyone can't understand.

Said the white lion: "It can't always be that Dagus has poor control of his opponents, and he can't gather people in time."

Lu Yang shook his head and said: "This should not be possible. Digus is the first vice president of Tom's men. He is extremely powerful. I suspect that his opponent's control has reached a terrible level. He only needs one sentence. These are scattered in Players everywhere will quickly gather together. "

"It is also possible." Everyone nodded.

Through the news from Tu Feng, they knew the strength of Digus. This man built a building like a war studio, all of which were players of the leader level. In this case, Digus wanted Gathering them is just a sentence.

Zhuojiu said: "I feel that this Dagus is similar to my personality. If I were him, I would also arrange like him. For the time being, I will not look at the overall war situation. I just wait and wait for Tom and You The Canadian regions are at war, and I will take the opportunity to order the men to gather, and I do n’t need to gather too many people, as long as a few hundred heads and army heads can gather one million people, and the others are running slowly and scattered. , Or even died, as long as my people can enter the Olma area, I am the winner. Not only can I fight with us now, even if he loses, he can gather these people to continue in the Olma area. Trouble us, especially when we fight against other guilds. "

Lu Yang nodded and said, "It makes sense that Tom's headquarters also has a war studio, but Yuga and Hermon do not. In this way, even if Yuga fails in this war, Hermon fails, as long as Tom and Digus did not fail and still caused us endless trouble. "

It is too difficult to upgrade above level 170. Even if the official has lowered the upgrade experience value, there are still not many people who have upgraded to level 175. In this case, the Iron-Blood Brotherhood and Jerz, or the three-friend Weimen and Roland, they During the battle, Tom and Dagus attacked from behind, and the pressure on the Iron-Blood Brotherhood was extremely great, even fatal.

"Zhuojiu come here to help, Vulcan temporarily takes over the command of the Sky Sword Fortress, the Orma area is handed over to Zhuojioji and the White Lion to co-command, the two must cooperate sincerely, we can't afford to lose this battle, UU Reading www.uukanshu .com ca n’t be beaten within 10 days, so we ’re going to come and go back. ”

White Lion and Zhuojiu looked at each other, and the two looked at Lu Yang together and said, "The boss is assured, we will cooperate with each other."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Now let's take a look at how to get rid of this army of Yuca."

Zhuojiu thought for a while and said, "I suggest not to rob Tom's area for now. If looting is launched now, from day to night, players must kill red eyes. They will never listen to our orders and conscientiously gather. It ’s better to order all players to fight only fortresses and knock them down. Most people return to the Olmar regional border and the G8 border to gather. "

Another reason why Lu Yang can encourage so many players to participate in the war is that they are allowed to rob Tom ’s area. If they are not allowed, it will inevitably cause players to rebound. He thought about it and said: "Tonight is a night, it will be difficult tomorrow. Now. "

The people nodded, they all knew this clearly.

Lu Yang said: "Go ahead and do something, Qingqian Zimeng will continue to look for the main force of the enemy. No matter what, dig out one or the other, don't care about the money, give you a budget of 500 million US dollars, if you can spend it, I reward you an extra million. "

"Yes." Qingqian Zimeng's eyes lighted up, exited the video connection, and continued to order his network celebrities to go busy.

Lu Yang sat on the spot and waited quietly. On the battlefield, White Lion and Xia Yuwei continued to start their promotion work. From day to night, they successfully occupied all 153 fortresses of Tom. At this time, the average Each fortress has 1.5 million people stationed.

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