Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1774: Great post-war reward

Lu Yang nodded his head, which was in line with reasoning. He was still thinking about how the temple organization would find Gerzi instead of Christina. Obviously, the temple had invested in both aspects, but Christina did n’t want to help Tom, So, obviously, the next war is to see who Christina is teaming up with.

He called Tu Feng and said: "Focus on tracking down the power of Christina in the game. He has many lower gods in his hand. Lock the position of these lower gods as soon as possible. Also, the lower gods of other major gangs must also keep statistics. To provide detailed data for the next war. "

Tu Feng said: "Yes."

The war is basically over. The next stage of the war will take place during the summer vacation. This is the best time for Lu Yang to eliminate Christina and Gertz. At that time, the armistice contract between Sanyou Weimen and Rogers has not yet expired, even if there is only one The month is enough for Lu Yang to kill Christina and Gertz.

He clicked on the video connection and sent it to Ayala, Li Wenxing, Padu and Hilde respectively.

The light flickered, and the projections of the four people appeared in front of Lu Yang almost at the same time. They said respectfully to Landing Yang: "Boss."

After the battle against Sanyou Weimen and Tom, the four people looked at Lu Yang's eyes full of worship and admiration. With his own strength, he killed the Iron-Blood Brotherhood from the northeast corner of the New World to the hinterland of the New World. The rest of the seats, consecutive defeats of Park Ren-yi, Tianlong, one step to the sky, Galga, Heisha, Orma, Alice, and many other opponents they felt afraid of when they thought of them, they completely surrendered to Lu Yang. Surrender inside and out.

Lu Yang looked at the expressions of the four of them with satisfaction. Now he can understand why the wise emperors of all generations are willing to fight. It turns out that fighting is the best way for people to submit. These four submissions represent his control. Regional peace and stability means that a steady stream of money will flow into the accounts of the Brotherhood of Blood from the area they control, and there will be funds for the next war.

Lu Yang sat on the chair and said to the four people with a relaxed expression: "I see your credit for this battle. Today, Tom is defeated. I will reward your existing area according to the previous agreement. for you all."

The four Ayala looked at each other, and all looked at Lu Yang excitedly. Ayala couldn't help but bowed to Lu Yang and said, "Chairman Lu Yang, thank you for your generosity. These are rich. Local, we will make more money. "

Padao bowed to Landing Yang at the same time and said in unison: "Thank you President Lu Yang for his generosity."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Are you guys rehearsing now? Don't be polite with me, this is what you deserve. As long as you continue to follow me, I will take you to wipe out the new continent. , When making money, I will let you make money just like me. "

The four people were sincerely convinced that the area that Lu Yang arranged for them to belong to was a grid area, and they were definitely given to them without really determining these areas. Now Lu Yang has done it. The area for them is the nearest fortress to the enemy. 4 fortresses, that is to say, even if there is a war in the future, their fortress is not the border, and will not be the first to be attacked, which means that Lu Yang gave them the richest area, and the most dangerous The area is left to myself, which is also the key to the four of them, which shows that Lu Yang is sincere to them.

Padu was worried that Lu Yang was testing them, and could n’t help but ask, “Do you really need us to help you defend the border area?”

Lu Yang smiled and said, "The border area is too expensive. If you want to operate a border fortress, you must invest all the funds. I will not harm you, so you can rest assured that the border area is for me. Defense. "

The four nodded in exclamation again. Indeed, as Lu Yang said, the defense requirements in the border area are too high. Since the skill of "Break the World" came out, all guilds no longer dared to put all the supplies into the Heavenly God City Inside the warehouse, but all hidden in the fortresses defended by heavy soldiers.

"Partitioned World" is too arrogant, no matter how many reserves you have in this guild, and how many people in this guild, if you are in the partition world, if you ca n’t return to the Celestial God City to get equipment, you will be attacked by players of the same guild. Heaven will lose all equipment and only accept the fate of failure.

For this reason, the major gangs can only increase capital investment in the new continent and provide a new round of defense to the major fortresses. Therefore, the border area has become an important town.

This important town means not only to place a large number of spies in the enemy's fortress, but also to buy the other's personnel to provide intelligence, but also to build your own fortress like a steel hedgehog. The most important thing is to have every day. Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of players are defending near the fortress, and there must be a subordinate **** profession, otherwise they will be attacked by the subordinate god, and the valuables in the warehouse will be lost.

Although they are affiliated guilds of the Brotherhood of Blood, they have 20% of the fortress resources in their hands. Even if they have enough fortresses, they still cannot afford this cost. Only Lu Yang can afford it.

Padu bowed again and said gratefully: "Thank you President Lu Yang for understanding us."

Lu Yang said: "Although the defense in the border area is difficult, but the border area will also have a good income, I will not suffer too much, and, in order to make the area more prosperous, I will gradually open up the business system, everyone can In all of our regions, trade is free, the monopoly of the monopoly, the exclusive exclusive, you write a plan yourself and submit it to Tu Feng for review. If he passes it, there is no need to contact me. "

Border trade is now an important economic source, not to mention other positions, let alone the border trade between the Jagged Brothers Alliance and the Japan and Rogers regions, the daily trade volume is more than 100 million US dollars, and sometimes it can reach 5.6 billion trade. scale.

Both sides have materials that are in short supply in the other area. It is difficult for players to get to the next level of gods. This requires a lot of experience and money to support, and also need to learn enough high practice to transfer.

Together, these troublesome things make players below level 180 still the mainstream of this game, and the next **** is just a few people's carnival.

The full server has a population of nearly 4.5 billion people, of which more than one billion are in the Jagged Brothers League. The materials for border trade are all available to these more than one billion players. In this way, the net profit earned every day Both have billions of dollars.

This money is not only enough for Lu Yang to pay the defensive fortress players, but also the surplus is used to prepare for the future war. Of course, although this thing makes money, but he pays too much, he needs to talk to Ayala and Li Wenxing Make it clear, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

The four Ayala knew what Lu Yang meant. In fact, they were not stupid. They knew that border trade made money and knew the danger of border trade. Before the Jagged Brothers caught Tom, they each understood the account. They knew what they should and should n’t, but they did n’t expect that what Lu Yang said was what they wanted, and they did n’t need to speak at all.

As for Lu Yang ’s internal profit, this is the welfare that Lu Yang gave them to the affiliated guilds and the headquarters of the Brotherhood. The northeast region needs supplies from the central region, and the east region also needs supplies from the northeast region. Yang does not open the fortress to send, only the ability to send to the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Blood and the affiliated guild will allow them to monopolize the trade of these necessities, so that the money will be earned for them. The so-called consultation is that The prices that players in all regions can afford are just a few.

"Boss, rest assured, we will do everything to satisfy you and not cause you trouble." Li Wenxing said excitedly.

Sidell thought for a while and said, "President Lu Yang, there is one more thing I hope you can help us."

Lu Yang said: "The next **** thing, materials and equipment, I can only give you 50 servings per person, 100 bottles of medicine per day, and others, you need to work hard to fight yourself."

The eyes of the four people turned on, they thought Lu Yang would not give it, you know ~ ~ This medicine Lu Yang sold for a high price, but unexpectedly Lu Yang was willing to give them for free, which made them overjoyed.

"Thank you for your generosity." The four of them bowed again.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Go busy."

The four people bowed, and Lu Yang closed the video connection. Tu Feng had detailed data of the four affiliated guilds. Basically, each affiliated guild had a level 180 player with a bonus of 1,000 people, and was able to promote to the next god. It is just that he has no materials, equipment and potions. Now he provides the four guilds with materials and equipment for 50 people. The potions are basically in an unlimited state, enough for them to lay down the materials and equipment of the gods. , It depends on their own skills.

Ordinary subordinate gods are not difficult to obtain. What is really difficult to obtain is a subordinate **** with a response speed of less than 0.1 seconds. There is no such kind of person. When fighting, they are thousands of enemies. The most important thing is to find such talents. .

Lu Yang had always worried that there would be elite subordinate gods entering their area to find trouble, but now it seems that even the organization of the temple type, it is difficult to find how many elite subordinate gods, as for those subordinate gods who were cultivated by them I can't figure out how to fight the war, just like the old enemy who appeared before, it's the same as death.

Since they can't figure it out, then don't blame Lu Yangkeng for them. Although the lower **** is invincible to players below level 180, it is relative, he has a way to crack it, but it must be through the fire spirit. Only after the tower.

Now everything in the guild has been solved, everything has been solved, he can also take a good rest, and tomorrow will officially deal with the 101st floor of the Vulcan Tower.

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