Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1768: Blowout's next god

Lu Yang chose to suspend and the light flashed. He was transported to the Heavenly City God City. After finding the hotel, he rested, but what he did not know was that on the other side, a corner of the Heavenly City God City, a group of people found Lu Yang's behavior.

"How can he go down 30 floors?"

"How do I know that we have just explored that place, I have just hit the 10th floor, and have not yet figured out the rules inside."

"Damn, we can't rely on our own strength to explore, we have to support a group of people."

"It's not good, won't it violate the rules? After all, our eight organizations have agreed on it."

"Well, what has been agreed, the temple has already made a move, and the saints have met Lu Yang. I suspect that the saints have dealt with Lu Yang."

"Will not tell the secret between us."

"It shouldn't be that, let's ignore these for the first time, we must also support our own forces and contend with the saints and the temple, otherwise, in the future, we will be unable to move from the 180th level to the 200th level."


Has the same idea as this organization, there are several other organizations, almost at the same time, they all decided to foster the forces in the game.

Early the next morning, Lu Yang just landed in the game after exercising. Tu Feng, who was in charge of the job, came to Lu Yang and said nervously, "It's a big deal."

"What happened?" Lu Yang asked.

"Sanyou Weimen, Rogers, Stephen, Radvedev, Liu Jie, and Steiger have a large number of the next **** professions at the same time. The number of each guild is about 200, and a batch of people have appeared in our family. The next **** has killed many of our players. "Tu Feng said.

Lu Yangmeng frowned, saying, "Why do the major guilds have lower gods? What's going on?"

Tu Feng said: "The news from the secret agents came back last night. Several organizations found these guilds one-on-one at the same time, providing materials for the transfer of the lower gods and the first-level equipment of the lower gods."

With a sigh, Lu Yang shook his head slightly and said: "This is becoming more and more noisy in the New World. Those mysterious organizations have already started to find partners. We have to be greatly restrained. What is happening outside now? "

Tu Feng said: "Fortunately, outside, Sanyou Weimen and Rogers have a half-year agreement with us. None of the lower gods sent to the front line. They all went to the 180-level map to play equipment, materials and skill books. I judged that they wanted to get More subordinate **** occupations and equipments are prepared for the war half a year later. "

Lu Yang nodded and asked, "What is the situation inside? Who funded these people, and how many lower gods are messing with us?"

Tu Feng said: "At present, there are known people who make trouble, there are 12 players who withdrew from the Group of Eight and 7 players in our country. Their source of the next **** equipment is a fan. Before these people were elite casual players, even There are no gangs, and it is not within our surveillance. "

Lu Yang said: "It seems that it is necessary to send someone to pack them up, find out their coordinates, and I will send someone."

"Now there are 7 people who took a break after making trouble in Dingzhou City, and the direction to see them should be to go to Hukou." Tu Feng passed the video to Lu Yang.

This video is a picture of the 7 players attacking Dingzhou City. Dingzhou City, which is completely unprepared, was beaten down by 7 lower gods within 1 minute. Faced with the powerful output of the lower gods, it was on duty at night. Players have no resistance at all, all are seconds.

Tu Feng's face is full of sorrow when watching this video. Now, one-fifth of the New World is controlled by the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, and there are thousands of fortresses. If they are so troubled, the Iron-Blood Brotherhood will become a mess.

Furthermore, these people are all subordinate gods. Even if they send the subordinate gods to chase down, with the skills and attacking ability of the subordinate gods' profession now, the strengths of the two sides are not much different. They are completely incapable of chasing and succeeding. Being dragged into the quagmire, unable to support the frontline battlefield for a long time.

Tu Feng sent a video to Lu Yang again, saying: "In the G8 area, these 17 people are also attacking our strongholds indiscriminately. They are all a group and gathered together. Some are responsible for killing and some are responsible for robbing. Equipment, and others are responsible for destroying the teleportation array. "

When Lu Yang watched this video again, he found that the two videos had one thing in common, which made him smile and said, "Don't worry, these two groups of gods are all rubbish, they can't dare to fight easily Any changes. "

"Can it be done?" Tu Feng asked.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Although you have also been transferred to the lower god, but you don't know where the lower **** is really strong, it unlocks the conscious reaction speed below 0.1 seconds. I have seen these 24 lower gods By the way, the speed of conscious reaction is about 0.5 seconds of waste, which is not a fear. "

He took the phone and called Han Ying, saying, "Your three sisters left the Tom area on the line, returned to Tiger Mouth to ambush the seven gods who were in trouble, and then issued orders to Han Yu and their 12 little guys to let them Go to the G8 area and get rid of the 17 lower gods. "

Han Ying said confidently: "Brother rest assured, they will hand over to our sister."

Lu Yang hung up the phone with a smile, looked at Tu Feng who was trying on the side, and said, "Sister Han's brother, it was at this time that he really stood at the peak of the game. You will see from them what is tough. "

After several years of physical exercise, Han Ying and Han Yu and their little guys have the physical and conscious reaction ability not less than Lu Yang. After unlocking the 0.1 second reaction limit, they will become the true gods of this game, only The intensity of consciousness is lower than that of Lu Yang, who was a man of the two worlds. The overlapping of souls makes Lu Yang's consciousness much stronger than ordinary people.

Tu Fengmeng reacted and asked, "Boss, do you mean that Han Ying and the people they cultivated with Uncle Han Zhong are very close to your strength?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Very right, look at it, in the future you will find that our Jagged Brothers Alliance is truly powerful."

Han Zhong cultivated more people than Han Yu and his group. Two years ago, he trained another group. Although he has not yet reached the ability to participate in the war, their consciousness reaction speed will also enter below 0.1 second by the end of the latest. .

As for the existing personnel of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, those who can enter the response speed within 0.1 seconds, except for Han Ying, only Zhou Tianming, the hard-loved half-life and Sun Yu have the four people of Xia Yuwei's Hansha, including Xia Yuwei and Bai Xiong Including Zhuojiu, their reaction speed is less than 0.1 second, which was discovered when they changed jobs, but Lu Yang did not say it.

"Let everyone gather, UU reading we should have a meeting." Lu Yang said, he sent messages to Zhuojiu and Baishi and others, inviting them to enter a special space.

The light flashed.

Lu Yang saw that everyone was here. He told everyone about the speed of conscious reaction. Suddenly, the inside exploded, and the faces of Xia Yuwei, White Lion, Zhuojiu, Tianyao and others were not very good-looking.

White Lion said excitedly: "Boss, my reaction speed is not enough? Me, me ..."

Lu Yang patted his shoulder with a smile and appeased: "Don't worry, the four of them can do it. It has something to do with their talents and perseverance. Your talents are not bad. If you follow the exercise method I taught you, you still Have a chance. "

"This battle is over, I exercise every day." White Lion gritted his teeth, which was too shameful for him, also the main vice president, he was worse than Zhou Tianming, hard-working half-life and Sun Yu, Not only that, he was worse than the cold sand of Xia Yuwei's men, which made him totally unacceptable.

Xia Yuwei's eyes were eager to try and said, "I thought this game was just like this. I didn't think that what we did before was just a beginning. Now that I have entered the topic, I will work hard."

Lu Yang said: "It's still the main job to kill Tom first. He won't stick with it for long. We have to change our tactics and we can't kill people anymore. Be careful. Some people get a bunch of lower gods in the Tom area, which makes us worry. Now. "

Everyone nodded.

Lu Yang motioned for the disbandment. He used the teleportation scepter to fly back to Tiger's mouth first. He was still curious about the seven Chinese gods. At least he had to know who was in trouble.

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