Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1762: Saint Organization

Lu Yang returned to the monster that he had just killed and replaced the Fire Spirit Boots.

Les Fire Spirit Boots (Artifact · Level 2)

Grade: Lower God

Physical Defense of God: 1-5

God's Magic Defense: 2-4

Intellect of God: +3

Strength of God: +2

Movement speed: +50

This is a new attribute of the artifact set. Previously the player's movement speed was fixed, but from the artifact, the speed can be changed.

Lu Yang looked at several other items, including a skill book.


Type: Fire God

Distance: 50 yards

Consumption: God ’s Mana 10 points / second

Description: The scorched earth field appears within 50 yards of himself, regardless of whether it is in the sky or underground, any entry within 50 yards will be injured.

Lu Yang smiled, but he didn't expect this skill book to burst out so quickly. This is the best skill book in the last generation known as the pseudo field or small field. It is also one of the most important skill books.

With this, it is not so difficult for Lu Yang to kill male and female praying mantises. He learned the skill book, and there is an icon in the skill column that is full of flames.

Other items on the ground include 4 medium-sized god's spell recovery potions and 2 medium-sized god's qi and blood recovery potions, one increased by 80 points and one increased by 60 points.

After Lu Yang picked it up, he rose 150 meters in height, and began to look for the next boss lair. At the same time, he also looked around, and whether there were any golden lions and captains.

On the bottom of the open lava sea, it is a terrible thing to look around like this. The top of the head is red, you can see the sea at a glance, the left and right sides are also red, and you can see 200 meters away at a glance. dark.

In this extremely open environment, not only must you beware of the monsters below, but also beware of the monsters that occasionally swim up and around, as well as the enemies that may appear at any time. If you do n’t have a tough nerve, it ’s very It is about to collapse.

Fortunately, Lu Yang has such a nerve, and he is familiar with the monsters here, otherwise, he has to beware of strange monsters coming out to attack him, which is even more speechless.

While Lu Yang was searching around, all of a sudden, something like a stone in the distance was floating in the sea of ​​lava, and he slowly approached him.

"This luck, no one." Lu Yang said excitedly.

Millions of kilometers of wide lava sea, there are many such floating stones, but this piece is only a few hundred, because they are alive.

The shape of this thing is not much different from ordinary stones, but for people like Lu Yang who specialize in finding such stones in their early years, they can be recognized at a glance.

He is called the elite warrior of Octo. It is a creature that does not belong to the group of Les Fire Spirits, but a race that has hatred against Les Fire Spirits. This involves the branch plot of the New World.

The Octo family originally lived near the lava sea with the Les Fires. The two families had a war because of their residence. The winner was the Les Fires family. The Oktos were almost annihilated. Only a few were strong. Of the Okto people ran out.

One of the elite Okto warriors is one of the running people, they have a powerful ability to change, they can turn themselves into an ugly rock, floating in the lava sea.

Once someone approached, they raided each other quickly, and then disappeared quickly. They could n’t find it. The previous life did n’t know how many people were attacked by Octo. For a long time, players who came to the lava sea must see the floating rocks. Let's attack first and see if there is Octo hiding in it.

Lu Yang can recognize it because the rock layers of Octo's change are very obvious, just like this floating rock, the outer shell is like an old rock, and it can be seen at a glance that they have seen more people .

As Lu Yang was about to attack, suddenly, two women appeared 80 meters from the side, and they were still approaching quickly.

Lu Yang immediately frowned, looking at the two women, and these two women were also very curious about Lu Yang. They even flew over and stopped at a position 35 meters away from Lu Yang. It was just 20 meters in front of Otto.

The two women were not very old, one was twenty-five or sixteen, and the other was twenty-two. The older woman frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Looking at the two, they felt that they were black-haired, but they were still Europeans. They frowned and asked, "Who are you? Organized by the temple?"

"Shrine." The two women glanced at each other and said to Lu Yang arrogantly. "The shrine is something. We are organized by saints. We are chasing down a person called the captain. Have you seen it?" "

Lu Yang smiled, he found his luck today is really good, another special organization saints in his last life also came out, this organization is more mysterious than the temple.

If the shrine is still showing its face in front of the public, the saints are almost faceless, and occasionally they meet in the wild, and no one knows what they are going to do. Those who are full of maps only collect conversations about the characters in the game. Grab the site.

This group of people has principles and will not conflict with the player. Lu Yang's vigilance has also been relaxed, saying: "The captain let me kill. UU reading book"

"It's you alone?" The young woman stared at Lu Yang with big eyes and said in disbelief: "The two of us are sure to kill him. Why did you beat him?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I did kill him, and I advise you two to leave here as soon as possible, there is a blame behind you."

"Nonsense, there is only one stone behind us." Said the younger girl.

Older women also saw behind them when they just came, and there was indeed only a small stone that would pass under their feet and would not pose a threat to them.

"Can you tell me more details, I want to know the specific situation." The older woman asked.

"Let's talk later, flash off, and flash off again, you both have to die." Lu Yang sank and pointed his hands at the stone only 5 meters away from the two women.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"

Like machine guns, Lu Yang's left and right hands fired pure golden fireballs with an attack speed of 0.1 seconds.

The two women were startled. They thought Lu Yang wanted to kill them. They instantly disappeared into flames and jumped to the position 30 meters above. Just when the two women wanted to fight back, they suddenly found that the fireball was not a rush. They went, but they really went towards the stone.




In just an instant, 10 fireballs hit the rock. Ordinary stones that should not have shed blood instantly gave a roar, and a black light came out of the body, turning into a type of human creature with a beard and hands. There was also a brass hammer.

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