Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1750: Find Yuca

Lu Yang pointed to the map of the 4 fortresses around Huangbao and said: "The time has come to test everyone's strength. The enemy divided the team into teams of at least 100 people and as many as 1,000 people. In the copy between level 170, in the caves and jungles, the terrain is complex and the people are scattered. We ca n’t use the big army to fight. The only way is to disperse the people like them and arm them in advance in the area where they are hiding. These people were killed as soon as they flew back from the Heavenly God City. "

Everyone nodded, this is the only and fastest way to destroy the enemy, but the advantage of this method is that it can continue to fight the enemy, the disadvantage is that the winning rate is not 100%, because Qingqing Zimeng only knows about each place The spreading position of the enemy, rather than the exact position, may be one that is not noticed. The enemy returned from the new continent and appeared behind them. That would be embarrassing.

Zhou Tianming frowned and said, "I will send people to arrange this, and try my best to prevent them, not to give these people a chance."

Lu Yang went on to say: "There is another problem, the cemetery, you must organize a sufficient number of people to ambush in the cemetery, the central area is intercepted by the affiliated guild, there are 80 fortresses that do not need us to manage, my request is People squeeze in batches to the Dagus area in the north and the Tom area in the south. As long as this can be done, the time for war will be greatly reduced. "

"The boss is at ease." The three of them glanced at each other and said.

Lu Yang said: "Let's prepare separately."

Zhou Tianming and others immediately led the Baiban players around the level 140 to level 170 maps around the four strongholds of Huangbao, Lengxue, Yuren and Boyue, and ambushed each area in accordance with the marks given by Qingqing Zimeng.

The ambush was scheduled from the morning and was busy until 6 o'clock in the evening. The main vice presidents and elite legionaries of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood did not have a rest, including the cute queen who did not like to lose money. time.

An ambush of more than 10 million people requires specific command to a team level of 1,000, or even a team level of 100. Every commander is working hard, but the most tired is Lu Yang. He not only needs to command his guild, Also command the affiliated guild.

As soon as 9 pm, the team of tens of millions of people stabilized, and Qingqian Zimeng came to Luyang and said: "According to reliable information, the biggest Yuga may be the Murloc Fortress hidden under our eyelids. On the right half an hour away, there is a canyon. "

Lu Yang smiled and said: "I should go to meet this person, he is a master, it is worth me to see him off."

The ability to dismantle the 2 million people ’s team is so fragmented, and they can all be brought together in an hour. His ability is not weaker than any of the vice-chairmen of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. The main reason for Yuga ’s failure this time It's because Tom's personal problems are not handled properly.

"Recall one thing." Lu Yang smiled and said to Qingqing Zimeng.

"What's the matter?" Qing Qian Zi Meng was curious.

Lu Yang said: "When I read the history of various countries, there was a period of history in a country that was very fun. It was the king of a country. He married a duchess occupying nearly half of the land of his country. The political marriage has been normal. Later, The duchess did n’t have a daughter, so the king used this excuse to suspend her and then married a woman. Guess what?

Qing Qing Zi Meng smiled and asked: "It should not be too good."

Lu Yang said: "Later, this woman took the initiative to find a husband who was 11 years younger than her, a duke. This is not the main thing. The main thing is that this woman took away half of the country's wealth and land and married together. The Duke, and then he gave birth to eight sons, you said, the king does not look like Tom now. "

According to reliable news, after Christina's death because of Tom, because she is the only daughter in the family, the wealth she holds in the future is a huge astronomical number, which has led to the crazy pursuit of outstanding children of countless large families in the upper class of American society.

It took Christina only two weeks to forget Tom. After quickly divorcing Tom, she took away half of Tom's wealth and her guards. As for her new choice, some people said it was Gertz, but the news was not received by Qingqian Zimeng, only to know that Christina really left.

Qingqian Zimeng said with a smile: "Tom must have regretted his death now. If Christina was to subsidize her at any cost behind the scenes, we would be more difficult to fight."

Lu Yang said: "Yeah, in the case of insufficient funds, he can only fight against us like this. The only thing he has suffered is the top vice presidents under his hands. The war hit today. Yuga and Daigu Vice presidents like Sri Lanka are not weaker than Baishi and Zhuojiu. Let ’s go. I ’ll send you Yuga personally. "

The light flashed.

Lu Yang appeared in the Mermaid Stronghold. After a day, the teleportation array was ready to use. In order to prevent Tom from using the forbidden magic on these fortresses, Lu Yang used the strong wall and clear field tactics. Instead, he would not make money. The fortress was 5 kilometers away. Inside, when you see someone, you kill.

Qingqian Zimeng walked in front of Lu Yang, and said while walking: "Yuka's approximate hiding place is in Linshuidong, a cave half an hour in front of the Yuren Fortress. There is an underground underground river in the cave. There are more than 10,000 people hiding inside. "

Behind Lu Yang is more than 100 people including Han Fei and Han Ying, all of whom are subordinate gods. Even if the other party has 10,000 people, it is just a simple slaughter.

The other side.

Yuga went online three hours in advance. In order to win the war, he found Tom and asked him to share information about the Brotherhood of Blood with the other guilds. What makes Yuga depressed is that the total number is more than 100 million. Guilds with more than 20 million combat players, neither Liu Jie nor Sanyou Weimen, even had spies at regiment level or above.

Even if it is a regimen-level position, it is also an unimportant logistics department. Almost no battles were involved this time. The only three who participated in the battle were still arranged in the battle area against Tom. He was like a blind man on this side, without any The information can be referred to, so much so that he can only find information vendors to buy information in the game.

However, from the information he got, there was very little usefulness. The whole guild of the Brotherhood of Blood, as if it were a scale of iron scales, had no place to talk, no holes at all.

"Damn it, how did the Iron-Blood Brotherhood do it, UU reading why our guild is not so united." Yuka shattered the cup on hand angrily.

Where did he know that it was Tian Feng, a retired intelligence officer in China who was responsible for the internal search spy, and he and his ten ghosts had already trained tens of thousands of intelligence personnel throughout the guild, responsible for screening 12 million main forces, on average Each person screened 40 people.

During the first six months of the armistice, these spies were screened several times from the bottom to the top, almost all of them were screened out, and there were suspected but unconfirmed ones who did not participate in this war.

Can leak a few to join the war, can only say that these people hide too clever, and have the potential to become a gold medal spy.

"Vice President, Starscream is ready. Are you going to conduct a sneak attack?" A player with a Starscream on his arm came over and asked.

Followed along with players with green and purple spiders on their arms. Everyone said to Yuka: "We are ready."

Yuga nodded, he could disperse the team so fragmentedly, relying on the spider web management structure. These are the spiders on every big web. Although he was very anxious in his heart, he still showed a confident smile on his face. : "Guys, it's time for us to give the Jagged Brothers some colors to look at, and everyone enters the New World."

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

Youga took the lead to leave, and his body turned into a ray of light in the Linshui Cave, but he just stood firm, but he was shocked to see that not far in front of him, Lu Yangzheng looked at him with a smile.

"How do you know that I am here?" Yuka was stunned.

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