Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1753: Game 2

Digus frowned and said: "Now it is rumored that Lu Yang's countermeasures regardless of cost, I suspect that many of our men have already betrayed."

"What should I do?" Tom asked with a frown.

The original Tom's idea was that with this large-scale harassment tactics, Lu Yang could not annihilate them in a group manner, which dragged on for 10 days, until the Jagged Brotherhood had no funds, or even went bankrupt.

But on the one hand, Yuga ’s plan was known in advance by the Predator Brothers. In the first battle, the decoy army was killed by 600,000 or 700,000 people, followed by a large number of subordinates, so that they seemed to have no place to hide, and finally the Hermon rebellion , Causing him to lose another 3 million people, he no longer knows what to do.

Digus thought for a while and said: "Let's ask for help. With the strength of our family, we can't beat the more than 20 million players of the Brotherhood of Blood. Lu Yang is so crazy to throw money. I'm really curious how he supported it. of."

"Since the battle at Tiger's Mouth ended, Lu Yang began to lay the foundation. This year and a half, the foundation laid is too strong, and we can have 5 billion US dollars to fight this war. We can't match him." Tom was angry. Said.

If it wasn't Gerlz who beat him first, plus Christina's divorce, he wouldn't be so poor, he couldn't afford even two wars, and he needed to support his players by selling his feelings.

But this is a game. If you do n’t fight life and death, and do n’t fight faith, Lu Yang is willing to throw money, and naturally someone will betray them for the money. Tom shook his head and said, "Neither of our allies will fight. I don't care about anyone. "

Digus looked at the map and asked, "Would you like me to bring Jertz into the war?"

"What do you have in mind, just say it." Tom didn't bother to listen to Digus around.

Digus pointed to the map and said: "I took people from the area of ​​Gerz to the area of ​​the Brotherhood of the Blood Brothers, and then disguised as Gerz to participate in the war, forcing Gerz to join this war."

Thinking about it, Tom shook his head again and said, "Now it's a live broadcast. We have so many traitors under our hands. I'm afraid Lu Yang will know when he has just acted."

Digus scratched his head, and he was no longer wrong. Lu Yang's policy of throwing money away from the bottom of the box gave Tom and Diggs no way.

They are the same here. On the main battlefield in the middle of the screen and the sapphire fortress, the Iron-Blood Brotherhood has achieved a decisive victory.

3 million Hermen were killed by the 6 million people of the Brotherhood of Blood, and then the 6 million people were divided into 4 directions to continue to drive these players without giving them the opportunity to resist.

"At this time, we can see the importance of the fortress. If there can be a fortress, these people cannot die so miserably." Kuai Ai said while chasing and killing.

Mao Qiu said with a smile next to him: "Tom is dead this time. We are now blocking our spine bones with a waist. There is only a head and a tail. Why should we fight with us?"

Said half a lifetime: "Don't care. Before you win, you must not relax. Everyone is alert. Let's strike these 3 million people completely until they lose their temper."

After more than 4 years of experience, the hard-working half-life has finally grown into a top-level commander. There are no flaws in the whole body. The three big battlefields in the Tom area, White Lion, Zhou Tianming, and the hard-working half-life have completed the perfection. None of the tasks Yang assigned to them fell off the chain, which made Lu Yang very satisfied.

Guiquan Fortress, south of here is Tom ’s hidden area. Lu Yang stood on the fortress ’s head and watched the battles in the live video, saying with satisfaction: "It looks like we can kill Tom ’s two tonight. There are 6 million fewer legions, and Digus ca n’t hold it anymore. "

Daigus has been pressing the players to prevent them from entering the New World, but these people can only sit in a daze in the Heavenly God City or a copy of the New World while watching the players of their own guild being killed.

One day is OK, two days is OK. After three or four days, these people ca n’t sit still. Qingqian Zimeng said: "Now that I have mastered the area where a large number of players under Dagus are located, the White Lion has already gone to the layout . "

Lu Yang looked at the map and said with a smile: "Consume it, see who Tom and I use for energy consumption. I feel that I have a greater chance of consuming him."

Tu Feng and Tian Feng and others stood beside him and laughed. Obviously, Lu Yang said that he was modest. The victory of this war has gradually tilted toward the Iron-Blood Brotherhood.

"You stay here to continue to inspect the various fortress areas south of the Guiquan Fortress, and strive to find Tom's position. I will find a way to clean up Dagus." Lu Yang was not surrounded by many guards. He was almost alone. The purpose of staying in the Fortress of Ghost Springs is to attract Tom's attention.

But Tom was too cautious and did n’t come out to hit him at all. Another one, now it does n’t make sense to kill Lu Yang anymore. It ’s useless for the lower gods to wear the Devil ’s Heart. Therefore, the artifacts such as the Devil ’s Heart were collected by Lu Yang Inside the Heavenly God City.

The light flashed, and Lu Yang sent to the broken jade fortress. When he first came to the city head, he saw Ayala standing on the wall and looking out.

Ayala also saw Lu Yang, his eyes flashing strange colors, it is undeniable that Lu Yang is a very charming man, he has a lofty position in the game, and also has a group of powerful, even super-class players willing To assist him, there are also tens of millions of players accompanying him to fight around, with a command, tens of thousands of people gathered, this is how powerful.

Lu Yang also has huge assets. UU Reading allows him to support all his dreams. More importantly, there are so many women around Lu Yang who only loves blue feathers. Ayala wonders how Lu Yang did it, but she does n’t want to cross that bottom line.

"Chairman Lu Yang, why did you want to come to me?" Ayala greeted her with a smile. Her hands were always crossed in her sleeves, her straight body, giving her a natural queen fan.

Lu Yang didn't care much, saying: "Tom is not fooled. I can only come here to see Digus. This commander, who is said to be more powerful than Yuga, I want to find his weakness. "

Ayala shrugged his shoulders and said, "He hasn't harassed us once. I know that your people have found most of Digus's hidden location, but he still hasn't come out. I don't know if he took the initiative to admit defeat . "

Lu Yang shook his head while walking towards the middle of the city wall, and said, "It's not very likely, this man still has to do his last stroke. I think about it, can you fight him back?"

He looked at Qingqian Zimeng and Tu Feng who followed him and said, "Follow me for a while, Degus, this person is really powerful, hidden under our eyes, but we don't know."

Ayala was a little surprised and asked, "Where is he hiding?"

Lu Yang smiled and said nothing, so he jumped off the wall with Tu Feng and Qing Qian Zi Meng. After only half an hour, he came to a village. At the entrance of the village, he saw a middle-aged player standing in the original Dazed.

He knew that this person was the Dagus he was looking for. Some counter-attacks reported that Digus was working in the village around the broken jade fortress, and it was true!

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