Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1760: Sky Flame

Lu Yang attacked the fire praying mantis. On the other side, the killed golden lion and others had been resurrected at the edge of the lava sea. They glanced at the arm that was exposed after exploding their armguards, and at the rest, the golden lion roared. A curse: "Lu Yang, I won't let you go."

The woman walked to the golden lion and frowned, "Hurry to inform the captain. Since Lu Yang has come here, we don't know how many people he brought. If there are many people coming, we must be careful."

Golden Lion nodded, picked up the phone and called the captain, and told the story again, while on the other side of the phone, the captain sneered and said: "I didn't expect him to be a person with a response rate of less than 0.1 seconds. It was very interesting. I will meet him. "

Golden Lion said awkwardly: "Sorry, I let you down."

The captain sneered again and said, "Your punishment will not be lowered because you say a word of apology. Avoid Luyang and continue exploring with people."

The phone hung up, and Golden Lion punched an angry punch on the rock next to him, staring at the 60 people in front of him, and said, "Follow me to explore elsewhere."

Everyone nodded, their strength was around 0.1 second, their skills were incomplete, they were defeated by Lu Yang once, and they had lost the idea of ​​fighting Lu Yang again.

Just as the Golden Lions turned around and explored elsewhere, Lu Yang had just finished killing the fire mantis. Looking at the body of the fire mantis that had fallen on the edge of the lava pool, he swam past quickly.

Fire Mantis exploded four items, one of which was a skill book.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"

Type: Fire God

Distance: 200 yards

Consumption: 30 points of mana

Description: Release any target within 200 yards, shoot a pure golden flame, and explode after hitting the target, causing +100 damage to the spell.

Lu Yang learned his skills in the skill bar. At this time, he counted three new skills in his skill bar, namely "Di Shi Tian Huo", "Ember" and "Shen Yan Tian Bang".

Anyway, at least he now has a single attack skill, there is no need to put Di Shi Tianhuo every time to play this skill, you have to be stiff for 1 second, this is the biggest disadvantage of Di Shi Tianhuo, once released When you come out, you must stand in place and wait for the skills to be released.

If it is an absolute master, once the enemy has avoided the world fire first, and he is still in a stiff state during the skill release process, it is simply the best target, especially if the reaction speed of both sides is within 0.1 seconds.

Just now that the Golden Lion said that he must not beat the captain of his team, it is estimated that his captain also had adventures, maybe he mastered the main points of these two skills.

Ordinarily, Lu Yang wasted too much time in fighting. He has been fighting for several months every year. He can catch up with his ranks, mainly because of special items. However, such things as refining demon bottles are not the only items. People can also burst out.

If Lu Yang did not guess wrong, there must be a lot of demon refining bottles in the organization of the temple. If they do not participate in the national war and other things that waste time, they will also use the refining demon bottles. The level of their shrine leader is probably better than Lu Yang. high.

"Oh, I do n’t know to what extent this temple development game has been developed. If I have mastered the core secrets of level 190, I am afraid that a new strongest guild will rise. It ’s not like the Chinese people are blonde. I am afraid I will not follow myself. "Lu Yang muttered to himself.

If these people turn to Gerds or Radvedev, they will be out of luck, but they should not. These people should choose a smaller guild to support them. On the one hand, it is easy to usurp power, on the other hand It is the shares that can get the most.

Lu Yang thought for a while, and did not expect who the other party would look for. He shook his head and continued to look at the other items on the ground.

Les Fire Spirit Armor (Artifact · Level 2)

Grade: Lower God

Physical Defense of God: 3-10

Magic defense of God: 4-8

Intellect of God: +6

Strength of God: +2

Lu Yang changed the armor to his body, and his intelligence increased by 6 points. This time the mana value was increased by 60 points, which can release his ember skill for 6 seconds.

The remaining two items are small bottles of God's Magic Potion, which increases the magic value by 30 points after use.

Lu Yang received the potion in his backpack and quickly swam back to the position where he just met the fire mantis. Looking at the house made of lava coral 50 meters away, he raised his left arm to point to the house, his fingers extended, and his palm suddenly A pure golden fireball emerged.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"

Pure golden fireballs only existed in the lava sea for a short time, only to hear a bang, the house made of lava coral was blown up a big hole with a diameter of 5 meters.

"Roar ~!"

A roar pierced out of the house. At the notch of the house, a black soft whip suddenly flew out. The speed was extremely fast. It took only 0.2 seconds to cross the distance of 50 meters and came to Luyang.


Lu Yang looked at this skill at the same speed as slowing it down for a second, quickly escaping upwards, and the two eyes that were exposed by the hole in the left hand.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"

The second pure gold fireball less than 10 cm in diameter hit the monster's left eye instantly.


The sound of the explosion sounded, and even the side of the coral house was broken, and this time, Lu Yang saw the true face of the monster inside the house.

Leis sacrifice (elite)

Grade: Lower God

Qi and blood: 3500 \\ / 3800

This is a huge ~ ~ creature resembling a fleshy worm, the back is fully armored, and only two eyes are raised, like two sticks.

Lu Yang just hit the eyes of the ritual sacrifice, which is strangely interesting. When the repeated ritual ritual attacked, his body would shake, so the eyes would also shake, but when the whip on her tail flicked When he came out, it was like Lu Yang releasing Di Shi Tianhuo, and he was still incapable of acting in place, which gave him a chance.

"Roar ~!"

The ritual of Lusi was irritated by Lu Yang ’s previous attack. She waved her whip again and threw it over. Lu Yang launched his ember skill and hid 30 meters away. He just showed his body. eye.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"


The cooldown of Shenyan Skyburst is only 0.1 seconds, his two palms are like two machine guns, and they are launched quickly at the sacrifice of Lusi. In only 1 second, there are 10 pure golden flames hit. On the two eyes of the sacrifice.

Under a series of crits, the ritual sacrifice blood volume was instantly destroyed by 3000 points, leaving only the last 500 points.

The ritual of Lusi had no way to deal with Lu Yang ’s attack. He could only continue to wave his tail. Lu Yang evaded again, pointing his hands at the Lusi ritual, and one hand hitting a golden fireball. Her eyes exploded again, and this time, she couldn't stand and fell to the ground.

System prompt: You killed the ritual sacrifice!

"Crack, crack, crack ~!"

As Lu Yang was about to pick up equipment, there was a sudden applause from a distance.

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