Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1756: The age of the arms race

Qingqian Zimeng and Tu Feng are in charge of searching for Tom's trace. Now, they are probably able to determine Tom's location.

"According to our spy investigation, Tom is likely to be hiding near the fortress on the side of the Meteor Mountains. The person closest to him who can now trace him is Royard, the buyer of their guild. We are attacking for up to three days. I must win him. "Qing Qian Zimeng said under the military warrant.

A day of five or six billion dollars of burning money, Qingqian Zimeng is also anxious for Lu Yang. If she is not married, she ca n’t wait to go and accompany Royard one night in person, but also to discover this secret.

Lu Yang smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, this man is nothing more than asking for money, you talk to him, not too much, we all agree."

"Hmm." Qing Qian Zi Meng nodded.

Lu Yang looked at Zhuojiu and said: "The recent commanding work will be handed over to you. I will continue to equip the equipment. In the current way, I feel that I can enter the next stage of preparation."

Turbid wine was a little surprised and asked, "What are you going to prepare?"

Lu Yang smiled mysteriously and said, "You see, the weapon we have in our hands is the first order of the lower god, that is to say, the weapon of the lower **** should be 1 to 10, or 1 to 9 like this, we Now the open sales of magical elixirs allow our enemies to get Tier 1 equipment. Then, we take Tier 10 or Tier 9 equipment and beat them. They still can't beat us. "

Everyone: "..."

"Boss, you're so bad." The cute queen said with a smirk, Landing Yang said.

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows and said: "For the time being, such a bad thing can only be done by me alone. All of you continue to do good things and break up."

Xia Yuwei: "..."

Turbid liquor: "..."

White Lion: "..."

And others looked at the disappeared Lu Yang, all showing a helpless expression. Xia Yuwei said, squeezing his fists: "The troublesome things are all handed over to us. He ran as a shopkeeper, how could such a boss."

The lovely queen was even more speechless and said, "Fool me again."

Zhuojiu looked at the two of them and said, "Actually, what we did is really a good thing. This time, the players in the Tom area were slaughtered. Our brothers all made a fortune, and we are not grateful to us. This is more convenient for everyone to manage. Take advantage of this opportunity and integrate the team more closely. The war against Gertz is not far away. We will not add chaos to the boss. "

Everyone nodded.

The white lion carried his two-handed hammer, hey said with a smile: "Go, let's go find their trouble, and beating them is my wish for many years."

Several main vice presidents and a dozen elite army commanders returned to the New World and continued to wreak havoc in Tom's area. The large Tom area, with a total of 153 fortresses, was slaughtered again by the Brotherhood of Iron-Blood Brotherhood.

The White Lions and others originally thought that they were the most murderous, but in fact, the real killer was the Spanish player to which Ayala belonged. Their Golden Army not only killed 170 players, but even 160 and below. All players kill, it can be said to kill when they see someone.

As a result, it aroused the anger of most of the players in the Tom area, and it was even more fierce to fight with the blood brothers.

Lu Yang appeared in the Thunderfire Fortress. He rode the Flying Dragon while flying towards the 190th level area, while patrolling the following combat situation. It can be seen that the enemy's willpower is very strong.

"Very good, more dead spots, more equipment can be exploded." Lu Yang muttered to himself, he is also happy that the brothers are rich!


The news came from the phone. Lu Yang picked it up and found that it was Stephen. He smiled and asked, "Chairman Stephen, how can you call me?"

Stephen suffocated the fire, gritted his teeth and said, "Chairman Lu Yang, you are not interesting, sell the magic free medicine to Radvedev, do you want him to eat me?"

Lu Yang smiled, he knew that Stephen had a spy at the upper level of Radvedev, and sure enough, the remaining 900 bottles of potions could be sold.

I have to say that Kim does n’t change it. It ’s done pretty well. Originally, Lu Yang thought that there will be a lot of mutant pharmacists in the hands of Radvedev and Stephen. The heavy money went to the recruitment.

Obviously, the guild presidents bought the pharmacy formulas, but no one could learn it. Jin Buhuan would rather provide these top mutant pharmacists with a higher salary than let them touch these formulas.

Now this thing is, although there are many guilds with mutated pharmacists, those with formulas are definitely not sold to guilds with mutated pharmacists. If you do n’t want to buy it, you ca n’t buy it. You would rather keep it in your hands and wait One day when your guild has a mutant pharmacist, or when you can collaborate with other people, take these recipes out.

Another one, even if some guilds have mutated pharmacists and recipes, this thing is the same as the country's heavy weapon. People who should not have it will be destroyed in an instant. The guild has no strength, even if it does not sell, it does not dare to sell. .

Lu Yang said to Stephen: "Don't you want to eat Radvedev too? I don't care about the two of you. It's the war in the west. I'm only responsible for selling things. If you want to buy it, I'll sell it Give you."

"How much?" Stephen asked.

Lu Yang said: "10 million dollars a bottle, cash transactions, no credit."

Stephen gritted his teeth and said, "I will also come with 100 bottles of these medicines. You have to help me train at least 50 pharmacists."

Lu Yang said happily: "No problem, you said the location, I sent someone to deliver the medicine, our service is absolutely first-class."

Stephen hummed and hung up the phone.

Lu Yang feels very satisfied, monopolizing the business is good. Obviously, after a while, he is worthless and pays 100% of the magic drug, which now makes him call out the sky-high price.

"I feel that I should go to Sanyou Weimen to sell again. The half-year contract period can't be wasted." Lu Yang muttered to himself.

He sent a message to Sanyou Weimen, saying: "Pro, how about challenging the deity of the next **** to the 100 bottles. The on-site guidance and teaching package will let you get the items and equipment of the next **** as soon as possible."

Sanyou Weimen is treating his internal injuries in the hot spring villa at home. When he saw this, he almost spurted out his old blood and gritted his teeth, cursing: "Fuck things, I just robbed my site, and now I want to cheat my money. , Xiu Xiang, Xiu Xiang! "

Furukawa Takeshi was right next to the Sanyou Guardian Gate. After asking for the reason, he was silent for a while and said, "I suggest we buy some. The defense system you invented has proved to be able to defend the full-strength attack of the Brotherhood." , The last time we failed, only because we did n’t think of the existence of the world skills and the occupation of the lower gods. If we have the lower gods, we will reserve some more supplies in each fortress ~ ~ The next war, we Must win. "

Sanyou Weimen didn't know about it, he cursed angrily: "He is extortion, it is extortion."

As soon as the words fell, a beautiful woman came in and stood gracefully beside Sanyou Weimen: "I just received the news that after defeating the enemies in the northwest corner, Radvedev purchased 100 bottles of magic immunity from Luyang. Elixir, follow, Stephen also bought 100 bottles. "

"What do these two jerks want to do?" Sanyou Weimen broke the glass furiously.

Beauty smiled slightly and said gracefully: "You know."

"Of course I know." Sanyou Weimen said irritably: "It's messed up, completely messed up. The eight strongest guild groups in Central China that I worked so **** were completely disintegrated. It won't take long for this to continue. Stephen has to fight hard. We have an agreement with them and we ca n’t go to war. I have to find a way to protect myself. Buy medicine, yes, just buy medicine. "

Sanyou Weimen realized that the times were different. He sent a message to Lu Yang, saying: "100 bottles of medicine, and at the same time pack 50 lower-level **** classes and equipment."

"Of course." Lu Yang didn't expect the two to be so happy, he called Tu Feng and asked him to take charge of this matter, as well as finding personnel in the guild to teach.

Soon, Sanyou Weimen and Stephen's money were hit into the account. In an instant, Lu Yang's pocket had another 2 billion US dollars, and the money given by Radvedev was 3 billion US dollars.

"Recharge is successful, we can play another 6 days, that is, 16 days, I see what Tom takes with me." Lu Yang said with a sneer.

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